Title: Zavr
1Završno predavanje
Medicinska informatika, studij medicine, akad.
god. 2007./08., završno predavanje 14. svibnja
2(No Transcript)
5i razdvajanje ?
Oregon Health Science University2003 IMIA
Working Group onEducation meeting, April 23-25,
2003Portland, USA Teach Globally, Learn
Locally Innovations in Health and Biomedical
Informatics Education in the 21st Century The
goals biomedical informatics education
planning for the development of the IMIA virtual
university that will enable
8E. Coiera, 1998. (TIR)
The computer, the telephone, the Web, video
these, and all that is still to come, are
unquestionably powerful tools. Used badly, they
waste time and money, and dehumanise our
interactions with each other. Used well, guided
by a clear understanding of basic informatics
principles, they are neither to be feared, loved
nor loathed. They are simply to be used. In the
next century, the study of informatics will
become as fundamental to the practice of medicine
as anatomy has been to the last.
htmlTen essential clinical informatics skills
9Obrazovanje u digitalnoj znanosti(u medicinskim
- Kako rabiti digitalnu znanost?
- Što jest digitalna znanost?
nastavnik predavac
voditelj koordinator
1010 vještina (E. Coiera)
- Clinicians should be able to
- Understand the dynamic and uncertain nature of
medical knowledge and know how to keep personal
knowledge and skills up-to-date - Search for and assess knowledge according to the
statistical basis of scientific evidence - Understand some of the logical and statistical
models of the diagnostic process - Interpret uncertain clinical data and deal with
artefact and error - Analyse and structure clinical decisions in terms
of risks and benefits - Adapt and apply clinical knowledge to the
individual circumstances of patients - Access, assess, select and apply a treatment
guideline adapt it to local circumstances and
communicate and record variations in treatment
plan and outcome - Structure and record clinical data in a form
appropriate for the immediate clinical task, for
communication with colleagues, or for
epidemiological purposes - Select and utilize the most appropriate
communication method for a given task (eg,
face-to-face conversation, telephone, e-mail,
video, voice-mail, letter) - Structure and communicate messages in a manner
most suited to the recipient, task and chosen
communication medium.
htmlTen essential clinical informatics skills
13Izravno ucenje s Interneta
14(No Transcript)
15s testom znanja
16... i u Hrvatskoj
17Izravno (on-line)...
- e-Thrombosis, a new threat for the 21st century
- The risk of developing life-threatening blood
clots from sitting for long periods at a computer
was revealed today in a case report from New
Zealand. A young man who spent up to 18 hours a
day sitting at his computer nearly died after
developing a massive blood clot that formed in
his leg veins, broke off and travelled to his
lungs (pulmonary embolism).TIR, Vol. 6 No. 7
19(No Transcript)
20- At a recent Computer Expo, Bill Gates reportedly
compared the computer industry with the auto
industry and stated
"If GM had kept up with technology like the
computer industry has, we would all be driving
twenty-five dollar cars that got 1000 miles to
the gallon."
21General Motors press release
If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we
would be driving cars with the following
22- For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash
twice a day. - Every time they repainted the lines on the road,
you would have to buy a new car. - Occasionally your car would die on the freeway
for no reason, and you would accept this,
restart, and drive on. - Occasionally executing a maneuver such as a left
turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse
to restart in which case you would have to
reinstall the engine. - Only one person at a time could use the car,
unless you bought "Car 95" or "CarNT". Then you
would have to buy more seats.
23- Macintosh would make a car that was powered by
the sun, was more reliable, five times as fast,
and twice as easy to drive, but would only run on
five percent of the roads. - The oil, water, temperature and alternator
warning lights would be replaced by a single
"general car fault' warning light. - New seats would force everyone to have the same
butt size. - The airbag system would say "Are you sure?"
before going off...
24(No Transcript)
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26Informacije za sam kraj
27Studentski seminar
- vecina prosjecna, samo temeljne informacije
- opca zapažanja tijekom izlaganja
- gledati i obracati se publici
- citanje vs. govor
- pokazati na tekstu/slici što se govori
- brzina umjerena paziti na vrijeme!
28Studentski seminar
- prikazi na racunalu
- kolicina sadržaja (vrijeme na raspolaganju)
- izradba na brzinu ?
- preslika izvornog teksta loše!
- važno znati i razumijeti sadržaj, poznavati sve
izraze, kratice i tumacenja - jako bitno hrvatski književni jezik! ?
- šarenilo, animacije nepotrebno!
29Stud. seminar pismenost
..slijedi da ce se IV sastanak ( Journal Club )
Katedre za informatiku održati u cetvrtak , 3
lipnja 04 . , u 19 sati u informatickoj ucionici
.Obradivat ce se poglavlja prema sljedecem
rasporedu Gordana B.-10. poglavlje, Lidija
B.Z.-11. poglavlje i Mladen P.-12. poglavlje
. Izvor podataka Uvod u znanstveni rad u
medicini ,Med.naklada , III.izd.(žuto),2004.god.
Podrazumijeva se da svi ucesnici pomno prouce sva
navedena poglavlja i aktivno se ukljuce u
raspravu. sdacno , Lidija Bilic - Zulle
30Stud. seminar pismenost
slijedi da ce se IV. sastanak (Journal Club)
Katedre za informatiku održati u cetvrtak, 16.
lipnja 05., u 19 sati u informatickoj ucionici.
Obradivat ce se poglavlja prema sljedecem
rasporedu Gordana B. 10. poglavlje, Lidija
B.Z. 11. poglavlje i Mladen P. 12.
poglavlje. Izvor podataka "Uvod u znanstveni rad
u medicini", Med. naklada, III. izd. (žuto),
2004. god. Podrazumijeva se da svi ucesnici pomno
prouce sva navedena poglavlja i aktivno se
ukljuce u raspravu. Srdacno, Lidija Bilic-Zulle
31Studentski seminari
- pocetak
- pozdraviti i predstaviti se
- ja, nažalost, nisam
- bit cu kratak
- završetak, zadnja recenica, zaklucak, pitanje...
- i to je to
- poštapalice!!!
- zanimanje za to što se radi!!!
- rad u timu!
32Studentski seminari
- Plagiranje NIJE dopušteno!
- Preuzimanje tudih tekstova, rijeci, ideja i misli
predstavljajuci ih kao vlastite. - Medicinske slike
- skupina 6 sadržaj preuzela prezentaciju dr. sc.
Brumini copy-paste - skupina 1 prvi dio prezentacije preuzet iz
prezentacije dr. sc. Brumini - Racunalne simulacije i modeli u medicini
- skupina 4 koristila iskljucivo knjigu
- skupina 5 koristila knjigu (1 slide s
interneta!) - skupina 6 koristila iskljucivo knjigu.
- Racunalna potpora medicinskom odlucivanju
- skupina 6 lošija kopija prezentacije skupine 4.
- Vecina studenata pri izradi prezentacija
koristila je knjigu kao jedini izvor literature i
stoga veliki dio je prepisan i medusobno slican.
33Ispit gradivo
- vježbe i seminari
- Ðuro DeželicMedicinska informatikaHDMI, Zagreb,
1997. - Mladen Petrovecki i sur.Dopunski tekstovimrežne
stranice Katedre
34Dopunsko gradivo
- Degoulet P, Fieschi M.Introduction to Clinical
InformaticsSpringer, 1997. - Van Bemmel JH, Musen MA.Handbook of Medical
InformaticsSpringer, 1997.http//www.mieur.nl/mi
Bodova Ocjena 0 - 11 nedovoljan 12 -
13 dovoljan 14 - 16 dobar 17 - 19 vrlo
dobar 20 - ... izvrstan
- pismeni
- test, 22 pitanja, 45 min
- primjer testa na mrežnim stranicama
- pribrajanje plus/minus bodova stecenih na nastavi
- usmeni
- 5 pitanja
- objavljena na mrežnim stranicama
36Ispitna razdoblja
- 3. lipnja 2008. utorak 15 sati, P2
- 19. lipnja 2008. cetvrtak 15 sati, P2
- 9. rujna 2008. utorak 15 sati, P2
- 25. rujna 2008. cetvrtak 15 sati, P2
- pismeni ispit 45 minuta
- rezultati 30 minuta nakon ispita
- usmeni ispit po želji studenta, odmah po
objavljivanju rezultata - upis ocjene u index odmah nakon objavljivanja
rezultata - Voditi racuna o prijavljivanju i odjavljivanju
ispita! Studis!
37Medicinska informatika
http//mi.medri.hr/ mladenp_at_medri.hr lbilicz_at_medr
i.hr vpupovac_at_medri.hr mvedrana_at_medri.hr
Studenti se primaju svakim danom od 12-14
sati! Konzultacije utorkom i cetvrtkom 14-16 sati.
38Ocjena studentskih skupina
Nastavnih jedinica 10 Faktor 3
Skupina N N Nastava Bodova Kolokvija N FPLUS Uk.
studenata izostanaka () plus/minus
1AB 14 16 88,57 1 0 88,57 2,14 90,71
2A 8 6 92,50 -2 0 92,50 -7,50 85,00
2B 8 4 95,00 1 0 95,00 3,75 98,75
3AB 14 14 90,00 7 0 90,00 15,00 105,00
4AB 14 6 95,71 4 0 95,71 8,57 104,29
5A 9 4 95,56 0 0 95,56 0,00 95,56
5B 7 4 94,29 2 0 94,29 8,57 102,86
6A 8 7 91,25 -2 0 91,25 -7,50 83,75
6B 7 9 87,14 0 0 87,14 0,00 87,14
39Ocjena studentskih skupina
- Pohadanje nastave
- Broj plus i minus bodova
- Kolokvij
3AB 105,0
4AB 104,3
5B 102,9
2B 98,8
5A 95,6
1AB 90,7
6B 87,1
2A 85,0
6A 83,8
Najbolja skupina 3AB ? Svim 3AB studentima 1
40Hvala na pozornosti...
... i puno uspjeha na ispitu. ?
Molim još tren strpljenja za studentsku anketu...