Title: Whole-cell vs Cell-attached patch
- Whole-cell vs Cell-attached patch
- Current Clamp
- Components of an action potential
- Voltage Clamp
- Conductances of an action potential
- Channel Structure
- Single channel recordings
2Cell-attached Patch
Whole-cell Patch
GOhm Seal between pipet and membrane
Pipet and cell are contiguous
Record single channels Monitor spiking
Measure macro currents Synaptic events
3Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
-55 mV
4Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
-55 mV
5Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
-55 mV
Membrane time constant RmC
6Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
-55 mV
7Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
-55 mV
Slope I/Vm g (conductance) 1/g Rm
8Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
-55 mV
Activation of Ih
9Current Clamp
Done in whole-cell configuration Monitors the
potential of the cell- therefore units will be in
volts By convention V Einside Eoutside Upward
deflections are depolarizing downward are
10Action Potentials
The Hodgkin-Huxley Model The squid giant axon
action potential had only sodium and potassium
currents. Other cells action potentials are
shaped by a number of other conductances.
11Beyond Hodgkin-Huxley Action Potentials
Storm, 1987
12Voltage Clamp
Used to measure currents that underlie changes in
potential ITotal IIonic IC where IC
C(dV/dt) Thus, by clamping the cell at a certain
voltage, dV/dt0 and IT II Measures the amount
of current needed to hold the cell at a given
potential- therefore units will be in amps
Downward (negative deflections) are inward
currents upward are outward
L-Type Calcium Channel
13Voltage Clamp
Series resistance is due to the resistance of the
extracellular solution (Ohms) and the access
through the pipet tip (MOhms).
Voltage Clamp errors 1. Current across Rs
causes a voltage drop. 2. R in series with C
forms a low-pass filter.
14Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952
Different conventions 1. Vrest 0 mV not -60
mV 2. Negative potentials are depolarizing 3.
Inward currents are positive
15Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952
TAIL CURRENTS allow you to isolate voltage and
time dependent properties of a channel from the
driving force on the ion.
- Activation
- Inactivation
- Recovery from inactivation
- Deactivation
16(No Transcript)
17Single Channel Recordings
18Increased Input R Can locally apply drugs
Can expose intracellular domain of channel to
variable solutions
19Things to look for
- Ion concentrations in internal and external
solutions - Temperature