Title: Reading Instruction: Alterable Variables
1Reading Instruction Alterable Variables
- Bethel School District
- 2009
3Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
90 120 mins 60 90 mins 45 60
mins 45 60 mins
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
4Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
90 120 mins 60 90 mins 45 60
mins 45 60 mins
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
5Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
90 120 mins 60 90 mins 45 60
mins 45 60 mins
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
6Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
90 120 mins 60 90 mins 45 60
mins 45 60 mins
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
7Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
8Initial Grouping
- Rank students from low to high based on most
recent EasyCBM fluency scores - Chunk students into categories of performance
by fluency - below 10th percentile
- 10-20th percentile
- 20-50th percentile
- 50th percentile and above (you could chunk this
group more) - Add other measures and considerations (EasyCBM
comprehension scores, OAKS data, SWIS data,
teacher judgment) - Identify students on reading IEPs
- Identify students in need of placement tests
98th Grade Example Rank low to high
Student Name EasyCBM (ORF)
Ginger 114
Lori 116
Drew 123
Rhonda 126
Erika 130
Monique 132
Mindy 136
Lisa 136
Mike 139
Daniel 146
Tereasa 150
Dianne 151
Amanda 178
Kim 187
Charlotte 205
Nola 209
Deb 215
108th Grade Example Chunk by performance
Student Name EasyCBM (ORF)
Ginger 114
Lori 116
Drew 123
Rhonda 126
Erika 130
Monique 132
Mindy 136
Lisa 136
Mike 139
Daniel 146
Tereasa 150
Dianne 151
Amanda 178
Kim 187
Charlotte 205
Nola 209
Deb 215
lt 10th percentile
10-20th percentile
21-50th percentile
gt 50th percentile
11EasyCBM Progress Monitoring Score Interpretations
Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade
Fall Winter Spring
10ile 61 74 83
20ile 79 92 101
50ile 110 127 139
75ile 139 156 168
90ile 166 182 194
12EasyCBM Progress Monitoring Score Interpretations
Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 5th Grade
Fall Winter Spring
10ile 61 74 83
20ile 79 92 101
50ile 110 127 139
75ile 139 156 168
90ile 166 182 194
13EasyCBM Progress Monitoring Score Interpretations
Passage Reading Fluency 6th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 6th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 6th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 6th Grade
Fall Winter Spring
10ile 100 110 118
20ile 118 127 140
50ile 137 148 160
75ile 170 189 200
90ile 206 214 220
14EasyCBM Progress Monitoring Score Interpretations
Passage Reading Fluency 7th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 7th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 7th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 7th Grade
Fall Winter Spring
10ile 118 120 121
20ile 130 137 145
50ile 160 167 175
75ile 200 201 202
90ile 204 209 224
15EasyCBM Progress Monitoring Score Interpretations
Passage Reading Fluency 8th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 8th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 8th Grade Passage Reading Fluency 8th Grade
Fall Winter Spring
10ile 120 133 142
20ile 140 145 151
50ile 176 178 179
75ile 200 201 202
90ile 211 212 225
168th Grade Example Add other measures
Student Name EasyCBM (ORF) OAKS ELA
Ginger 114 224
Lori 116 217
Drew 123 238
Rhonda 126 228
Erika 130 228
Monique 132 222
Mindy 136 232
Lisa 136 237
Mike 139 231
Daniel 146 236
Tereasa 150 222
Dianne 151 217
Amanda 178 228
Kim 187 226
Charlotte 205 247
Nola 209 236
Deb 215 234
178th Grade Example Identify students w/IEPs
Student Name EasyCBM (ORF) OAKS ELA
Ginger 114 224
Lori 116 217
Drew 123 238
Rhonda 126 228
Erika 130 228
Monique 132 222
Mindy 136 232
Lisa 136 237
Mike 139 231
Daniel 146 236
Tereasa 150 222
Dianne 151 217
Amanda 178 228
Kim 187 226
Charlotte 205 247
Nola 209 236
Deb 215 234
18Group Size
- Students with intensive needs receive instruction
in smallest groups (4-12 students) - Students with established reading skills receive
instruction in the largest groups (35 Students)
19Flexible Grouping
- Changes in grouping are made based on student
performance - How often
- Minimally after each universal screening
20Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
21Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
22Resources forCurriculum Selection
- Florida Center for Reading Research
- http//www.fcrr.org/
- Stupski Foundation
- http//www.stupski.org/documents/Secondary_Litera
238th Grade Example Placement tests
Student Name EasyCBM (ORF) OAKS ELA
Ginger 114 224
Lori 116 217
Drew 123 238
Rhonda 126 228
Erika 130 228
Monique 132 222
Mindy 136 232
Lisa 136 237
Mike 139 231
Daniel 146 236
Tereasa 150 222
Dianne 151 217
Amanda 178 228
Kim 187 226
Charlotte 205 247
Nola 209 236
Deb 215 234
Give placement tests
24Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
90 120 mins 60 90 mins 45 60
mins 45 60 mins
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced
- Middle School Examples
- Cascade Middle School, Bethel School District
- Briggs Middle School, Springfield School District
26Cascade Middle School - Bethel SD Daily
Schedule PERIOD TIME 1 800 - 850 Reading
Period 2 854 - 939 3 943 - 1028
4 1032 - 1117 5A 1121 - 1206 (second
lunch 1206 - 1237) 5B 1152 - 1237
(first lunch 1117 - 1148) 6 1241 - 126
7 130 - 215
28(No Transcript)
- High School Examples
- Willamette High School, Bethel School District
- Cottage Grove High School, Cottage Grove SD
- Generic examples from around Oregon
- Stupski Foundation suggestions
31Bethel School District Middle School Delivery
Grouping Design Design
- Corrective Reading (Decoding A)
- Wilson Reading Program
- Language!
- Phonics for Reading
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (adapted version)
- Reading Mastery Plus (V VI)
- REWARDS (Between B2 C)
- Corrective Reading
- (Decoding B1, B2 C)
- Other Core program
- Open Court
- Prentice Hall (regular version)
- McDougal-Littell
- Glencoe
- (comprehension)
- (vocabulary)
- Fluency
- Decoding Short Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- (writing)
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Decoding Long Words
- Writing
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- (fluency)
90 120 mins 60 90 mins 45 60
mins 45 60 mins
Intensive Low Emerging/ Emerging Emerg
ing/ Established Advanced