1Human creativity is the ultimate economic
resource. Richard Florida, The Rise of the
Creative Class
2It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
3The most successful people are those who are
good at plan B. James Yorke,
mathematician, on chaos theory in The New
4I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, How do I build a small firm for
myself? The answer seems obvious Buy a very
large one and just wait. Paul Ormerod, Why
Most Things Fail Evolution, Extinction and
5It is generally much easier to kill an
organization than change it substantially.
Kevin Kelly, Out of Control
6Natural selection is death. ... Without huge
amounts of death, organisms do not change over
time. ... Death is the mother of structure. ...
It took four billion years of death ... to invent
the human mind ... The Cobra Event
7Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
8In the end, management doesnt change culture.
Management invites the workforce itself to
change the culture. Lou Gerstner
9Never doubt that a small group of committed
people can change the world. Indeed it is the
only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
10The Starbucks Fix Is on We have
identified a third place. And I really
believe that sets us apart. The third place is
that place thats not work or home. Its the
place our customers come for refuge. Nancy
Orsolini, District Manager
11Small Giants Companies That Choose To Be Great
Instead Of Big by Bo Burlingham
12Furniture vs. DreamsWe do not sell furniture
at Domain. We sell dreams. This is accomplished
by addressing the half-formed needs in our
customers heads. By uncovering these needs, we,
in essence, fill in the blanks. We convert
needs into dreams. Sales are the inevitable
result. Judy George, Domain Home Fashions
13Up, Up, Up, Up the Value-added Ladder.
14Big Blue
15Brands have run out of juice. Theyre dead.
Kevin Roberts/Saatchi Saatchi
16When we were working through the essentials of a
Lovemark, Mystery was always at the top of the
list. Lovemarks The Future Beyond Brands,
Kevin Roberts
17Lovemarks are owned by the people who love
them. Lovemarks The Future Beyond Brands,
Kevin Roberts
18Storytelling is the core of culture.
Branded Nation The Marketing of Megachurch,
College Inc., and Museumworld, James Twitchell
19We dont have a good language to talk about
this kind of thing. In most peoples
vocabularies, design means veneer. But to me,
nothing could be further from the meaning of
design. Design is the fundamental soul of a
man-made creation. Steve Jobs
20Women dont buy brands. They join
21The Connection Proclivity in women starts
early. When asked, How was school today? a girl
usually tells her mother every detail of what
happened, while a boy might grunt, Fine.
22Women speak and hear a language of connection
and intimacy, and men speak and hear a language
of status and independence. Men communicate to
obtain information, establish their status, and
show independence. Women communicate to create
relationships, encourage interaction, and
exchange feelings. Judy Rosener, Americas
Competitive Secret
23A focus on cost-cutting and efficiency has
helped many organizations weather the downturn,
but this approach will ultimately render them
obsolete. Only the constant pursuit of innovation
can ensure long-term success. Daniel Muzyka,
Dean, Sauder School of Business, Univ of British
Columbia (FT/2004)
24How do dominant companies lose their position?
Two-thirds of the time, they pick the wrong
competitor to worry about. Don Listwin, CEO,
Openwave Systems/WSJ
25Leaderships Mt Everest/Mt Excellencefree to
do his or her absolute best allow its
members to discover their greatness.
26Read This!Richard Farson Ralph Keyes Whoever
Makes the Most Mistakes Wins The Paradox of
27It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
281. Every morning, write a list of the
things that need to be done that
day. 2. Do them. Source Hugh
29The leaders of Great Groups love talent and
know where to find it. They revel in the talent
of others. Warren Bennis Patricia Ward
Biederman, Organizing Genius
30You can make more friends in two months by
becoming interested in other people than you can
in two years by trying to get other people
interested in you. Dale Carnegie
31You are the storyteller of your own life, and
you can create your own legend or not. Isabel
32In Toms world, its always better to try a swan
dive and deliver a colossal belly flop than to
step timidly off the board while holding your
nose. Fast Company
33Do one thing every day that scares you.
Eleanor Roosevelt
34"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.
The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt
the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends upon the unreasonable man. GB Shaw,
Man and Superman The Revolutionists'
35Every child is born an artist. The trick is to
remain an artist. Picasso
36People want to be part of something larger than
themselves. They want to be part of something
theyre really proud of, that theyll fight for,
sacrifice for , trust. Howard Schultz,
Starbucks (IBD/09.05)
37Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be
swamped with it yourself. Before you can move
their tears, your own must flow. To convince
them, you must yourself believe. Winston
38Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
39It is no use saying We are doing our best. You
have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
40Kevin Roberts Credo1. Ready. Fire! Aim.2. If
it aint broke ... Break it!3. Hire crazies.4.
Ask dumb questions.5. Pursue failure.6. Lead,
follow ... or get out of the way!7. Spread
confusion.8. Ditch your office.9. Read odd
stuff.10. Avoid moderation!
41No Wiggle Room! Incrementalism is
innovations worst enemy. Nicholas
42Beware of the tyranny of making Small Changes
to Small Things. Rather, make Big Changes to Big
Things. Roger Enrico, former Chairman,
43In classical times when Cicero had finished
speaking, the people said, How well he spoke,
but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they
said, Let us march. Adlai Stevenson
44No leader sets out to be a leader per se, but
rather to express him- or herself freely and
fully. That is leaders have no interest in
proving themselves, but an abiding interest in
expressing themselves. Warren Bennis, On
Becoming a Leader
45 A year from now you may wish You had
started today. Karen Lamb
46 You only find oil if you drill wells. The
Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O G
47If you dont listen, you dont sell anything.
Carolyn Marland/ Managing Director/ Guardian