Lecture 3 ESS_2nd semester - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 3 ESS_2nd semester


Fertilization and cleavage, ... (phase) of development similar goals ... in the human pre-embryonic phase involves the first 3 weeks from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 3 ESS_2nd semester

Lecture 3 ESS_2nd semester
  • Embryology - definition, the object and
    significance of embryology
  • Phases of the human ontogeny
  • Gametes - their structure, physiology and origin
  • (gametogenesis). Differences between
  • and oogenesis
  • Transportation of gametes. Sperm capacitation and
  • reaction
  • Fertilization and cleavage, the morula and
  • Implantation

  • development of plant as well as animal organisms
    begins when an ovum is fertilized and ends at the
    moment of the death of individual
  • the time period from fertilization to death is
    called as the ontogeny
  • (also as life cycle)
  • in placental mammals, including the human,
    ontogeny divides 2 periods of different length
  • prenatal period (prenatal development) - from
    fertilization of an ovum to delivery of fetus
  • postnatal period (postnatal development) - from
    the delivery to death of the individual
  • in mammals, goal of embryology consists first of
    all in study and description of events occuring
    during the prenatal period (phase) of development
  • similar goals and orientation has also medical
    embryology to describe and explain events and
    processes from the fertilization to the birth of
    the human

  • Significance of embryology
  • the basic theoretical medical branch
  • good knowledge of embryology is important in
    many medical disciplines
  • anatomy - knowledge of the human development
    helps to understand complicated relationships
    between many organs of the human body
  • embryology shows more closely relationships and
    bounds to anatomy than to histology (reasons for
    teaching of embryology together with histology
    are rather practical then logical as study of the
    pre-embryonic and early embryonic stages needs to
    use and studied only with the use of histological
  • pathology - knowledge of embryology is explored
    namely in study of restorative (healing)
    processes and in description and classification
    of neoplasms (tumours)
  • obstetrics, pediatrics and surgery - knowledge of
    normal development is essential to understanding
    the mechanisms, symptomatology and correction of
    congenital malformations
  • a special medical line -prenatal medicine- was
    constituted in last years, it deals with
    diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital

  • Phases of prenatal development in the human
  • pre-embryonic phase
  • involves the first 3 weeks from fertilization of
    the ovum
  • several well-defined stages are distinguished
  • - zygote (fertilized ovum) the cell standing
    at the beginning of development of a human being
    there is a result of a fusion of the male and
    female sex cells or gametes
  • - morula (from latin morus mulberry)
  • the solid ball consisting of 12 to 16
  • blastomeres cells that result in process of
  • of the zygote, blastomeres are genetic equal
  • they do not substantially differ each other,
  • prospective properties or developmental potency
  • of blastomeres are the same, each of them can
  • give rise to a new individuum
  • - blastocyst the stage with a cavity inside
    that is filled with fluid, 2 different cell
    populations differentiate at the first time in
    development trophoblast cells inner cell mass
    or embryoblast cells, during the day 5

  • - gastrula the bilaminar pre-embryonic stage,
    in which the main body axis and polarity begin to
    become apparent, the bilaminar stage develops on
    day 7 and lasts to the end of the second week
    after fertilization
  • embryonic phase
  • lasts from the beginning of the 4th week to the
    end of the 8th week
  • in the phase anlages of the all body organs are
  • by the end of it, the embryo is recognizable
    human in appearance and measures cca 2-3 cm from
    head to tail
  • fetal phase
  • it lasts from the 9 week to delivery of fetus
  • during the fetal phase, development of organs
    rapidly continue, some of them enter their
    function, the fetus grows quickly in length and
    increases its weight gain, in particular during
    the terminal months

  • Phases of the postnatal development in the human
  • infancy from the birth to the end of the first
    year of the age (the first two weeks of infancy
    are called as the newborn or neonatal period)
  • childhood - from 13 month until 12 to 13 years
    the primary teeth appear and are replaced by the
    secondary or permanent teeth
  • puberty - is the period between 12-15 years in
    girls and 13-16 years in boys, during which
    secondary sexual characteristics develop
  • adolescence - follows the puberty and ends 3-4
    years after it the organism reaches sexual but
    also physical, mental and emotional maturity
  • adulthood - a period in which developmental
    changes occur very slowly and are mostly
    characterized by selective loss of highly
    specialized cells and tissues
  • postnatal development of the human is studied and
    treated with various
  • medical branches

  • Structure and origin of gametes
  • gametes generative (germ or sex) cells
  • in comparison with somatic cells, gametes are
    highly specialized and contain only half the
    usual number of chromosomes
  • the sperm or spermatozoon (the male germ cell)
  • the ovum or egg cell (the female germ cell)
  • human gametes similar to gametes of another
    species substantially differ each other in size,
    structure, motility, and viability
  • The sperm, spermatozoon
  • is a motile cell that is cca 60 ?m long
  • a head, a neck (connecting piece) and a tail
  • the head has a flattened pyriform shape ,
    approximately 4 ?m in length, consists of the
    sperm plasma membrane, condensed nucleus and
    acrosomal cap covering the anterior two-thirds of
    the nucleus

  • the tail - cca 55 ?m in length
  • middle piece
  • about 5 to 9 ?m in length,
  • 1-2 ?m in diameter, consists of
  • the axoneme that is inserted
  • in the distal centriole located
  • in the neck,
  • is surrounded by 9 outer
  • dense fibers
  • (dense columns) and externally
  • to them by
  • a mitochondrial sheath
  • principal piece - 40-45 ?m in length
  • is narrower than the middle piece
  • contains the axoneme, 9 outer dense
  • fibers and fibrous sheath

  • the semen (ejaculate)
  • viscid fluid expelled from the urethra during the
  • volume of one ejaculate is 3 - 6 ml
  • it consists of
  • the seminal plasma secretions of accessory sex
    glands (seminal vesicles and prostate)
  • formed elements
  • spermatozoa, exfoliated epithelial cells form
    genital and urinary passages, lymfocytes,
    prostatic concretions
  • average sperm density 60 - 100 million/ml -
  • (density lesser than 20 million/ml infertility)
  • average sperm velocity is 2 - 3 mm/min under
    alkaline pH
  • spermatozoa retain ability to fertilize ovum not
    longer than 16 to 24 hours

  • The ovum
  • a large spherical nonmotile cell with diameter of
    over 100 ?m (130-150 ?m)
  • eccentrically located large and pale nucleus with
    a well-developed nucleolus
  • numerous free ribosomes and smaller mitochondria
    with arch-like oriented cristae
  • voluminous Golgi apparatus located near the
    nucleus, lately near the cell surface
  • few endoplasmic reticulum
  • absence of centrioles
  • cortical granules under cell membrane, contain
    material of mucopolysaccharide character
  • (presence of granules is the sign of maturation
    of an ovum)
  • during the sperm penetration into ovum, the
    content of cortical granules is released and
    prevents the polyspermia basis of the cortical
  • yolk cell inclusions
  • chemically, yolk involves saccharides,
  • especially of glycogen, lipids and proteins
  • that mostly occur in the form of proteinaceous
  • lattices
  • amount of the yolk in human ova is low

  • surface of the ovum is limited by the cell
    membrane, from which short microvilli project
    into the zona pellucida
  • the zona pellucida is a clear envelope 10 to 12
    ?m thick
  • it is composed of highly sulfated mucoproteins
  • perivitelline space space between the cell
    membrane and zona pellucida

zona pellucida
  • Gametogenesis
  • process of formation and development of sex cells
  • the aim is to prepare sex cells to their
    assimilation or fusion that is a basis of
  • during gametogenesis, the chromosome number is
    reduced by half and shape of cells is altered

Reduction of the chromosome number is achieved by
special type of cell division called meiosis
there are two successive meiotic divisions the
first meiotic division homologous chromosomes
pair during prophase and separate during
anaphase, with one representative of each pair
going to the respective pole by the end of the
first meiotic division, each new cell formed
contains the haploid chromosome number, i.e. half
the original number of chromosomes of proceeding
cell (homologous chromosomes go well together and
two always form a "matched pair" whose members
are derived from each parents) - the reduction
division disjunction of paired homologous
chromosomes is the physical basis of segregation
(the separation) of allelic genes. the second
meiotic division follows immediately the first
division without DNA replication and without a
normal interphase, each chromosome divides in two
chromatids that are then drawn to opposite poles,
the haploid number of chromosomes is retained,
and daughter cells formed during the second
division really contain reduced chromosome
number, with one representative of every
chromosome pair.
Spermatogenesis maturation process of male
gametes includes the series of events leading
to transformation of spermatogonia into
haploid spermatids these then develop into ripe
(mature) sperms by gradual process known as
spermiogenesis ( histological differentiation of
spermatids) 3
the site where spermatozoa undergo their
development and maturation are seminiferous
tubules of the testis development from the
spermatogonium to fully differentiated
spermatozoon lasts 64 74 days in avarrage
  • Oogenesis
  • maturation process of female gametes
  • is bound to the ovary (ovarian cortex) - ovarian
  • 2 phases oocytogenesis
  • meiosis

  • meiosis
  • the first meiotic division is completed shortly
    before the ovulation - the primary oocyte divides
    unequal and gives rise to large secondary oocyte
    and the first polar body (polar body is
    nonfunctional and soon degenerates)
  • in time of ovulation the secondary oocyte enters
    the second meiotic division that progresses only
    to metaphase, in which division is arrested
  • completion of the second meiotic division is
    closely connected with penetration of the sperm
    into the oocyte the division becomes again to
    continue and developed daughter cells are the
    mature ovum and the secondary polar body

Comparison of spermatogenesis and ogenesis
  • number of produced gametes 4 spermatids vs 1
    ovum (polar bodies are nonfunctional cells that
  • course of process continuous vs cyclic and
    limited only on period of sexual maturity (400
  • motility of gametes motile with only small
    amount of the cytoplasm vs immotile, the
    cytoplasm is abundat and contains stored
    material for the first week of development

  • Transportation of gametes
  • the site of fertilisation is the uterine tube
    its dilated part termed the ampula
  • nearly to the ovary
  • Oocyte transport
  • to release the secondary oocyte from the
    graaphian follicle occurs during the ovulation
  • the oocyte surrounded by some granulosa cells is
    expelled from the follicle
  • and is directed via stream of follicular fluid
    under contraction of fimbriae
  • (finger-like processes of the tube) into the
    lumen of the infudibulum
  • the oocyte then passes into the ampulla by waves
    of peristalsis of muscle cells in the wall of
  • it is supposed that oocyte reaches the
    fertilization site in cca 25 min
  • Sperm transport
  • after cohabitation, the spermatozoa deposited
    against the cervix
  • and the posterior fornix of the vagina, pass by
    movements of their tails through the
  • cervical canal into the uterus and subsequently
    in the respective uterine tube
  • the ascent is caused by contractions of smooth
    muscle cells in the wall of the uterus and
    uterine tube

  • Capacitation of sperm
  • an activation process of sperms that takes about
    7 hours
  • during this process, a glycoprotein coat and
    seminal plasma proteins are removed from the
    plasma membrane over the acrosome
  • the process does not connect with morphological
  • spermatozoa undergo their capacitation in the
    uterus or uterine tube by influence of substances
    secreted by these parts
  • Important sperms must be capacitated also in
    cases of in vitro fertilization
  • (as capacitation media are used gamma-globulin,
    free serum, serum dialysate, follicular fluid,
    albumin, dextran etc. - artifitial capacitation
  • The acrosome reaction
  • it follows the capacitation
  • involves a series of events that are induced by
  • penetration of spermatozoa through the corona
  • radiata

(No Transcript)
  • Fertilization
  • is a process of fusion of male and female gametes
  • in average, it needs several hours ( 24 hours)
  • fertilization site - the ampulla of the uterine
    tube - is the widest segment of the tube
  • germ cell viability
  • spermatozoa can stay alive in the
  • female reproductive tract for 24
  • hours
  • (there is suggestive evidence that some sperms
    may fertilize an ovum for as long as three days
  • after insemination)
  • if the ovum (the secondary oocyte)
  • was not fertilized, it degenerates 12 to 24 hours
    after ovulation

  • phases of fertilization
  • penetration of corona radiata
  • penetration of zona pellucida
  • fusion of oocyte and sperm cell membranes
  • constitution of the male pronucleus
  • fusion of the pronuclei

  • 1. Penetration of corona radiata
  • the corona radiata is envelope from follicular
    cells that encloses the ovulated oocyte
  • the main goal of this phase is dispersal of
    corona radiata cells by enzyme hyaluronidase
    released from the acrosomal caps of spermatozoa
  • 2. Penetration of zona pellucida
  • is facilitated by the action of enzymes released
    from the acrosome
  • primary role plays acrosin, enzyme causes lysis
    of the zone (inhibition of acrosin prevents
    passage of sperms through the zona pellucida)
  • once the first sperm passes through the zona
    pellucida, so-called a zona reaction starts,
    during which the zona pellucida becomes
    impermeable to further spermatozoa
  • is supposed that the zona reaction is mediated
    by cortical granules of the secondary oocyte
  • 3. Fusion of oocyte-sperm cell membranes
  • this phase is characterised by actual fusion of
    the oocyte membrane and membrane covering the
    posterior region of the sperm head, the head and
    tail of the sperm enter the cytoplasm of the
  • after fusion of membranes, the secondary
    oocyte can complete the second meiotic division
    to give rise to the mature ovum with haploid
    number of chromosomes and the second polar body
  • chromosomes in the egg nucleus decondense to
    form the female pronucleus
  • 4. Constitution of the male pronucleus
  • the penetrated sperm moves in close vicinity to
    the female pronucleus
  • its nucleus becomes rapidly swollen and forms
    the male pronucleus

  • 5. Fusion of the pronuclei
  • the male and female pronuclei approach each other
    in the centre of the ovum and come into contact
  • they lose then their nuclear membranes and
    maternal and paternal chromosomes intermingle
    (mix together) and they organize in an equatorial
  • the first mitotic division of the zygote starts
    /cleavage of the zygote/
  • Results of fertilization
  • restoration of diploid number of chromosomes
    (half from the mother and half from the father)
  • determination of the sex of the new individual
  • (XX -female, XY-male)
  • initiation of cleavage
  • (not fertilized oocyte degenerates in 12-24 hours
    after ovulation)

  • Cleavage of the zygote
  • the phase of development characterized by mitotic
    divisions of the zygote resulting in formation of
    the blastocyst
  • cells are called blastomeres and become smaller
    with each division
  • the cleavage takes place partly in the uterine
    tube (during the first three days), partly in the
    uterus (from day 4 to 6)
  • the first division resulting in 2-cell stage
    needs about 24 to 30 hours, subsequent divisions
    follow in shorter intervals because blastomeres
    become progressively smaller

  • after the eight-cell stage (three mitotic
    divisions), the morula stage develops
  • the morula - a solid ball consisting of 12 to 16
    cells that lay on tightly each other
  • (it shows resemblance to the fruit of mulberry
  • the morula enters the uterine cavity where is
    transformed into the blastocyst
  • Formation of the blastocyst
  • shortly after the morula enters the uterus (on
    day 4), fluid passes from the uterine cavity
    through the zona pellucida to form a single
    fluid-filled space blastocystic cavity
    (primitive chorionic cavity or blastocoele)
  • Consequently, the morula cells separate into two
    cell lines
  • an outer cell layer, the trophoblast (greek
    trophé nutrition) - gives rise to chorion and
    finally fetal part of the placenta
  • a group of centrally located cells, called as
    the inner cell mass or embryoblast - gives rise
    to the embryo
  • the blastocyst is enclosed with the zona
    pellucida and lies free in the uterus cavity

during the day 6, the zona pellucida becomes to
digest by enzymes contained in the uterine fluid
and soon disappears the denuded blastocyst then
expands up to diameter of 400 ?m or more and is
prepared to start the implantation
Early blastocyst Late (mature)
blastocyst (with the zona) (denuded)
  • Implantation
  • an adaptive process, during which the blastocyst
    establishes very close contact with the uterine
    mucosa (endometrium) of the maternal organism
  • main goal is to provide nutrition of the
    embryoblast because yolk material has been
    completely utilized during cleavage and
    blastocyst formation
  • the implantation begins on day 7 and ends on day
  • the trophoblast cells play key role in this
    proces, they differentiate in the cytotrophoblast
    and the syncytiotrophoblast invading the uterine
  • Staging of the implantation
  • Attaching of the blastocyst to the endometrial
  • Invasion of the trophoblast cells in the
  • Reparation of implantation defect in endometrium
  • Formation of uteroplacental circulation
  • Manifestation of decidual reaction

  • 1. Attaching of the blastocyst to the endometrial
  • it follows the zona pellucida lysis the
    blastocyst attaches to the endometrium with
    embryonic pole (the pole, by which the
    embryoblast is placed)
  • 2. Invasion of the trophoblast cells in the
  • follows as a result of contact of trophoblast
    with the endometrium
  • trophoblast cells proliferate and differentiate
    into 2 populations
  • the syncytiotrophoblast located peripherally
  • invades and erodes quickly the endometrial
  • stroma and uterine glands
  • it forms around the blastocyst a large, thick and
  • multinucleated mass without obvious cell
  • the erosion of the uterine mucosa is caused
  • by proteolytic enzymes produced by
  • syncytiotrophoblast cells
  • the cytotrophoblast (secondary trophoblast)
  • that gradually replaces the original trophoblast
  • the cytotrophoblast cells are mitotic active and

  • 3. Reparation of implantation defect in
  • after penetration of the blastocyst, the defect
    in the epithelium is filled with a closing plug
    (operculum) a blood clot and cellular debris
  • by day 12, the site of implanted conceptus
    appears as a minute elevation of the endometrial
    surface and is covered with regenerated
  • 4. Formation of uteroplacental circulation
  • around day 9, isolated spaces (cavities) called
    lacunae are formed in the syncytiotrophoblast
  • they become filled with nutrition secretions
    from eroded endometrial glands and with maternal
  • from ruptured maternal capillaries histiotroph
  • later, between day 11 and 13, adjacent lacunae
    fuse to form lacunar network in which maternal
  • open and through which maternal blood flows

  • 5. Manifestation of decidual reaction
  • the conceptus evokes reaction of the entire
  • consists in endometrial stromal cell changes
    that enlarge and accumulate glycogen and lipid
    droplets, in vascular alterations (capillary
    network around the conceptus becomes denser), and
    glandular alterations uterine glands increase
    their activity
  • changes are referred to as the decidual reaction
  • and the decidual transformed endometrium to as
    the decidua
  • The decidua involves 4 distinct regions as
  • basal decidua - under the conceptus
  • marginal decidua - at the side of the conceptus
  • capsular decidua - above the conceptus
  • parietal decidua - has no contact with the

  • Implantation sites of the blastocyst
  • Intrauterine sites
  • normally, the blastocyst implants on the
    posterior wall of the midportion of the uterus
  • important nidation near the internal ostium
    the developing placenta covers the internal
    ostium as placenta previa
  • it causes severe bleeding during pregnancy (it
    usually occurs in the 28th week) or during the
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