Title: Sport England South East
1Sport England South East
- Penny Kurowski
- Sports Development Manager
2What is Sport England?
- The strategic lead for sport in England
- The distributor for the Lottery Fund for sport
3How have we changed?
- 2002 Game Plan sport is in a messby a clear
steer for the future. - 2003 Framework for Sport in England
- Ambitious targets
- To increase participation in regular moderate
physical activity, 5 times 30 minutes a week, by
at least 1 per year - reaching at least 50 by 2020 with sport and
active recreation contributing at least 3 times
30 minutes a week.well on the way to the 70
Game Plan aspiration
4How do we define Physical Activity?
The red area indicates activity covered by Sport
England in Mission Possible
Physical Activity
Active Living
Sport and Active Recreation Active Recreation
Organised Sport
Exercise, Play, Dance Organised
participation Walking Cycling
(leisure Structured, competitive
activity) Volunteer Conservation Talent
Development Aerobics Centre-based
Activity Workplace programmes
Active Transport Housework Manual labour
etc Gardening Everyday Walking
Cycling Workplace Activity
5- 2004 Mission Possible The South East Plan for
Sport - Written following extensive consultation
- Working with new partners
- Target of 1 pa increase in participation
67 Outcomes
- Increasing participation
- Improving levels of performance
- Widening Access
- Improving Health and Wellbeing
- Creating Stronger and Safer Communities
- Improving Education
- Benefiting the Economy
7Improving Health and Wellbeing
- Active Lifestyle
- Health Inequalities
- Obesity Prevention and Reduction
- Children and Young People
- An Active Workplace
820 Priorities
- Active Places Database
- Regional Communications and Marketing Plan
- Regional Coaching and Leadership Strategy
- County Sports Partnerships
- Review of County Youth Games
- Regional National Governing Body Forum
- Physical Activity Forum and Strategy
- Multi-sport Clubs
- Active England
- Whole Sport Plans and Local Delivery
920 Priorities
- Disability Sports Development Officers
- Workforce Development Plans
- The South East Plan
- Planning Obligations
- Community Investment Fund
- Technical Guidance
- Regional Events Strategy
- Schools and PESSCL
- Monitoring Toolkit
- Social Enterprise
10Physical Activity Forum and Strategy
- Work with the SE Public Health Group and others
to prepare and implement a Regional Physical
Activity Strategy for the South East - Work with the SE Public Health Group and others
to establish a Regional Physical Activity Forum
and help define its role
11Want to know more?
- Please contact
- Penny Kurowski
- Sport England South East
- penny.kurowski_at_sportengland.org
- Useful Websites
- www.sportengland.org/southeast
- www.activeplaces.com