Oct 12 Lecture 12 Evolution of Virulence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oct 12 Lecture 12 Evolution of Virulence


Title: Oct 12 Lecture 12 Evolution of Virulence Subject: Immunology Author: Janeway Last modified by: Michael Worobey Created Date: 12/16/2002 8:36:41 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oct 12 Lecture 12 Evolution of Virulence

Evolution of VirulenceGuest lecture Joel
  • The conventional wisdom on virulence
  • Modern theories for how virulence evolves and is

Todays Lecture
  • SEIR Epidemiological Modeling
  • R0 the basic reproductive number of a pathogen
  • The trade-off hypothesis and Paul Ewalds view
    route and timing of transmission determines
  • Transmission and virulence de-coupled
    coincidental evolution
  • Transmission and virulence de-coupled
    short-sighted evolution

Evolution of virulence
  • Virulence is the harm done by a pathogen to the
    host following an infection parasite-mediated
    morbidity and mortality in infected hosts
  • Harm here can mean specific signs and symptoms
    (clinicians definition) or a reduction in host
    fitness (evolutionary biologists definition)
  • Virulence varies dramatically among pathogens
  • Some, like cholera and smallpox, are often lethal
  • Others, like herpes viruses and cold viruses, may
    produce no symptoms at all

Evolution of virulence
  • Virulence is a relative term describing the
    severity of disease (mortality rate 1 - 100)
  • Pathogenicity refers whether or not a pathogen
    causes disease its binary (yes / no)

Evolution of virulence
  • Why are some microbes commensal and others
  • What causes qualitative and quantitative
    variation in disease symptoms?
  • There are three (modern) general models to
    explain the evolution of virulence, the trade-off
    hypothesis, the coincidental evolution
    hypothesis, and the short-sighted evolution
  • Plus one old-fashioned idea that persists

The conventional wisdom
1. Think globally, act locally. 2. Given
enough time a state of peaceful coexistence
eventually becomes established between any host
and parasite. -Rene Dubos
The conventional wisdom
  • Biologists traditionally believed that all
    pathogen populations would evolve toward
    ever-lower virulence
  • Why?
  • Damage to the host must ultimately be detrimental
    to the interests of the pathogens that live
    within it.

Simian foamy virus (SFV) tree is very similar to
host tree suggesting that the ancestral primate
was infected with a retrovirus over 30 million
years ago No known associated disease in
The conventional wisdom
  • The logic behind this view is pleasing to human
    sensibilities a fully-evolved parasite would not
    harm the host it needs for its survival,
    proliferation, and transmission
  • The corollary is that pathogenesis is evidence of
    recent associations between parasites and their
    hosts. Virulence is an indication that not
    enough time has elapsed for a benign association
    to evolveIs this view correct?

The conventional wisdom
  • Many observations are consistent with the
    conventional wisdom Legionnaires disease, Lyme
    disease, Ebola fever, and SARS are consequences
    of human infection with symbionts of other
    species that have recently jumped into humans

The conventional wisdom
  • Other observations dont fit so well, however.
  • For some virulent pathogens like Neisseria
    gonorrhoeae humans are the unique or dominant
    host and vector
  • For other, like the agents of malaria and
    tuberculosis, there is evidence of a long
    association with humans
  • Is long not long enough, or could it be that
    some pathogens evolve to become increasingly

Does the conventional wisdom hold for HIV/SIV?
The conventional wisdom
  • The conventional wisdom runs up against a big
    problem when it comes to articulating the
    mechanism responsible for the alleged
    evolutionary pressure toward benign associations
  • For a parasite to evolve to become gentle and
    prudent in its treatment of its host requires
    some form of group selection since natural
    selection operating at the level of the
    individual parasite often favors virulence

The conventional wisdom
  • In the 1980s, evolutionary biologists realized
    that if transmission and virulence were
    positively coupled, natural selection acting on
    individuals could favor the evolution and
    maintenance of some level of virulence
  • It comes down to elucidating the relationship
    between the rate of parasite-mediated mortality
    and the rate of transmission. If the
    relationship is positive, some level of virulence
    may be favored
  • In other words, if killing your host is
    correlated with higher transmission, natural
    selection may well favor virulence

Some basic epidemiological theory
The compartmental approach distinguishes various
classes of hosts during an epidemic, and then
tracks the movement of individual hosts from one
class to another Susceptible individuals
S Exposed individuals E Infective individuals
I Removed individuals R
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R0 The basic reproductive rate
  • The fundamental epidemiological quantity
  • R0 represents the average number of secondary
    infections generated by one primary case in a
    susceptible population
  • Can be used to estimate the level of immunization
    or behavioural change required to control an
  • What R0 is required for an outbreak to persist?
  • What R0 must be brought about if an intervention
    is to be successful?

R0 The basic reproductive rate
rate constant of infectious transfer
density of the susceptible host population
rate of parasite-induced mortality (virulence)
rate of parasite-independent mortality
rate of recovery
The trade-off hypothesis for the evolution of
  • The trade-off hypothesis Natural selection
    should strike an optimal balance between the
    costs and benefits of harming hosts
  • There is a (virulence-related) trade-off between
    rate of transmission and duration of infection
  • A virulent strain of parasite may increase in
    frequency if, in the process of killing its
    hosts, it sufficiently increases its chance of
    being transmitted

  • If all parameters were independent, benign
    parasites would evolve
  • Natural selection would favor highly
    transmissible, incurable commensals or even
  • On the other hand, if transmission and virulence
    were positively coupled, some level of virulence
    will be favored
  • In other words, if higher virulence were linked
    to increased rate of transmission, there would be
    a trade-off between this benefit versus the cost
    of reducing the time that an infected individual
    could transmit its pathogen.

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The classis example Myxoma virus
  • Pox virus introduced into Australia to control
    European rabbit populations
  • Vectored by mosquitos and fleas, skin lesions
  • Initially the virus was extremely virulent (99)
  • A sharp drop in virulence was initially observed
  • However, the circulating virus remained much more
    virulent than lab strains
  • Positive coupling between transmission and
    virus-induced mortality

Myxoma virus
  • Trade-off between virulence and transmission
    highly virulent forms killed too quickly,
    reducing chance of being picked up by vector
  • Viruses that were too attenuated (mild) had fewer
    lesions and lower viral load, again translating
    into less chance of being picked up by vector
  • Happy medium selected for, rather than ever-more
    benign forms

Paul Ewalds view
  • Changes in rates of infectious transmission will
    select for parasite strains or species with
    different levels of virulence
  • Assumes parasite virulence is constrained solely
    by the need to keep the host alive long enough to
    facilitate transmission to the next host
  • How should this perspective apply to pathogens
    with different modes of transmission (e.g. direct
    versus indirect transmission)?

Paul Ewalds view
  • All else being equal, vectored diseases ought to
    have a higher optimal virulence than
    directly-transmitted ones since immobilizing the
    host does not prevent (and may even enhance)
  • There does seem to be some support for the idea
    that insect-vectored diseases are more virulent

Different transmission patterns lead to different
optimal virulence levels of transmission and
virulence are coupled
Paul Ewalds view
  • Diseases that spread by cultural vectors should
    also tend to high virulence.
  • Cultural vectors are simply amalgams of behavior
    and environmental conditions that allow
    immobilized hosts to transmit infections
  • Diarrheal pathogens, for example, can be passed
    through drinking-water systems. An immobilized
    victim can still infect lots of people if
    contaminated materials get into drinking water

1854 Broad Street Cholera Epidemic and the birth
of epidemiology
Cholera was thought to be caused by miasma (bad
air) In one week, 600 people near Broad Street
died of Cholera John Snow determined the source
was a single water pump When the pump was
closed, the epidemic ceased
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Paul Ewalds view
  • So transmission by water may lead to a shift in
    optimal virulence analagous to insect-vectored
  • Again, there is some evidence that is suggestive.
    For example as water supplies were cleaned up in
    India in the 1950s and 1960s, a milder form of
    cholera displaced the more virulent form.
  • The problem is that the evidence is almost
    anecdotal and Ewald advocates on behalf of his
    favorite theory without considering alternative

Paul Ewalds view
  • Sit-and-wait pathogens, like M. tuberculosis
    can survive in the external environment for a
    long, long time.
  • How is the cost/benefit calculation affected in
    such cases?

Experimental evolution evolution of virulence
When researchers gave the viruses more
opportunities for horizontal transmission (red
dots), the viruses evolved higher virulence and
higher reproductive rates than predominantly
vertically transmitted viruses (blue dots)
What if increased virulence is not coupled to
increased transmission?
  • Even when transmission and virulence have no
    relationship, or a negative relationship, high
    virulence can be maintained
  • According to the coincidental evolution
    hypothesis, the factors responsible for virulence
    may have evolved for some purpose other than
    providing a within-host or transmission advantage
  • Did botulism toxin really evolve by selection
    favoring Clostridium botulinum bacteria that kill
    people who eat improperly canned food?

What if increased virulence is not coupled to
increased transmission?
  • How about C. tetanae, a soil bacterium that once
    in a while colonizes a human host? Are the
    symptoms of tetanus linked to successful chains
    of transmission?
  • Many symptom-inducing toxins and other virulence
    determinants may provide no within- or
    between-hosts advantage

Other examples of coincidental evolution?
What if increased virulence is not coupled to
increased transmission?
  • Short-sighted evolution is the other way natural
    selection can favor high virulence, without the
    virulence being optimized to increase
  • Natural selection is a local phenomenon
    characters that confer a survival and/or
    replication advantage on the individual organisms
    that express them at a given time/environment
    will be favored
  • Whether those temporally/locally favored
    characters will reduce the fitness of that
    organism in other times or places is irrelevant

What if increased virulence is not coupled to
increased transmission?
  • Myopia is a fundamental premise of the theory of
    evolution by natural selection
  • It is also the basis of the short-sighted
    evolution hypothesis for parasite virulence
  • Mutants that are better able to avoid host
    defenses, or proliferate in the host, or invade
    new cell/tissue types will have an advantage in
    the host even if they induce higher virulence
    that actually reduces the rate of transmission to
    other hosts

What if increased virulence is not coupled to
increased transmission?
  • Various agents of meningitis (Haemopihlus
    influenzae, Neisseria meningitidus, S. pneumoniae
    cause inflammation when they enter the cerebral
    spinal fluid around the brain
  • The invaders have a local, but dead end advantage
  • Same with poliovirus
  • Same with HIV?
  • Others?

What about virulence in SIV/HIV?
  • Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 make humans sick
  • Neither SIVcpz (cause of HIV-1) and SIVsm (cause
    of HIV-2) leads to illness in chimps or
  • AIDS-like symptoms very rare among African
    primates (although seen in laboratory infected
    Asian macaques)
  • Is SIV millions of years old and therefore
    evolved avirulence, like simian foamy virus?
  • Or is SIV much younger?

Phylogenetic analyses suggest SIV is a recent
(not ancient) infection
Complete SIV/Host Trees
Charleston and Roberston, Syst. Biol. (2002)
SIVagm/AGM Trees
Wertheim and Worobey, PLoS Pathogens (2007)
SIVsm gag MRCA 1809 CE
SIVcpz env MRCA 1492 CE
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  • R0 the basic reproductive number of a pathogen
    (gt1 yields a productive transmission chain)
  • The trade-off hypothesis selection may result in
    intermediate virulence
  • Virulence may be the accidental result of
    coincidental evolution
  • Evolution is greedy and virulence may be from
    short-sighted evolution and have no effect on
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