Title: CTAP 295 Teaching With Technology
1CTAP 295Teaching With Technology
California Social Studies Standard Fifth Grade
Tony Lambert Heber School
District Mylulubear_at_hotmail.com 1052 Heber
Ave. Heber, CA 92249 Web
Lesson http//ctap295.ctaponline.org/tlambert/
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
2The first step is accessing the Heber School Web
site at http//www.heber.k12.ca.us and clicking
the United States Icon
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
receive a map of the United States of America
with all the states numbered from one to fifty.
The student will be responsible for matching the
correct geographical state with the correct name.
Depending on your student's knowledge of
spelling skills, I recommend also giving them a
list of all the 50 United States. The same test
will be given at the beginning and end of the
game. Growth will be determined by the
improvement in growth between the first test and
the second test. The goal is for all students to
be able to match 35 of the 50 state names with
the geographical location. The base line is 70
ASSESSMENT In the second assessment, the
student will have to match the capital with the
correct state. See states and capitals. The
student must match the state with the correct
capital. The student may use a list with the
names of the capitals to help them with recall of
capitals and spelling. I will follow the same
procedures as the state location assessment
criteria Students will be given the same test
in the beginning and end.. Growth will be
determined by the improvement in growth between
the first test and the second test. The goal is
for all students to be able to match 35 capitals
with their corresponding state.. The base line
will be 70 for both tests. - FINAL PROJECT POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Students
will be assessed by a check off list of
requirements for their PowerPoint Presentation.
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
4 Standards
- Fifth Grade Social Science 5.9 Students will
know the location of the current 50 states and
name their capitals.
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
5Instructional Objectives
- The students will use Interactive website to
learn the states and capitals. - Students will learn to use specific web sites to
gather information about the states. - In addition to the standards being addressed, the
student will classify the following information
major cities, geographical landmarks, historical
figures, historical events, state symbols, etc
This information will be use in a PowerPoint
Project on an individual state the student
selects. - Students will take pre and post test to assess
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
6 CTAP 295 Expectations
- Learn geography and history of the United States
of America - Learn how to research information on the Internet
- Learn how to use PowerPoint Presentation tools
- Learn how to manipulate graphics and other
multimedia files - Learn how to use interactive web sites
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
7 Student Activities The students can assess
their own skills on-line by taking this quiz at
Test Your Knowledge Another great place for
working on your knowledge of the capitals of the
United States is at Quia US States and Capitals
matching game, US States and Capitals
concentration game, and US State Capitals word
search Check out this four cool state game at
funschool.com Find the state game , US state
capital quiz Quiz Game of US Capitals and Quiz
Game of the US States Teachers you want to
created quizzes for your students at Funbrain.com
an you name the capital of a state?US jigsaw map
puzzleUS state capital quiz
8Report Test Rubrics
I kept the assessment very simple. The goal was
for the students to achieve 70 on three
Assessments State Location Post-test,
Capital State Matching Post-test, and a
PowerPoint Presentation on a state of the
students choosing. The grading system is as
follows 100 -- 90 A 89 -- 80 B 79 --
70 C 69 -- 60 D 59 -- 0 F
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
9Internet Integration
Students can investigate the following sites for
information about the United States and its
Capitals at the folowing Stately Knowledge
Facts about the United StatesStates and
FlagsNetState.ComiMapUSA State Map Quiz
PrintoutsUS FactsExplore A State
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
10Technology Integration
- Students use web sites for research
- Students use Microsoft PowerPoint to creat
Presentation - Students used graphic programs to edit graphics
- Students used the Internet to learn the states
and capitals and evaluate themselves on their
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
11Lesson Plan Revisions
See Reflection and Adaptations
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
12Data Analysis
Locating the state on a map Pre-test Post-test
Class Average 39 76 High
Score 100 100 Low Score
14 26 4 out of 27 students were able to
pass the pre-test with 70 or better. 17out of 27
students were able to pass the post-test with a
score of 70 or better. 425 increase! The
class as a whole met the benchmark of
70 Matching the capital with
its state Pre-test Post-test Class
Average 17 55 High Score
54 100 Low Score
0 18 The class average improved over
200 from the pre-test however, The class did
not meet the benchmark of 70 However, only 8 out
of 27 student were able to meat the benchmark of
70 Final Project
PowerPoint Presentation Class
Average 73 High
Score 100 Low Score 10
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
13 Test Data
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
14 Test Data
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
15 Test Data
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
16 Test Data
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
17 Project Data
Chart of Individual Results
Individual Test Results
Analysis of Individual Results
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
18Final Project
United States of America PowerPoint
Presentation Each student will be required to
make a PowerPoint presentation integrating
different mediums text, graphics, audio, and
video. All information will be gathered via the
Internet. In the web page there is a list of
addresses you can go to obtain your information.
Your PowerPoint presentation must have the
following information Each requirement will
give you percentage points that will be used to
calculate your grade. The total maximum points
you can receive are 100 points. See the grading
scale to determine your letter grade. ?Students
name 5 points ?States name 5
points ?Abbreviation of state 5
points ?Nickname 10 points ?Capital 5
points ? Motto 10 points ?State
flag 5 points ?State flower 5
points ?State bird 5 points ?State
tree 5 points ?Major cities 5
points ?Famous people 5 points ?Important
dates 5 points ?Map of your state 5
points ? Extra information (interesting
information 20 points about your state,
famous people, geographical main points, etc.
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
19The End
This work although considered complete is but
only begun. In the years to come I intend to
modify it and expand it as I use it with my
CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology