Title: Talk/Paper Principles
1Talk/Paper Principles
- Prasun Dewan
- FB150, Sitterson, 11-1215
- 962 1823
- dewan_at_unc.edu
2Software vs. Communication
- Correctness vs. Style
- Style helps correctness
- Style more often abused
3Deriving Principles/Patterns
- Start with axioms
- Defend but not prove them
- Often considered goals
- Should be as few as possible
- Every principle/pattern should not be an axiom!
- Derive principles/patterns from them
Reusability is good
Cost of re-using software is lower than writing
new software
Encapsulate as client of object does not react to
implementation changes
Use MVC as view can be changed without changing
4Axioms/Goals of Research Talk/Paper
- Understandability (Degree)
- Better not communicate, than be unclear
- Novelty (Comparison with related work) (Binary)
- Not considered research otherwise
- People need to be convinced to some extent work
is novel - Cleverness (Degree)
- Tedious work not considered research
- Work amount (Degree)
- Otherwise contribution not significant
- Attention (Degree)
- First few minutes crucial
Other metrics?
5Talk vs. Research
- Novelty
- In research
- Shown in talk
- Cleverness in
- Research
- Shown in talk
- In composing talk
- Work amount
- In research
- Shown In talk
- In composing talk
Work amount and cleverness in talk are secondary
and important goals
- Many goals conflict with each other!
- That is mainly why talks are hard even for
experienced presenters - Some support each other
- Loss of attention when not understandable
- Without clarity, novelty hard to determine
- If not understandable, work amt and cleverness
may also be hard to determine.
8Novelty (Comparing with Related work)
- Bringing out the relationship with something
reader knows may improve understanding - Effectively distinguishing related work may make
contribution seem - more clever, if solution is simple only in
retrospect. - less clever as people may feel diff is small,
but this is dishonest. - People may pay more attention if they know others
have worked on subject area
- Clever things are hard to explain
- People realize that clever things take effort
- Amount of effort depends on person
- A smarter person might have larger expectations!
- People like to listen to insightful talks
10Work Amt.
- Adding anything to talk increases chance of
something not being understandable (assuming same
amount of time) - May go less deep and thus not show cleverness
- Difficult to pay attention if numerous topics
- If people are not paying attention, all is lost!
- Assuming attention is on relevant material
12In remaining course
- Techniques with specific examples and arguments
based on axioms/goals - Will analyze
- common rules of thumb (many are on the web)
- identify our own
13Identify Potential Applications?
- E.g. Talk/paper patterns should improve talk
quality - Improves attention as people like practical
results - Reduces time for work amt. but is important if
audience not familiar with applications - Not a goal as some research may not have
applications - Dont make talk too application-centric
- Idea-centric
14Related Work?
- Needed to prove novelty
- Contribution obvious only in retrospective
- Related work shows wrong way to do it
- Supports mystery story and thus attention
- After a way that does not work, people want to
know a way that does
15Compare as sets of features?
- IR Control Programs - PocketPC/Palm
- Cooltown HP (2003)
- MOCA IBM (1999)
- Universal Plug and Play Microsoft (2003)
- Jini (Service UI) Sun (2001)
- Personal Universal Controller (PUC) CMU (2004)
- Hodes System UC Berkeley (1998)
- ICrafter Stanford (2003)
- List all systems
- Say our system has new set of features
16Say Something Intuitive
- Hodes System UC Berkeley (1998)
- Our infrastructure looks at user centered whereas
theirs is system-oriented
17Show Holes in Design Space
UI Deployment
UI Generation
Predefined (UI)
Remote Factory
Client Factory
Semi- Automatic
3rd Party Factory
Fully Automatic
Semi- Automatic
Device Factory
Fully Automatic
Design space if often a contribution in its own
18Identify Evaluation Space
UI Deployment
UI Generation
Predefined (UI)
Remote Factory
Client Factory
Semi- Automatic
3rd Party Factory
Fully Automatic
Semi- Automatic
Device Factory
Fully Automatic
Design space if often a contribution in its own
19Classify related Systems
20Identify Evaluation Metrics
- User-Interface Flexibility (Qualitative)
- range of user-interfaces an approach can support
- Programming Costs (Qualitative and Quantitative)
- amount of code required to deploy a
user-interface - Maintenance Costs (Qualitative)
- programming time and resources required to
support and update user-interface code - Efficiency (Qualitative and Quantitative)
- time and storage space costs of an approach
- Device Binding Time (Qualitative)
- time a client must learn about (or bind to) a
device in order to deploy a user-interface for
it. - Deployment Reliability (Qualitative)
- the level of guarantee an approach offers in
deploying a user-interface
Often contribution is some new set of metrics
21Compare With Related Work
- Be Sure to Point Out Advantages and Disadvantages
- Can give results without proof in conference talk
- But dont shy away from complexity in longer
22New Result? Research?
- Must have some new idea
- Retarget user-interface for device of one kind to
user-interface for another kind of device so
common parts are not re-created - Ideally should compare with related ideas in even
different domains - Caching
23New Idea?Research?
- Must show there is complexity
- Various Ways
- Equations, Architecture, Abstraction, Algorithm
- Do not need to give all details
- But do not shy from complexity in job and thesis
talks - Should describe at least one component in some
24Practice Makes Perfect
- Can show more content
- TV news, ads convey so much information per unit
of time - Both work amt and novelty
- Uh, ah, you know, pauses, groping for words,
lack of confidence reduces attention - Many good speakers talk as fast as they can
without mumbling! - Lampson units of speed.
- Can improve ways to make material understandable
and look clever - Assuming iteration
- Nature, cons, factors on which it depends?
25Nature of Practice
- Rehearse in your mind (until the last moment)
- Speak it out in front of the mirror and record
audio - Next option is perhaps a better alternative
- Use recording software to record slides audio
- Rehearse in front of one person (e.g.
advisor/co-author) - May not feel as much energy as with an actual
audience - Can use it in addition or in place of next
option. - Rehearse in front of a practice audience
- Most important if you can get such an audience
(record it!)
26Memorize the speech?
- Can look too rehearsed
- Realty TV better than someone delivering an
obviously memorized script? - But movies, plays are rehearsed, learn to be an
actor! - Amazing similarity in same talk given at diff.
times by great speakers - Need to put appropriate pauses
- Rehearsed drama delivered more or less naturally
better than realty TV
27Memorization Technique
- Problem can occur if you start with script before
talk - Create script/memorize of what worked after each
28Nature of Script
- Must keep conversational style
- Point to screen rather than describe
- At least in computer science
- In softer fields often writing/oratorial skills
demonstrated in talks and speeches are often read - Often in a very verbose way
- Talks by non-native speakers typically have more
29Example Conversational Style?
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor, which, recall, performs input and
output, are centralized or replicated. So let us
consider these architectural issues. - You might as well be reading paper.
30Example Conversational Style
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor are - Centralized
- Replicated
- So let us consider these architectural issues.
- Graphics and animation improves conversational
style - Words explain graphics on screen
- Like slide show
31Cons of SlideShow Approach?
- PowerPoint takes center stage
- Many think of PPT as a bad thing
- In business not research
- Graphics for abstract ideas a la abstract art
- Much harder as not reading text
- Can animate text points in case cant remember
- Must use grammatically correct(and ideally
elegant) English to expand points - Otherwise better to read text slides
- Need script and practice to really make it work
(next slide is example)
- Brooks 74 Diminishing returns as people are
added to project - Many reasons
- Conflicts
Way back, Brooks found that t(click) adding
people to a project does not result in
proportional increase in team productivity. Over
the years, people have found many reasons for
this problem. One of these is conflicts, not
among people, as in the talk before, but between
the code they write in parallel software
development activities.
33How much to practice?
- Con takes time and is tedious!
- Inversely prop. to time available for talk
- I did not have time to write a shorter letter
- Cannot afford pauses
- Inversely prop. to how articulate/experienced
- Directly proportional to importance
Amount of Practice
34Practice in Different Kinds of Talks
- Defense
- Consequence can be failure
- Committee knows work
- Job talk precedes
- Conference talk
- Shortest possible time
- Potential interview
- Job talk
- Decides future!
- Conference talk precedes
- Class lecture
- Cannot afford overhead
- Audience asks clarification
- Job talk precedes
Amount of Practice
35Dont Hide Information in Slide
- Belief strongly held by many
- Covering ports of transparency considered bad and
distracting - Audience member can go ahead of speaker and get
more context - Like animation in slide
- Figures hard to understand all at once (Satyajeet
example) - Can indeed provide mystery
- Cannot hide answer to question
- Belief strongly held by many
- Covering ports of transparency considered bad and
distracting - Understandability
- Audience member can go ahead of speaker and more
context - Graphics hard to understand all at once
- Animation in slide
- Cannot hide answer to question
- Helps incremental understanding
- Keep attention as reader may go ahead
- Useful in Socratic (question and answer)
explanation - Too much animation can prevent understanding as
less context available at any time - Animation takes time
- Future work may not be animated
- Consider two alternatives shown in next two slides
Active Display
Active Display
Conflict Management
Editing Commands
Editing Commands
User 1
User 2
Active Display
Active Display
Conflict Management
Editing Commands
Editing Commands
User 1
User 2
39What should be animated?
- Parts that need to be grasped incrementally
- An answer to a question
- .
40Types of Questions
- E.g
- Should (parts of) a talk be structured as a
series of questions and answers? - Explicit
- Audience given chance to answer
- Expected to provide simplified answer
- Rhetorical
- Answered by presenter
- Implicit
- Raised in audience mind as side-effect of some
information given by presenter - answered in subsequent slides
41Question and Answers?
- All
- Audience pays attention
- They try to answer question
- Connection is made to audience, so they will more
friendly, and thus more guilty about going to
laptop - Favors understandability if audience tries to
answer - Favors cleverness if audience is thinking of
wrong answer - Specially if in retrospect, answer is simple, as
good solutions should be
42Question and Answers?
- Explicit
- Unsettling if audience does not attempt answer
- Survey questions are safest
- How many of you use the model-editor design
pattern - Explicit questions can be used to adapt talk?
- Do I need to explain model-editor version
- People will not say yes lest that will end up
boring others - People know less than you think!
- Takes time, works in lectures
- Explicit and rhetorical
- Conflicts with cleverness if audience easily
thinks of correct answer
43Question and Answers?
- Implicit
- Implies audience paying attention
- None of the above disadvantages
- Makes talk like a mystery story
44Make Talk a Story?
- Creating flow connecting each information
item to (ideally immediately) preceding item. - Favors attention
- Even TV/radio news writers try to create a flow!
45Make Talk a Story?
- Favors cleverness
- talk looks like proof with subsequent steps
following from previous ones - work looks like one big contribution than
collection of unrelated small details - thought that went into talk appreciated
46Make Talk a Story?
- Favors novelty if previous work part of story
- Favors understandability as people see the a
coherent picture
47Is Creating a Flow Hard?
- E.g. -1 slide ? this slide ls creating a flow
hard? - E.g. -2 slide ? this is a special case of the
more general rule that a talk should be a story - First example relatively easy
- Second example required special ordering
- Explicit and rhetorical
- Audience pays attention
- Conflicts with cleverness if audience easily
thinks of correct answer - Implicit
- None of the above disadvantages
- Makes talk like a mystery story
Ordering used for 2 slide
48Is Creating a Flow Hard?
- Implicit
- None of the above disadvantages
- Makes talk like a mystery story
- Explicit and rhetorical
- Audience pays attention
- Conflicts with cleverness if audience easily
thinks of correct answer
- E.g. -1 slide ? this slide ls creating a flow
hard? - E.g. -2 slide ? this is a special case of the
more general rule that a talk should be a story - First example relatively easy
- But must remember transition
- Second example required special ordering
Alternative equally good ordering for intra -2
slide flow, but not inter-slide flow
49Indicators of bad flow
- Simply stating the slide title
- Even paraphrasing is not enough
- I will next talk about
- Another component of the approach is
50Indicators of good flow
- Connection to previous slide
- The concept leaves several questions
- This idea has the problem/advantage
- A related issue is
- Connection to far away slide
- The story so far is One issue I have not
addressed is - I will connect this to later I had mentioned
that I would find a connection to This slide
does so.
51Special Slide for Flow
- The design framework does not define if the
model and editor is - Centralized
- Replicated.
- So let us consider these architectural issues.
- Design Pattern
- Architecture
- Outline can create flow
- Users have been told the sequence of items
- Can bring back outline to go to next topic in it.
53Mediocre Outline Based Flow
- Design Pattern
- Architecture
- I will next talk about the architecture
- Another part of this work is the architecture
54Better Outline-based Flow
- Design Pattern
- Architecture
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor are centralized or replicated. So let
us consider these architectural issues
55Build Outline Incrementally
- Design Pattern
- Architecture
- Probably said the same thing when first showing
outline - So better to lose the outline at start
- May build it incrementally
56Main Outline?
- Most talks have similar main outline
- Main outline in stories?
- First few slides decide if people will pay
attention - How to start the talk?
- Consider two examples
- Problem
- Related Work
- Approach
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Future Work
57Semi-Synchronous Conflict Detection and
Resolution in Asynchronous Software Development
- Prasun Dewan
- University of North Carolina
- dewan_at_unc.edu
Rajesh Hegde Microsoft Research
The problem we are solving has to do with
collaborative software development
- Brooks 74 Diminishing returns as people are
added to project - Many reasons
- Conflicts
59Crafting a Research Paper/Talk
- Prasun Dewan
- SN 150, Sitterson, 11-1215
- 962 1823
- dewan_at_unc.edu
- Paper document created
- Talk
- Slides and/or Delivery
- Some talks do not have slides!
- Talk LiveMeeting Recording
- In the small
- Grammar, PPT Animations
- Style, PPT Color Choices
- Analogous to defining an object
- In the large
- Composition of prose and slide items
- Analogous to design patterns
- Assume proficiency in design in the small
The passive voice should not be used!
Use light text on dark background !
Have an abstract, introduction, body ,
conclusions and future work
Have a title, outline, body, conclusions , and
future work
62State of the art in Papers/Talks
- Arguably good composition techniques
- Situational
- Examples!
- Practice
No one seems to have looked for patterns!
63Hypothesis Such Patterns Exist
- Each student seems to make the same kinds of
64How to start the talk?
- Define one or more terms of title
- If necessary
- If not, do not read the title, or text on any
slide! - Motivate
- If necessary
- Give unsolved problem raised by subject of talk
- Describe state of art
- In research, not industry
- Start describing solution
- Everything else should be connectable to problem
and solution
Crafting Composition of prose and slide items
Talk Slides Delivery
Patterns Arguably good general compositional
No one seems to have looked for patterns!
65Inductive Flow
- Define terms of title
- If necessary
- Give unsolved problem raised by subject of talk
- Describe state of art
- In research, not industry
- Start describing solution
- Everything else should be connectable to problem
and solution
Crafting Composition of prose and slide items
No one seems to have looked for patterns!
66Deductive Flow
- Define terms of title
- If necessary
- Give unsolved problem raised by subject of talk
- Describe state of art
- In research, not industry
- Start describing solution
- Everything else should be connectable to problem
and solution
Crafting Composition of prose and slide items
No one seems to have looked for patterns!
67Deductive vs. Inductive
- Inductive learners like to work out general
principles from cases and examples - Retain information better
- Attempt to solve mystery
- Deductive learners like to see general
principles and then cases and examples - Can become good scientists
- Happier with non mystery
Cases /examples
Cases /examples
You flirted with my boyfriend
You were rude to my mother
You kicked my cat
Example taken from Wolfgang Gatterbauer
You flirted with my boyfriend
You were rude to my mother
You kicked my cat
Example taken from Wolfgang Gatterbauer
70Alternative Deductive vs. Inductive
- Inductive (Supp. Args.)
- May not clear be why information is being given
- Too much mystery!
- Investigation described without identifying crime
- Deductive (Supp. Args)
- Point is clear
- Creates flow/story
- Motivated vs. unmotivated better name
- Will implicitly assume this deductive, called the
Minto pyramid principle - Not to be confused with (information pyramid
Supporting Arguments
Supporting Arguments
71Illustrate with Examples?
- For related work and bringing out requirements
- Helps understandability
- Needed for inductive
- Helps deductive
- Keeps attention
- Specially if example is real-world
72Illustrate with Examples?
In the small Grammar, PPT Animations Style, PPT
Color Choices Analogous to defining an object In
the large Composition of prose and slide
items Analogous to design patterns
- In soft fields, field without benchmarks, or
talk or conference paper - definition/proof by example important to make
point - Can take time
- Use running example to
- reduce time
- bring out all issues for inductive
- Next few slides are examples
The passive voice should not be used!
Have an abstract, introduction, body ,
conclusions and future work
73Example Conflict
Refactors to change parameter order
Changing APIs de Souza, Redmilles et al 04
Subclasses with old parameter order
74Traditional Conflict Management Model
Bob has not checked in as yet
75Traditional Conflict Management Model
- Asynchronous Software Development
- Line-based Conflict Detection
- Individual Conflict Management
- Late Conflict Management
76New Requirements and Model
- Asynchronous Software Development
- Dependency-based Conflict Detection
- Collaborative Conflict Management
- Early Conflict Management
CollabVS Visual Studio Semi Synchronous
Collaborative Conflict Management
77Incremental Dependency Checking
False Positives Cannot be Eliminated Halting
78Conflict Inbox
Dependency Notification
79Switching to Non-Conflicting Work
View Next Warning
View Next Warning
80Conflict Prevention
View Next Warning
View Next Warning
Watch Notification
- Can change parameter order
81Interesting vs. Crucial Examples
- Rehearse in your mind (until the last moment)
- Interesting example simply provides prop for
script - Often picture worth a thousand words
- Increase attention
- Practice to see if they are too frivolous
- Dont need to use any words for them and hence
take no time
82Graphics vs. Non-Graphics?
- Images
- Architecture
- Icons
- Anything non-bullet?
83Interpreting graphics
- Look at audience
- You are the focus
- Audience listens to you
- May not notice graphics
- Specially fast moving animation
- Look at slide
- Audience looks at you and slide
- Do not look into space
84Referencing a screen area
- Pointing devices
- Distracting, becomes focus of attention
- Always usage issues
- People circle rather than point
- Audience has no idea
- Mouse, laser position sometimes hard to see
- Direct pointing
- Makes you move
- Do not just stand at podium like a statue
- May not be possible in really big conferences
- Animate object on which you want to focus
- Animation could be missed
85Illustration Order
86Incremental Dependency Checking
False Positives Cannot be Eliminated Halting
87Conflict Inbox
Dependency Notification
88Alternative Order
- Give complete model
- Then illustrate
89Complete Model
90Incremental Dependency Checking
91Conflict Inbox
92Alternative Order
- Give complete model
- Then illustrate
- Deductive by definition
93Yet another alternative
- Illustrate
- Then give complete model
- Inductive
94Incremental Dependency Checking
95Conflict Inbox
96Complete Model
97Lazy Evaluation
- In lazy evaluation, expression evaluated just
before use - If not needed, not referenced
- Provide information incrementally
- Or define just before use (and not much earlier
or later) - Or do not wait too long to motivate or illustrate
some concept. - Or do not provide information irrelevant to
conclusion - Otherwise will repeat or will lose people
- In deductive will not motivate
- Judgment call as to what is atomic unit of
- People learn through repetition
- Quick learners can get bored
- Conflicts with work. amt.
- May not be able to explain something else
- How many times?
- Tell what you are going to tell them, Tell them,
Tell them what you told them
People learn through repetition
People learn through repetition
- Abstract the topic
- Give next level(s) of detail
- Information pyramid
- Summarize the topic
- Perhaps later in the conclusion section when
people have forgotten
Repetition should be structured into three parts
Tell them what your are going to tell them, Tell
them, Tell them what you told them
To summarize, repetition should be structured
into three parts
- Identify the next topic
- Explain the topic
- Summarize the topic
Let us consider the nature of repetition
Tell them what your are going to tell them, Tell
them, Tell them what you told them
To summarize, repetition should be structured
into three parts
101Repetition for Non-Linear Flow
- A talk/paper often cannot be a linear sequence
- Tree, Hyper-graph
- Try to create linear flow!
- Repetition for forward referencing
- Repetition for reminding
- Be sure to point out that you are repeating
- Otherwise people get a feeling of déjà vu and
tune out
As we will see later, repetition can be useful.
Some other topic.
Tell them what you are going to tell them, Tell
them, Tell them what you told them.
Some other topic.
As I mentioned before, some form of repetition
may be useful.
102Repetition for Giving Full Picture
- Present parts of the model
- Then put it all together
- If there is time
103Incremental Dependency Checking
False Positives Cannot be Eliminated Halting
104Conflict Inbox
Dependency Notification
105Complete Model
106Next two slides are inductive slides
107Theoretical Evaluation
- Asynchronous Software Development
- Early conflict detection
- Dependency-based conflict detection
- Collaborative conflict detection and resolution
That was our theoretical evaluation. Next Rajesh
will describe the lab study we did.
108Lab Study
- 16 developers, Groups of 2 (A B) not
co-located (A and B did different tasks) - Training -20 minutes
- Actual task -60 minutes
- Survey, Debrief 15 minutes
109Theoretical Evaluation
- Asynchronous Software Development
- Early conflict detection
- Dependency-based conflict detection
- Collaborative conflict detection and resolution
Thus the model meets all of our requirements. So
it seems we have accomplished our mission. Well
not quite. These requirements were derived from
theoretical arguments. To determine if
programmers really wanted to be liberated from
the traditional model, we conducted a lab study,
which Rajesh will describe.
110Lab Study
- 16 developers, Groups of 2 (A B) not
co-located (A and B did different tasks) - Training -20 minutes
- Actual task -60 minutes
- Survey, Debrief 15 minutes
111Make connections explicitly
- Good flow requires explicit connections
- Even experts may not realize connections
- You may not either
- Standard does not mean required
- Argument that paper cannot get accepted without
lab study is a cop-out
- Less is more
- Talk should be just the title?
- Use the minimum amount of words required to make
the point - Slide-deck can be concise but not presentation
- Practice!
- Holds attention
- Increases attention
- May conflict with understandability
- Sometimes alternative ways are needed
113Time in Different Kinds of Talks
- What to put in each talk?
Time Available
114Information Pyramid
- Give information at different levels of
abstraction - News articles can be cut at any point from the
bottom - So can talk!
115News Example (Philip Yaffe)
Britain yesterday has once again called for the
United Nations to mount a peacekeeping operation
in the violence-torn Darfur region of Sudan in
response to increasing complaints from aid
agencies on site that international efforts to
help Darfur's desperate, displaced population are
woefully inadequate.
At the same time, Her Majesty's Government is
joining with other European Union countries to
threaten sanctions against Sudan unless its
government energetically moves to end the "ethnic
cleansing" against black villagers in Darfur by
the mainly Arab Janjawid militias. UN officials
report that the conflict has already claimed from
30,000 - 50,000 lives and about 1.2 million
people have been displaced, with about 200,000
taking refuge in neighbouring Chad.
116News Example (Philip Yaffe)
- The British Government is concerned about the
situation in Darfur. - Darfur is a violence-torn region of Sudan.
- Britain believes a peacekeeping force is urgently
needed. - It is pressing the United Nations to supply this
peacekeeping force. - This is not the first time that it has urged the
UN to supply peacekeeping force. - The population of Darfur has been displaced.
- Aid agencies in Darfur say that international
assistance to these distressed people is
117News Example (Philip Yaffe)
- The trouble in Darfur is a race war
- Arab militias are attacking black villagers.
- Britain and other EU countries believe the
Sudanese Government is not doing enough to stop
the war. - They threaten sanctions against Sudan if its
government does not quickly take action to end
the attacks. - To date, between 30,000 - 50,000 people have been
killed. - About 1.2 million have been displaced.
- About 200,000 have fled across the border into
the neighbouring country of Chad. - These figures come from the United Nations, which
is a reliable source.
118News vs. Research
- News
- may not contain analysis.
- Goal is to inform
- Story
- Research
- Shows non-obvious result
- Needs some suspense!
- Mystery story
- Dont want to say butler did it at the start!
119Information Pyramid in Research
- How to create information pyramid?
Defense, Job
- Conference
- May omit if nothing new in driving problem
- Networked devices vs. soft real time constraints
in multimedia - Defense/job
- Give standard ones in your field
- People outside field are very skeptical
Defense, Job
121Related Work
- Conference
- Usually no time to explain others work
- Can compare with familiar state of practice
rather than research - Physical remote controls vs. software remote
controls - Could give evaluation metrics and state results
of evaluation - May give design space and motivate metrics if
these are original - Comparison can be done at end of talk rather than
at beginning specially when related work is very
loosely connected
Defense/ Job
122Related Work
- Defense/Job
- The obvious relevant ones
- But nothing irrelevant
Defense/ Job
- Conference
- The fewer that encompass the work the better
- Abstraction is key here
- Defense/Job
- Name and ideally describe at a high level all
relevant ideas
Defense, Job
- Conference
- Flashing complex picture/diagram/equation?
- Cheap way of showing complexity
- Works for showing large amt of data
- Explain equation, diagram without
Defense, Job
- Defense/Job
- Provide the conference-level intuition
- Go deep into one aspect of work
Defense, Job
126Concise vs. Information Pyramid
- Typically no time to explain at lower/multiple
abstraction levels - Choose the abstraction(s) level given constraints
- Candidate day, job fair, conference talk
- Prepare lower abstractions even if no more time
- To answer more detailed questions
127Tailor Talk to Audience?
- Audience knowledge
- Experts may know details of research context and
related work - But experts may like seeing how you define it
- If they are evaluating you
- Can almost never assume audience all experts
- Maybe conference talk
- Assume undergrad knowledge from audience
- Dont ask do I need to explain this?
- People dont volunteer ignorance
- Just explain at the level of abstraction needed
to make your point
128Tailor Talk to Audience?
- Audiences research accomplishments
- Refer to expert audience members results
- if relevant in making your point
- People love being referenced but not unnecessary
129Tailor Talk Style to Audience?
- Inductive vs. Deductive
- People judging you likely to be inductive
- These are the people who typically succeed in
academics - Though many successful (computer?) scientists are
Cases /examples
130Tailor Talk to Audience?
- Fundamentalists
- There are absolute comm. rules
- Situational Theorists
- Whether and how communication understood depends
readers mind - There are no absolute rules
- Bad communicators become fundamentalists
- Those who cant do talk
- Those cant teach, teach about talking
Always Inductive
131Tailor Audience to Talk?
- Choose audience appropriate for talk.
- Or dont give a talk if audience is not
appropriate - Or Have something to say
- That is interesting to the audience!
- Better to tailor talk to audience
- In some places a thesis synopsis has to be given
to parents and friends and family - Build information pyramid!
132Average 2 Minutes per Slide?
- Balance between understandability and other
conflicting metrics - Assumption, more time improves understandability
- Boundary condition A single slide makes talk
more understandable? - Sometimes more slides, graphics, animation
clarify point that otherwise is given lengthier
explanation - Amount of information is what happens
133Example Good Writing Style?
- Must describe object rather than point at it
- This does not define if the model and editor, .
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor, - This should always be followed by a noun
- This approach, This idea, This example
- Sometimes noun is needed to formalize what one is
talking about - Thus, the editor and model are separate
components. - This design pattern does not vs. This does not
- Sometimes noun is redundant and leads to
repetition - An alternative is to grant the access
automatically under the optimistic assumption
that this will cause no harm. - An alternative is to grant the access
automatically under the optimistic assumption
that this grant will cause no harm.
134Rest are unused slides
You flirted with my boyfriend
You were rude to my mother
You kicked my cat
You flirted with my boyfriend
You were rude to my mother
You kicked my cat
137Alternative Deductive vs. Inductive
- Inductive
- Not clear why information is being given
- Too much mystery!
- Investigation described without identifying crime
- Deductive
- Point is clear
Supporting Arguments
Supporting Arguments
138Information Pyramid
- Give information at different levels of
abstraction - News paper is
- News articles can be cut at any point from the
bottom - So can talk!
139Question Time
- Listen to the question!
- Dont panic
- Be honest
- Naked presentation
- Avoid negative comments?
- Without mentioning the positive ones
- Self-deprecating comments dont work in the US
- On balance work must be defensible!
- Be polite
- to stupid questions
- Make eye contact
- Dont look at just one person or a subset
- Look for questions and light bulbs flashing
- Though might focus on ones asking questions
- Dont hide slides
- Move around
- For e.g. towards person asking question
- Relaxes people
- Often insightful
- In-context
- Contribution obvious only in retrospective
- Supports mystery story
Put in examples
142Main Outline?
- Most talks have similar outline
- First few slides decide if people will pay
attention - Dont say something that cannot be derived from
previous talk - Except title
Put in examples
143Principle of Good Flow
- Only say things that can be derived from talk so
far - Except title
- Main outline violates this in a minor way
- Problem
- Related Work
- Approach
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Future Work
Put in examples
144News Example (Philip Yaffe)
- The British Government is concerned about the
situation in Darfur. - Darfur is a violence-torn region of Sudan.
- Britain believes a peacekeeping force is urgently
needed. - It is pressing the United Nations to supply this
peacekeeping force. - This is not the first time that it has urged the
UN to supply peacekeeping force. - The population of Darfur has been displaced.
- Aid agencies in Darfur say that international
assistance to these distressed people is
Britain yesterday has once again called for the
United Nations to mount a peacekeeping operation
in the violence-torn Darfur region of Sudan in
response to increasing complaints from aid
agencies on site that international efforts to
help Darfur's desperate, displaced population are
woefully inadequate.
145News Example (Philip Yaffe)
- The trouble in Darfur is a race war
- Arab militias are attacking black villagers.
- Britain and other EU countries believe the
Sudanese Government is not doing enough to stop
the war. - They threaten sanctions against Sudan if its
government does not quickly take action to end
the attacks. - To date, between 30,000 - 50,000 people have been
killed. - About 1.2 million have been displaced.
- About 200,000 have fled across the border into
the neighbouring country of Chad. - These figures come from the United Nations, which
is a reliable source.
At the same time, Her Majesty's Government is
joining with other European Union countries to
threaten sanctions against Sudan unless its
government energetically moves to end the "ethnic
cleansing" against black villagers in Darfur by
the mainly Arab Janjawid militias. UN officials
report that the conflict has already claimed from
30,000 - 50,000 lives and about 1.2 million
people have been displaced, with about 200,000
taking refuge in neighbouring Chad.
- Give basic idea
- Uses divide and conquer
- Give solution
- Algorithm and performance
- Summarize the topic
- Used divide and conquer and it works as well
147Illustrate with Examples?
- Can show less work
- In soft fields or talk or conference paper
- definition/proof by example useful abstraction
In the small Grammar, PPT Animations Style, PPT
Color Choices Analogous to defining an object In
the large Composition of prose and slide
items Analogous to design patterns
The passive voice should not be used!
Have an abstract, introduction, body ,
conclusions and future work
149Multiple Levels of Abstraction
- Need to balance abstraction and suspense
- Bring existing before giving basic solution.
- Bring out more issues and (maybe approaches if
any) before giving next level of details
Problem / Issues
Related Work
Most Abstract Solution
More Issues Details
More Issues Details
150Time in Different Kinds of Talks
- Can give results without proof in conference talk
at least - Dont shy away because of complexity
- Do not need to give all details
- But do not shy from complexity
- Should describe at least one component in some
depth - Defense
- Consequence can be failure
- Committee knows work
- Job talk precedes
- Conference talk
- Shortest possible time
- Potential interview
- Job talk
- Decides future!
- Conference talk precedes
- Class lecture
- Cannot afford overhead
- Audience asks clarification
Time Available
151Indicators of good flow
- Connection to previous slide
- The model leaves several questions open such as
the replication of the modules. So let us
consider these architectural issues. - This idea has the problem/advantage
- Connection to far away slide
- The story so far is One issue I have not
addressed is - I will connect this to later I had mentioned
that I would find a connection to This slide
does so.
- Outline can create flow
- Users have been told the sequence of items
- But still need flow to connect outline items
- We will look at the system at multiple levels of
abstraction. First the model, then . - Re-show outline on each context switch and
re-create flow - That is all I will say about the model. Let us
now see the architecture that implements it.
- Has components not found in all talks
154Illustrate with Examples?
- In soft fields or talk or conference paper
- definition/proof by example useful abstraction
155Related Work?
- Needed to prove novelty
- Contribution obvious only in retrospective
- Supports mystery story
- Should be covered at some level of abstraction
- Sometimes Hard to explain other works in
conference - No other existing approach solves this problem,
take my word for it. - Easily possible to overdo details
156Example Conversational Style
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor are (not shown in slide) - Centralized
- Replicated.
- So let us consider these architectural issues.
(not shown in slide) - Graphics and animation improves conversational
style - Words explain graphics on screen
- Like slide show
157Example Conversational Style?
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor, which, recall, performs input and
output, are centralized or replicated. So let us
consider these architectural issues. - You might as well be reading paper.
158Example Good Writing Style?
- Must describe object rather than point at it
- This does not define if the model and editor,
which, recall, performs input and output, are
centralized or replicated. So let us consider
these architectural issues. - The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor, which, recall, performs input and
output, are centralized or replicated. So let us
consider these architectural issues. - This should always be followed by a noun
- This approach
- This idea
- This example
159Example Good Writing Style?
- Must describe object rather than point at it
- This does not define if the model and editor, .
- The design pattern does not define if the model
and editor, - This should always be followed by a noun
- This approach, This idea, This example
- Sometimes noun is needed to formalize what one is
talking about - Thus, the editor and model are separate
components. - This design pattern does not vs. This does not
- Sometimes noun is redundant and leads to
repetition - An alternative is to grant the access
automatically under the optimistic assumption
that this will cause no harm. - An alternative is to grant the access
automatically under the optimistic assumption
that this grant will cause no harm. - Write the noun and then remove it if necessary
- This way you know what you are talking about