Title: Talk for Collaboration Meeting
1 Branching Fraction and Direct CP Violation in
B0??K 0 and B ???h ?
Alfio Lazzaro Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN,
Milan on behalf of the BaBar Collaboration America
n Physical Society 2003, Philadelphia
- Physics Motivation
- Analysis Strategy Samples, Event Selection, ML
fits - Results on Branching Fractions and Charge
asymmetries - Conclusion
3Physics Motivation
- Measurements of Branching Fractions allow
constraints on phenomenological models - Charge asymmetries (Ach) expected large (gt20) in
B?h K (Soni, PRL 43, 242 (1979)) and B?h p
(Gronau, PRL 79, 4333 (1997))
Previous Measured Branching Fractions (?10?6)
Need precise measurements
4Data Samples and Sub-channels
We have used 81.9 fb-1 on-resonance (88.9
millions of BB pairs)
We considered 3 channels
Reconstructed in
5Event selection
- Beam energy to constraint B mass and energy
- Event shapes to distinguish B events from
continuum udsc - Fisher discriminant combining 4 variables
- direction of B thrust axis wrt beam direction
- direction of B momentum wrt beam direction
- 2 Legendre moments of the energy flow of rest of
event wrt B thrust axis - cos (qthrust) lt 0.9
- Loose cuts based on shapes variables, PID and
kinematical quantities of secondary daughters,
Cherenkov angle cut for h? selection. - We prepare the input to Maximum Likelihood Fit
- Two types of background
- qq (continuum ) dominant
- bb (non continuum ) 1 2
- Observables ?E, mES , Fisher, h mass
We use Unbinned Extended Maximum Likelihood (ML)
Fit to extract signal yields and charge
7Results for hK0 and hh?
First observation
8Negative logLikelihood
Dashed blue line Dotted red line Solid black
9 mES and DE projections
Shaded histograms represent h ? gg
10Systematics on BF and Ach
- Sources
Error on yields - Systematics due to ML fit efficiency and bias
- Daughter Branching fractions
- Reconstruction efficiencies
(h, p0, KS,
charged tracks) - Other sources BB Number, MC statistics,
- PID,
?0.3 - ?0.5 ?0.03 - ?0.4 ?0.3 - ?2.0 ?0.03 - ?0.6
Total systematic error on BF
7.1 (hh )
7.7 (hK 0)
Charge Asymmetries Systematic on charge
dependence bias
11h?K0, h?K?
- Branching Fraction for B?h?K larger than
initially expected by theory - Tree diagrams are Cabibbo suppressed
- Interference between two penguin diagrams and the
known h h ? mixing angle conspire to
greatly enhance B?h ?K and suppress B?h K
(Lipkin, Phys. Lett. B 254, 247 (1991))
12Results for h?K0 and h?K?
See also talk by Fred Blanc, Session T11
13 mES and DE Projections
Shaded histograms represent h? ? hpp
We have presented the following preliminary
First observation
Suppressed B?h K Enhanced B?h ?K
15Altre Analisi in Corso
Bgt h'?
- BAD-462 Supporting Document
- BAD-605 Physics Note
Risultati di CLEO
16Bgt h'?
- Analisi finita da tempo
- Yields negativi
- Quindi abbiamo fatto una analisi
- di tipo Bayesiano
- Si sta ancora discutendo con
- i referee (Bob Cahn) ed altri
- esperti sul modo piu appropriato
- di presentare i risultati
17Bgt hKL
- Supporting document BAD-591
- Scopo Misura di BR e Time-Dependent
CP-Violating Asymmetries ( analogo a quanto
abbiamo fatto con ???S) - Attualmente usiamo il sotto-decadimento ??? ???
ma in un prossimo futuro verra aggiunto ???
?? - Statistica usata RUN 1 RUN 2
18Bgt hKL
- Funzioni di likelihood per la identificazione
delle KL (Antimo) - Constraint su MB e sulle direzioni per la
ricostruzione cinematica - Analisi ML con le variabili Mse , M?? , M?
, Fisher - Forte presenza di fondo comporta tagli su cos
qT ? bassa ? ( 6 ) -
19Bgt hKL
- Ora stiamo cercando di aumentare lefficienza di
ricostruzione sostituendo alcuni tagli
e il discriminante di Fisher con una rete
neurale (NN). Uscita della rete usata come
taglio per input ML
DE , M?? , M?
- Analisi ML utilizzando le variabili
( NN , ?? )
- Analisi cut count nel piano
- Control Sample ee- ? ?? ( ? ? ?S ?L )
20Bgt hKS
- Stiamo misurando il BR di questo canale nel
sottodecadimento - h?? h p p e h? 3 p KS? ? ?-
- Stiamo aggiornando lanalisi a tutta la
statistica (Run1 Run2)
- Useremo questi dati nella prossima analisi
CP-time dependent
- Supporting Document BAD-488
21Bgt h?? , h?h , h?h? , hh
- Stiamo misurando il BR di B???? nei
sottodecadimenti - con h???? e h?? h p p (h? ??)
- Per i canali hh, hh?, h?h ? stiamo usando le
varie combinazioni dei sottodecadimenti con h???
e h?3?, h???? e ?????? . In queste analisi
siamo ancora agli inizi!