Mammalian Cell Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mammalian Cell Culture


Neural cell adhesion molecule ... primarily involved in interactions between homologous cells The binding is homophilic Adhesion may be homophilic (one cadherin ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mammalian Cell Culture

Biology of cultured cells
Dr. Tarek Elbashiti Assoc. Prof. of Biotechnology
  • In vitro cell often does not express the correct
    in vivo phenotype because the cells
    microenvironment has changed.
  • Cellcell and cellmatrix interactions are
    reduced because the cells lack the heterogeneity
    and three-dimensional architecture found in vivo,
    and many hormonal and nutritional stimuli are

  • The influence of the environment on the culture
    is expressed via five routes
  • (1) the nature of the substrate on or in which
    the cells growsolid, as on plastic or other
    rigid matrix, semisolid, as in a gel such as
    collagen or agar, or liquid, as in a suspension
  • (2) the degree of contact with other cells
  • (3) the physicochemical and physiological
    constitution of the medium
  • (4) the constitution of the gas phase
  • (5) the incubation temperature.

  • The providing of the appropriate environment,
    including substrate adhesion, nutrient and
    hormone or growth factor concentration, and cell
    interaction, is fundamental to the expression of
    specialized functions

Cell adhesion
  • Most cells from solid tissues grow as adherent
    monolayers, and, unless they have transformed
  • Become anchorage independent after tissue
    disaggregation or subculture they will need to
    attach and spread out on the substrate before
    they will start to proliferate.

  • Cells attach to and spread on glass that had a
    slight net negative charge.
  • Attach to some plastics, such as polystyrene, if
    treated with an electric ion discharge or
    high-energy ionizing radiation.
  • Cell adhesion is mediated by specific cell
    surface receptors for molecules in the
    extracellular matrix so it seems likely that
    spreading may be preceded by the secretion of
    extracellular matrix proteins and proteoglycans
    by the cells.

Cell Adhesion Molecules
  • Three major classes of transmembrane proteins
    have shown to be involved in cell-cell and
    cell-substrate adhesion
  • Cell-cell adhesion molecules, CAMs (Ca2
    independent), and cadherins (Ca2 dependent) for
    interactions between homologous cells.
  • Cell-substrate interactions by integrins,
    receptors for matrix molecules such as
    fibronectin, laminin, and collagen.
  • Transmembrane proteoglycans, also interacting
    with matrix such as other proteoglycans or

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  • Adherens junctions
  • Gap junctions
  • Tight junctions
  • Desmosomes/Hemidesmosomes
  • Focal adhesions

Intercellular Junctions
  • The role of the junctions varies between
    mechanical, such as the desmosomes and adherens
    junctions, which hold epithelial cells together
  • Tight junctions which seal the space between
    cells, e.g. between secretory cells in ducts or
    between endothelial cells in a blood vessel, and
  • Gap junctions, which allow ions, nutrients, and
    small signaling molecules such as cyclic
    adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to pass between
    cells in contact.

  • Desmosomes distributed throughout the area of
    plasma membranes in contact they are often
    associated with tight and adherens junctions.
  • Desmosomes are molecular complexes of cell
    adhesion proteins and linking proteins that
    attach the cell surface adhesion proteins to
    intracellular keratin cytoskeletal filaments.

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  • As epithelial cells differentiate in confluent
    cultures they can form an increasing number of
    desmosomes and, if some morphological
    organization occurs, can form complete junctional

  • This is one reason why epithelial cells, if left
    at confluence for too long, can be difficult to
  • As many of the adhesion molecules within these
    junctions depend on Ca2 ions, a chelating agent,
    such as EDTA, is often added to the trypsin
    during or before disaggregation.

Extracellular Matrix
  • Intercellular spaces in tissues are filled with
    extracellular matrix (ECM), the constitution of
    which is determined by the cell type, e.g.,
    fibrocytes secrete type I collagen and
    fibronectin into the matrix,
  • Epithelial cells produce laminin.
  • Where adjacent cell types are different, e.g., at
    the boundary of the dermis (fibrocytes) and
    epidermis (epithelial keratinocytes), both cell
    types contribute to the composition of the ECM,
    often producing a basal lamina.

  • The matrix adheres to the charged substrate, and
    the cells then bind to the matrix via specific
  • Glass or plastic that has been conditioned by
    previous cell growth can often provide a better
    surface for attachment,
  • Substrates pretreated with matrix constituents,
    such as fibronectin or collagen, or derivatives,
    such as gelatin, help fastidious cells to attach
    and proliferate.

  • Mostly, cultured cell lines are allowed to
    generate their own ECM,
  • but primary culture and propagation of some
    specialized cells, and the induction of their
    differentiation, may require exogenous condition
    of ECM.
  • ECM is comprised variously of collagen, laminin,
    fibronectin, hyaluronan, proteoglycans, and bound
    growth factors or cytokines

  • With fibroblast-like cells, the main requirement
    is for substrate attachment and spreading and the
    cells migrate individually at low densities.
  • Epithelial cells may also require cellcell
    adhesion for optimum survival and growth and, as
    a result, they tend to grow in patches.

  • At least two components of interaction with the
    substrate may be recognized
  • (1) Adhesion, to allow the attachment and
    spreading that are necessary for cell
  • (2) Specific interactions, such as of the
    interaction of an epithelial cell with basement
    membrane (a dense layer of extracellular
    material) with other ECM constituents, or with
    adjacent tissue cells, and required for the
    expression of some specialized functions explored
    the growth of cells on other natural substrates
    related to basement membrane.

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  • The use of ECM constituents can be highly
    beneficial in enhancing cell survival,
    proliferation, or differentiation
  • Fibronectin and laminin fragments are now
    available commercially

  • Cadherins
  • Ig superfamily CAMs
  • Selectins
  • Integrins
  • Connexins (Gap Junction molecules)
  • Occludin and claudin proteins

  • Transmembrane proteins involved in cellcell and
    cellsubstrate adhesion
  • 1- Cellcell adhesion molecules, CAMs
    (Ca2independent), by means of cell adhesion
    molecules, CAMs, cells are capable of recognizing
    each other
  • Plasma membrane receptors take care of cell-ECM
  • 2- cadherins (Ca2 dependent) primarily involved
    in interactions between homologous cells

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  • Cellsubstrate interactions are mediated
    primarily by integrins, receptors for matrix
    molecules such as fibronectin, entactin, laminin,
    and collagen, which bind to them via a specific
    motif usually containing the arginineglycineaspa
    rtic acid (RGD) sequence
  • Each integrin comprises one a and one ß subunit,
    the extracellular domains of which are highly
    polymorphic, thus generating considerable
    diversity among the integrins.

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  • The third group of cell adhesion molecules is the
    transmembrane proteoglycans, also interacting
    with matrix constituents such as other
    proteoglycans or collagen, but not via the RGD
  • Disaggregation of the tissue, or an attached
    monolayer culture, with protease digest some of
    the extracellular matrix and may even degrade
    some of the extracellular domains of
    transmembrane proteins, allowing cells to become
    dissociated from each other.

  • Epithelial cells are generally more resistant to
    disaggregation, as they tend to have tighter
    junctional complexes (desmosomes, adherens
    junctions, and tight junctions) holding them
    together, whereas mesenchymal cells, which are
    more dependent on matrix interactions for
    intercellular bonding, are more easily
  • Endothelial cells (specialized type of epithelial
    cell which forms the inner layer of blood
    vessels) may also express tight junctions in
    culture, especially if left at confluence for
    prolonged periods on a preformed matrix, and can
    be difficult to dissociate.

  • C.T Functions to bind and support other tissues
  • Made up of a thin population of cells scattered
    through an extracellular matrix
  • Matrix nonliving, web of fibers embedded in a
    homogenous ground substance that may be liquid,
    solid, or jelly-like
  • Substances of the matrix are secreted by cells
    of connective tissues
  • In each case, cells must re-synthesize matrix
    proteins before they attach or must be provided
    with a matrix-coated substrate.

The binding is homophilic
  • Adhesion may be homophilic (one cadherin binds to
    another in the extracellular space and connects
    cells together at specialized junctions) or
    heterophilic (binding protein binds to another
    type of site on a cell

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  • Cadherins Large family of cell surface proteins
    that mediate homophilic Ca dependent cell-cell
  • The classical cadherins, e.g. E-,N-, P-,
    L-cadherins occur in the epithelial, neuronal
    placental and liver tissues respectively.

  • 700-750 a.a glycoprotein
  • Five fold external parts
  • Four with Ca
  • In Ca deficiency !!
  • Ca2 causes dimerization of Cadherins

Cell-cell Adhesion Regulation of cadherins
  • They have a critical role in embryo
  • In adult, cadherins are responsible for the tight
    cell-cell associations within tissues.
  • They are closely associated with the
    cytoskeleton (actin ), By 3 intracellular
    proteins ( catenins)
  • Associated with signaling between the cell
    surface and the nucleus
  • If catenins absent cadherin dont act.

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  • Experiment (specifications)
  • Fibroblast cell called L- fibroblast doesn't have
    cadherins , if transfected with gene encoding E
    cadherins , then use it.
  • Without Ca disrupted
  • Cells express multiple cadherins- specificity of
    adhesion is due to the different combinations of
    cadherins expressed.

Cadherin-dependent Cell Sorting
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  • Surface carbohydrate binding protein.
  • Ex. Lectins in the presence of Ca ions bind to
    specific oligosaccharides on another cell
  • All are structurally closely related having, at
    their N-terminal a carbohydrate recognition (
    lectin) domain and variable numbers of repeats
    related to complement regulatory proteins.
  • Heterophelic cell adhesion bind protein to
    another type on a cell)
  • This binding is weak untill bind tightly by their

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  • There are three types of selectins
  • E-selectin, found exclusively on endothelia
  • L-selectin, found on all circulating leukocytes
    except activated T-lymphocytes
  • P-selectin, found in secretory granules of
    platelets and endothelial cells.

Selectin-mediated cell-cell adhesion (blood cell
  • Selectins are involved in extravasations
  • Inflammatory signals activate endothelial cells
    making P-Selectin undergo exocytosis
  • P-Selectin on the surface of endothelial cells
    binds a specific carbohydrate ligand on
  • The leukocytes attach to the endothelial wall and
    roll slowly on it
  • Platelet-activating factor (PAF) and integrins
    are then activated and the leukocytes start to
    pass through the walls of a vessel into the
    surrounding tissues.

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  • Transmembrane binding glycoproteins that usually
    bind cells to matrix
  • Bind cells to cells and to specific legand on the
    target cell
  • Involved in cell-extracellular matrix adhesion
    and cell-cell adhesion
  • Binding is Ca dependent
  • May involve actin filaments but not associated
    with cells junctions
  • Functional integrins always have ß and a subunits

  • Ligand binding is divalent cation dependent
  • (Ca , Mg and Mn)
  • Common ligands are
  • the ECM proteins ( fibronectin, vitronectin,
    collagen and laminin -recognised by multiple
    integrins-or members of the Ig superfamily)

  • Integrins connect the actin cytoskeleton to
    extracellular matrix proteins outside the cell.
  • The clustering of integrins form a central
    adhesions facility.

Many cells in culture do not proliferate in
response to growth factors unless the cells are
attached via integrins to extracellular matrix
molecules. The challenge is to determine how
these signaling cascades interact to influence
complex cell behaviors such as gene expression
and cell proliferation
Ca independent cell-cell adhesion molecule
  • Ig-superfamily of adhesion molecules
  • includes around 70 members.
  • All posses one or more Ig-like domain.
  • Ig-like domains are - ß sheets proteins
    stabilized by disulphide bond.
  • Ig domains are resistant to proteases

Fig (B) NCAM recognising another NCAM molecules
on a different cell (homophilic ligand).
  • They recognise both homophilic and heterophilic
  • Integrins are frequently heterophilic ligands
    for Ig-superfamily members
  • e.g. ICAM binds to ß 2-integrins on blood cells.
  • Ca dependency for ligand binding is variable.

Neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM),
intercellular adhesion molecule
(ICAM) Calcium-independent Immunoglobulin (Ig)
Summary Diagramnon-junctional adhesion proceeds
junctional adhesion
Cell Matrix Interaction
  • The extracellular matrix, where most animal cells
    in tissues are embedded, fills the spaces between
    cells and binds cells and tissues together.
  • The wide matrix in CT may be calcified,
    transparent, liquid,
  • Matrix form basal lamina between CT and
    Epithelial cells.

  • Basal laminae is a sheetlike extracellular matrix
    that supports epithelial cells and surrounds
    muscle cells, adipose cells, and peripheral

  • Matrix play more active and complex role in
    regulation the behavior of cells that contact it.
  • Proliferation , migration, development, shape and
  • Extracellular matrix is made and oriented by
    cells within it.
  • Extracellular matrices are composed of
  • 1- A gel-like polysaccharide ground substancea
    design basically similar to that of plant cell
  • 2-Tough fibrous proteins .

1- Glycosaminoglycans GAGs
  • GAGs,are gel-forming polysaccharides of the
    extracellular matrix that consist of repeating
    units of disaccharides.
  • Five major types, have Differences in
  • (sulphate group and its location, linkage type)

  • Proteoglycans are proteins linked to
    glycosaminoglycans and consist of up to 95
    polysaccharide by weight.
  • E.g aggrecan
  • A number of proteoglycans interact with
    hyaluronan to form large complexes in the
    extracellular matrix.

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GAGs function
  • 1- GAGs act as filter gel
  • Heparan sulphat proteoglycans golmerular basal
    lamina filter
  • 2-Bind to growth factors
  • 3- Regulation of secretory proteins by
  • ( immobilize, delayed, prolong action )

2-Tough fibrous proteins .
  • Collagen, the major structural protein of the
    extracellular matrix, is the single most abundant
    protein in animal tissues.
  • The collagens are a large family of proteins
    containing at least 27 different members

-Stiff -Long -Triplehelix -With proline and
glycine -27 types -the famous isType 1 in CT.
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  • Elastic fibers, found in connective tissues, are
    particularly abundant in organs that regularly
    stretch and then return to their original shape.
  • Elastin is cross-linked into a network by
    covalent bonds formed between the side chains of
    lysine residues and the protein that elastic
    fibers are principally composed of.

Matrix adhesion proteins
  • 1- Fibronectin is the principal adhesion protein
    of the connective tissues
  • Is the final class of extracellular matrix
  • Responsible for linking the components of the
    matrix to one another and to the surfaces of

  • Large glycoprotein
  • A dimer of two lage
  • subunits linked by
  • disulfide bond.

2- Laminin
  • Laminin is the principal adhesion protein of
    basal laminae.
  • Entactin, another adhesion molecule that is
    associated with laminins, binds to type IV

  • Flexible thin 40-120 nm
  • Influence cell metabolism
  • Induce cell differentiation from the cells which
    set on, two layer ( from collagen , perelecan
    heparan sulphate proteiglycan-, laminin and
    entactin )

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  • Integrins are the major cell surface receptors
    responsible for the attachment of cells to the
    extracellular matrix.
  • In addition to attaching cells to the
    extracellular matrix, integrins serve as anchors
    for the cytoskeleton.

  • Focal adhesions are a type of cell-matrix
    junction that attach a variety of cells,
    including fibroblasts, to the extracellular
  • The ability of integrins to reversibly bind
    matrix components is dependent on their ability
    to change conformation between active and
    inactive states.

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Cell Motility
  • Cultured cells are capable of movement on a
  • The most motile are fibroblasts at a low cell
    density (when cells are not in contact), and the
    least motile are dense epithelial monolayers.
  • Fibroblasts migrate as individual cells with a
    recognizable polarity of movement.
  • A lamellipodiuma cytoskeletal protein
    actinprojection on the mobile edge of the cell ,
    generated by polymerization of actin expands in
    the direction of travel and adheres to the
    substrate, and the plasma membrane at the
    opposite side of the cell retracts, causing the
    cell to undergo directional movement.

  • If the cell encounters another cell, the polarity
    reverses, and migration proceeds in the opposite
  • Migration proceeds in irregular tracks, until the
    cell density reaches confluence, whereupon
    directional migration ceases.
  • The cessation of movement at confluence, which is
    accompanied by a reduction in plasma membrane
    disturbing, is known as contact inhibition and
    leads eventually to withdrawal of the cell from
    the division cycle depending on the

  • Epithelial cells, unless transformed, tend not to
  • random migration as polarized single cells. When
    seeded at a low density, they will migrate until
    they make contact
  • with another cell and the migration stops.
  • Eventually, cells accumulate in patches and the
    whole patch may show signs of coordinated movement

  • The cell cycle is made up of four phases
  • In the M phase (M mitosis), the chromatin
    condenses into chromosomes, and the two
    individual chromatids, which make up the
    chromosome, separate to each daughter cell.
  • In the G1 (Gap 1) phase, the cell either
    progresses toward DNA synthesis and another
    division cycle or exits the cell cycle reversibly
    (G0) or irreversibly to commit to

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  • G1is followed by the S phase (DNA synthesis), in
    which the DNA replicates.
  • S in turn is followed by the G2 (Gap 2) phase in
    which the cell prepares for reentry into mitosis.
  • Checkpoints at the beginning of DNA synthesis and
    in G2 determine the integrity of the DNA and will
    halt the cell cycle to allow DNA repair or entry
    into apoptosis if repair is impossible.

Cell cycle regulation
  • Apoptosis, or programmed cell death is a
    regulated physiological process whereby a cell
    can be removed from a population.
  • Marked by DNA fragmentation, nuclear blebbing,
    and cell shrinkage, apoptosis can also be
    detected by a number of marker enzymes with kits
    such as Apotag (Oncor) or the COMET assay
  • Entry into the cell cycle is regulated by signals
    from the environment.

Control of Cell Proliferation
  • Low cell density leaves cells with free edges and
    renders them capable of spreading, which permits
    their entry into the cycle in the presence of
    mitogenic growth factors, such as epidermal
    growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factors
    (FGFs), or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
    interacting with cell surface receptors.
  • High cell density inhibits the proliferation of
    normal cells (though not transformed cells).

  • Inhibition of proliferation is initiated by cell
    contact and is highlighted by crowding and the
    resultant change in the shape of the cell and
    reduced spreading.
  • Intracellular control is mediated by
    positive-acting factors, such as the cyclins ,
    which are upregulated by signal transduction
    cascades activated by phosphorylation of the
    intracellular domain of the receptor when it is
    bound to growth factor.

  • Much of the evidence for the existence of these
    steps in the control of cell proliferation has
    emerged from studies of oncogene and suppressor
    gene expression in tumor cells, with the ultimate
    objective of the therapeutic regulation of
    uncontrolled cell proliferation in cancer.
  • The immediate benefit, however, has been a better
    understanding of the factors required to regulate
    cell proliferation in culture

  • Historically, the inability of cell lines to
  • the characteristic in vivo phenotype was blamed
  • dedifferentiation.
  • Dedifferentiation involves that the specialized
    properties of the cell are lost by change to a
    more primitive phenotype.
  • According to this concept, differentiated cells
    lose their specialized properties in vitro, but
    it is often unclear whether (1) the wrong lineage
    of cells is selected in vitro, (2)
    undifferentiated cells of the same lineage
    overgrow terminally differentiated cells of
    reduced proliferative capacity,

  • or (3) the absence of the appropriate inducers
    (hormones cell or matrix interaction) causes an
    adaptive, and potentially reversible, loss of
    differentiated properties
  • In practice, all of these may contribute to loss
    of differentiation even in the correct
    lineage-selective conditions

  • Cell proliferation, migration, differentiation,
    and apoptosis in vivo are regulated by cellcell
    interaction, cellmatrix interaction, and
    nutritional and hormonal signals, as discussed
  • Some signaling is contact-mediated via cell
    adhesion molecules but signaling can also result
    from soluble, diffusible factors.
  • Signals that reach the cell from another tissue
    via the systemic vasculature are called
    endocrine, and those that diffuse from adjacent
    cells without entering the bloodstream are called

  • It is useful to recognize that some soluble
    signals arise in, and interact with the same type
    of cell.
  • This called homotypic paracrine, or homocrine,
    signaling .
  • Signals that arise in a cell type different from
    the responding cells are heterotypic paracrine
    and referred as paracrine.
  • A cell can also generate its own signaling
    factors that bind to its own receptors, and this
    is called autocrine signaling.

  • Although all of these forms of signaling occur in
    vivo, under normal conditions with basal media in
    vitro, only autocrine and homocrine signaling
    will occur.
  • The failure of many cultures to plate with a high
    efficiency at low cell densities may be due, in
    part, to the dilution of one or more autocrine
    and homocrine factors, and this is part of the
    rationale in using conditioned medium or feeder
    layers to enhance plating efficiency.

  • As the maintenance and proliferation of
    specialized cells, and the induction of their
    differentiation, may depend on paracrine and
    endocrine factors, these must be identified and
    added to differentiation medium.

  • Heterotypic combinations of cells may be,
    initially at least, a simpler way of providing
    the correct factors in the correct matrix
    microenvironment, and analysis of this
    interaction may then be possible with blocking
    antibodies or antisense RNA.

  • Briefly, a culture is derived either by the
    outgrowth of migrating cells from a fragment of
    tissue or by enzymatic or mechanical dispersal of
    the tissue.
  • Primary culture is the first in a series of
    selective processes that may in the end give rise
    to a relatively uniform cell line.
  • In primary explantation, selection occurs by
    advantage of the cells capacity to migrate from
    the explant, whereas with dispersed cells, only
    those cells that both survive the disaggregation
    technique and adhere to the substrate or survive
    in suspension will form the basis of a primary

  • If the primary culture is maintained for more
    than a few hours, a further selection step will
  • Cells that are capable of proliferation will
    increase, some cell types will survive but not
    increase, and yet others will be unable to
    survive under the particular conditions of the
  • Hence, the relative proportion of each cell type
    will change and will continue to do so until, in
    the case of monolayer cultures, all the available
    culture substrate is occupied.

  • It should be realized that primary cultures,
    although suitable for some studies such as
    cytogenetic analysis, may be unsuitable for other
    studies because of their instability
  • Both cell population changes and adaptive
    modifications within the cells are occurring
    continuously throughout the culture, making it
    difficult to select a period when the culture may
    be regarded as homogeneous or stable.

  • After confluence is reached (i.e., all the
    available growth area is utilized and the cells
    make close contact with one another), cells whose
    growth is sensitive to contact inhibition and
    density limitation of cell proliferation will
    stop dividing, while any transformed cells, which
    are insensitive to density limitation, will tend
    to overgrow.

  • Keeping the cell density low (e.g., by frequent
    subculture) helps to preserve the normal
    phenotype in cultures such as mouse fibroblasts,
    in which spontaneous transformants tend to
    overgrow at high cell densities.
  • Some aspects of specialized function are
    expressed more strongly in primary culture,
    particularly when the culture becomes confluent.
  • At this stage, the culture will show its closest
    morphological resemblance to the parent tissue
    and retain some diversity in cell type.

  • After the first subculture, or passage, the
    primary culture becomes known as a cell line and
    may be propagated and subcultured several times.
  • With each successive subculture, the component of
    the population with the ability to proliferate
    most rapidly will gradually predominate, and
    nonproliferating or slowly proliferating cells
    will be diluted out.

  • This is most strikingly apparent after the first
    subculture, in which differences in proliferative
    capacity are compounded with varying abilities to
    withstand the trauma of trypsinization and
  • Although some selection and phenotypic drift will
    continue, by the third passage the culture
    becomes more stable and is typified by a rather
    hardy, rapidly proliferating cell.

  • Normal cells can divide a limited number of
    times hence, cell lines derived from normal
    tissue will die out after a fixed number of
    population doublings. This is a genetically
    determined event involving several different
    genes and is known as senescence.
  • It is thought to be determined, in part, by the
    inability of terminal sequences of the DNA in the
    telomeres to replicate at each cell division.
  • Telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end
    of a chromosome, which protects the end of the
    chromosome from deterioration.

  • The result is a progressive shortening of the
    telomeres until, finally, the cell is unable to
    divide further
  • Exceptions to this rule are germ cells, stem
    cells, and transformed cells, which often express
    the enzyme telomerase, which is capable of
    replicating the terminal sequences of DNA in the
    telomere and extending the life span of the
    cells, infinitely in the case of germ cells and
    some tumor cells
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