Title: The Enlightenment
1The Enlightenment
2Introduction to the Age of the Enlightenment
- 18th Century Europe
- England and France
3The Enlightenment
The Age of Reason
4What do you think the lightbulb represents?
5Defining the Enlightenment
6- Age of Reason
- (18th century Enlightenment)
- Natural laws apply to government as well as
- Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property
- A FAIR society is based on REASON, not Divine
7The Age of Reason
- Scientific Revolution convinced many European
thinkers about power of reason - Scientific method and reason led to discoveries
about physical world - Wondered if reason could be used to study human
nature, society - New generation of philosophers, 1600s
- Viewed reason as best way to understand truth
- Concluded reason could be used to solve all human
problems - This time of optimism now called the
8What is the Enlightenment?
- Thinkers believed reason could be used to uncover
the laws that govern human life - Once the laws were known people could make
society better - Believed that reason was a much better guide than
faith or tradition
Reason is the light that reveals human error
and showed the way to truth
9Defining the Enlightenment Everything was
- What society worked best?
- Why were laws unjust?
- How did the universe operate?
- Was there a God?
- Was the Earth really 4,000 years old?
- Were there natural laws that governed people?
- Who had the power to rule?
- How did the human mind work?
10Defining The Age of Enlightenment
- A period of intellectual exchange in Europe
during the 18th century - Belief in the idea of progress
- A desire for political and social change
11Defining the Enlightenment
- These thinkers believed that human reason could
be used to combat ignorance, superstition, and
tyranny and to build a better world.
- For the Symbol Column, what would be THREE
different ideas for symbols for the
Enlightenment? - Discuss and choose the one you like best.
- Draw it in.
13Beliefs of the Enlightenment
- Belief in Progress
- Through reason a better society was possible
- through progress we would continue to expand our
knowledge in the sciences - Secular Outlook
- More worldly view of life
- church is continuing to lose power
- questioning of all church beliefs
- Importance Of the Individual
- own ability to reason
- importance of the in society
- Individual achievement
- Belief in the supremacy of reason over pleasure
conviction that humans could perfect society
through the application of the intellect to human
affairs - Science takes its place for the first time
- The intellectuals of the Enlightenment (called
Philosophes) believed - The universe could be understood through reason
- Everything in nature could be explained by
natural lawsuniversal truths found through
observation (Religion is not necessary to
understand the world)
- The belief in progressthe world can be improved
upon perfected - People have natural rightspersonal freedoms that
allow people to enjoy liberty (no restrictions on
speech, religion, or the economy)
18 Central Concepts of the Enlightenment
- A. The methods of natural science should be used
to understand all aspects of life - through the
use of REASON - B. Discover the natural laws of human society as
well as the natural world (social science) - C. The idea of progress - The confidence in human
power, human reason to improve society
19Central concepts of the Enlightenment cont
- D. Rejection of superstition and tradition
- E. Tolerance and equality
- F. Deism - God does not intervene in the world
through miracles he created the world, and then
removed himself from it
20Pair Share Activity
- a period of intellectual growth that led to the
development of new ideas on society, government,
philosophy, economics, and religion. - marks the beginning of the modern world.
- Can be captured in the words of Immanuel Kant
Dare to know! Have the courage to use your own
understanding is therefore the motto of the
- Turn to your partner and discuss
- What do you think this motto means?
- Does this motto relate to our world today?
- Why or why not?
21Why do you think the man is naked, out in nature,
and also working on geometry with the protractor?
22Knowledge is Power!
- This year thus far we have learned about how the
Catholic Church and Absolute Monarchs saw new
ideas and education as threats to be suppressed.
WHY? - How does this tie in the Enlightenment?
23 Defining The Enlightenment
- Principal targets Religion and the domination of
society by hereditary aristocracy. - In other words, the church and the state, who
often worked hand-in-hand.
24Major Enlightenment Ideas
- Every social, political and economic problem
could be solved through the use of reason - Governments are created to secure an orderly
society - Separation of powers is the best way to protect
human liberties - All men are created free and equal
- A free market should be allowed to regulate trade
25Enlightenment Thinkers
The market price of every particular commodity is
regulated by the proportion between the quantity
which is actually brought to market, and the
demand of those who are willing to pay the
natural price of the commodity or the whole value
of the rent, labor and profit which must be paid
in order to bring it thither.
In republican governments, men are all equal
equal they are also in despotic governments in
the former, because they are everything in the
latter, because they are nothing.
Baron de Montesquieu The Spirit of Laws Bk. VI,
The reason why men enter into society is the
preservation of their property, and putting
themselves under government, is the preservation
of their property.
Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations Vol.I, bk.1,
John Locke Second Treatise of Government ChXIX,
Of the Dissolution in Government
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27Causes/Origins of the Enlightenment
28Causes and Effects of the EnlightenmentAmerica
- Causes
- Religious Fanaticism
- Witch trials
- Beginning of a merchant classaka bourgeoisie
- Landed Aristocracy
- Monarchies
- Church State united
- Church Truth
- Effects
- Deismnatural law
- Rise of merchant classaka bourgeoisie
- Science/Logic/Reason Truth
- Rise of philosophers
- Revolution x 3
- The perfect society
- Separation of Church State
- Democracy
29Causes Influence of the Ancients and Medieval
30Origins of the Enlightenment Background in
- The application of Aristotelian logic by Thomas
Aquinas, Scholasticism, in the 13th century set
the stage for the Enlightenment.
31Origins of the Enlightenment Ancients Used
Logic to Defend Dogma
- Aristotles logical procedures were used to
defend the dogmas of Christianity. - Unfortunately for the Catholic Church, the tools
of logic could not be confined to Church matters.
32Cause Renaissance
33Origins of the Enlightenment Renaissance
- From sciences, ideas of nature surfaced-
- study not only gravity or the circulatory system,
but also human behavior - New sciences of psychology and politics were
developed- - Social Sciences political science, geography,
sociology, history, civics, economics, etc - Advocates of Enlightenment claim governing laws
dictate human nature, society and politics
34The EnlightenmentEarly Forms
- Renaissance Humanists (14th 15th cent.)
- Argued that proper worship of God involved
admiration of his creation, notably His crown of
creations humanity. - Celebrating humans worships God better than
gloomy priests who preached original sin and
repentance - Galileo Galilei (1632)
- Used logic and observation to argue that earth
rotates around sun - The Church (possessor of Truth) forced him to
recant, objecting that Bible clearly stated that
the sun moved through the sky. - Led to the advancement of scienceIsaac Newton
35Origins of the Enlightenment The Renaissance
- In the 14th and 15th centuries, "humanists
celebrated the human race and its capacities. - They argued they were worshipping God more
appropriately than the priests and monks who
harped on original sin and asked people to humble
36Origins of the Enlightenment Renaissance
Focused on Mans Creativity
- Some of them claimed that humans were like God,
created not only in his image, but with a share
of his creative power. The painter, the
architect, the musician, and the scholar, by
exercising their intellectual powers, were
fulfilling divine purposes.
37Renaissance Thinker
- Michel de Montaigne (16th Century)
- Asked What do I know?
- We have no right to impose other dogmas which
rest on cultural habit rather than absolute Truth - New World new cultures
- Morals may be relative
- If we cannot be certain that our values are
God-given, then we have no right to impose them
by force on others - Popes and kings had no right to enforce adherence
to particular religious or philosophical beliefs - Doubt is essential to sciencetest, challenge,
askto get closer to truth. Authority is
sciences enemy
38Origins of the Enlightenment Renaissance
Challenged Church Authority
- In the 16th century, various humanists had begun
to ask dangerous questions. - François Rabelais, a French monk and physician
influenced by Protestantism, challenged the
Church's authority, ridiculing many religious
doctrines as absurd.
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40Cause Scientific Revolution
41Origins of the Enlightenment The Scientific
If I have seen farther than others, said
Newton, it is because I have stood on the
shoulders of giants. Who were the giants to whom
Newton was referring? Could this be said of any
scientific accomplishment? Explain.
Giants were Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. Yes,
scientific discoveries give scientists a clearer
understanding of how the world works. New
discoveries lead to further questions for
investigation and more discoveries.
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43- During the Scientific Revolution, people began to
believe that the scientific method allowed them
to find answers to their questions
- As a result, new ideas began in areas outside of
science - Especially criticizing absolute monarchy think
of new ideas about government
44Scientific Revolution Leads to Enlightenment
- 1500-1700 European scientists using reason to
discover laws of nature - Very successful Planetary movements, chemistry,
vaccine for smallpox, etc. - Early 1700s If people used reason to find laws
that governed the physical world, why not use
reason to discover natural laws? - Laws that govern human nature
- Reformers begin studying human nature and
societal problems
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46Cause Economic Changes
47- Political Economic Background
- Wealth from Asia Americas catapulted a new
class of merchants into prominence, partially
displacing the aristocracy whose power had been
rooted in land ownership - These bourgeoisie had their own ideas about the
worldmain agents of change in the arts,
government, and the economy - Naturally convinced that their earnings were
result of their individual merit and hard work - Absolutist kings and dogmatic churches were the
biggest obstacle to change for the merchant class
48Origins of the Enlightenment Economic Change
- During the late Middle Ages, peasants had begun
to move from rural estates to the towns in
search of increased freedom and prosperity.
49Origins of the Enlightenment Economic and
- As trade and communication improved during the
Renaissance, the ordinary town-dweller began to
realize that things need not always go on as they
had for centuries. People could write new
charters, form new governments, pass new laws,
begin new businesses.
50Cause Social Changes
51Origins of the Enlightenment Economic and Social
- Wealth from Asia Americas catapulted a new
class of merchants into prominence, partially
displacing the aristocracy whose power had been
rooted in land ownership - These bourgeoisie had their own ideas about the
worldmain agents of change in the arts,
government, and the economy - Naturally convinced that their earnings were
result of their individual merit and hard work - Absolutist kings and dogmatic churches were the
biggest obstacle to change for the merchant class
52Origins of The Enlightenment Social Class
- Most important, the middle classesthe
bourgeoisiewere painfully aware that they were
paying taxes to support a fabulously expensive
aristocracy that contributed nothing of value to
53Origins of the Enlightenment Social Class
- They were naturally convinced that their earnings
were the result of their individual merit and
hard work, unlike the inherited wealth of
aristocrats. - The ability of individual effort to transform the
world became a European dogma, lasting to this
54Origins of the Enlightenment Social
ChangesImpoverished Masses
- They were to find ready allies in France among
the impoverished masses who realized that they
were paying higher and higher taxes to support
the lifestyle of the idle rich at Versailles.
55Origins of the Enlightenment Social---Role of
the Aristocrats
- Interestingly, it was among those very idle
aristocrats that the French Enlightenment
philosophers were to find some of their earliest
and most enthusiastic followers.
56Pair Share Activity
- For the all the causes covered up to this point,
review your Powerpoint and Reading Notes and make
any corrections. - Then come up with symbols for each of the causes
and draw them.
57Cause Political and Religious Repression and
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59Origins of the Enlightenment Political and
Religious Repression
- The 17th century was torn by witch-hunts,wars of
religion, and imperial conquest.
60Religion Persecution
- The 17th century scene Dogma Fanaticism
- Witch-hunts and wars of religion
- Protestants Catholics denounced each other as
followers of Satan - People imprisoned for attending wrong church
- All publications censored by church and state
- Slavery widely practiced, defended by religious
leaders - Despotism of monarchsdivine right of kings
- Any opposition was imprisoned or executed
- Reason and Logic had no room for these matters
61Origins of the Enlightenment Religious
- Protestants and Catholics denounced each other as
followers of Satan and people could be imprisoned
for attending the wrong church or for not
attending any.
62Origins of the Enlightenment Censorship
- All publications, whether pamphlets or scholarly
volumes, were subject to prior censorship by both
church and state.
63Origins of the Enlightenment Despotism
- The despotism of monarchs exercising far greater
powers than any medieval king was supported by
the doctrine of the "divine right of kings," and
scripture quoted to show that revolution was
detested by God.
64Pair Share Activity
- For under examples, select one of the two
following primary source quotes to write down and
analyze with your partner. - What is the philosophe saying in modern day
65- The individual who persecutes another because
he is not of the same opinion is nothing less
than a monster. - Voltaire
66If mens minds were as easily controlled as
their tongues, every king would sit safely on his
throne, and government by compulsion would cease.
67Cause Exploration
68Origins of the Enlightenment Exploration and
- Slavery was widely practiced, especially in the
colonial plantations of the Western Hemisphere,
and its cruelties frequently defended by leading
religious figures..
69Origins of The Enlightenment Exploration
- The Impact of Travel Literature
- Captain James Cook, Travels
- Literature on China
70Diderots Views on Mankind
- Attacked slavery and colonialism- We are a free
people and now you have planted in our country
the title deeds of our future slavery. You are
neither god nor demon who are you, then, to make
slaves? Orou! You understand the language of
these men, tell us all, as you have told me, what
they have written on this sheet of metal 'This
country is ours.' This country yours? And why?
Because you have walked thereon? If a Tahitian
landed one day on your shores, and scratched on
one of your rocks or on the bark of your trees
'This country belongs to the people of Tahiti' -
what would you think?" (from Supplement to
Bougainville's Voyage)
71The Age of Enlightenment in Europe
72Five Key Ideas of the Enlightenment
73- Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in
chains. - Rousseau
What are examples of things that are enslaving
uswhat aspects of society according to
Rousseau? Give historical and current examples!
74Five Key Ideas of the Enlightenment
- The five important philosophical concepts are
- Reason
- Nature
- Happiness
- Progress
- Liberty
75Five Key Ideas of the Enlightenment
- Urged the use of
- Reason absence of intolerance, bigotry or
prejudice in ones thinking beliefs should be
rational and free of biases - Nature natural laws exist w/out mans creation
what was natural was good and reasonable God is
found in nature - Happiness a person who lives by natures law
finds happiness argued against medieval notion
that people should accept misery as part of
lifes circle Philosophes believed in well-being
on earth - Progress Philosophes believed individuals could
seek perfection and in return, society seek
perfection looked at human being as capable of
progress, making something better - Liberty freedoms should not be merely granted,
but expected beliefs that we are born with
liberties in nature
- Belief in logic and science.
- Supported the application of the scientific
method to all aspects of society. - Government should be based on reason.
- It was a period of questioning---led to the
development of Political Science. - Importance of education and knowledge
- a)an understanding of human nature and how to
apply that knowledge - b)knowledge would conquer fear, superstition,
and prejudice - c)knowledge was key to improving society
- Truth can be discovered through reason (logical
thinking). - Reason unbiased thinking open to new ideas
- Enlightenment philosophers combined logic and
reason - Logic formal logic is the process(es) by which
an argument can be determined as valid or not. An
argument is valid if the premises are all true,
then the conclusion must also be true. - Example All humans have heart. Tom is a human.
Therefore, Tom has a heart. - Reason Enlightenment thinkers stated that it
consisted of common sense, observation, and their
own unacknowledged prejudices in favor of
skepticism and freedom.
80Reason Cont.
- The greatest crimes are perpetuated in the name
of religion and God. - A fair, just, and productive society absolutely
depends on religious tolerance. - This means religious tolerance for all forms of
Christianity and non-Christian faiths.
- Issues of the 17th century scene that the idea of
Reason attacked Dogma Fanaticism - Witch-hunts and Wars of Religion
- Protestants Catholics denounced each other as
followers of Satan - People imprisoned for attending wrong church
- All publications censored by church and state
- Slavery widely practiced, defended by religious
leaders - Despotism of monarchsdivine right of kings
- Any opposition was imprisoned or executed
- Reason and Logic had no room for these matters
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84- Denis Diderot - Encyclopédie 1766
- All things must be examined, debated,
investigated without exception and without regard
for anyones feelings - - Summarize promote knowledge
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- The belief that there were natural laws that
govern the earth as well as man. - Focused on the scientific discoveries and use of
reason to examine the world. - Deism---a religious philosophy that developed
around the following concepts - a)an impersonal deity (God)
- b)God is found in nature. You do not have to
attend a formal church. - c)There is a common morality amongst humans
that is seen in the similarities between Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. - d)It is a religion based upon REASON and not
Faith. -
89Nature Cont.
e)Goal was to humanize religion. f)Rejected
original sin. g)Attacked Christianity for the
persecution of other religions and abuses of
power. h)Believed society should exist without
religious supervision. i)It was their job to
discover how the world God created
worked. j)Rejected traditions and superstitions.
- What is natural is good and reasonable
- Natural laws affect economics and politics just
as natural laws guide science (ex motion).
91 The Social Contract, 1762
How could this fraudulent contract of government
be made legitimate? Man is born free and
everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself
master of others, and still remains a greater
slave than they. How did this change come about?
I do not know. What can make it legitimate? That
question I think I can answer.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778
The General Will
- The word "Deism" is derived from the Latin word
for God "Deus." Deism involves the belief in the
existence of God, on purely rational grounds,
without any reliance on revealed religion or
religious authority. - Deists
- Do not accept the belief of most religions that
God revealed himself to humanity through the
writings of the Bible, the Qur'an or other
religious texts. - Disagree with strong Atheists who assert that
there is no evidence of the existence of God.
- Deists regard their faith as a natural religion,
as contrasted with one that is revealed by a God
or which is artificially created by humans. - They reason that since everything that exists
has had a creator, then the universe itself must
have been created by God. - Thomas Paine concluded a speech shortly after the
French Revolution with "God is the power of
first cause, nature is the law, and matter is the
subject acted upon.
94Growth of Deism/Nature
- Intellectuals believe in God but see him as a
"watchmaker" - Deists skeptical of organized religion
- Catholic Church was attacked
- Deists struggle with personal standards
- Denial of providence (Voltaire) disputed by
others (Pope, Rousseau) - Denial of evil
95The Wit and Wisdom of Voltaire
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very
short one Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.
And God granted it.
Almost everything that goes beyond the adoration
of a Supreme Being and submission of the heart to
his orders is superstition. One of the most
dangerous is to believe that certain ceremonies
entail the forgiveness of crimes. Do you believe
that God will forget a murder you have committed
if you bathe in a certain river, sacrifice a
black sheep? Do better miserable humans, have
neither murders nor sacrifices of black sheep.
God is a comedian playing to an audience too
afraid to laugh. It is dangerous to be right
when the government is wrong. I may not agree
with what you have to say, but I will defend to
the death your right to say it.
96Example of Deism
- This was a time period of optimism.
- Believed every man had the right to develop his
full potential. - Focus on secular issues to make life better on
earth. -
- Living by Natures Laws brings happiness.
- Happiness for all is possible.
- Guaranteed freedoms/rights that everyone should
have like press, speech, religion. - Exploring the issues of equality amongst races
and gender. - Exploring what is the best form of government
and why. - Create a government that will help overcome
human cruelty and violence by using its power to
further social improvements.
- Envied liberties of English (Glorious Revolution
Bill of Rights) - Society could be set free through reason.
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108- "The good of the people must be the great
purpose of government. By the laws of nature and
of reason, the governors are invested with power
to that end. And the greatest good of the people
is liberty. It is to the state what health is to
the individual." - - Diderot in L'Encyclopedie Article on
Government, quoted in Barzun, Jacques, From Dawn
to Decadence, Perennial, 2000, p370.
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- A SCIENTIFIC approach can lead to perfect
humanity and science.
- Progress
- The belief that man can improve and perfect
society through education and scientific
advances. - Attack existing institutions and concepts of
- a)absolutism
- b)Christianity
- c)views on how the world works
- Belief in the importance of social reform
- By mastering both natural and human sciences,
man can harness the natural world for its own
benefit and learn to live peacefully with one
another. -
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115Pair Share Activity
- Review all the five key ideas of the
Enlightenment. Make any revisions to your notes. - Compare your symbols with your partner and
explain your choices. - Of the five key ideas, which do you each think
was the most important idea and explain why.
116Defining Philosophes
117The Philosophes
- Bourgeoisie well-educated middle class that
emerged during era - Philosophes writers within this class
- Advocated reason, science, education to build a
stable and free society - Concerned with solutions to social problems
118The Philosophes and Their Ideas
- France was the capital of the Enlightenment.
- Leaders of the Enlightenment were called
Philosophes. - Writers, professors, journalists, statesmen
economists and social reformers. - Came from both the nobility and middle class.
- Reason was to be used as a tool.
- Apply facts to experience to find the best way
for society to operate. - Secular movement focus was not on an afterlife,
but on this world and how it could be improved
and enjoyed. - Everything should be questioned to determine
whether it made logical sense and served society.
119The Philosophes
- Intellectuals who discussed ideas
- Used reason to explain their world
- Believed that reason could improve society
- Not satisfied with old ideas
- Believed in tolerance for all religions
120- The Philosophes
- The philosophes were French social critics in the
mid-1700s. - Paris becomes the center of the Enlightenment
during 1700s. - Paris is home to salons gatherings
wherethinkers (philosophes) meet to discuss
ideas. - They valued reason, nature, happiness, progress,
liberty. - Some philosophes worked to bring attention to
problems in society. - For example, Italian philosopher Cesare Beccaria
worked to reform justice system by calling for
speedy trials and greater rights for criminal
121The Enlightened Individual? The Philosophe
- Not really original thinkers as a whole, but were
great publicists of the new thinking ? CHANGE
PROGRESS! - They were students of society who analyzed its
evils and advanced reforms.
122What did the Philosophers Despise?
- Absolute Monarchs
- Land-Owning Nobles
- The Catholic Churchs Abusesf power
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125The Philosophes and Society
Thinkers called philosophes believed that the use
of reason could lead to reforms of government,
law, and society.
Believed that people were basically good.
Argued that government controls should be
minimal and should only be imposed by a freely
elected government. Felt the good of the
community should be placed above individual
Argued that a woman should be able to decide what
is in her own interest and should not be
completely dependent on her husband. Called for
equal education for girls and boys.
Defended the principle of freedom of
speech. Used wit to expose abuses and
corruption. Opposed the slave trade and
religious prejudice.
126Political Thinkers of the Enlightenment
People are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish.
People entered into a social contract, in order
to live in an organized society. Only an
absolute monarchy can ensure an orderly society.
The separation of powers is the best way to
protect liberty. Each branch of government
should serve as a check on the others.
People are basically reasonable and moral.
People have certain natural rights. A
government has a duty to the people it governs.
If a government fails, the people have the right
to overthrow it.
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130Centers of the Enlightenment
131Effects of the Enlightenment
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133 The Republic of Letters
- URBAN -- gathering of elites in the cities
(salons) - B. URBANE -- cosmopolitan, worldly -
music, art, literature, politics - read
newspapers the latest books - C. POLITENESS -- proper behavior -
134Reading During the Enlightenment
- Literacy - 80 for men, 60 women
- Books were expensive (one days wages)
- Many readers for each book
- - novels, plays other literature -
journals, memoirs, private lives -
philosophy, history, theology -
newspapers, political pamphlets - - often censored by governments
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136- Toleration Religious Minorities
- out of political necessity, toleration of certain
creeds began by 17th cent. - Louis XIV turned back the clock, persecuting
Huguenots in the early 18th cent. - Austria - Toleration Patent of 1781 recognized
Catholic public practice granted right to
private worship for Lutherans, Calvinists,
Greek Orthodox - in all other ways, Austrians were equal
- Toleration of the Jews
- remained the despised religious minority of
Europe - largest of Ashkenazic Jews lived in Eastern
Europe - restricted in movement
- forbidden to own land or hold jobs
- pay special taxes
- subject to periodic popular wrath
- Sephardic Jews - had been expelled from Spain in
15th cent. - settled in Turkish lands, also cities such as
Amsterdam, Venice, London, Frankfurt where they
were free to work in banking commercial
activities - many philosophes denounced persecution, but still
ridiculed Jewish customs - Austria eased restrictions on Jews, but still
own land or worship publicly
137Impact/ Effects of the Enlightenment
- The Enlightenment birthed two revolutions
imperative to Western Civilization - American Revolution
- French Revolution
- The Enlightenment created an outlet for
intellectuals/educated to openly debate issues
w/in society - This era allowed for a greater sense of
universalism where peoples did not live for
their own sake, but sought betterment for others
138England v. France
- The English and French Enlightenments exchanged
influences through many channels. - Because England had gotten its revolution out of
the way early, it was able to proceed more
smoothly down the road to democracy. - But English liberty was dynamite when transported
to France, where resistance by church and state
was fierce.
139Progression Timeline
140Enlightenment in America
- Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, many of the
intellectual leaders of the American colonies
were drawn to the Enlightenment. - Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, and Paine were
powerfully influenced by Enlightenment thought. - The God who underwrites the concept of equality
in the Declaration of Independence is the same
Deist God Rousseau worshipped.
141Why should we care?
- Because Thomas Jefferson totally ripped off of
these guys! - You remember that little paper he wrote? It was
called The Declaration of Independence and signed
on July 4, 1776. - This paper summarized how the Enlightenment ideas
influenced our American forefathers (Thomas
Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, James
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143American Revolution
- The language of natural law, of inherent
freedoms, of self-determination which seeped so
deeply into the American grain was the language
of the Enlightenment. - Separated geographically from most of the
aristocrats against whom they were rebelling,
their revolution was to be far less corrosive
than that in France.
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145Montesquieus 3 branches in Action
146Enlightenment Ideas in America
- Natural Rights life, liberty, and pursuit of
happiness - Separation of Power legislative, judicial,
executive branches - Social Contract
- Freedom of speech, press, and religion
- Purpose of Govt to serve the people
- System of Checks and Balances
- Capitalism
- Importance of Education
- Belief that science and eventually technology
will solve most or all problems - Idea of Human Rights
- Helping others---social services, etc.
147Pair Share Activity
- Complete the Sum It Up Activity that is the last
page of the graphic organizer packet. - Some pairs will be sharing them as closure to the