Gain margin and phase margin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gain margin and phase margin


Gain margin and phase margin Closed-loop gain of amplifiers with feedback is replacing s=j2 f gives the closed loop gain as a function of frequency – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gain margin and phase margin

Gain margin and phase margin
  • Closed-loop gain of amplifiers with feedback is
  • replacing sj2pf gives the closed loop gain
    as a function of frequency
  • For a given frequency f1, if ßA(f1)-1, the close
    loop gain becomes infinite. This corresponds to a
    pole on the jw axis at s j2pf1. The transient
    response then contains a constant-amplitude
  • In considering the stability of a feedback
    amplifier, we examine the bode plot for the loop
    gain ßA(f) to find the frequency fgm for which
    the phase shift is -180 degrees. If the magnitude
    of the loop gain is less than unity at fgm, the
    amplifier is stable. On the other hand, if the
    loop gain magnitude is greater than unity, the
    amplifier is unstable.
  • For a stable amplifier, the amount that the loop
    gain magnitude is below 0db is called the gain
    margin. A gain margin of zero implies that a pole
    lies on jw axis. In general, a larger gain margin
    results in less ringing and faster decay of
    transient response.
  • Another measure of stability from the loop gain
    bode plot is the phase margin, which is
    determined at the frequency fpm for which the
    loop gain is unity (0db). The phase difference
    between the actual phase and -180 degrees is the
    phase margin.

Stability of amplifier
  • Since we want to design feedback amplifiers to
    avoid transient response ringing and frequency
    response peaks, a generally accepted rule of
    thumb is to design for a minimum gain margin of
    10db and a minimum phase margin of 45 degrees.
  • Typical magnitude and phase plot for stability

Pole compensation I
  • Negative feedback is useful to reduce distortion,
    stabilize gain and increase bandwidth. But to
    achieve these benefits, the loop gain
  • must be much larger than unity.
  • On one hand, we can design an amplifier with a
    large open-loop gain. This calls for several
    stages of amplification, and multi-stage
    amplifiers invariably introduce multiple poles.
  • On the other hand, a large value of feedback
    coefficient may lead to instability in a
    multiple-pole amplifier.
  • Thus, we must deliberately modify the pole
    locations (or equivalently frequency and
    transient response) of the amplifier before
    feedback can be used effectively. The is called

Pole compensation II
  • Instability occurs if the magnitude of loop gain
    is greater than 0db at the frequency for
    which the phase is -180.
  • Each pole potentially contributes a phase shift
    between 0 to -90 at any given frequency.
  • For a single amplifier, instability is not a
    problem, since the extreme phase is -90.
  • For a two pole amplifier, the extreme phase is
    -180, which occurs until frequency approaches
    infinity. However, it is possible for the phase
    to become very close to -180 at the frequency for
    which the loop gain is 0db, resulting in very
    small phase margin, hence long transient ringing
    and large frequency response peaking.
  • For three or more poles amplifier, a phase shift
    of -180 is possible before the loop gain
    magnitude has dropped below 0db. Thus, an
    amplifier having three or more poles can become
  • There are several approaches to compensate the
    pole location. One popular method, called
    dominant-pole compensation, is to add another
    pole at a very low frequency, such that the
    loop-gain drops to unity by the time the phase
    reaches X (e.g. -135 degrees). In this way, a
    phase margin of X180 (e.g. 45 degrees) could be

Pole compensation III
  • Most of the amplifier design are OpAmp based
  • A good example for pole compensation at the
  • level is illustrated in the book Page 623,
    E.g. 9.11.

(No Transcript)
Before compensation
After compensation
Frequency response
Transient response
Three examples of IC OpAmp I
Three examples of IC OpAmp II
Three examples of IC OpAmp III
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