Title: City Life in the early 1800s
1City Life in the early 1800s
2(No Transcript)
3Layout of an Early Tenement Building
4Tenements outside
5Back of a Tenement
6Overhead of tenement layout
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8Alley between Tenements
9Alley between Tenements
10Bottom of the air shaft
11River between tenements
12Little girl in Tenement staircase
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14Little boy in tenement
15Crowded life in a tenement 1
16Crowded life in tenement 2
17Crowded life in tenement 3
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19Crowded life in a tenement 4
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21Overhead of tenement layout
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26Chinese Public Health Poster
27Cholera Pandemics
- Two Cholera Pandemic hit the United States in
1832 and 1849. - It is believed that over 150,000 Americans died
during the two pandemics. - Another 50,000 died in another Pandemic of 1866
28King Cholera
29Sec 2 Cities Expand and Change
Cities Expand and Change
America Becomes a Nation of Cities Main Idea In
the late nineteenth century, America experienced
a period of urbanization in which the number of
cities and city dwellers increased dramatically.
Urban people worked on schedules, rode trolley
cars, paid rents to live in apartment buildings,
and interacted with many strangers. Over time,
their urban values became part of American
culture. Technology Improves City Life Main
Idea As cities swelled in size, politicians and
workers struggled to keep up with the demands of
growth to provide water, sewers, schools, and
safety. American innovators stepped up to the
task by developing new technologies to improve
living conditions. Urban Living Creates
Problems Main Idea Growing cities faced many
problems caused by overcrowding and poverty. As
immigrants and rural migrants arrived, they
crowded into neighborhoods that already seemed to
be overflowing. Housing conditions deteriorated,
and risks arose from fire, crime, conflict, and
lack of sanitation.
30Note Taking Reading Skill Identify Main Ideas
Reading Skill Identify Main Ideas
31Transparency Subway Systems Change Cities
Subway Systems Change Cities
32Chart Technology Advances
Technology Advances