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lezioni iins


... This expression is formally identical to the isotropic harmonic oscillator one: all the vibrations are visible, but wakened by a factor 1/3. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: lezioni iins

First Elements of Thermal Neutron Scattering
Theory (II)
Daniele Colognesi Istituto dei Sistemi
Complessi, Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche, Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - Italy
Talk outlines
  • 0) Introduction.
  • 1) Neutron scattering from nuclei.
  • 2) Time-correlation functions.
  • 3) Inelastic scattering from crystals.
  • 4) Inelastic scattering from fluids (intro).
  • 5) Vibrational spectroscopy from molecules.
  • 6) Incoherent inelastic scattering from
    molecular crystals.
  • 7) Some applications to soft matter.

4) Inelastic scattering from fluids (intro)
  • Disordered systems (gasses, liquids, glasses,
    amorphous solids etc.) atomic order only at
    short range (if existing). For simplicitys sake
    only monatomic fluid systems are considered here.

key quantities density, ?, constant, and
pair correlation function, g(r)
connected to the static structure factor, S(Q),
via a 3D spatial Fourier transform
where both S(Q) and g(r) exhibit some
special values at their extremes
Since S(Q)I(Q,t0), it is possible to generalize
g(r) by introducing the time-dependent pair
correlation function, G(r,t)
and the time-dependent self pair correlation
function, Gself(r,t)
where the t0 values of G(r,t) and Gself(r,t) are
  • No elastic scattering,?(?), in fluids!
  • the elastic components in S(Q,?) and Sself(Q,?)
  • come from the asymptotic values of I(Q,t) and

Due to the asymptotic loss of time correlation,
and making use of ??i??(r-ri)?, one writes
so, finally
  • Gas of non-interacting distinguishable particles
    a useful toy model. No particle correlation
    S(Q,?)?Sself(Q,?). Starting from the definitions

one writes
After some simple algebra
Doppler broadening
Very important for epithermal neutron scattering!
  • Coherent inelastic scattering from liquids a.k.a.
    Neutron Brillouin Scattering the acoustic
    phonons become pseudo-phonons (damped,
    dispersed). A new undispersed excitation appears
    too. Very complex, not discussed here.

Liquid Al g(r)
Liquid Ni S(Q)
  • Incoherent inelastic scattering from liquids the
    elastic component becomes quasi-elastic
    (diffusive motions), not discussed here in great

On the contrary, the inelastic component is not
too dissimilar from the crystal case
(pseudo-phononic excitations).
Starting from the well-known
it is possible to show (Rahman, 1962) that
where we made use of the Gaussian approximation
in Q. The t-dependent factor has apparently a
tough aspect
but it is actually equal to Q-2B(Q,0)-B(Q,t). Th
en fliq(?) has to be analogous to g(?) in solids
Surprising! Lets study it, starting from the
velocity self-correlation function of an atom in
a crystal cvv(t).
Expanding in normal modes through the Bloch
theorem, one gets (in the isotropic case)
It applies to fliq(?) too. Using the
fluctuation-dissipation theorem, linking
Recvv(t) with Imcvv(t), one writes
However, there is a property distinguishing
fliq(?) from g(?)
where D is the self-diffusion coefficient, while
Example liquid para-hydrogen, measured on TOSCA
at T14.3 K (Celli et al. 2002) and simulated
through Centroid Monte Carlo Dynamics (Kinugawa,
5) Vibrational spectroscopy from molecules
  • chemical-physical spectroscopy studying the
    forces that
  • bind the atoms in a molecule covalent bond
    E?400 KJ/mol.
  • keep the functional groups close to one another
  • hydrogen bond E?20 KJ/mol.
  • place the molecules according to a certain order
    in a crystalline lattice molec. crystals E?2

Wide range of energies! Here only
intra-molecular modes (vibrational spectroscopy).
  • Cross-section summary

H case (ideal incoherent scatterer) ?inc80.27
b, ?coh1.76 b ? Proton selection rule D case
(quite different) ?inc2.05 b, ?coh5.59 b
Then only incoherent scattering will be
considered in the rest of this talk!
Comparing various spectroscopies ?(neutron)?10-28
m2/molec. ?(Raman)?10-32 m2/molec. ?(IR)?10-22
  • Why neutron spectroscopy ?
  • In Raman polarizability generally grows along
    with Z possible problems in detecting H.
  • In IR (sensitive to the electric dipole) the
    H-bond gives rise to a large signal, but it is
    distorted by the so-called electric anharmonicity
    (not vibrational).
  • Molecules with elevate symmetry many modes are
    optically inactive (e.g. in C60 up to 70!).

4. Direct relationship between
neutron spectra and vibrational
eigenvectors. Conclusions Neutron spectroscopy is
complementary to optical spectroscopies (Raman
and IR) and is often essential for studying
proton dynamics!
Example nadic anhydride (C9H8O3) on TOSCA
  • Molecular vibrations and normal modes

Polyatomic Molecules N atoms instantaneously in
the positions ra, vibrating around their
equilibrium positions ra0 ra ra0ua Normal
modes 3 traslations 3 rotations (2 if
linear) 3N-6 vibrations (3N-5 if
linear) Translations elimination (center-of-mass
fixed) ?amara ?amara0 R ? ?amaua0
Rotations elimination (small oscillations) ?amara
?va J0 ??ama ra0??tua ? ?ama ra0?uacost.?0
The normal modes of a molecule can be
classified according to the character of the
atomic motions, starting from the symmetry of the
equilibrium configuration of the molecule (group
General Theory of normal modes with s d.o.f.
qi uiqi-qi0
One gets s Lagrange equations ? Oscillating test
solutions ? Characteristic equation (in
general one has s real and positive roots ?1,
?s) ? Eigenvectors aj(s)
General solution
Example normal modes in H2O a. Symmetric
stretching b. Bending c. Anti-symmetric stretching
Normal mode quantization
  • Diffusion from a harmonic oscillator
  • The mono-dimensional harmonic oscillator
  • is then the simplified prototype of the true
  • intra-molecular vibrations
  • 1000 cm-1 lt??0lt4400 cm-1 (H-H)

Typical experiment T20 K (i.e. 14 cm-1ltlt ??0)
from which
where ?u2?0 is the mean square displacement (at
  • Again on the harmonic oscillator
  • Mass problem what is µ in a molecule? It depends
    on all the atomic masses, but MH obviously plays
    a primary role! However, in general, µ?MH .

Elastic Line there is no exchange of energy
between oscillator and neutron, then n0. It is
intense, but it decreases rapidly with Q. Then it
will be neglected
Fundamental for n1 there is a peak centered at
?0, while in Q one gets a competition between the
Debye-Waller factor and the term Q2?u2?0
The maximum of Sn1(Q,E) appears at Q2?u2?0. So,
the ideal measurement conditions for H
are k1ltltk0 ? k0?Q for any value of E. Namely
Overtones excitations from the ground state
(n0) to states higher than the first (i.e.
considering that
one obtains
The relative intensity of the overtones (with
respect to n1) quickly decreases along with µ.
It is important to separate the high-frequency
fundamental excitations from the overtones.
Example fundamental and overtones in ZrH2,
almost a harmonic oscillator (three-dimensional).
  • Anharmonicy
  • Ideal vibrational model set of decoupled
    harmonic oscillators (normal modes).
  • Anharmonicity breaking of the harmonic
    approximation, implying inseparability and mixing
    of normal modes.

In practice overtones are not simple multiples of
the fundamental frequency any more, i.e. there
is an anharmonicity constant, ?. One often has
that ?gt0 (e.g. in the Morse potential).
In practice, in real molecules one uses a
pseudo-harmonic approach in which the structure
factor for a single atomic species is
approximated by
where n labels the sum over the overtones and k
the multi-convolution in E over the normal modes,
from which
6) Incoherent inelastic scattering from
molecular crystals
  • External molecular modes
  • So far only isolated molecules have been dealt
    with, having a fixed center-of-mass (no recoil).
    In reality, at low temperature, one observes
    molecular crystals kept together by
    inter-molecular interations weak (van der
    Waals), medium (H bond), or strong (covalent).

External modes (pk, lattice vibrations and
undistorted librations) in general (but not
always) softer than the internal ones (e.g.
lattice v. 150 cm-1).
Similarly to what seen for the internal modes, an
external structure factor for the molecular
lattice can be defined
making implicitly use of the decoupling
hypothesis between internal and external modes
using the distributive property of the
convolution one gets
then for each internal mode ?k there is also a
shifted replica of all the external spectrum
pk (phononic branch), but with a strong
intensity reduction due to the external
Debye-Waller factor
  • At low Q, Sorig(Q,E) is intense and Sbran(Q,E)
    has a shape similar to that of Sext(Q,E) (but
  • At high Q, Sbran(Q,E) is dominated by the
    multiphonon terms (difficult to be simulated).

Comparison to the mean square displacements
worked out by diffraction
Discrepancies between Biso and the inelastic mean
square displacements static disorder
Example hexamethylenetetramine (C6H12N4) on TOSCA
  • Anisotropy and spherical mean
  • We have seen that, owing to the presence of
    various normal modes, scattering depends on the
    orientation of Q with respect to the molecule

Toy-model 1-D harmonic oscillators with
frequency ?x , all oriented along the x
axis(e.g. parallel diatomic molecules and one
lattice site only)
Sn1(Q,E) is maximum for f0 (Qx) and zero for
f90o (Q?x). Similar to E in IR. It is also
defined a displacement tensor Bij
In practice the powder spectrum will be a
spherical average containing various modes ?i
One can prove that a good approximation of the
spherical mean is given, for the fundamental, by
This expression is formally identical to the
isotropic harmonic oscillator one all the
vibrations are visible, but wakened by a factor
  • Example of the anisotropy importance in
    highly-oriented (gt90) polyethylene
  • c ?

  • Example lattice modes in highly-oriented
    polyethylene simulated for TOSCA

Q?c (calc. by Lynch et al.) Qc
(calc. by Lynch et al.)
7) Some applications to soft matter
  • What is soft matter?
  • Soft matter it is often macroscopically and
    mechanically soft, either as a melt or in
    solution. On a short scale there is a mesoscopic
    order together with weak intermolecular force
    constants ??v/(3kBT)?1. It is in between solids
    and liquids (both for its structure and for its
    dynamics). It is not yet rigorously defined. Main
    classes (after Hamley, 1999) polymers, colloids,
    amphiphiles and liquid crystals. Good picture,
    but there is still some overlap!

  • What is spectroscopy?
  • A microscopic dynamical technique spectral
    analysis (k,?) of a probe, before and after its
    interaction with a sample.
  • Absorption (?0) or scattering (?k, ??).
  • Basic idea ?0?2?/t ?k?2?/r and ???2?/t.
  • Differences
  • i) probe e.m. waves ?ck, neutrons
  • ii) interaction e.m. waves ?A?j??, neutrons
    (2??2/mn) b ?(r).

E Ei Ef Q ki kf
Main spectroscopic techniques for soft matter
i) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). ii)
Infrared absorption and Raman scattering (IR and
Raman). iii) Dielectric Spectroscopy iv) Visible
and ultraviolet optical spectroscopy v) Inelastic
neutron scattering (INS).
  • Why INS for soft matter?
  • Limitations of IR and Raman selection rules
    (from ?fDi? and ?fPi?). Group theory.
  • General problems with optical techniques
  • i) dispersion and acoustic modes
  • ii) selection rules
  • iii) proton visibility
  • iv) spectral interpretation.
  • INS is always complementary and often essential

i) Dispersion and acoustic modes collective
modes dispersion ??j(q), con 0ltqlt2?/a?20
nm-1. What q can be obtained through e.m.
waves? Green light (E2.41 eV) q0.0122
nm-1?0 X-rays are needed (Egt1 KeV)
IXS. Acoustic modes ?ac(q?0)csq?0.
Thermal neutrons (E25.85 meV) q35.2 nm-1.
ii-iii) Selection rules and proton
visibility High symmetry many modes are
optically inactive (C60 70!). Neutrons
pseudo-selection rule for H (?H81.67 barn
gtgt?x?1-8 barn). Isotopic substitution H?D
(?D7.63 barn). Proton visibility in Raman Tr
(P) grows along with Z. Proton visibility in IR
strong signal for H-bonds (e.g. O-H), but there
is also the electric anharmonicity
(distortions). iv) Spectral Interpretation Direct
interpretation of the spectral line intensities
vibrational eigenvectors (IR and Raman ?fDi?,
?fPi?). Example one-dimensional harmonic
oscillator (at T0)
Example isotopic substitution in potassium
hydrogen phthalate. Two hydrogen-bond modes are
clearly pointed out.
Would you like to know more?
  • (from easy to difficult)
  • Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron
    Scattering by G. L. Squires (1978).
  • Vibrational Spectroscopy with Neutrons by P. C.
    H. Mitchell et al. (2005).
  • Molecular Spectroscopy with Neutrons by H.
    Boutin and S. Yip (1968).
  • Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Physics
    by A. Furrer, J. Mesot and T. Straessle (2009).
  • Slow Neutrons by V. F. Turchin (1965).
  • Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed
    Matter I by S. W. Lovesey (1984).

Many thanks to
Dr. R. Senesi (Univ. Roma II) for the kind
invitation to talk.
The audience for its attention and interest.
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