Title: Three Principle Native American Tribes of South Carolina
1Native Americans
2Who were the first people to live in South
3Native Americans
4Three Principle Native American Tribes of South
- Cherokee Catawba Yemassee
5The Cherokee
6Cherokee Native Americans
- The Cherokee lived in the upper region of South
Carolina. This region is known as the Blue Ridge
7Blue Ridge Region
8How did the Cherokeemeet their daily needs in
the Blue Ridge region?
9Used Rivers
12Trading (bartering)
Dugout Canoes
14- In the Cherokee tribe, men and women had
different jobs that helped them meet their daily
15 The men fished and hunted deer, bears, and
16The women cooked, farmed and gathered.
17- How did the Cherokee live?
18Cherokee Village
19In the summer
the Cherokee lived in longhouses.
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22In the winter the Cherokee lived in daub and
wattle houses.
daub clay and grass mix wattle bark
and branches
23Council House- Government
The women decided if the Cherokee went to war.
24Written Cherokee Language
25 26Answer three of these questions on your main idea
graphic organizer.
Main Idea Cherokee
- In which region did the Cherokee live?
- Name one use for the rivers.
- Name one job for the Cherokee men.
- Name one job for the Cherokee women.
- Who was the Cherokee leader?
27The Catawba
28Catawba Native Americans
- The Catawba lived just below the Blue Ridge
region. This region is known as the Piedmont
29Piedmont Region
30- How did the Catawba
- meet their daily needs
- in the
- Piedmont region?
31Just like the Cherokee, the Catawba used rivers
for many different purposes.
32- Catawba means River People.
33In the Catawba tribe, men and women had different
jobs that helped them meet their daily needs.
34The men hunted deer and other small animals.
35The women cooked, farmed and gathered
Maize, beans, and squash
36The Catawba lived in wigwams.
37(No Transcript)
38Council House- Government
The Catawba were more peaceful than many other
39The Catawba were known for making pottery.
40Hagler- A Catawba Leader
41 42Answer three of these questions on your main idea
graphic organizer.
Main Idea Catawba
- In which region did the Catawba live?
- What does Catawba mean?
- Name one use for the rivers.
- Name one job for the Catawba men.
- Name one job for the Catawba women.
- What were the Catawba known for making?
- Who was the leader of the Catawba?
43The Yemassee
44Yemassee Native Americans
- The Yemassee lived in the lower region of South
Carolina near Georgia. This region is known as
the Coastal Zone.
45Coastal Zone
46- How did the
- Yemassee
- meet their daily needs
- in the Coastal Zone?
47The men fished and hunted.
49Midden Mounds- Trash Piles
50Midden mounds contain broken pieces of pottery
and shells. These items give us clues to how the
Yemassee lived.
51The women cooked, farmed, and gathered.
52In the summer the Yemassee lived in wigwams.
The wigwams are covered in palmetto leaves.
53During the winter
the Yemassee lived in wattle and daub houses.
54(No Transcript)
55Council House- Government
Men and women made decisions in the council house.
56 57Answer three of these questions on your main idea
graphic organizer.
Main Idea Yemassee
- In which region did the Yemassee live?
- Name one use for the coast.
- Name one job for the Yemassee men.
- Name one job for the Yemassee women.
- What special land feature was left by the