PowerPoint Sunusu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PowerPoint Sunusu


Sport TEST B TT B R DAHAK TESTTE ... a.He s cheerful and friendly. b.He likes fishing. c.He s a singer. d.He likes asking questions. 16.Why does he ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PowerPoint Sunusu

  • 1.The way to success is slow and long. Success
    starts at school, so dont
  • miss the classes
  • take notes
  • c. listen to your teacher
  • d. go to bed early

2.If you are hungry, . a.you must
study harder b.do you think you are a good
student c.what is the role of friends d.we can
have breakfast together
3.SimonDid you meet my new coach?
Tuna. Simon Hes very tall
with long hair. a.where does he live? b.what
does he look like? c.How many players does he
have? d.whose t-shirt is this?
4.TunaMy best friend is sociable and
talkative.I love her so much. JasminDoes she
have any bad qualities? TunaYes, to be honest,
He is a.punctual b.patient c.polite d.
5. EceWould you like some pasta or pizza
for your lunch? Steven I .
pizza. Ece We should order a big one,
then. a.forget b.spend c.prefer d.borrow
6. Spike May I speak to you? Mrs. Derick
Yes, sure. Spike I feel bad. Im not
successful. Mrs. Derick I will help
you. a.Dont eat too much. b. Stay up
late. c.Dont worry. d.Take medicines.
7.SalihWhy dont we sit somewhere and rest for
a while? Mike..There is a nice
restaurant over there. a.Feel at home. b.Thats
a good idea. c. Oh no! Its impossible d.
Be careful
8.If you have a dandruff problem, you
should.. a.change your shampoo
b.use acne cream c.wear sunglasses
d.drink plenty of water
9.Mr. Tellodid you come here? Lucky To
ask a question. Mr. Tello I am listening to
you. a.When b.Where c.How d. Why
10. Dont ..during the exam. a.write b.foc
us c.spend d.cheat
11.Fatih is a clever boy. He understands and
learns everything. a.repeatedly b.dai
ly c.easily d.slowly
12.Melike Charles No,
thanks. Ill complete the
task soon. a. Can I help you? b. How do you
learn better? c. Why are you worried? d. Do you
think you should study?
13.Hi Hasan, How are you? Today were
celebrating our feast. In Turkey, we call it
bayram. We visit our relatives and friends. We
eat meat.What do you do for your feasts? Im
looking forward to hearing from
you. Levent Elektronik postada
bos birakilan yere hangisi getirilmelidir? a.Grea
t, thanks a lot. b.Youre welcome. c.Why
not? d.Take care
14.I. First , get help early. Talk to your
teacher or your parents. II.If you
trouble with a lesson, you should try
different ways. III.Finally,have a rest and
sleep well. IV.Then, review your notes.
Karisik halde verilmis olan cümleleri siraya
koyunuz. a.I-II-IV-III b.III-I-II-IV c.II-I-IV-II
15-16-17. sorulari metne göre cevaplayiniz. Hello
everybody! Do you like singing? No need to ask me
because singing is my life. Im cheerful and
friendly. Ive got a lot of friends, but only a
few of them are true friends. A true friend
should be honest, trustworthy and funny. Yes, I
love funny people because they make me laugh and
bring joy to my life. Physical appearance isnt
important for me.
15. Whats his job? a.Hes cheerful and
friendly. b.He likes fishing. c.Hes a
singer. d.He likes asking questions.
16.Why does he love funny people? a.He goes out
on Sundays. b.Because they bring joy to his
life. c.They are honest people. d.Physical
appearance isnt important.
17.He has only a few a. true friends. b.
songs c. concerts d. funny jokes
18-19-20. sorulari asagidaki paragrafa göre
cevaplandiriniz. If you want to be successful at
school, you can follow my tips. First of all,
listen to your teacher carefully and take notes.
, focus on your study and turn off your
mobile.Third, get help early if you have trouble
with your lessons. Finally, do some sport and
stay healthy.
18. Paragrafta bos birakilan yere hangisi
getirilmelidir? a.During b.Until c.Because d.Se
19.Who can be the writer of the paragraph? a. A
salesperson b. A farmer c. A dentist d. A
20.Which one can be the title of the
paragraph? a. Daily news b. Study skills c.
Nature and Environment d. Jobs
21. I think Tolga tidies his room everyday. He
isnt .like me. a. friendly b. messy c.
punctual d. selfish
22.Mum Whats the matter son? Robin I
dont know what to do. Im in
trouble. I need your a. advice b.
dream c. weather d. personality
23.You can trust Onur. Believe me, he can
a. sometimes be rude b. wear trendy
costumes c. never apologise d. keep secrets
24.Bob My exam was simply perfect. I answered
all the questions correctly. Mike Im happy
to hear that. a. Youre welcome b. I dont
think so. c. Congratulations. d. Yes,thats a lot.
25.The Tourist Excuse me!How can I get
to the station? Tarik
.You should ask someone
else. a. Dont worry b. I dont know. c. Why
not? d. Great, thanks a lot.
26.SerapWere going on a picnic by the
river. You can join us. Emily.I
dont have anything better to
do. a. Absolutely no b. I am really
sorry. c. Certainly not d. Why not.
27.Janet I cant focus on my study. Cenk
. Janet I have concentration
problems. a. What do you mean? b. Can you help
me? c. Are you a hardworking student? d. How do
you learn best?
28. You will do this activity with your
deskmate. Its a a. confidence b. body
language c. reward d. pair work
29.Mario Moving to New York is a good
idea, but I dont have many
friends there. Irem You are a
person. I think you can make many
friends in a short time. a.
shy b. tall c. plump d. sociable
30.Rafael Joseph He is
short and thin with long
beard. a. What do you do at weekends? b. What
does your dad look like? c. What time does your
brother come back? d. What color are your
31.Dilek is a true friend, but she can
. a. sometimes get angry
easily. b. wear trendy clothes. c. have a good
sense of humour. d. always be there when I need
32.Mr. Kellerman.. Lincoln
Because I am not ready for the
exam. a. Who is your best friend? b. When did
you come here? c. Why are you worried? d. How
many students are there?
33.CLASSROOM RULES Be quiet Dont
run. Dont eat and drink. Asagidakilerden
hangisi verilen listeye eklenebilir? a. Go to bed
late b. Play computer games c. Use your
mobile d. Come to class on time.
34. If you want to be successful , first you
should have a plan. Second listen to your
teachers carefully. Then, take good notes
.Finally do a lot of practice tests. Buna göre
asagidakilerden hangisi dogrudur? a. We must do
many things for success. b. Taking practise tests
isnt a good idea. c. We shouldnt take notes in
class. d. Having a plan isnt important.
35. There is no quiet place at home diyen
bir ögrenciye hangi tavsiyeyi verebiliriz? a.
Miss classes regularly. b. Go to the library. c.
Give yourself a reward. d. Have a rest and sleep
36.Edward generous Kate sincere
Alex optimistic Emma bad-tempered Buna
göre asagidakilerden hangisi yanlistir? a.
Edward shares his money and toys. b. Alex thinks
positively. c. Emma smiles all the time. d. Kate
tells what she thinks.
37-38-39. sorulari metne göre cevaplayiniz. My
favorite actor is Simon Eliot. He is young and
handsome. He is 1.78 cm tall. He is from
Manchester. He was born on 15 August 1987. He has
got blue eyes and fair hair. He is funny and
cheerful. Hes also sociable. He likes meeting
his friends. He loves animals. He has a puppy and
two birds. Hes married with two children.
37.What is Simon Eliot like? a. He is twenty
seven. b. Hes from Manchester. c. Hes funny and
cheerful. d. Hes married.
38.What does he do in his free time? a. He meets
his friends. b. He loves animals. c. He has got
blue eyes. d. He is handsome.
39.Parçada Simon Eliot ile ilgili hangi bilgiye
yer verilmemistir? a. Age b. Hobby c. Job d.
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