Title: Americans
1Americans Changing Lives Study
- Principal Investigators
- James S. House, Ph.D.
- Paula M. Lantz, Ph.D.
- Original Team at U-M
- James House
- James Lepkowski, Ron Kessler, Regula Herzog et
al. - Funded by NIA (NIH) and Robert Wood Johnson
- To increase understanding of how individual,
household and contextual socioeconomic and
psychosocial factors combine to create health and
health disparities across the adult life course. - Driven by societal goals
- Reducing social inequalities in health
- Postponing morbidity and functional limitations
into closing years of the life span (compression
of morbidity)
4ACL Study Design
- Longitudinal cohort study
- Stratified multistage area probability sample
- Age 25 and older (non-institutionalized)
- Contiguous U.S.
- Over-sampled 21 people 60 and Blacks
- Representative of July, 1986 U.S. population by
sex, age and region
5ACL Wave 1
- 1986
- Face-to-face interviews (86 minutes)
- N3,617
- Response rate 70 households
- 68 individuals
6ACL Wave 2
- 1989
- Face-to-face interviews
- N2,867
- Response rate 83 of survivors
7ACL Wave 3
- 1994
- Telephone Interviews
- N2,562
- Response rate 83 of survivors
8ACL Wave 4
- 2001-2002
- Telephone Interviews
- N1,787
- Response rate 77 of survivors
9Health Outcomes Variables
- Mortality
- Self-rated health (5 category)
- Functional impairment (physical)
- Chronic Conditions
- Cognitive impairment
- Depressive symptoms
10ACL Mortality
- Annual searches using National Death Index
- Probable matches are certified with death
certificates from states - Cause of death coded from death certificates
(ICD-9 and ICD-10) - Death by Wave 4 1,184 respondents
- 32.7 of weighted sample
- 21.4 of unweighted sample
11Self-Rated Health
- Wave 1
- Excellent/Very good 64.2
- Good 20.6
- Fair/Poor 15.2
12Functional Impairment
- No limitation 84.7 (weighted)
- Difficult/unable to do heavy
- work around house (Low) 6.8
- Difficult/unable to climb stairs
- or walk a few blocks (Moderate) 5.3
- Confined to bed or chair (Severe) 3.2
13Chronic Conditions
- Life Threatening and Debilitating
- 0 46.6 (weighted)
- 1 26.0
- 2 14.5
- 3 7.7
- 4 5.4
14Socioeconomic Position
- Income R and spouse
- Education Wave 1 only
- Wealth
- Work status
- Occupation
- Sociodemographics
15ACL Baseline
Variable Weighted
Male Female 47.1 52.9
White Other 83.5 16.5
Education 0-11 years 12-15 years 16 years 25.6 54.7 14.7
Income lt10,000 10,000 29,999 30,000 19.2 40.5 40.3
16Health Risk Behaviors
- Cigarette smoking
- Alcohol use
- Body Mass Index
- Physical Activity
17ACL Baseline
Variable Weighted
Smoking Current Former Never 30.4 27.5 42.1
Alcohol None Moderate High 41.2 54.5 4.3
BMI Underweight Normal Overweight Obese 2.3 49.0 34.3 14.4
18Psychosocial Risk Factors
- Social integration (informal and formal)
- Life Satisfaction
- Social Relationships and Supports
- Marital Relationships and Events
- Personality Traits
- Productive Activities
- Paid/Unpaid Work
19Psychosocial Risk Factors
- Stress job, financial, marital, parental
- Negative Life Events
- Religion and World Views
- Perceptions of Discrimination
- Physical/Social Environment
- Residential History
20Contextual Variables
- Non-public at this point
- Addresses at all 4 waves geocoded and linked to
- 60 census tract variables for Census before and
after wave - Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Release
Inventory (TRI) geocoded data of polluting and
hazardous waste business es and sites
21Articles by ACL Investigators
- Burgard SA. Brand JE. House JS. Toward a better
estimation of the effect of job loss on health.
Journal of Health Social Behavior.
48(4)369-84, 2007 - Herd P. Goesling B. House JS. Socioeconomic
position and health the differential effects of
education versus income on the onset versus
progression of health problems. Journal of Health
Social Behavior. 48(3)223-38, 2007 - Robert SA. Ruel E. Racial segregation and health
disparities between Black and White older adults.
Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological
Sciences Social Sciences. 61(4)S203-11, 2006
22Articles by ACL Investigators
- Lantz PM. House JS. Mero RP. Williams DR. Stress,
life events, and socioeconomic disparities in
health. Journal of Health Social Behavior.
46(3)274-88, 2005 - House JS. Lantz PM. Herd P. Continuity and change
in the social stratification of aging and health
over the life course. Journals of Gerontology
Series B-Psychological Sciences Social
Sciences. 60 Spec No 215-26, 2005 - Everson-Rose SA. House JS. Mero RP. Depressive
symptoms and mortality risk in a national sample
confounding effects of health status.
Psychosomatic Medicine. 66(6)823-30, 2004
23Other ACL Articles
- Shultz KS. Wang M. The influence of specific
physical health conditions on retirement
decisions. International Journal of Aging
Human Development. 65(2)149-61, 2007 - Schnittker J. Look (closely) at all the lonely
people age and the social psychology of social
support. Journal of Aging Health.
19(4)659-82, 2007 - Hinterlong JE. Race disparities in health among
older adults examining the role of productive
engagement. Health Social Work. 31(4)275-88,
2006 Nov.
24Other ACL Articles
- Burr JA. Choi NG. Mutchler JE. Caro FG.
Caregiving and volunteering are private and
public helping behaviors linked? Journals of
Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences
Social Sciences. 60(5)S247-56, 2005 - Collins AL. Smyer MA. The resilience of
self-esteem in late adulthood. Journal of Aging
Health. 17(4)471-89, 2005 - McKee SA. Maciejewski PK. Falba T. Mazure CM. Sex
differences in the effects of stressful life
events on changes in smoking status. Addiction.
98(6)847-55, 2003
25Relative Risk of Adjusted Mortality by Income,
U.S. Adults, 1986-2002
26Relative Risk of Adjusted Mortality by Income,
U.S. Adults, 1986-2002
27Compression of Morbidity Evidence from ACL