Unit 2 Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 2 Review


SOL Review Standard 7b The major events of the Civil War and the roles of key leaders. The secession of Southern states triggered a long and costly war that ended ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Unit 2 Review

Unit 2 Review Expansion, Civil War
  • SOL Review

Standard 6a
  • Several principles and issues prompted Thomas
    Jefferson to organize the first opposition
    political party.

Why did competing political parties emerge?
  • Different views of economic and foreign policy
    issues led to the development of the first
    American political parties.
  • Controversies over the Federalist Partys support
    for the Bank of the United States, the Jay
    Treaty, and the undeclared war on France
    contributed to the emergence of an organized
    opposition party led by Thomas Jefferson and
    James Madison.

a note about the previous election . . .
  • George Washington refused a third term in office.
  • Two candidates were in the running John Adams
    (Federalist Party/Washingtons VP) and Thomas
    Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
  • Because of the electoral system at the time,
    Adams who received the most votes became
    President and Jefferson, who received the 2nd
    most votes became Vice President.
  • (The Twelfth Amendment solved this problem)

The Election of 1800
  • Thomas Jefferson won the presidential election of
    1800. (he beat out the incumbent candidate, John
  • This was the first election in which power was
    peacefully transferred from one political party
    to another.

(No Transcript)
The Federalist Party
  • led by John Adams and Alexander Hamilton
  • believed in a strong national government and a
    commercial economy
  • supported by bankers and businessmen in the

The Democratic-Republicans
  • led by Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
  • believed in a weak national government and an
    agricultural economy
  • supported by farmers, artisans, and frontier
    settlers in the South

Standard 6b
  • There were economic, political, and geographic
    factors that led to territorial expansion.
  • Our expansion had a great impact on the American

The Louisiana Purchase
  • purchased in 1803 by President Thomas Jefferson
    from France
  • doubled the size of the United States
  • Jefferson authorized the Lewis and Clark
    expedition to explore the new territory
  • Sacajawea served as their guide and translator

The Monroe Doctrine
  • issued by President James Monroe in 1823
  • stated
  • a warning to European powers that the Americas
    were closed to colonization
  • the U.S. would regard any attempts at
    colonization as a threat to its own safety
  • in return, the U.S. would not interfere in
    European affairs

How were westward movement and economic
development tied together?
  • American settlers poured westward from the
    coastal states into the Midwest, Southwest, and
    Texas, seeking economic opportunity in the form
    of land to own and farm.
  • The growth of railroads and canals helped the
    industrial economy and supported westward
  • Eli Whitneys cotton gin led to the spread of
    slavery in the South.

(No Transcript)
How did the United States gain land in the
  • The belief that it was Americas Manifest
    Destiny to stretch from Atlantic to Pacific
    provided political support for territorial
  • American migration to Texas led to the Texan
    Revolution and Texan Independence.
  • American victory in the Mexican-American War
    (1846-1848) gave the U.S. present-day California,
    Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.

What happened to the Native Americans?
  • Conflicts between American settlers and Indian
    nations in the Southeast and the old Northwest
    resulted in the relocation of many Indians to
  • During the period of westward migration, the
    American Indians were repeatedly defeated in
    violent conflicts with settlers and soldiers and
    forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands.
  • Trail of Tears
  • The forced removal of tribes from the Southeast
    to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma.
  • The migrants faced hunger, disease, and
    exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of
    15,000 of the Cherokees died.

(No Transcript)
Standard 6c
  • James Madison asked Congress to declare war on
    Great Britain in 1812. This decision divided the

What were the causes of the War of 1812?
  • British interference with American shipping
  • impressment of American sailors and interference
    with trade
  • British interference with western expansion
  • encouraged Native Americans in the Northwest

Standard 6d
  • The character of American political life changed
    in the age of the common man, also called the
    Jacksonian Era.
  • An extension of the franchise, westward
    expansion, and the rise of sectional interests
    prompted increased participation in state and
  • national politics.

What helped our political character change?
  • a heightened emphasis on equality in the
    political process for adult white males
  • the rise of interest group politics and sectional
  • a changing style of campaigning
  • increased voter participation

What does Andrew Jackson have to do with this?
  • Jackson personified the democratic spirit of
    the age by challenging the economic elite.
  • He also rewarded political supporters with public
    office. This is called the spoils system.
  • By this time the Federalist Party had disappeared
    and the Democratic Party (Jackson) was opposed by
    Whigs and Know-Nothings.

Standard 6e
  • There were cultural, economic, and political
    issues that divided the nation.
  • This included tariffs, slavery, the abolitionist
    and womens suffrage movements, and the role of
    the states in the Union.

What does that mean?
  • The nation struggled to resolve sectional issues,
    producing a series of crises and compromises.
  • These crises took place over the admission of new
    states to the Union.
  • The issue was whether the number of free states
    and slave states would remain balanced. (thus
    affecting the distribution of power in Congress)

What was the tariff issue?
  • Sectional tensions were caused by competing
    economic interests.
  • The industrial North favored high protective
    tariffs to protect their manufactured goods from
    foreign competition.
  • The agricultural South opposed high protective
    tariffs that made the price of imports more

How did westward expansion cause sectional
  • As new states entered the Union, compromises were
    reached that maintained the balance of power in
    Congress between free and slave states.

What were the compromises?
  • Missouri Compromise (1820)
  • drew an east-west line through the Louisiana
  • slavery was outlawed above the line and allowed
    below (Missouri was an exception)
  • Compromise of 1850
  • California entered the Union as a free state
  • the new Southwestern Territories would be allowed
    to decide on their own
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
  • repealed the Missouri Compromise Line
  • gave residents in Kansas and Nebraska popular
    sovereignty on the issue (they could choose)

What was Bleeding Kansas?
  • The Kansas-Nebraska act caused bloody fighting in
    Kansas as pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces
    battled each other.
  • It also led to the birth of the Republican Party
    (Abraham Lincoln). They opposed the spread of

Why was there fighting over the nature of the
  • South Carolina argued that sovereign states could
    nullify the Tariff of 1832 and other acts of
    Congress. (Nullification Crisis of 1832)
  • THE PROBLEM A union that allowed state
    governments to invalidate acts of the national
    congress could be dissolved by states seceding
    from the Union in defense of slavery.
  • President Jackson threatened to send federal
    troops in to collect the tariff revenues.
  • In this case, war was averted, but it
    foreshadowed what was to come in 1860 . . .

The big issue slavery.
  • Slave revolts in Virginia, led by Nat Turner and
    Gabriel Prosser, fed white southerners fears
    about slave rebellions.
  • In response, harsh laws were passed in the South
    against fugitive slaves.
  • Any southerners who favored abolition were
    intimidated in to silence.

  • Northerners, led by William Lloyd Garrison
    (publisher of The Liberator) viewed the practice
    of slavery as a violation of Christian
  • They argued for its abolition.
  • Southerners grew alarmed by the growing force of
    the Northern response to the abolitionist
  • Fugitive slave events pitted southern slave
    owners against outraged northerners who opposed
    returning escaped slaves to bondage.

The Womens Suffrage Movement
  • At the same time the abolitionist movement grew,
    another reform movement took root.
  • Women began to campaign for equal rights.
  • Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
  • Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Issued the Seneca Falls Declaration a demand
    for equal rights modeled after the Declaration of

Standard 7a
  • There were multiple causes of the Civil War, but
    slavery was the principle cause.

What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • sectional disagreements and debates over
  • tariffs, slavery, the nature of the Union
  • northern abolitionists vs. southern defenders of
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford decision
  • publication of Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet
    Beecher Stowe
  • ineffective presidential leadership of the 1850s
  • failed compromises over the expansion of slavery

Standard 7b
  • The major events of the Civil War and the roles
    of key leaders.
  • The secession of Southern states triggered a long
    and costly war that ended with Northern victory,
    the restoration of the Union and the emancipation
    of slaves.
  • The Civil War was the ultimate question of the
    power of the federal government versus the
    states, but the federal government came out on

Why did the Southern states secede?
  • The southern states were unhappy with the results
    of the 1860 election.
  • Abraham Lincoln had won, but he wasnt even on
    the ballot in many southern states.
  • They feared he would outlaw the institution of
    slavery a practice upon which many southerners

What were the major events of the war?
  • 1860 the election of Abraham Lincoln
  • 1860 South Carolina secedes (followed by 10
  • April 1861 the Battle of Fort Sumter (opening
  • July 1861 First Battle of Bull Run (Confederate
  • September 1862 Antietam (bloodiest single day
  • January 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
  • July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg (turning point)
  • April 1865 Surrender at Appomattox

Who were the key leaders?
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • President of the United States insisted that the
    Union be held together
  • Jefferson Davis
  • U.S. Senator who became President of the
  • Ulysses S. Grant
  • Union military commander
  • Robert E. Lee
  • Confederate military commander (Virginian)
  • Frederick Douglass
  • prominent abolitionist urged Lincoln to allow
    African Americans to fight in the Union Army

Standard 7c
  • The Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg
  • These two documents had an important impact on
    the war, and a lasting effect on the nation.

The Emancipation Proclamation
  • 1863
  • freed those slaves located in the rebelling
    states (southern states that had seceded)
  • made the abolition of slavery a northern war aim
  • discouraged any interference from foreign
  • allowed for the enlistment of African Americans
    in the Union Army

The Gettysburg Address
  • 1863
  • a speech given at the dedication of the national
    cemetery at Gettysburg
  • Lincoln described the war as a struggle to
    preserve a nation that was dedicated to the
    proposition that all men are created equal and
    that was ruled by a government, of the people,
    by the people, and for the people.
  • Lincoln believed that the United States was one
    nation not a collection of sovereign states.

(No Transcript)
Standard 7d
  • There were both political and economic effects of
    the war and of Reconstruction.
  • These included the Civil War Amendments to the
  • Unfortunately, the economic and political gains
    of former slaves proved to be temporary.

What were the political effects of the war
  • The Union prevailed, our country stayed together.
  • Lincoln felt that Reconstruction was a matter of
    quickly restoring legitimate southern state
    governments that were loyal to the Union.
  • Lincoln also felt it was important to heal the
    nation, that the federal government should not
    punish the south. (with malice towards none,
    charity for all)
  • The Radical Republicans felt differently.

What happened after Lincoln was assassinated?
  • April 14, 1865 only 5 days after Lees
  • this enabled Radical Republicans to influence the
    process of Reconstruction in a manner much more
    punitive towards the former Confederate states
  • the states that seceded were not allowed back
    into the Union immediately, but were put under
    military occupation

What happened to African Americans during
  • Radical Republicans believed in aggressively
    guaranteeing voting and other civil rights to
    African Americans.
  • They clashed with President Johnson over the
    issue and eventually impeached him.
  • There were three amendments passed regarding
    former slaves and African Americans.

The Civil War Amendments
  • 13th Amendment abolished slavery (FREE)
  • 14th Amendment granted citizenship and equal
    protection (CITIZENS)
  • 15th Amendment voting rights granted to African
    Americans (VOTE)

How did Reconstruction end?
  • Reconstruction ended following the presidential
    election of 1876.
  • In return for support from Southern Democrats in
    the electoral college vote, the Republicans
    agreed to end the military occupation of the
  • This became known as the Compromise of 1877.
  • It enabled former Confederates who controlled the
    Democratic Party to regain power.
  • This marked the beginning of the Jim Crow Era.

What was the economic impact of the war on the
  • The southern states were left embittered and
    devastated by the war.
  • Farms, railroads and factories and been destroyed
    throughout the South.
  • Confederate money was worthless.
  • The source of labor was changed due to both the
    loss of life and the abolishment of slavery.
  • The South would remain an agricultural-based
    economy and the poorest section of the nation for
    many decades.

What was the economic impact of the war on the
  • The North (and Midwest) emerged with strong and
    growing industrial economies.
  • This laid the foundation for the
    industrialization of the nation and the emergence
    of the United States as a global economic power.
  • The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    soon after the war intensified the westward
    movement of settlers into the states between the
    Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean.

Standard 7e
  • There was also a social impact of the war it
    was different for African Americans, the common
    soldier, and civilians on the home front.

Social Impacts
  • African Americans
  • The Emancipation Proclamation allowed for the
    enlistment of African American soldiers.
  • common soldiers
  • Warfare often involved hand-to-hand combat.
  • Wartime diaries and letters home record this
    harsh reality.
  • After the war, especially in the South, soldiers
    returned home to find destroyed homes and
    poverty. Soldiers on both sides lived with
    permanent disabilities.
  • women
  • Managed homes and families with scarce resources
    and often faced poverty and hunger.
  • They assumed new roles in agriculture, nursing,
    and war industries.

Standard 7f
  • The key leaders of the Civil War also made
    important postwar contributions.
  • After the Civil War, both Robert E. Lee and
    Ulysses S. Grant urged reconciliation between the
    North and the South.
  • Frederick Douglass became the leading spokesman
    for African Americans in the nation.

What were their postwar contributions?
  • Ulysses S. Grant
  • Urged radical Republicans not to be harsh with
    former Confederates.
  • Was elected president and served during most of
  • Advocated rights for the freedman.
  • Opposed retribution directed at the defeated
  • Robert E. Lee
  • Urged Southerners to reconcile and rejoin the
    United States.
  • Served as president of Washington College
    (Washington Lee University today).
  • Emphasized the importance of education to the
    nations future.
  • Frederick Douglass
  • Supported full equality for African Americans.
  • Advocated for the passage of the 14th and 15th
  • Encouraged federal government actions to protect
    the rights of freedmen in the South.
  • Served as ambassador to Haiti and in the civil
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