Title: High Bandwidth and High Gain Rail to Rail Amplifier
1High Bandwidth and High Gain Rail to Rail
- Chenlu Hou
- Chih-hao Kuo
- Thompson Wei Cheng Lin
- OpAmp Design Specifications
- Implementation
- Input stage (complementary pairs)
- Gain Stage (cascode)
- Output Stage (source follower)
- Complete Circuit Schematic
- Simulation Results
- Reference
- Conclusion
3Op-Amp Design Specifications
- Rail to rail common mode input Vss to Vdd(2.5V)
- Low frequency gain 70 dB
- Unity gain bandwidth 100 MHz
- Phase margin of 65 degree
- 0.25 um CMOS technology
- Robust to load variation
4Implementation - Input Stage
PMOS differential input
NMOS differential input
5Input Stage Complementary Differential Pairs
Intermediate Vcm
6Input Stage Complementary Differential Pairs
N-channel switch open P-channel switch close
N-channel switch close P-channel switch open
7Common Gate Amp
- Double cascoded configureation
- Isolate output resistance from complementary
input pairs - Large gain and small parasitc capacitance
- Want dominant pole as large as possible
- Large W/L ratio (large gain) small W (large BW)
from NMOS differential inputs
from PMOS differential inputs
8Output Stage Source Follower
- Vout tracks Vin
- Large Cp (2p) low frequency pole
- Adding shunt resistances to enlarge pole
frequency - DC offset
- Large gm of SF and small I
9Complete Circuit Schematic
Complementary Input Stage
Common Gate Amp
Source Follower
Biasing Stage
10Simulation Result Gain, Unity Gain Frequency,
and Phase Margin
Low Frequency Gain gt70.7dB
Vdd2.5V T27o CL2pF
Unity Gain Frequency gt 86MHz
Phase at ?u 115.5o gt Phase Margin 64.5o
11Simulation Result Temperature variation T 85C
Low Frequency Gain gt 68 dB
Unity Gain Frequency gt 75MHz
Phase at at ?u 114.6o gt Phase Margin 65.4o
12Simulation Result Output Swing and Output offset
Output Swing gt 1 V
Output Offset 67 µV
13Layout (50u x 100u)
Common Gate amp
Biasing Circuits
Source Follower
Complementary Input Stage
14Specifications of the designed Op-Amp
- A High Bandwidth Constant gm and Slew Rate Rail
to Rail CMOS Input Circuit and its application to
Analog Cells for Low Voltage VLSI systems by
William Redman-White - Operational Amplifiers Rail to Rail Input Stages
Using Complementary Differential Pairs by Ahmed
Gharbiya - A Compact Power Efficient 3 V CMOS Rail-to-Rail
Input/Output Operational Amplifier for VLSI cell
Libraries by Ron. Hongervorst, John P. Tero,
Ruud G. H. Eschauzier, and Johan H. Huijsing - Robust Design of Rail-to-Rail CMOS operational
Amplifiers for a Low Power Supply Voltage by
Satoshi Sakurai and Mohammed Ismail - Constant-gm Rail-to-Rail CMOS Op-Amp Input Stage
with Overlapped Transition Regions by Mingsheng
Wang, Terry L. Mayhung, Jr, Sherif H. K. Embabi
and Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio - Lecture notes on Constant Gm Rail-to-Rail Input
Stage by Dr. Howard Luong - Lecture notes on Rail-to-Rail Op Amps by Edgar
- Our design met all the design constraints in most
cases - Rail to rail common mode input
- High gain and unity gain bandwidth
- Questions