Title: national forest programmes
1The Concept of National Forest Programmes
- Definition
- Principles Elements
- Process and Actors
- Challenges
Enhancing the NFP process of ltcountrygt ltdategt ltloc
ationgt, ltcountrygt
2What is a national forest programme ...
- Country-specific process
- A multi-stakeholder dialogue
- A framework for SFM
3...and what is it not?
Not national, not forestry, not a programme ! Not
a donor conditionality ! Not a blueprint by
external consultants !
4NFP principles
What are principles? and why do we need
principles in policy processes?
- Commonly agreed by all countries involved in the
international forest dialogue. - Guide the formulation and implementation of a nfp
- Define how the concept is to be put into
5Clustering the nfp Principles
6Nfp principles Country leadership and
- define how the concept is to be put into
practice. As such, the principles resemble a
complex and interlocking set of agreed procedural
- national ownership
- firm commitment
- strong political will to manage forests
7Nfp principles consistency with national
- integration with the countrys sustainable
development strategies - inter-sectoral approaches
- consistency with the countrys legal frameworks
- recognition and respect for customary and
traditional rights - secure land tenure arrangements
8Nfp principles partnership and participation
- Involvement of all interested parties
- Decentralisation and empowerment
- Coordination and conflict-resolution
9Elements of a nfp process
National forest statement
action plans
Coordination and participation mechanisms
Sector Review
Capacity Building
Monitoring System
Intersectoral plans
Forest Legisla-tion
Information sharing
Institutional Reforms
Financial Mechanisms
nfp is a generic expression to designate an
evolving process that integrates various elements
towards sustainable forest management
10How does the nfp concept translate into practice ?
- Key issues and entry points
- Identifying the main actors
- Process phases and their outputs
- Possible Structures
11Key Issues and entry points
Resource Mgt.
- Drivers of change
- Stakeholder concerns
- Policy change
- (inter)national developments trends
- Complexity
- Multiple stakeholders involved
- Institutions at different levels
- No ready answers right/wrong
Land Tenure
Poverty Red.
Community Forestry
Plantation Establishment
Economic Dev.
Concession Management
Revenue Collection
12Identification of main actors
13Stakeholders in forestry policy reform
Forestry Dept. officials
14Stakeholders classification Using PRA tools
B. Stakeholder of highimportance and low
A. Stakeholder of highimportance and high
their needs should be met and their participation
is meaningful
should be closely involved
D. Stakeholder of lowimportance and low influence
C. Stakeholder of lowimportance and high
require no special participation strategies
beyond general public information
needed to be kept informed
15Issues, Actors nfp Elements,
Resource Mgt.
Private Sector, Forest Owners
Land Tenure
Reform Forest Law, Land Law, Regulations etc.
Action Programme
Assessment of IPF/IFF proposals Sector Review
Capacity Building
Poverty Red.
Reform of Forest Administration
Forest Policy Statement
Goals Objectives and Strategies
Community Forestry
Government Agencies / Forestry and others
Civil Society NGOs
Plantation Establishment
Financing Strategies
Monitoring Evaluation System
Coordination Consultation Mechanisms
Linkage to macro-economic framework
Concession Management
Positioning vis-Ã -vis int. level
Linkage to micro-level planning implementation
Revenue Collection
Donor Community INGOs
16Phases in the nfp Process
- Core issues
- Agreed Principles
- Shared vision
- Trust
17Phases in the nfp Process
OUTPUT (elements)
A sector review (assessment of the forest
sector and its interrelations with other sectors)
Policy formulation and planning
a national forest statement, includingÂ
objectives and strategies for the forest sector,
including a financing strategy for sustainable
forest management plans for action and
investment programmes for the implementation of
the agreed measures, information
- political, legal and institutional reforms, both
within and outside the forest sector - information and knowledge management (IKM),
- national and international partnership
arrangements and joint activities
monitoring and evaluation reports/documentation
18 Possible Institutional Framework for a nfp
National Consultative Process e.g. Workshops Task
NFP Secretariat/ Coordination Unit
Ministry / Forest Dept.
- Accepted by all parties
- Leadership role
- Communication Facilitator
- Openness
- Commitment
- Stakeholder!
- Representing constituency
- Sharing experiences
- Complementarity
19Challenges ahead
- The concept is in place, putting it into practice
is a challenge and could also means a risk to
some stakeholders - nfp processes are currently running in quite a
few countries, using different entry points and
approaches. No one size fits all approach is
possible. - long-term perspective, quality standards and
monitoring are challenges - ? starting the process means learning and added
value - from dialogue to action !!