Living Water Community Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Living Water Community Church


Title: 2001-2002 Research Plan Author: Pastor Brett Peterson Last modified by: Pastor Brett Created Date: 6/28/2001 4:52:03 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Living Water Community Church

Living Water Community Church
  • Being Lights in a Dark World III

Giving an Answer
  • Answering the attacks against the Bible
  • 1Pe 313 Who is there to harm you if you prove
    zealous for what is good?
  • 1Pe 314 But even if you should suffer for the
    sake of righteousness, you are blessed. AND DO
  • 1Pe 315 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your
    hearts, always being ready to make a defense to
    everyone who asks you to give an account for the
    hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and

Who do you rely on God or Man?
  • Psa 119105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And
    a light to my path.
  • (Psa 14310) Teach me to do Your will, For You
    are my God Let Your good Spirit lead me on level
  • (Luk 1212) for the Holy Spirit will teach you
    in that very hour what you ought to say."
  • (Joh 1426) "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
    whom the Father will send in My name, He will
    teach you all things, and bring to your
    remembrance all that I said to you.

Why do we need the Bible?
The Authority of Scripture
A Spirit-Inspired Revelation from God
Applied to Us by the Spirit It is our sole
source of faith and practice!
The Necessity of Scripture
Our Finiteness The finite cannot comprehend the
Our Sinfulness Pride, self will, attachment to
our own truth We need a source of absolute Truth
outside of our own thinking
The Sufficiency of Scripture
For Faith Gods Word is proven to be that
source of Truth
For Life - If you live in obedience to Gods
Word, you will have abundant life
The Clarity of Scripture
Misunderstanding Scripture
  • If the Bible is given to be understood, why is
    there so much confusion as to its meaning?
  • Why are there so many
  • Denominations and beliefs?

  • Mat 183 and said, "Truly I say to you, unless
    you are converted and become like children, you
    will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
  • Mat 184 "Whoever then humbles himself as this
    child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of
  • Children love unconditionally.
  • Children are teachable. They tend to see the
    simple truth and tell the truth without regard
    to pride or appearances.
  • Children have complete faith in parents, so we
    should trust God. And trust His Word!

  • (1Ti 24) God desires all men to be saved and to
    come to the knowledge of the truth.
  • (2Ti 225) with gentleness correcting those who
    are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them
    repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,
  • (2Ti 37) Holding to a Form of Godliness,
    denying the poweralways learning and never able
    to come to the knowledge of the truth.
  • (Tit 11) Paul, a bond-servant of God and an
    apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those
    chosen of God and the knowledge of the truth
    which is according to godliness,
  • (Heb 1026) For if we go on sinning willfully
    after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there
    no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

Is the Biblical Record Accurate?
  • Now we are going to examine some of the proofs
    for the Bible.
  • Archaeology has always proven the Biblical
  • The Bible is Gods Word!

  • Over the years there have been many criticisms
    leveled against the Bible concerning its
    historical reliability. These criticisms are
    usually based on a lack of evidence from outside
    sources to confirm the Biblical record. Since the
    Bible is a religious book, many scholars take the
    position that it is biased and cannot be trusted
    unless we have corroborating evidence from
    extra-Biblical sources. In other words, the Bible
    is guilty until proven innocent, and a lack of
    outside evidence places the Biblical account in

  • This standard is far different from that applied
    to other ancient documents, even though many, if
    not most, have a religious element. They are
    considered to be accurate, unless there is
    evidence to show that they are not. Although it
    is not possible to verify every incident in the
    Bible, the discoveries of archaeology since the
    mid 1800s have demonstrated the reliability and
    plausibility of the Bible narrative.

  • The history of written language began almost
    6,000 years ago in the small villages of
    Mesopotamia. This first written language was
    called Cuneiform.
  • Most of history at this time was handed down

Archeological proof for the Bible
  • We will now take a look at the evidence that
    helps establish the reliability of the Bible and
    its record.
  • It is reliable historically and Doctrinally!

Classical Authors and Date of Copies
Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament
1998 Figures from Bruce Metzger via Case For
Christ. p. 60 - 63
A Reporters Conclusion
  • Archaeology (N.T.)
  • In extraordinary ways, modern archeology has
    affirmed the historical core of the Old and New
    Testaments--corroborating key portions of the
    stories of Israels patriarchs, the Exodus, the
    Davidic monarchy, the life and times of Jesus.
  • Jeffrey Shelter, Is the Bible True?
  • US News and World Report, Oct. 25, 1999, P. 52

  • Is the Bible True? U.S. News World Report,
    October 25, 1999
  • Mary Joseph travel to hometown for census?
  • Recently discovered Roman Empire-wide census was
    held every 14 years
  • Pool of Bethesda with 5 pillars? (John Chapter 5)
  • Archaeologists recently discovered this pool
  • Crucifixion? No skeletal remains found
  • But in 1968, found a tomb with remains of a 24-28
    year old man nailed to the cross, with leg broken

A Skeptics Conclusion
Is the New Testament corroborated by Archaeology?
  • I began with a mind unfavorable to it (Acts),
    for the ingenuity and apparent completeness of
    the theory. It did not lie then in my line of
    life to investigate the subject minutely but
    more recently I found myself often brought in
    contact with the book of Acts as an authority for
    the topography, antiquities, and society of Asia
    Minor. It was gradually borne in upon me that in
    various details the narrative showed marvelous
  • Sir Wm. Ramsay, St. Paul the Traveler and the
    Roman Citizen, P. 8

Another Skeptics Conclusion
  • Archaeology (N.T.)
  • As a matter of fact, however, it may be stated
    categorically that no archaeological discovery
    has ever controverted a biblical reference.
    Scores of archaeological findings have been made
    which confirm in clear outline or exact detail
    historical statements in the Bible.
  • Nelson Glueck, Rivers in the Desert, P. 31

3. How do we know that the Bible is not just a
myth that developed over time?
Liberal Dating
Couldnt the stories about Jesus be a myth that
was invented over a period of time?
  • I Corinthians Spring 55
  • Mark 45-60 AD
  • Matthew 40-60 AD
  • Luke 57-60 AD
  • Jude 61-62 AD
  • Acts 57-62 AD
  • John 40-65 AD
  • John A. T. Robinson
  • Redating the New Testament, P. 352

Conclusions of a Respected Archaeologist
  • Couldnt the stories about Jesus be a myth that
    was invented over a period of time?
  • Rephrasing the question, I would answer that, in
    my opinion, every book of the New Testament was
    written by a baptized Jew between the forties and
    the eighties of the first century A.D. (very
    probably sometime between about 50 and 75 A.D.
  • Wm.. F. Albright, Toward a More Conservative View
  • Christianity Today, Jan., 1963, P. 359

An Historian Weighs In
  • Roman Historian, A.N. Sherwin-White calls the
    mythological view of the New Testament
  • Williams Lane Craig says,
  • The tests show that even two generations is too
    short to allow legendary tendencies to wipe out
    the hard core of historical facts.
  • William Lane Craig, The Son Rises, P. 101

  • Two hundred years ago, scholars doubted whether
    Babylon ever existed, and the only record could
    be found in the Bible. Higher critics used the
    story of Babylon, and what they called its
    "non-historic kings", to disseminate Scripture.
    However in 1898, Babylon was suddenly discovered
    and excavations started.

  • We know today that it was one of the first cities
    in the world, and indeed, founded by Nimrod,
    great-grandson of Noah. (Genesis 1010,11).
    Archaeologists have found his name on many
    inscriptions and tablets, while a massive head of
    Nimrod has been excavated near Calah on the
    Tigris River.

  • Many of the people mentioned in the Bible are
    confirmed in sources outside the Bible. In the
    case of royalty, many times a likeness of the
    individual has been recovered. Over 50 persons
    named in the Old Testament are known outside the
    Bible, and we have likenesses of 12 of them. Some
    27 people named in the New Testament are known
    from other records, with six likenesses surviving
    (four of them Roman emperors).

  • Based on current knowledge of Biblical and
    Egyptian chronology, the best candidate for the
    pharaoh of the Exodus is Tuthmosis III, who ruled
    1504-1450 B.C. We have many records from his
    reign, as well as this statuary of the pharaoh

  • The most documented Biblical event is the
    world-wide flood described in Genesis 6-9. A
    number of Babylonian documents have been
    discovered which describe the same flood.
  • We also have flood accounts from other cultures
    around the world!

  • The Sumerian King List (pictured here), for
    example, lists kings who reigned for long periods
    of time. Then a great flood came. Following the
    flood, Sumerian kings ruled for much shorter
    periods of time. This is the same pattern found
    in the Bible. Men had long life spans before the
    flood and shorter life spans after the flood.

  • The 11th tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic speaks of
    an ark, animals taken on the ark, birds sent out
    during the course of the flood, the ark landing
    on a mountain, and a sacrifice offered after the
    ark landed.
  • The Story of Adapa tells of a test for
    immortality involving food, similar to the story
    of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

  • Sumerian tablets record the confusion of language
    as we have in the Biblical account of the Tower
    of Babel (Genesis 111-9). There was a golden age
    when all mankind spoke the same language. Speech
    was then confused by the god Enki, lord of
    wisdom. The Babylonians had a similar account in
    which the gods destroyed a temple tower and
    "scattered them abroad and made strange their

  • Campaign into Israel by Pharaoh Shishak (1 Kings
    1425-26), recorded on the walls of the Temple of
    Amun in Thebes, Egypt.

  • A number of remarkable clay tablets, discovered
    at Tell-el-Amarna in Upper Egypt. They confirm
    the historical statements of the Book of Joshua,
    and prove the antiquity of civilization in Syria
    and Palestine. As the clay in different parts of
    Palestine differs, it has been found possible by
    the clay alone to decide where the tablets come
    from when the name of the writer is lost. The
    inscriptions are cuneiform, and in the Aramaic
    language, resembling Assyrian. The writers are
    Phoenicians, Amorites, and Philistines, but in no
    instance Hittites, though Hittites are mentioned.
    The tablets consist of official dispatches and
    letters, dating from B.C. 1480, addressed to the
    two Pharaohs, Amenophis III. and IV., the last of
    this dynasty, from the kings and governors of
    Phoenicia and Palestine. There occur the names of
    three kings killed by Joshua, Adoni-zedec, king
    of Jerusalem, Japhia, king of Lachish (Josh.
    103), and Jabin, king of Hazor (111) also the
    Hebrews (Abiri) are said to have come from the

  • Revolt of Moab against Israel (2 Kings 11
    34-27), recorded on the Mesha Inscription.

  1. Hebrew id, a king of Moab, the son of
    Chemosh-Gad, a man of great wealth in flocks and
    herds (2 Kings 34). After the death of Ahab at
    Ramoth-Gilead, Mesha shook off the yoke of
    Israel but on the ascension of Jehoram to the
    throne of Israel, that king sought the help of
    Jehoshaphat in an attempt to reduce the Moabites
    again to their former condition. The united
    armies of the two kings came unexpectedly on the
    army of the Moabites, and gained over them an
    easy victory. The whole land was devastated by
    the conquering armies, and Mesha sought refuge in
    his last stronghold, Kir-harasheth (q.v.).
    Reduced to despair, he ascended the wall of the
    city, and there, in the sight of the allied
    armies, offered his first-born son a sacrifice to
    Chemosh, the fire-god of the Moabites. This
    fearful spectacle filled the beholders with
    horror, and they retired from before the besieged
    city, and recrossed the Jordan laden with spoil
    (2 Kings 325-27).
  2. The exploits of Mesha are recorded in the
    Phoenician inscription on a block of black basalt
    found at Dibon, in Moab, usually called the
    "Moabite stone" (q.v.).

  • Fall of Samaria (2 Kings 173-6, 24 189-11) to
    Sargon II, king of Assyria, as recorded on his
    palace walls.

  • Campaign of the Assyrian king Sennacherib against
    Judah (2 Kings 1813-16), as recorded on the
    Taylor Prism.

  • Siege of Lachish by Sennacherib (2 Kings 1814,
    17), as recorded on the Lachish reliefs.
  • It was assaulted and probably taken by
    Sennacherib (2 Kings 1814,17 198 Isa. 362).
    An account of this siege is given on some slabs
    found in the chambers of the palace of Koyunjik,
    and now in the British Museum. The inscription
    has been deciphered as follows
  • "Sennacherib, the mighty king, king of the
    country of Assyria, sitting on the throne of
    judgment before the city of Lachish I gave
    permission for its slaughter."

  • Lachish has been identified with Tell-el-Hesy,
    where a cuneiform tablet has been found,
    containing a letter supposed to be from Amenophis
    at Amarna in reply to one of the Amarna tablets
    sent by Zimrida from Lachish. This letter is from
    the chief of Atim (Etam, 1 Chr. 432) to the
    chief of Lachish, in which the writer expresses
    great alarm at the approach of marauders from the
    Hebron hills. "They have entered the land," he
    says, "to lay waste...strong is he who has come
    down. He lays waste." This letter shows that "the
    communication by tablets in cuneiform script was
    not only usual in writing to Egypt, but in the
    internal correspondence of the country. The
    letter, though not so important in some ways as
    the Moabite stone and the Siloam text, is one of
    the most valuable discoveries ever made in
    Palestine" (Conder's Tell Amarna Tablets, p.
  • Among other discoveries is that of an iron
    blast-furnace, with slag and ashes, which is
    supposed to have existed B.C. 1500. If the
    theories of experts are correct, the use of the
    hot-air blast instead of cold air (an improvement
    in iron manufacture patented by Neilson in 1828)
    was known fifteen hundred years before Christ.

  • Assassination of Sennacherib by his own sons (2
    Kings 1937), as recorded in the annals of his
    son Esarhaddon.

Moabite Stone
  • It was 3 1/2 feet high and 2 in breadth and in
    thickness, rounded at the top. It consisted of
    thirty-four lines, written in Hebrew-Phoenician
    characters. It was set up by Mesha as a record
    and memorial of his victories. It records (1)
    Mesha's wars with Omri, (2) his public buildings,
    and (3) his wars against Horonaim. This
    inscription in a remarkable degree supplements
    and corroborates the history of King Mesha
    recorded in 2 Kings 34-27.

  • Fall of Nineveh as predicted by the prophets
    Nahum and Zephaniah (213-15), recorded on the
    Tablet of Nabopolasar.

  • Fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, king of
    Babylon (2 Kings 2410-14), as recorded in the
    Babylonian Chronicles.

  • Captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in
    Babylon (2 Kings 2415-16), as recorded on the
    Babylonian Ration Records.

  • Fall of Babylon to the Medes and Persians (Daniel
    530-31), as recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.

  • Freeing of captives in Babylon by Cyrus the Great
    (Ezra 11-4 63-4), as recorded on the Cyrus
  • The edict of Cyrus for the rebuilding of
    Jerusalem marked a great epoch in the history of
    the Jewish people (2 Chr. 3622, 23 Ezra 11-4
    43 513-17 63-5).
  • This decree was discovered "at Achmetha R.V.
    marg., "Ecbatana", in the palace that is in the
    province of the Medes" (Ezra 62).

  • The discovery of the Ebla archive in northern
    Syria in the 1970s has shown the Biblical
    writings concerning the Patriarchs to be viable.
    Documents written on clay tablets from around
    2300 B.C. demonstrate that personal and place
    names in the Patriarchal accounts are genuine.
    The name "Canaan" was in use in Ebla, a name
    critics once said was not used at that time and
    was used incorrectly in the early chapters of the

  • The word "tehom" ("the deep") in Genesis 12 was
    said to be a late word demonstrating the late
    writing of the creation story. "Tehom" was part
    of the vocabulary at Ebla, in use some 800 years
    before Moses.

  • The Hittites were once thought to be a Biblical
    legend, until their capital and records were
    discovered at Bogazkoy, Turkey. Many thought the
    Biblical references to Solomon's wealth were
    greatly exaggerated. Recovered records from the
    past show that wealth in antiquity was
    concentrated with the king and Solomon's
    prosperity was entirely feasible.

  • It was once claimed there was no Assyrian king
    named Sargon as recorded in Isaiah 201, because
    this name was not known in any other record.
    Then, Sargon's palace was discovered in
    Khorsabad, Iraq. The very event mentioned in
    Isaiah 20, his capture of Ashdod, was recorded on
    the palace walls. What is more, fragments of a
    stela memorializing the victory were found at
    Ashdod itself.

  • Another king who was in doubt was Belshazzar,
    king of Babylon, named in Daniel 5. The last king
    of Babylon was Nabonidus according to recorded
    history. Tablets were found showing that
    Belshazzar was Nabonidus' son who served as
    coregent in Babylon. Thus, Belshazzar could offer
    to make Daniel "third highest ruler in the
    kingdom" (Dan. 516) for reading the handwriting
    on the wall, the highest available position.
  • He was Co-Regent Nabonidus became sick and
    left the rule to his son.

  • When Israeli archaeologists cleared the area
    around the southern portion of the Western Wall
    (above), they ran into the inscription you see
    here. Although not a verbatim copy, it comes
    reasonably close to a vision found in the last
    chapter of the Book of Isaiah "When you see
    this, your bones will become like shoots of green

  • The existence of Jesus Christ as recorded by
    Josephus, Suetonius, Thallus, Pliny the Younger,
    the Talmud, and Lucian.

Historian Josephus
  • Josephus says,
  • At this time there was a wise man who was called
    Jesus. And his conduct was good and (he) was
    known to be virtuous. And many people from among
    the Jews and other nations became his disciples.
    Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die.
    And those who had become his disciples did not
    abandon his discipleship. They reported that he
    had appeared to them three days after his
    crucifixion and that he was alive accordingly He
    was perhaps the Messiah concerning whom the
    prophets have recounted wonders.
  • As cited in Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Page
  • (Arabic text, 10th Cent.)

The Significance of Josephus
The significance of this passage by Josephus
  • Makes reference to Jesus claim to be the Christ
  • Speak of His miracles
  • Points out that people perceived Jesus teachings
    as the truth
  • Indicates the historicity of Pilate and the event
    of the cross.
  • Records the claim by His disciples that Jesus was
  • Documents that Jesus had many converts

Jewish Source The Talmud
  • On the eve of Passover Yeshua was hanged. For
    forty days before the execution took place, a
    herald went forth and cried, he is going to be
    stoned because he has practiced sorcery and
    enticed Israel to apostasy. Any one who can say
    anything in his favor, let him come forward and
    plead on his behalf. But since nothing was
    brought forward in his favor he was hanged on the
    eve of the Passover.
  • The Talmud, Sanhedrin, 43a
  • (cf. John 118, 16)

The Significance of the Talmud
The Significance of Jewish writings about Jesus
  • It confirms the historicity of Jesus life.
  • It confirms His death by the method of
    crucifixion (The Jewish method of execution would
    have been stoning)
  • It indicates that Jesus did do miraculous things
    but attributed his power to the devil (similar to
    Mark 322 Matt. 934 1224)
  • It indicated that Jesus gathered many converts
    from the Jewish community

Accuracy Established
Conclusion from bibliographical and external
evidence test
  • The interval then between the dates of the
    original composition and the earliest extant
    evidence becomes so small as to be in fact
    negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt
    that the Scriptures have come down to us
    substantially as they were written has now now
    been removed. Both the authenticity and the
    general integrity of the books of the New
    Testament may be regarded as finally
  • Sir Frederic Kenyon
  • The Bible and Archaeology, P. 288

             The fall of Jerusalem to
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (2 Kings
2410-14) is recorded in the Babylonian
Chronicles.                           The
captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in
Babylon (2 Kings 2415-16) is recorded on the
Babylonian Ration Records.                      
                                         The fall
of Babylon to the Medes and Persians (Daniel
530-31) is recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.  
          The freeing of captives in Babylon by
Cyrus the Great(Ezra 11-4 63-4) is recorded
on the Cyrus Cylinder.  

            The campaign of the Assyrian king
Sennacherib against Judah (2 Kings 1813-16) is
recorded on the Taylor Prism.  
          The siege of Lachish by Sennacherib (2
Kings 1814, 17) is recorded on the Lachish
                       The assassination of
Sennacherib by his own sons (2 Kings 1937) is
recorded in the annals of his son Esarhaddon.  
          The fall of Nineveh as predicted by the
prophets Nahum and Zephaniah (213-15) is
recorded on the Tablet of Nabopolasar.
             The campaign into Israel by Pharaoh
Shishak (1 Kings 1425-26) is recorded on the
walls of the Temple of Amun in Thebes, Egypt.  
           The revolt of Moab against Israel (2
Kings 11 34-27) is recorded on the Mesha
                           The fall of Samaria
(2 Kings 173-6, 24 189-11) to Sargon II, king
of Assyria, is recorded on his palace walls.  
         The defeat of Ashdod by Sargon II
(Isaiah 201) is recorded on his palace walls.
Is the Bible reliable?
  • Yes!
  • In addition to all of this, there are many other
    examples of extra-Biblical confirmation of
    Biblical events.

  • For years, critics of the Biblical historical
    account have doubted its reliability not because
    there existed archeological evidence that
    DISPROVED its claims, but simply because there
    was no discovered archeological evidence found
    yet to SUBSTANTIATE its claims.
  • Now, in light of recent archeology, many are
    beginning to believe!

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