Title: Georgia: From Women
1Georgia From Womens Problemsto Gender Equality
2- Prepared by
- Nina Tsihistavi,
- Caucasus Womens
- Research and Consulting
- Network (CWN)
- email cwn_at_access.sanet.ge
- www.iccn.ge
- 2006
3Summary of the Presentation
- Overview of focused NGO development in Georgia
- Georgias Commitments toward Gender Equality and
Improvement of Womens Condition - Womens NGO Development
- Womens NGO Coalition of Georgia
4Todays Situation Commitments of Georgia
- Georgia made up the commitments in
- Womens conditions improvement sphere.
- Georgia, as a member of the CoE has a
- tremendous work to do to accomplish CoE
- standards in gender equality sphere.
5Todays Situation Commitments of Georgia
- Further integration of Georgia in Europe needs
even more effort in gender mainstreaming. - Development of institutional basis to realize
gender equality activities on a state level is
one of the prerequisites for becoming a member of
the European Union.
6Todays Situation Commitments of
Georgia continued
- In 1994 - Georgia joined "Convention on
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women". - At 1995 Beijing Conference - Georgia joined the
countries that agreed to work out national
working plan of womens condition improvement. - In 2002 - Georgia joined Optional Protocol to the
"Convention on Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women".
7Womens NGO Coalition of Georgia
8Womens NGO Coalition of Georgia
- Background
- History
- Coverage
- Opportunity
- Perspectives
- Having studied and analyzed the existed
situation and the demands, the ODIHR designed a
strategy aimed at uniting the womens NGOs in
Georgia and ultimately supporting their
development and viability. - The special programme was led by Ms. Tiina
Ilsen, Gender Advisor, Gender Unit, ODIHR/OSCE.
- In June 2000 Ms. Ilsen called for a meeting
inviting the leader women of those
non-governmental organizations that work on
womens issues in Georgia. -
- The training Leader Women and Creation of
Womens NGO Coalition in Georgia was organized
for them led by ODIHR/OSCE expert trainers
invited for the specific task. - The training aimed at developing gender related
issues awareness, as well as at establishing the
coalition and developing the necessary skills for
its effective management. - As a result of the training session, the
Coalition of Womens NGOs of Georgia was
- Following the ODIHR/OSCE programme supporting
the Coalition, its members underwent several
additional training in 2000 03. - As a result the following were finalized the
Coalition regulations and the action plan, 9
working groups - (Women and Politics, Women and Education, Women
and Health Care, Women and Economics, and Women
and Peacebuilding, Women and Media, Women and
Global Environment, PR WG, Institutional
Machinery WG), the Coalition structure and its
function, as well as the mechanism for its
effective running.
- The Coalition of Womens Non-governmental
Organizations of Georgia is the body created and
launched as a result of the conscious desire and
acute necessity expressed by the leader women of
Georgia. - The effective launch of the Coalition enhanced
womens initiatives, the idea of gender equality
and made the activities directed towards it more
realistic, unified and successful. The Coalition
presents an excellent opportunity for the women
to tackle the problems together, to direct their
efforts towards reaching their ultimate goal.
13Mapping the History
14Womens NGO Coalition of Georgia
15Womens NGO Coalition of Georgia (continued)
16How we built the Coalition
17How we built the Coalition CONTINUED
18How we built the Coalition CONTINUED
19How we built the Coalition CONTINUED
20How we built the Coalition CONTINUED
21How we built the Coalition CONTINUED
22Womens Issues Applied
- Having the Mission to act jointly means having
joint Vision what should be applied first - Having women problems means to learn existing
diversity of the problems - Having experience to work on marginalized topics
means understanding of meaning of sustainable
23Sustainable Support
- Comes from ODIHR
- Since 2000
- For
24Womens Issues Applied CONTINUED
25Monitoring of Women PrisonersonPrison
Conditions, 2001
26WEB Development for Womens NGO Coalition of
Georgia, www.wcg.org.gewelcome!2001
27Combating Domestic Violence Training for
Police NGOs2003
28Regional Committees Support for Development
- National Anti-Violence Service for Women
Children Protection - (NAVS)
- Regional Committees Support for Development,
- 2002-2003 (all 11 Committees)
29Womens issues applied
30Inter Regional Approach
- Anti-Trafficking
- Training in
- Regions of Georgia,
- 2003
31Inter Regional Approach
- Empower of Women's Economic Opportunity
- in the Regions of Georgia,
- 2003
32Intra Regional Approach
- Annual International Conferences
- on
- Gender and Media,
- since 2003
33Intra Regional Approach
- Directory of Womens NGO
- working
- in
- South Caucasus
- 2002
34International Approach
- OSCE ODIHR Meetings and Seminars
- in
- Warsaw, Poland
- Participated by Women from Georgia
35PARTNERSHIP Principlesfor the Coalition
- Strengthening
- Keeping
- Developing
38Major Achievements
- in December 2003 we are responding the Rose
Revolution outcome - in February 2004 weve submitted to the new
Government the Initiative Package on Creating
Institutional Machinery on Gender Equality in
39Major Achievements continued
- created Gender Equality ad hoc Governmental
Working Group (August, 1994) - created Gender Equality Parliamentary Committee
under the Speaker of Parliament of Georgia
(November, 1994) - created Gender Equality State Commission (June,
2005) - The Packages of initiatives were elaborated and
submitted by the Institutional Machinery WG of
the Coalition (14 February, 29 June, 2004)
40Major Achievements continued
- First time in Georgia it is finalized the process
of elaboration of the basic national document to
be submitted from bottom to top - The National Action Plan on Gender Equality in
Georgia (NAP) - The Gender Equality Policy of Georgia
- Tallin Workshop finalized the First Stage of the
Coalition Development - Bakuriani Summer School Second Stage is already
worked out - Gender Equality State Policy and NAP submitted
to the state Commission - We stand for visibility and recognition
- bottom middle top
42Thank you for your support and interest