The Immune System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Immune System


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Subject: The Immune System Author: Parham Last modified by: student Created Date: 12/16/2002 8:36:41 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Immune System

Immunotherapies and Activation Immunotherapies
Points to ponder in this Module
  • What are immunotherapies?
  • What are activation immunotherapies?
  • What are suppression immunotherapies?
  • How is the immune system activated during
  • What are the types of vaccines?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of
  • How is the immune system activated during the
    cancer immunotherapies?
  • What are the types of cancer immunotherapies?

  • Manipulation of the immune system
  • Activation immunotherapies Immunotherapies
    designed to elicit or amplify the immune response
    (vaccination, cancer immunotherapies)
  • Suppression immunotherapies Immunotherapies that
    reduce or suppress the immune responses
    (Inhibition of inflammation,
    immuno-suppression during organ transplantations)

  • Activation of the immune system by an exposure to
    antigen that stimulates the adaptive immunity
  • Once the adaptive immunity is activated, memory
    cells are formed
  • If we are exposed to the same antigen (pathogen)
    in the future, we are protected - immune

Or in more detail.
Even 2,500 Years Ago, People Knew Immunity
  • Greek physicians noticed that people who survived
    smallpox never got it again.
  • The insight Becoming infected by certain
    diseases gives immunity.

Variolation The Earliest Smallpox Vaccines
  • The idea of intentionally inoculating healthy
    people to protect them against smallpox dates
    back to China in the sixth century. Chinese
    physicians ground dried scabs from smallpox
    victims and applied the mixture to the noses of
    healthy people.
  • In Africa and the Near East, matter taken from
    the smallpox pustulesraised lesions on the skin
    the contain pusof mild cases was inoculated
    through a scratch in an arm or vein. The goal was
    to cause a mild infection of smallpox and
    stimulate an immune response that would give the
    person immunity from the natural infection. This
    process was called variolation.
  • Unfortunately, the amount of virus used would
    vary and some would contract smallpox from the
    inoculation and die. Nonetheless, this preventive
    approach became popular in China and South East
    Asia, and probably saved thousands of lives.

History of Smallpox
  • First appeared in Northeastern Africa around
    10,000 BC
  • Skin lesions on mummies
  • Case fatality, 20-60
  • Scars, blindness
  • Infants, 80-98 CF

Vaccination History
  • 18th century Jenner used cowpox as a vaccine
    against smallpox
  • 19th century Microorganisms causing diseases
    were first isolated, and vaccines started to be
  • 20th century It seemed that thanks to
    vaccination and antibiotics, the problem of
    infectious diseases was solved
  • 20th/21st century Emergence of new (viral)
    diseases (AIDS, SARS), against which development
    of effective vaccines is very difficult

Vaccination first used against smallpox
In 1796, Edward Jenner, a doctor in rural
England, showed how inoculation with cowpox virus
offered protection against the related smallpox
virus (variola) with less risks than the earlier
methods using live smallpox virus. Noting that
milkmaids did not generally get smallpox, Jenner
theorized that the blisters which milkmaids
received from cowpox (a disease similar to
smallpox, but much less virulent) protected them
from smallpox. In 1796, Jenner tested his theory
by inoculating a young boy with material from the
cowpox blisters. This produced a fever and some
uneasiness but no great illness. Later, he
exposed the boy to smallpox. Luckily, the boy
survived, and the technique since then has
spread. Vaccinia- mild disease caused by cowpox
? Jenner called this process vaccination. Since
then, number of smallpox cases dramatically
decreased, with the last cases being seen in
Edward Jenner
Elimination of smallpox by vaccination
The last reported case of endemic smallpox
occurred in Somalia (in 1977).
(No need to memorize the dates)
  • Stocks of variola virus have been retained in
    two WHO-approved collaborating centers the
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    in Atlanta, and the Russian Institute of
    Virology in Novosibirsk.
  • There are concerns that not all the smallpox
    preparations developed can be accounted for, and
    that unknown stores of variola virus may exist.

The End of Smallpox
  • 1967
  • 10 million cases
  • 2 million deaths
  • 1972
  • Last U.S. vaccination
  • Oct. 26, 1977, last case of smallpox
  • May 8, 1980, official declaration by WHO -
    Smallpox Eradicated!

Last case of Variola, Somalia 1977
In vaccination, the adaptive immune response is
manipulated in an antigen-specific manner, to
stimulate lymphocyte-mediated protective immunity.
  • Viral
  • Vaccination
  • Bacterial

Viral vaccination
  • The first viral vaccines were made against
    smallpox (since it used to be No. 1 killer) from
    people who had a less severe form of the disease
    (and survived).
  • ? These first vaccines were made from a live
    virus ? they often resulted in a death of the
    vaccinated person (1100, which was still much
    more favorable than 13 survival for smallpox).
  • Jenners innovation was to use the related
    harmless cowpox virus against smallpox. This
    strategy is not possible for most pathogens,
    since very few pathogens have safe counterparts.
  • ? Most viral vaccines used today are composed of
    viruses that have been weakened or killed.

Vaccination with cowpox virus elicits
neutralizing antibodies that react with antigenic
determinants shared with smallpox virus
Types of current viral vaccines
  • Killed (inactivated) vaccines Prepared by heat
    or formalin treatment or irradiation. Only
    viruses whose nucleic acids can be reliably
    inactivated make suitable killed virus vaccines.
    Examples flu
  • Live-attenuated vaccines Prepared from a live
    virus that has mutated so that it has a reduced
    ability to grow in human cells and is no longer
    pathogenic. These vaccines are usually more
    effective than the killed virus vaccines (because
    virus can still replicate, thus mimicking real
    infection). Most viral vaccines used today are
    live attenuated vaccines.
    Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) polio-Sabine
  • Subunit vaccines Prepared against surface
    component of the virus, usually using recombinant
    DNA technology.
  • Examples hepatitis B virus (HBV)

Useful vaccines against some viral diseases have
yet to be found
  • Vaccines against HIV and SARS have yet to be
  • In case of HIV, about 20 different HIV vaccines
    are at different stages of development.
  • Vaccination against polio or measles was
    facilitated by analysis of protective immune
    responses from people who survived the infection.
    However, in the case of HIV, there is no
    documented case of a person who has recovered
    from acute infection ? mechanisms that terminate
    HIV infection are unknown.
  • Another hurdle in development of HIV vaccine is
    the frequent mutation of the HIV virus.

Types of current bacterial vaccines
  1. Killed vaccines
  2. Live-attenuated vaccines The number of these
    vaccines against bacteria remains small.

    Examples Tuberculosis (Bacille Calmette-Guerin
    BCG, used in Europe)
  3. Subunit vaccines Prepared against cell wall
    (polysaccharide) components of bacteria.

    Examples Meningitis
  4. Toxoid vaccines Prepared against toxic proteins
    that are secreted by some bacteria and cause the
    disease. Vaccines against these bacteria are
    prepared by inactivating the toxins the
    inactivated toxins are called toxoids.

    Examples diphtheria, tetanus (DPT
    combination vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus
    and pertussis whooping cough)

Bacille Calmette-Guerin - the current vaccine for
  • The history of BCG is tied to that of smallpox.
    After the success of vaccination in preventing
    smallpox, it was hypothesized that infection with
    bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) might
    protect against infection with human tuberculosis
    (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).
  • BCG contains a live attenuated strain of
    Mycobacterium bovis. It was originally isolated
    from a cow with tuberculosis by Calmette and
    Guerin who worked in Paris at the Institute
    Pasteur. This strain was sub-cultured for many
  • BCG was first used as a vaccine in 1921. Since
    then, the vaccine has been widely used in Africa,
    Asia and Europe. Today, it is estimated that more
    than 1 billion people have received BCG.
  • BCG immunization causes pain and scarring at the
    site of injection. BCG is very efficacious
    against tuberculosis in the pediatric age group.
    If BCG is accidentally given to an
    immunocompromised patient (e.g., an infant with
    SCID or HIV), it can cause life-threatening
  • Having had a previous BCG vaccination is a
    frequent cause of a false positive Mantoux test
    (Tuberculin Sensitivity Test or PPD test).

(No Transcript)
Role of adjuvants in vaccination
  • A prerequisite for a good immune response is a
    state of inflammation.
  • During infection, this is initiated by microbial
    products that activate macrophages and recruit
    inflammatory cells.
  • In general, immunization with purified proteins
    leads to a poor immune response.
  • This response can be enhanced by substances that
    induce inflammation, such as different lipids.
  • These substances (that induce local inflammation
    and immune response) are called adjuvants.

The strongest and most effective adjuvant used in
experimental immunology
The only adjuvants approved for use in humans
Are vaccines safe?
  • The best vaccines are the live-attenuated
    vaccines, however because of their similarity to
    live pathogens, they can (although rarely) cause
    the disease.
  • Example the Sabine polio vaccine that markedly
    reduced the incidence of polio. However, this
    vaccine can cause polio (in 3 people per million)
    ? pressure to develop safer vaccines.
  • Today in the U.S., this vaccine is no longer used
    and has been replaced by a killed Inactivated
    Polio Vaccine (IPV).

Sabine Polio Vaccine illustrates the pluses and
minuses of live vaccines
  • Attenuated by a passage in monkey kidney cells
  • Eliminated polio
  • Associated with an increased risk
    (13,000,000) of developing a real polio
  • Replaced by an Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
    that has no risks

Vaccines have yet to be found for many chronic
  • Vaccines have been developed mainly against acute
    infections that resolve within several weeks
    either by a successful recovery (documenting that
    infection can be cleared by immune system) or by
    the death of the patient.
  • Vaccines have yet to be developed against many of
    the chronic diseases that are characterized by
    subversion of the immune system by the pathogen.
    In chronic diseases, there is little evidence
    that immune system can clear the infection ?
    mechanisms terminating the chronic infection are
    unknown (HIV/AIDS).

HPV Cervical caner
Figure 12-8
Development of vaccines and funding of
health-related research
  • Majority of health-related research is federally
    funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH).
  • Occurrence and spread of infectious diseases is
    being monitored by the Center for Disease Control
    (CDC in Atlanta).
  • Vaccine development is funded by the National
    Institute of Allergy and Immunology Diseases
    (NIAID) of NIH, and by biotech companies (Merck,
  • All vaccines have to be approved by the federal
    Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Can immune stimulators combat cancer?
  • Which forms of immunotherapy can be used?
  • Is vaccination effective against established

During oncogenesis, some of the antigens on the
cancer cell surface change ( tumor antigens).
Some of these tumor antigens are shed from the
cancer cells. These shed antigens prompt action
from cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, and
According to the theory of immune surveillance,
patrolling cells of the immune system provide
continuous surveillance, catching and eliminating
cells that undergo malignant transformation.
Tumors develop when this immune surveillance
breaks down or is overwhelmed.
Immune responses to tumors
Ab / ADCC / cytokine attack
Th cells stimulate other T/B cells
APC recruits T cells able to recognize tumor
CTL recognize and destroy other tumor cells
Cancer therapies
  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Types of immunotherapies include
  • Cancer vaccines (active specific immunotherapies)
  • Monoclonal antibody therapy (passive specific
  • Nonspecific immunotherapies (cytokines)

Classical New, emerging
  • Cancer vaccines (Active Specific Immunotherapy)
  • Contain cancer cells, parts of the cancer cells,
    or pure tumor-associated antigens (antigens
    expressed only on tumor cells but not on healthy
  • Induce production of tumor-specific antibodies
    and stimulate killer CD8 T cells to attack the
    cancer cells.
  • So far used only in clinical trials not approved
    for general use.
  • Monoclonal Antibody Therapy (Passive Specific
  • Monoclonal antibody therapy is a passive
    immunotherapy because the antibodies against the
    tumor-associated antigens are produced outside
    the body (in the lab) rather than by the immune
    system. This type of therapy can be effective
    even if the immune system is weakened.
  • Approved for treatment of certain cancers (breast
    cancer, leukemias).
  • Nonspecific Immunotherapies (Cytokines)
  • Stimulate the immune system in a very general
  • Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Stimulates the ability of
    NK cells to kill the cancer cells. Used to treat
    melanomas and kidney cancers.
  • Interferons Slow the growth of cancer cells
    stimulate the cancer killing ability of NK cells.
    Used to treat leukemias, lymphomas and melanoma.

Passive immunotherapy
  • Administration of monoclonal antibodies, which
    target either tumor-specific or over-expressed
  • Kills tumor cells in several ways

Growth factor
Herceptin blocks receptor
Breast cancer cell
Lymphoma cell
Lymphoma cell destroyed
Growth slows
A new approach to cancer therapy uses antibodies
that have been specially made to recognize
specific cancers. When coupled with natural
toxins, drugs, or radioactive substances, the
antibodies seek out their target cancer cells and
deliver their lethal load.
Antibody-based immunotherapy
Name Malignancy Target
Rituxan B cell lymphoma CD20
Herceptin Breast, lymphoma Her-2/neu
Campath B-CLL CD52
Erbitux Colo-rectal EGFR
Avastin Colo-rectal VEGF
Name Malignancy Target
Mylotarg AML CD33 (calicheamicin)
Bexxar B cell lymphoma CD20 (131In / 90Y)
Active immunotherapies
  • Cytokines- IL-2 / IFNs / TNFa
  • Vaccination strategies- single peptide multi
    ple peptides HSP complexes
    whole tumor cells
  • Cell-based therapies - tumor-specific
    CTL tumor-derived APC DC priming

HPV Antibodies (Vaccines) Prevent Infection and
Cervical Cancer
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common
    sexually transmitted virus in the United States.
    At least 70 percent of sexually active persons
    will be infected with HPV at some time in their
    lives. HPV infects both men and women.
  • Over 99 percent of cervical cancer cases are
    linked to long-term infections with high-risk
  • The vaccination protects a person from future
    infection by the high-risk HPV
  • After the vaccination, if an exposure occurs,
    the vaccinated persons antibodies against the
    HPV opsonize the virus and prevent it from
    attachment to the host epithelial cells..

Humanized monoclonal antibodies
  • Use of mouse monoclonal antibodies for
    immunotherapy in humans is limited by immune
    responses in humans against the foreign mouse
    antibody proteins.
  • Complementarity determining regions (CDR) of
    mouse monoclonal antibodies can be grafted onto
    the framework of a human immunoglobulin.
    Recombinant antibodies are less immunogenic and
    induce less allergic reactions.

Dendritic cell therapy
  • Dendritic cells are key components of the
    adaptive immune response
  • APC function with ability to direct IR
  • Present in peripheral blood as circulating
    subtypes (lt0.4 TWC)

Dendritic cell sources for therapy
Copland et al (2005) Cancer Immunol. Immunother.
DC-based therapy
Currently in Phase II and Phase III trials for
melanoma, prostatic carcinoma and lymphoma.
Cancer Immunotherapy Dendritic Cells That
Attack Cancer
By modifying dendritic cells, researchers are
able to activate T cells that attack the cancer
cells. Because a tumor antigen alone is not
enough to result in a strong immune response,
cytokines are first fused to a tumor antigen with
the hope that this will send a strong antigenic
signal. Next, the patient's dendritic cells are
isolated and grown in the incubator to let them
take up this fused cytokine-tumor antigen. This
enables the dendritic cells to mature and
eventually display the same tumor antigens as
appear on the patient's cancer cells. When these
special mature dendritic cells are given back to
the patient, they present their newly acquired
tumor antigens to the T cells that can respond
and attack the patient's cancer cells.
Dendrion FDA approval for prostate cancer
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