Chapter 8: The Rise of Rome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 8: The Rise of Rome


Chapter 8: The Rise of Rome Rome s Beginnings Rome s Beginnings Italy Shaped like a boot In the Mediterranean toe points at Sicily Alps border Italy in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 8: The Rise of Rome

Chapter 8 The Rise of Rome
  • Romes Beginnings

Romes Beginnings
  • Italy
  • Shaped like a boot
  • In the Mediterranean
  • toe points at Sicily
  • Alps border Italy in the North
  • Apennines extend North to south
  • Terrain easier to farm than Greece
  • Italy supported more people because of this!
  • Mts. and water served as natural barriers to
    enemies and key to Romes success.

Romes Beginnings
  • Latins built Rome on the plain of Latium
  • Located in Central Italy on Tiber River
  • 2 stories tell of Romes beginning
  • Remus and Romulus
  • Aeneas and the Trojan followers

Remus and Romulus
  • As babies, they were abandoned by the Tiber
    River, rescued by a wolf, raised by a shepherd.
    Built a city, had a fight, Romulus killed Remus,
    became king and named the city after himself

Aeneas and Trojan Followers
  • Aeneas and Trojan followers
  • A famous Greek poet named Virgil wrote an epic
    called the Aeneid. Aeneas was the main character,
    a Trojan hero who along with his followers sailed
    the Mediterranean Sea after the Greeks captured
    Troy. He had many adventures ending with
    marriage to the kings daughter. He united the
    Trojans and the Latins (local people) and became
    known as the father of Rome.

Romes Beginnings
  • Latins were influenced by Greeks and Etruscans
  • The Etruscans were skilled metal workers
  • The Etruscans were a model for Roman army

Romes Beginnings
  • Tarquins
  • Leaders of Etruscan-ruled Rome
  • Romans rebelled after 100 years of rule
  • Established a republic
  • Leader is not king or queen
  • Elected by citizen vote to office by citizens

Romes Beginnings
  • Rome had large army
  • Very powerful
  • Excellent and disciplined soldiers
  • Soldiers were good problem solvers
  • Legion is a group of 6,000 soldiers
  • Roads connected all of Romes military

Romes Beginnings
  • Roman Government
  • Gave full citizenship to some (vote, serve govt)
  • Others received status of allies (rule own local

Chapter 8-2 Romes Government
  • Cicero Denounces Catiline Fresco by Cesare
    Maccari (1840-1919
  • http//

Romes Government
  • Two classes of people in Rome
  • Patricians wealthy land owners made up Romes
    ruling class
  • Plebeians artisans, shopkeepers, owners of small

Romes Government
  • Patricians wealthy land owners made up Romes
    ruling class
  • Consuls top government officials (2 picked every
    year and ran the government and headed the army)
  • Had the ability to veto or reject the others
  • Means I forbid in Latin
  • Praetors interpret laws and act as judges
  • Senate most important lawmaking body
  • Assembly of Centuries another important
    legislative body
  • Plebeians artisans, shopkeepers, owners of small
  • Changed class system by going on strike
  • Rome let them set up own legislative group
    Council of Plebes

Role Play Activity
  • Pretend that you are a Patrician or a Plebeian in
    Ancient Rome. Using the information on pages
    269-270 make your argument. Is Romes government
    fair to all people? Defend your position. Why is
    life fair or unfair considering the way Romes
    government is set up?
  • Patrician The government is being run
    successfully with all patricians in leadership
    and rightfully so. The rich are better educated
    and trained to run the government.
  • Plebeian The patricians are lazy. They wouldnt
    know what a hard days work looks like.
    Patricians have slaves that serve them hand and
    foot. How can they know what is best for
    hard-working people like us? We plebeians should
    have people in the government that share the same
    experiences we have.

Romes Government
  • Roman Republic had a dictator who served people
    and was a temporary ruler during emergencies.
  • Cincinnatus best know early Roman dictator
  • Cincinnatus AKA Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
  • Born 519 BCDied 430 BCCause of death
  • Gender MaleReligion PaganRace or Ethnicity
    WhiteOccupation Military
  • Nationality Ancient RomeExecutive summary
    Republican leader of Rome

Romes Government
  • Twelve Tables first code of laws was adopted
    around 451 B.C
  • Basis of all future Roman laws
  • Law of Nations created to address issues of
    conquered people
  • Rule of law is idea that laws should apply to
    everyone equally

Table 1 and Table 2 Civil Procedure Table 3
Debt Table 4 Parents and Children Table 5
Inheritance Table 6 and Table 7 Property Table
8 Torts (causing harm to another) Table 9
Capital Punishment Table 10 Funeral
Regulations Table 11 Marriage Table 12Crimes
Expansion of Rome
  • Rome created a navy so they could beat Carthage
    as Carthage was a great sea power
  • Roman Navy Ship
  • Punic Wars were fought for control of the
    Mediterranean region

Expansion of Rome The Punic Wars
  • The First Punic War
  • Carthage (a state on the coast of North Africa)
    was powerful enemy
  • Dispute between Rome and Carthage over Sicily.
  • Lasted 20 years before Rome won
  • The Second Punic War
  • Carthage expanded into Spain and the Romans
    helped the people of Spain rebel
  • Hannibal a great Carthaginian general fought in
    2nd Punic War
  • Battle of Cannae
  • Hannibals forces overpowered Romans
  • Scipio a Roman general defeated the Carthaginians
    at the Battle of Zama
  • The Third Punic War
  • Warm finally destroyed Carthage
  • Took all of Greece, Macedonia, and parts of Africa

Chapter 8-3 The fall of the Republic
Chapter 8-3 The fall of the Republic
  • Farmers suffered when the gap between patricians
    and plebeians grew
  • Latifunda large farming estates created when
    wealthy Romans bought small farms
  • Farmers who lost land had to go to cities to find
  • Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus tried to reform
    government, but were killed
  • Marius (old military leader) promised land to
    poor men if they became soldiers
  • Sulla drove Marius out of Rome, declared self
    dictator, tried to reform govt for 3 years, then

Chapter 8-3 The fall of the Republic
  • Julius Caesar
  • Military hero and most famous leader
  • Had a political alliance with Crassus and Pompey
    called a triumvirate (a political alliance of
    three people) after Sulla left
  • Marched on Rome and defeated Pompeys forces
    after Crassus died in battle
  • Declared self dictator for life and made many
  • Julian calendar (12 month) was created during his
  • Changed in A.D1582, but still basically used
  • Had many enemies as well as friends
  • Enemies plotted and killed him on March 15
  • Beware the des of March
Julius Caesar Reformer or Dictator?
  • Turn to page 284 in your books. Read the two
    opposing opinions and choose your side. Write a
    paragraph depending your position.
  • Topic
  • Concrete Detail
  • Commentary (your opinion)
  • After you plug in the information, re-write the
    information to create a paragraph.

Chapter 8-3 The fall of the Republic
  • Roman now an Empire
  • Octavian/Antony/Augustus and friends
  • Octavian was Caesars nephew (inherited all
    Caesars wealth)
  • Antony and Lepidus were top generals for Caesar
  • Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus formed the Second
  • Began to fight almost right away
  • Antony fell in love with Cleopatra VII and they
    formed an alliance
  • Octavian declared war on them so Antony wouldnt
    take over
  • Octavian won at the Battle of Actium
  • Cicero was a political leader, writer, and Romes
    greatest public speaker who supported Octavian
    and representative government and was against
  • Octavian restored republic with some reforms and
    took the titled of Augustus (revered one) which
    began the Roman Empire

Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire
  • A map showing the early Roman Empire
Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire
  • Emperor Augustus
  • A long era of peace called Pax Romana started
    with Augustus
  • Built permanent, professional army
  • Created Praetorian guard who just guarded him
  • Restored Romes splendor, fed hungry and poor
    with imported grain
  • Appointed a proconsul (governor) for each
  • This replaced politicians appointed by the Senate
  • Reformed tax and legal systems
  • Tax collectors permanent workers
  • Created set of laws for non-citizens

Augustus coins
Interesting Information Augustus was emperor
when Jesus was born
Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire
  • The emperors who followed Augustus were called
    Julio-Claudian emperors
  • Tiberius competent
  • Caligula cruel leader
  • Claudius competent
  • Nero cruel leader (people thought he was
    playing the fiddle while Rome burned!)

Interesting Information Jesus was 30 years old
when Tiberius was emperor. Tiberius was still
emperor when Jesus was crucified.
Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire Unity and
  • Vespasian restored order to Rome after the chaos
    that happened after Nero died
  • Began construction on the Colosseum
  • Jewish temple destroyed by Vespasians armies to
    put a stop to the rebellion

Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire
  • Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D 79
  • destroying Pompeii

When excavating Pompeii in the mid 19th century,
scientists found molds of bodies.
This picture gives you a view of what Mt.
Vesuvius would have looked like from Ancient
Rome Picture from
Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire Good emperors
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrain, Antoninus Pius, Marcus
  • Under Trajan, Romes European borders fell
    between the Rhine and the Danube rivers.
  • Empire flourished under their rule
  • Aqueducts are human made water channels that
    carry water a long distance
  • Created during prosperous time of the good
  • Became one of the largest in history

Chapter 8-4 The Early Empire
  • Different people were untied by Roman law, rule,
    and shared identity as Romans
  • Although there was a big gap between the rich
    artisans and skilled workers and the people who
    lived in the city and the poor farmers
  • Most were farmers that grew grapes, olives, and
  • Agriculture was one of the most important element
    in Romes excellent economy
  • Others were artisans who traded with those inside
    and out of Empire
  • Trade was very prosperous due to road
    construction and currency (a system of money)
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