Database Management System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Database Management System


Database Management System Chapter 1 An Overview Database Processing Advantages Data redundancy (Repetition of data) can be reduced. Data inconsistency can be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Database Management System

Database Management System
  • Chapter 1 An Overview

  • Bit 0 or 1
  • Byte 1 Byte consists of 8 Bits ( 1 Byte is
    one character)
  • Ex. 01000001 represents a character
  • Word A word consists of several bytes.
  • Field A field or an attribute is a boundary
    of data.
  • Record A record consists of a group of field
    values that represent
  • one person or one thing.
  • File A file consists of several records
    that share the same
  • structure.
  • Data Base A Database consists of several
    related files.

A data file is a collection of logically related
records. In a file management environment,
each application has a specific data file related
to it, containing all the data records needed by
the application.
Registrars office
Class programs
Class file
Employee data
Student data
  • Employee data contains information of the
  • who is an employee.
  • Student data is repeated.

Course data
Registration data
Accounting dept.
Accounts file
Accounts programs
Employee data
Student data
Tuition data
Financial aid
Problems with the File processing
Program Data Dependence
Program Data Dependence is the tight
relationship between data stored in various files
and the specific programming language used to
access or execute them. Every traditional
computer program has to describe the input file
format with which it works. Program Data
Dependence leads to the potential for Data
Data Redundancy is the presence of duplicate data
in multiple data files. Data redundancy occurs
when different divisions, functional areas, and
groups in an organization independently collect
the same piece of data and build separately their
own systems with different languages, platforms,
and data file format . Data Redundancy leads to
the potential for data inconsistency.
Data Isolation File processing can leads to
difficulty in accessing data from different
applications. (Data can not be shared). With
applications uniquely designed and implemented,
data are scattered in various files, and files
may be in different formats.
Integrity problems The data values stored in
the database must satisfy certain types of
consistency constraints. Developers enforce these
constraints in the system by adding appropriate
code in the various application programs.
However, when new constraints are added, it is
difficult to change the programs to enforce them.
Security problems Enforcing security
constraints in the application is much more
difficult than that of in the database
environment. Not every user of the database
system should be able to access all the data.
Applications should not have to be developed with
regard to how the data are stored. That is, the
applications and data in computer systems should
be independent - a characteristic called
application/data independence.
Databases The modern approach
Registrars office
Class programs
Academic info
Student data
Database management system
Course data
Accounting dept.
Accounts programs
Registration data
Employee data
Team data
Athletics dept.
Sports programs
Tuition data
Financial aid
A database, which is a logical group of related
files, can eliminate many of the problems
associated with a traditional file environment.
With the database approach, all the data
are typically contained in the same storage
location, rather than residing in many different
files across the organization. Unlike the
traditional approach, in which different programs
access the different data files, the database is
arranged so that one set of software programs
(DBMS) provides access to all the data.
DBMS Database Management System
  • DBMS consists of a collection of interrelated
    data and a set of programs
  • to access those data. The primary goal of DBMS
    is to provide an
  • environment that is both convenient and efficient
    to use in retrieving
  • and storing database information. DBMS acts as
    the interface software
  • between users and data stored in the database by
    hiding the detail of
  • internal

The enterprise system collects data from various
key business processes and stores the data in a
single comprehensive data repository where they
can be used by other parts of the business
Locating Data in Databases
A centralized database has all the related files
in one physical location.
Central Location
Locating Data in Databases
A distributed database has complete copies of a
database, or portions of a database, in more
than one location.
Location B
Location A
Central Location
Location C
Location D
  • There are two types of distributed databases
  • replicated
  • partitioned

A replicated database has complete copies of the
entire database in many locations, primarily to
alleviate the single-point-of-failure problems of
a centralized database as well as to increase
user access responsiveness.
A partitioned database is subdivided, so that
each location has a portion of the entire
database (usually the portion that meets users
local needs). This type of database provides the
response speed of localized files without the
need to replicate all changes in multiple
Databases The modern approach
Registrars office
Class programs
Academic info
Student data
Database management system
Course data
Accounting dept.
Accounts programs
Registration data
Employee data
Team data
Athletics dept.
Sports programs
Tuition data
Financial aid
A database, which is a logical group of related
files, can eliminate many of the problems
associated with a traditional file environment.
With the database approach, all the data
are typically contained in the same storage
location, rather than residing in many different
files across the organization. Unlike the
traditional approach, in which different programs
access the different data files, the database is
arranged so that one set of software programs
(DBMS) provides access to all the data.
Abstract View of Data
DBMS provides the ability for many
different users to share data and process
resources. How can a single, unified database
meet the differing requirements of so many
users? That is, the system hides certain details
of how the data are stored and maintained.
A DBMS minimizes these problems by providing
3 views of the database data (Since many
database-systems users are not computer trained,
developers hide the complexity from users through
several levels of abstraction A physical
view The lowest level of abstraction describes
how the data are actually stored. It deals with
the actual, physical arrangement and location of
data in the direct access storage devices
(DASDs). A logical view The next
higher level of abstraction describes what data
are stored in the database, and what
relationships exist among those data. The
logical describes the entire database in terms of
a small number of relatively simple
structures.(Users may not want to know all the
technical details of physical storage.
An external view The higher level of
abstraction describes only part of the entire
database. Many users of the database do not need
all this information instead, they need to
access only a part of the database.
Data Abstraction
External View 1
External View 2
External View 3
Conceptual (Logical) Level
Physical Level
Logical User Views Data elements and
relationships needed for Billing, Load Research,
or Maintenance processing
Billing Application
Load Research Application
Maintenance Application
Maintenance Data Model
Billing Research Data Model
Data elements and relationships (the schema)
needed for the support of all information
Information Services Data Model
Database Management System
Software Interface The DBMS provides access to
the information services databases
Service Databases
Physical Data Views Organization and location of
data on the storage media.
One strength of a DBMS is that while
there is only one physical view of the data,
there can be an endless number of different
external views - one specifically tailored to
each individual user, if necessary.
Data Model Data Model defines how data are
conceptually structured. A collection of
conceptual tools for describing data, data
relationships, data semantics, and consistency
constraints. Examples of data model
hierarchical, network, relational,
object-oriented, entity-relation model,
object-relational, hypermedia, and
multidimensional models.
Instance ??? Schema
  • Instance ???????????? ??????????????????????????
    ???????????????????????? ??????? Instance
    Programming Language ??????????????????????
    ????????????? ??????????????????????????????
    Insert, Delete ???? Update ????????????????
  • Schema ???????? (?????????) ????????????????????
    ????????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????
    ?????????????????? ???????????????????????????????
    ????????? ??????????????????????????? (fields)

Instance and Schema
  • Instance of Database The collection of
    information stored in the database at a
    particular moment. Instance of Database change
    over time as information is inserted and deleted.
  • The concept of instances can be understood by
    analogy to a program written in a programming
    language. Each variable has a particular value at
    any given instant of time.
  • Schema The overall design of the database which
    must be specified as following
  • What files are included in a database?
  • What fields are included in each file?
  • How those files are related?
  • A database schema corresponds to the variable
    declarations in a program.

Database Language
A database system provides a Data Definition
Language (DDL) to specify the database schema and
a Data Manipulation Language (DML) to express
database queries and updates.
Data Definition Language (DDL) A database
schema can be specified by a set of definitions
expressed by a special language called a
Data-Definition Language. DDL defines what types
of information are in the database and how they
will be structured. The DDL defines each data
element as it appears in the database before that
data element is translated into the forms
required by the applications.
Database Languages
Examples of Data Definition Language (DDL)
Char(5) Not Null, Sname Char(20) Not
Null, Status SmallInt Not Null, City
Char(15) Not Null, PRIMARY KEY (S) )
After DDL statement has been interpreted, DBMS
generates a special set of tables called the data
dictionary or data directory. A data dictionary
contains metadata that is, data about data. The
schema of a table is an example of metadata. A
database system consults the data dictionary
before reading or modifying actual data.
????????????????????????????????? DDL (DDL
Interpreter) ?????????????????????????????????????
????????????????? ??????????????? (Data
Dictionary) ??????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????? ?
??????????????????????????? ???? ??????????????
DBMS ?????????????????????????????????????????
The data values stored in the database must
satisfy certain consistency constraints. The
database systems check these constraints every
time the database is updated.
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Data manipulation can be classified
into - Retrieving data -
Inserting new records - Deleting
records - Updating current fields DML
is a language that enables users to access or
manipulate data as organized by the appropriate
data model.) There are basically 2
types Procedural DML requires a user to
specify what data are needed and how to get
those data. Declarative DML (nonprocedural DML)
requires a user to specify what data are needed
without specifying how to get those data.
Database Access from Application Programs
  • Application Program are written in a Host
    Language. To access the database, DML statements
    need to be executed from the hose language by
  • Providing an application program interface (API)
    that can be
  • used to send DML and DDL statements to the
    database, and
  • retrieve the result. Ex. ODBC, JDBC.
  • Extending the host language syntax to embed DML
    calls within
  • Host Language program.. However, DML syntax is
  • from syntax of Host Language, Query Processor
    of DBMS
  • consists of

Embedded DML Precompiler DML Compiler Query
Evaluation Engine DDL Interpreter
Embedded DML Precompiler
Embedded DML Precompiler converts DML statements
to be a normal procedure call in the application
whose source code can be any hose language. By
this conversion, the application can be compiled
by normal compiler of that hose language.
DML Compiler DML Compiler translate DML
statement to low-level instructions which Query
Evaluation Engine can understand. Embedded
DML Precompiler must coordinate with DML compiler
to create an appropriate Object Code.
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
??????????????????????????? ??????????????? -
???????????????? (RetrieveData) -
?????????????????? (Insert Records) -
??????????????? (Delete Records) -
????????????????????????????? (Update
Fields) ????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????? DBMS ????????????????????
?????????????? (DML is a language that enables
users to access or manipulate data as ornagized
by the appropriate data model.)
???????????????????????? Host Language
??????????? (request) ??????????????????????
???????????????????? DML ????? Host Language ????
???????????? DML Syntax ???????????? Syntax ???
Host Language ?????? ?????????????????????????????
???? (DBMS) ????????? Query Processor
?????????????? Embedded DML Precompiler DML
Compiler Query Evaluation Engine DDL
Embedded DML Precompiler ???? (convert)
???????????? DML ????????????????? (procedure
call) ?????????????????????????????? host
language ?????? ????????? ?????????????
????????????? ????????? Compile ??? ???????
Compiler ??????????????? ????????? ????????
object ??? Database (???? object ???????
relation) ??? DML Compiler ??? (translate)
???????????? DML ?????? low-level instructions
??? Query Evaluation Engine ??????????????? Embed
ded DML Precompiler ????????????? DML Compiler
????? ????? Object Code ??????????
DDL Interpreter ???????????????????????????
DDL Query Evaluation Engine ????? DML
Compiler ????? Object Code ???????
Low-level Instructions ??????????
???????????????? Query Evaluation Engine
Data Consumers
Visual Basic Application
Visual C Application
Other Applications
ASP page
ADO Connection
Service Components
DML Compiler DDL Interpreter Embedded DML
Precompiler Query Evaluation Engine
Cursor Engine
Query Processor
Data Providers
Simple Data Provider
ODBC Provider
Mainframe Data
Non Relation Data
Database Server
How Database Represent Information
  • A database management system (DBMS) is a
    combination of software
  • and data
  • The physical database
  • a collection of files that contain the data
  • The schema
  • a specification of the information content of
    the physical database
  • The database engine
  • software that supports access to and
    modification of the contents of the database
  • The data definition and manipulation language
  • programming languages that support
    schema definition and database access.

Overall System Structure
  • Query processor components
  • DML compiler
  • Embedded DML precompiler
  • DDL interpreter
  • Query evaluation engine
  • Storage manager components provides the
    interface between the low level data stored
  • in the database and the application programs and
    queries submitted to the system
  • Authorization and integrity manager tests
    for the satisfaction of integrity constraints
  • and checks the authority of users to access
  • Transaction manager ensures that the
    database remains in a consistent state
  • despite system failures and that concurrent
    transaction executions proceed without
  • conflicting.
  • File manager manages the allocation of
    space on disk storage and the data
  • structures used to represent information stored
    on disk.
  • Buffer manager responsible for fetching
    data from disk storage into main memory.

  • Data files store the database itself.
  • Data dictionary stores metadata about the
    structure of the database.
  • The data dictionary is used heavily.
    Therefore, great emphasis
  • should be placed on developing a good design
    and efficient
  • implementation of the dictionary.
  • Indices provide fast access to data items that
    hold particular values.

Application programmers
Sophisticated users
Database administrator
Naïve users
Application interfaces
Application programs
database scheme
Embedded DML precompiler
DML compiler
query procesor
Application programs object code
DDL interpreter
Query evaluation engine
Storage manager
Authorization and integrity manager
Transaction manager
Buffer manager
File manager
Disk storage
Data dictionary
Data files
Database Processing Advantages
  • Data redundancy (Repetition of data) can be
  • Data inconsistency can be avoided.
  • Data can be shared.
  • Standard of data can be controlled.
  • Concurrent-access to database can be provided.
  • Data Integrity and data security can be

Business Functions
Marketing and Sales
Human Resources
Vendors Vendors Vendors
Customer Customer Customer
Business processes
Business processes
Business processes
Business processes
Business processes
Organizational Boundaries
Organizational Boundaries
Human Resources Systems
Marketing and Sales Systems
Manufacturing Systems
Accounting Systems
Finance Systems
Information Systems
Traditional view of systems. In most
organizations, separate systems built over a long
period of time support discrete business
processes and discrete business functions. The
organizations system rarely included vendors
and customers.
(No Transcript)
How to integrate functions and business processes
1. Implement a separate middleware bridge to
each of these specialized systems to link
them all together
How to integrate functions and business processes
1. Implement a separate middleware bridge to
each of these specialized systems to link
them all together
2. Implement or buy entirely new enterprise
applications that can coordinate
activities, decision, and knowledge across many
different functions, levels, and business
units in a firm.
  • Enterprise systems
  • Supply chain management systems SCM)
  • Customer relationship management systems (CRM)

Each of these enterprise applications integrates
a related set of functions and business process
to enhance the performance of the organization as
a whole.
Enterprise systems also known as enterprise
resource planning (ERP)
The enterprise systems, designed to support
organization- wide, coordinates and integrates
a related set of major internal functions and
business processes to enhance the performance of
the organization as a whole. They solve the
problem of organizational inefficiencies created
by isolated islands of information, business
processes, and technology.
Business process Business process Business
process Enterprise-wide business Process
Organizational Boundaries
Organizational Boundaries
Marketing and Sales
Human Resources
Enterprise systems. Enterprise systems can
integrate the key business processes of an entire
firm into a single software system that allows
information to flow seamlessly throughout the
organization. These systems focus primarily on
internal processes but may include transactions
with customers and vendors.
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