Building a joy-filled community in the slums - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Building a joy-filled community in the slums


Building a joy-filled community in the slums The Holy Spirit s pattern for Church planting A holistic Church was God s intention .. But most Christians when ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Building a joy-filled community in the slums

Building a joy-filled community in the slums
  • The Holy Spirits pattern for Church planting

A holistic Church was Gods intention..
  • But most Christians when talking about holism
    still ignore three vital elements of a holistic
  • 1. The economic factors money is seen as evil
    and secular.
  • 2. Sustainability and viability what we do must
    be viable and sustainable otherwise it will not
  • 3. Creativity God made us to be creative. We
    experience the most satisfaction or joy when we
    are using these creative talents.

Every aspect of redeemed human life was intended
to be part of church life
  • We are to be naturally spiritual
  • To be truly spiritual is to be truly human as God
  • We have created a dichotomy (separation) between
    the natural and the spiritual that God never
  • The church is still the church when in the
    workplace. The workplace should reflect that
    level of spirituality.

What is the Church???
  • We misunderstand the concept of the holistic
    nature of the Church because we still see the
    Church as an institution rather than a community
    of Gods people.
  • We still put structure before people, making
    Gods servants serve structure rather than
    peoplethe genius of Mother Teresas ministry to
    the poor.
  • The community of Gods people are not of the
    world but are still living in the world.
  • You cannot live in the world and ignore economic
    issues, such as sustainability and viability. Our
    heart is not to serve money but to use money to
    release Gods servants to serve people.

The Church is a community
  • A Church is not created by helping individuals to
    become economically self sufficient.
  • Members of a Church must value their experience
    of learning and working together.
  • Helping one another to acquire skills to live and
    bless others is essential for a joy-filled
    community (Church).

What makes a healthy community?
  • There are four key principles
  • 1. It must be economically viable
  • 2. It must attract and develop
  • capable indigenous leadership this
  • may well involve very difficult
  • sacrifices in time and money to
  • educate and skill the potential
  • leaders

What makes a healthy community....continued?
  • 3. It must seek to integrate itself
  • into the wider city systems for
  • transport, water, power, healthcare,
  • rubbish removal, policing and local
  • politics.
  • 4. It must teach its members to
  • practice Kingdom values in all
  • aspects of their daily lives.

The impact of these Kingdom values were
demonstrated in the Acts 2 Church
The Acts 2 v 42-47 pattern
  • They continually devoted themselves to prayer,
    teaching, fellowship and breaking bread.
  • They had a sense of awe at the amazing things God
    was doing amongst them.
  • They had all things in common.
  • They shared their possessions.

  • They were meeting
  • together daily.
  • They were of one mind (unity).
  • They were eating together.
  • They were daily worshipping God together.
  • They were glad (joy-filled).
  • They were sincere in their heart and
    relationships with one another.

How do we prepare to enter a slum context?
  • The are four key steps to entry
  • Hear the call of God and respond in obedience
  • Relocate into the slum and live with the people
  • Reconcile relationships within the slum
  • Re-distribute wealth and resources especially the
    under-used labour resource

How do we create a joy-filled community in a
slum context?
  • Find an activity appropriate to the context that
    is skill creating and income generating that a
    group of people can do together in the same
  • The joy of learning and earning will create an
    environment for a church to be planted.

Leadership will emerge from the activity
  • The group participation in the activity will
    cause leaders to emerge from within the group and
    they should be given responsibility for the
    leadership of the group activity. This way
    indigenous leadership gifts will emerge among the

Jesus was anointed to set the oppressed free!
  • Isaiah 61 verses 1-2
  • Bring good news to the afflicted
  • Bind up the broken-hearted
  • Proclaim liberty to the captives
  • Set the prisoners free
  • All the above Jesus did so they will experience
    the favourable year of the Lord in their lives.

The anointing is upon urban poor workers so they
  • Bring the year of Gods favour to the slum
  • Liberating them from poverty, disease,
    malnutrition, addictions, and broken relationships

Isaiah 61 v 3
  • Give flowers instead of ashes
  • Give gladness instead of mourning
  • A spirit of praise instead of fainting
  • Those who receive this blessing will be oaks of
  • The planting of the Lord that He may be
    glorified e.g. a Church.

Anointed slumworkers should try to
  • Develop an activity in a slum that will
  • Form and interdependent community that meets
    together every day.
  • Teaches skills, creates income, teaches kingdom
    values and attitudes, prays and praises together.
  • Is fair and just and shows the love and goodness
    of God for all members of the community.

Show mercy with cheerfulness.
  • Marva Dawn has written a book called Truly
    Community an exposition of Romans 12 v 8
  • The Greek word for cheerfulness is hilarotes.
    It implies a deep joy from being in the community
    of the Body of Christ
  • Paul says we are to show mercy with
    cheerfulness Romans 12 v 8
  • Everything you do in slum ministry should be done
    in mercy with cheerfulness a deep joy coming
    from the fact that you are doing what you do in a
    community contextthe Body of Christ.
  • This is why it is important for the slum activity
    to be a communal activity. The joy comes not only
    from the Holy Spirits presence but from the joy
    of being with each other in community, our
    spiritual extended family.

Your attitude is being like Christ !
  • As you work with people in the close context of
    community your actions and attitudes are copied
    by those you are working with. You are a
  • The Apostle Paul knew that, so he said show
    mercy with cheerfulness Romans 12 verse 8. That
    cheerfulness comes from our love of the Body and
    the joy of being together. Relationship that have
    been made whole by the power of a reconciling
  • We have all been given the ministry of
    reconciliation so the Body of Christ can enjoy
    the joy of healthy relationships. 11 Corinthians
    5 v 17 - 19

A joy-filled community becomes..
  • A Church.
  • The ministry of each person to the other becomes
    the way in which the Spirit develops gifts in
    each person.
  • These gifts make a way for leadership to develop
    in the community. Leadership should be encouraged
    as a recognition of maturity in Christ.
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