Title: Situation of Women in Poland
1Situation of Women in Poland
- Polites Association
- Szczecin
2 The specificity of Polish country
- large degree of urbanization
- Migration of youth from countries to big cities
- individual holdings kept by old people
- Â
Polites Association
3- liquidation of state owned- farms after the year
1989 - Decreasing number of people living in the country
- Increasing number of people living in the country
but commuting daily to their job, to big
cities -
Polites Association
4- Transfer of city lifestyle model to the country
caused by its urbanization - Houses in the villages and in the cities are
equipped similarly
Polites Association
- But this migration is hindered because of limited
job market and unemployment mostly refers to
Polites Association
Year Unemployment ratio
1999 12
2000 14
2001 16,2
2002 17,8
2003 19,9
Polites Association
year percentage of unemployed women in relation to unemployed men percentage of unemployed women in relation to unemployed men
year In general in rural areas
1999 61,4 60,3
2000 60,6 60,1
2001 56,3 55,8
2002 53,7 53,0
2003 54,6 54,0
Polites Association
8 The specificity of Polish women situation
Polites Association
9- social inequalities of sex exist in Poland
- women have smaller possibilities of making
careers they usually receive smaller salaries
than men - When woman and man are are applying for the same
job, usually man succeeds
Polites Association
10- The reason of this situation is the model of
culture existing in Poland which attributes the
role of a mother to women. Also religion
propagates this model of living ( Saint Mary as a
Polites Association
11Polites Association
12- Women have problems with finding place to live
and job after migrating from the - country
Polites Association
13- Women from villages and small cities are often
victims of such situations like breaking job
agreement, illegal employment or trafficking.
Polites Association
14- There is a problem of selling women to brothels
against their will. It occurs especially in
Western Poland (where we live) Approximately 10
000 women have been taken to Western Europe and
forced to work in sex - business
Polites Association
15There are a lot of problems but...
Polites Association
16- The majority of women organizations operating in
Poland are occupied with actions concerning equal
status of women and men as well as with helping
women in the fields of law, psychology,
homelessness and unemployment
Polites Association
17Women NGOs
There are 340 women organizations in Polish
databases that deal with
Polites Association
18- The problem of violence against women in family
life and sexual abuse - (62 organizations-18,2 )
- Helping women by providing support groups,
psychological advice, telephone help-lines,
shelter for homeless and single mothers, charity - (145 organizations- 42,6 )
Polites Association
19- Offering employment agencies, courses of
profession and activating women in the field of
job market - (118 organizations- 34,7 )
- 150 organizations declare activity concerning
equal status of women and men - (44,1)
Polites Association
20- We asked young people from secondary schools and
universities to fill in an anonymous
questionnaire in order to gather information
about women who migrated from villages - to big cities.
Polites Association
Polites Association
22Do you think that women born in cities have
better chances in getting education and making
Polites Association
23Do you think that moving to the city causes
Polites Association
24Have you ever witnessed discrimination of a woman
coming from the country?
Polites Association
25Is migration of young women to big cities common
in your village/ small town?
Polites Association
26Did you face any difficulties after moving to
Polites Association
27Do you think that there are differences in
treating women in the country and in the cities?
Polites Association
- in the city a woman is treated like a partner
- there is better access to education in the city
- sometimes women from the country are considered
to be less intelligent - in the country a woman is expected to look
after children and the house.
Polites Association
29Have you ever faced discrimination of your person
because of the fact that you come from a village
or small town?
Polites Association
30Are you planning to go back to the place where
you live after you have finished your education?
Polites Association
31What perspectives do you see in staying in the
- Â Â Â Â Â continuing the education
- Â Â Â Â job
- Â Â Â Â acquaintances
Polites Association
Polites Association
33- Poland is a country of changes.
- In May Poland is joining the European Union.
Position of women in Polish society is high but
at the same time there are inequalities between
men and women in the job market - and in the family life.
Polites Association