The Large-Area Psec Photo-detector Collaboration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Large-Area Psec Photo-detector Collaboration


The Large-Area Psec Photo-detector Collaboration Henry Frisch Enrico Fermi Institute and Argonne National Laboratory 4 National Labs, 5 Divisions at Argonne, 3 US ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Large-Area Psec Photo-detector Collaboration

The Large-Area Psec Photo-detector Collaboration
Henry Frisch Enrico Fermi Institute and Argonne
National Laboratory
4 National Labs, 5 Divisions at Argonne, 3 US
small companies electronics expertise at
Universities of Chicago and Hawaii Goal of
3-year RD- commercializable modules.
The Development of Large-area Detectors With
Space and Time Resolution
  • Application Space Four frontiers- time
    resolution, area, QE, and cost (different
    applications sit at different points in this 4D
    space, but not separated by large amounts of
    development effort- all 4 are fertile.)
  • The LAPPD Collaboration present status, and
    introduction to the posters and breakout session
  • Challenges and Surprises (e.g., funding has been
    available at ANL for only 1 month- not yet
    available at SSL, Hawaii, UC, Arradiance,
    Minotech, Muons,Inc, Synkera,)

Motivationand Requirements
Application 1-Energy Frontier
At colliders we measure the 3-momenta of
hadrons, but cant follow the flavor-flow of
quarks, the primary objects that are colliding.
2-orders-of-magnitude in time resolution would
all us to measure ALL the informationgtgreatly
enhanced discovery potential.
Specs Signal 50-10,000 photons Space
resolution 1 mm Time resolution 1 psec Cost
t-tbar -gt WbW-bbar
Application 2- Lepton Flavor Physics
(Howard Nicholson)
  • Example- DUSEL detector with 100 coverage and 3D
    photon vertex reconstruction.
  • Need gt10,000 square meters (!) (100 ps
  • Spec signal single photon, 100 ps time, 1 cm
    space, low cost/m2 (5-10K/m2)

Hermetic DUSEL specs TBD
Application 3- Medical Imaging (PET)
Reminder- mention new iniative in France for PET
and Hadron Therapy using these ideas- US should
not have to follow..
Depth of interaction measurement 375 ps
resolution (H. Kim, UC). (note distinguished
ANL/UC history in medical imaging, esp. PET)
Spec signal 10,000 photons,30 ps time, 1 mm
space, 30K/m2, MD-proof
Application 4- Nuclear Non-proliferation
  1. MCPs loaded with Boron or Gadolinium are used as
    neutron detectors with good gamma separation
    (Nova Scientific).
  2. Large-area means could scan trucks, containers
  3. Time resolution corresponds to space resolution
    out of the detector plane IF one has a t_0 i.e
    can do 3D tomography of objects

Specs Unknown An area for possible applications-
need a counterpart to form an application group.
SUMMARYCharacteristics in common we need
  • Small feature size ltlt 300 microns
  • Homogeneity the ability to make uniform
    large-areas (think solar-panels, floor tiles,
    50-HDTV sets)
  • Intrinsic low cost although application
    specific, all need low-cost materials and robust
    batch fabrication. Need to be simple.

Parallel Efforts on Specific Applications
  • .

Explicit strategy for staying on task
LAPD Detector Development
Hawaii,Muons,Inc,SLAC,SSL/UCB, Synkera, U. Wash.
Drawing Not To Scale (!)
Using New Technologies to Exploit Fundamentally
Simple Ideas
Detector Development- 3 Prongs
  • MCP development- use modern fab processes to
    control emissivities, resistivities, out-gassing
  • Use Atomic Layer Deposition for emissive
  • (amplification) on cheap inert substrates
    (glass capillary arrays, AAO). Scalable to large
    sizes economical pure i.e. chemically robust
    and stable.
  • Readout Use transmission lines and modern chip
    technologies for high speed cheap low-power
    high-density readout.
  • Anode is a 50-ohm stripline. Scalable up
    to many feet in length readout 2 ends CMOS
    sampling onto capacitors- fast, cheap, low-power.
  • Use computational advances -simulation as basis
    for design
  • Modern computing tools allow simulation at level
    of basic processes- validate with data.

Micro-channel Plates PMTs
  • Satisfies small feature size and homogeneity

Photon and electron paths are short- few mm to
micronsgtfast, uniform Planar geometrygtscalable
to large areas
Simplifying MCP Construction
Conventional Pb-glass MCP OLD
Incom Glass Substrate NEW
  • Chemically produced and treated Pb-glass does
  • Provide pores
  • Resistive layer supplies electric field in the
  • Pb-oxide layer provides secondary electron
  • Separate the three functions
  • Hard glass substrate provides pores
  • Tuned Resistive Layer (ALD) provides current for
    electric field (possible NTC?)
  • Specific Emitting layer provides SEE

Glass Substrate Status
ANL, Chicago, Incom, Minotech, SSL
  • Have received multiple samples of 10-micron,
    20-micron, 40-micron glass substrates from Incom
    in 3/4-sq and 33 mm round formats (latter the
    SSL/ANL development format)
  • Incom has ordered 8x8 shell- they are sharing
    development cost (largely paying for it, in fact)
  • Incom is refining 8x8 process- changes to
    draw, grinding, polishing. Very responsive to our
    needs, very flexible.

Self-Assembled Passive Substrates
AAO Group Hau Wang (ANL), Dmitry Routkevitch
(Synkera)postdoc, Synkera
  • Alternative to glass capillary substrate-
    parallel path.
  • Some advantages batch production (could be very
    cheap), inherent purity, low radioactivity
  • May naturally allow funnel geometry with
    reflection photocathode (could be very very fast
    and cheap)
  • Longer development path, at present glass is

Functionalization- ALD
  • ALD Group Jeff Elam, Anil Mane, Qing Peng,
    Thomas Proslier
  • (ANLESD/HEP), Neal Sullivan (Arradiance), Anton
    Tremsin (Arradiance, SSL)

Jeff Elam, Thomas Proslier
Functionalizing Incom samples
ALD Group Jeff Elam, Anil Mane, Qing Peng,
Thomas Proslier (ANLESD/HEP), Neal Sullivan
(Arradiance), Anton Tremsin (Arradiance, SSL)
ALD film
Cross-sectional EDAZ of JE1401a ALD ZnO and AL203
extend into pores Sputtered Au only on edge of
SEM from Middle of JE1401a 100 nm ALD film
visible in middle of MCP
  • Jeff Elam, Thomas Proslier (ESD)

ALD-Functionalized substrates
Picture is seam between blocks
Jeff Elam, Thomas Prolier (ESD)
First measurements of gain in an ALD SEE layer at
the APS laser test setup (Bernhard Adams,
Matthieu Cholet, and Matt Wetstein)
MCP and Photocathode Testing
Testing Group Bernhard Adams, Matthieu Cholet,
and Matt Wetstein at the APS, Ossy Siegmunds
group at SSL
LAPPD Preliminary (very)
N. B.!
Characterization of Secondary Emission,
Photo-Emission of Materials
Characterization Group Igor Veryovkin, Thomas
Proslier, Alexander Zinovev (MSD), postdoc
(meets biweekly, joint with photocathode group-
perhaps ALD gp too in the future.)
  1. Constructing dedicated setup for low-energy SEE
    and PE measurements of ALD materials- parts on
    order. (will see on tour in Bld 200).
    Goal is
    systematic exploration of best SEE materials
  2. Has parts-per-trillion capability for
    characterizing photocathodes after exposure to
    Argon, MCPs beforeafter scrubbing, aging.
    Goal is to avoid
    having to scrub, aging- it is essential to
    measure and understand the surface chemistry.
  3. Planning interfaces to SSL, APS vacuum systems,
    common sample database
  4. Has close ties/overlap with ALD and testing groups

Photocathode Group Klaus Attenkofer(APS), Sharon
Jelinsky(SSL), Jason McPhate(SSL), Mike Pellin
(MSD), Ossy Siegmund (SSL), Thomas Proslier(MSD),
Zikri Yusof(HEP), postdoc (meets biweekly,
joint with characterization group)
Photocathode Group
  • Work is going on on multiple fronts- the
    photo-cathode is probably the most complex area
    we are dealing with.
  • Bialkali photocathodes are not hard to make, have
    good QE and a spectral response well matched to
    water cherenkov counters and most optical
    applications. We (will) have a strong effort on
    them at SSL, which has the experience and a long
    track record. This will ensure having a solution
    as good as typical commercial tubes.
  • At the same time, there is a strong case to be
    made that there can be substantial improvements
    in QE (see Townsends paper), spectral matching,
    and possibly chemical robustness. In addition,
    MCPs may allow reflection rather than
    transmission cathodes, with big gains in speed
    (sub-psec) and QE.
  • There may be new ideas based on ALD, e.g., (see
    Mike Pellins, Greg Engels talks at Photocathode
    workshop) that are feasible and disruptive. We
    are reaching out to university groups to access
    high-end facilities and young talent- UIUC, UIC,
    and WashU.

(Yes, risky, but high payoff- if not us, who? see
Chu, Koonin)
Sharon Jelinsky(SSL), Jason McPhate(SSL), Ossy
Siegmund (SSL),
SSL Photocathode Group
  • Sealed tubes with up to 5 format havebeen
    processedwith multialkaliphotocathodes
  • MCPs and delayline readout
  • From Ossy Siegmunds talk at the First
    Photocathode Workshop, July 20-21, Univ. of

MCP Simulation- use to make informed decisions on
materials, geometry, field,
  • Simulation Group Zikri Yusov, Valentin Ivanov
    (Muons,Inc), Sergey Antipov (HEP), Zeke Insepov
    (MCSD) , Anton Tremsin (SSL/Arradiance ), Neal
    Sullivan (Arradiance)

MCP Simulation
  • Zeke Insepov (MCSD) and Valentin Ivanov

MCP Simulation
  • Zeke Insepov (MCSD) and Valentin Ivanov

MCP Simulation
  • Zeke Insepov (MCSD) and Valentin Ivanov

Front-end Electronics/Readout Waveform sampling
Electronics Group Jean-Francois Genat, Gary
Varner, Mircea Bogdan, Michael Baumer, Michael
Cooney, Zhongtian Dai, Herve Grabas, Mary Heintz,
James Kennedy, Sam Meehan, Kurtis Nishimura, Eric
Oberla, Larry Ruckman, Fukun Tang (meets weekly)
First have to understand signal and noise in the
frequency domain
Front-end Electronics
Resolution depends on 3 parameters Number of
PhotoElectrons, Analog Bandwidth, and
See J-F Genat, G. Varner, F. Tang, and HF arXiv
0810.5590v1 (Oct. 2008)- now published in Nucl.
Instr. Meth.
  • Wave-form sampling is best, and can be
    implemented in low-power widely available CMOS
    processes (e.g. IBM 8RF). Low cost per channel.

Front-end Electronics/Readout Waveform sampling
ASIC prototype
  • Varner, Ritt, DeLanges, and Breton have
    pioneered waveformsampling onto an array of
    CMOS capacitors.

First 0.13micron ASIC due back Oct. 20
The chip submitted to MOSIS -- IBM 8RF (0.13
micron CMOS)- 4-channel prototype. Plan on 16
channels/chip- possibly 32 later (??).
Get position AND timeAnode Design and
Simulation(Fukun Tang)
  • Transmission Line- readout both endsgt pos and
  • Cover large areas with much reduced channel
  • US Patent

Photonis Planicon on Transmission Line Board
  • Couple 1024 pads to strip-lines with
    silver-loaded epoxy (Greg Sellberg, Fermilab).

Comparison of measurements (Ed May and
Jean-Francois Genat and simulation (Fukun Tang)
  • Transmission Line- simulation shows 3.5GHz
    bandwidth- 100 psec rise (well-matched to MCP)
  • Measurements in Bld362 laser teststand match
    velocity and time/space resolution very well

Scaling Performance to Large AreaAnode
Simulation(Fukun Tang)
  • 48-inch Transmission Line- simulation shows 1.1
    GHz bandwidth- still better than present

ANL Test-stand Measurements
Jean-Francois Genat, Ed May, Eugene Yurtsev
  • Sample both ends of transmission line with
    Photonis MCP (not optimum)

2 picoseconds 100 microns measured
Test Fixture for integration of ASIC and
transmission-line anode being designed
Both parts are completely routed and ready for
submission after pinout check etc.
Test fixture for OptionE glass anode interface to
first proto-type sampling ASIC test bandwidth,
reflections, cross-talk.
  • Illustration of how we operate- close Hawaii/UC
    collaboration on ASIC, system design. Larry
    Ruckman (Hawaii)- From our electronics blog (open
    to all- go to http//

Mechanical Assembly
Mechanical Group Dean Walters (NE), Rich
Northrop (UC), Henry Frisch (UC), Michael Minot
(Minotech Eng.), Greg Sellberg (Fermilab) Ossy
Siegmund (SSL), Anton Tremsin (SSL/Arradiance),
R. Wagner (HEP)0.5postdoc, Sam Asare (UC), Rahul
Barwhani (UCB) Group meets weekly
  • Ongoing work on
  • Sealing- tray options A,C,E window seal
  • Anode fabrication, testing
  • Sealed-tube considerations- outgassing, getters,
  • Vacuum assembly/Alternatives
  • Cost (a driver for everything)

Cartoon of the Frugal MCP
  • Put all ingredients together- flat glass case
    (think TVs), capillary/ALD amplification,
    transmission line anodes, waveform sampling

In principle, can dial size for occupancy,
resolution- e.g. neutrinos 4by 2
This is not what we will do first.
Mechanical Assembly
  • 8 proto-type stack
  • Design sketch

8 proto-type mock-up
Mechanical Assembly
Luckily we have access to the worlds most
sophisticated test facilities at Argonne and UC
  • 8 proto-type- stresses

Lead bricks
Moreover, we have Ossy and his group
  • This talk has focused on Argonne- however we are
    lucky to have Ossy Siegmunds group at SSL
    working in parallel (on a subcontract- still
    trying to get him the funds!!) on using his
    proven technologies to make bialkali
    photocathodes and ceramic-body MCPs.
  • Ossy has a wealth of knowledge and experience,
    and brings a healthy skepticism to our trying to
    be faster, better and cheaper (pick any 3 is
    the old engineering adage, pace Dan Goldberg).
  • In parallel we are trying to develop what Paul
    Horn (IBM) calls a disruptive technology-higher
    risk, but high payoff. Cheap glass envelope/anode
    , possibly pure gas assembly, mass production
    with no burn-in.

Administration Transparency/Dissemination
Administration Group Karen Byrum (co-PI), Henry
Frisch (co-PI), Bob Wagner (Project Physicist),
Dean Walters (Project Engineer)
  • Weekly all-subgroup meeting (Tues at 10 am)
  • Web site has Blogs used for weekly meeting- open
    to the world. Has played a significant role in
    interfacing to small technical companies (both
    reassuring and also interesting them). See
  • Web site has Library of our talks, papers,
    internal notes, documents, backup materials,etc,-
    again, goal is to be transparent and accountable.
  • We have been running gt 2 workshops/year, 1 in
    Chicago, 1 in France. Very influential on a wide
    community-we benefit from contacts

Internal Review Panels
(open to additional suggestions).
  • Introduced on CDF- worked very very well.

First Collaboration Meeting
First Year Milestones
Challenges and Surprises(Places we need
help)(note this is personal list from HJF with
UC/EFI hat on- not a criticism of ANL-on the
contrary, Im blown away by the breadth, depth,
and quality at ANL)
  • SSL, Hawaii, UC, Arradiance, Minotech,
    Muons,Inc, Synkera have not gotten a single dime
    yet. Folks are working, but not getting paid-
    purchase orders are waiting. (systemic problem-
    not a complaint about personnel or any office).
    We had not counted on its being Oct. or later to
    start. Ossys operation on photocathodes and
    ceramic-based anodes is the biggest schedule
  • We had thought we would have access to a fully
    functioning glass shop at ANL. Being worked on
    by management, but delay and risk in schedule.
    Alternatives in local industries being developed,
    but in-house is much more flexible and effective
    for RD.
  • Subcontracts cost a 15 overhead bite right off
    the top. Ossys budget in particular got hit by
    an 84K cut. Perhaps in later years one could go
    directly to SSL? (can this be made up in some

The End-
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