Title: Peer Coaching: Unleash the Potential of Collaboration
1Peer Coaching Unleash the Potential of
- Abbey Alessi, Deborah Gallaher,
- Shelee King George
- Introductions
- In this session.
3Session Overview
- Effective professional development
- About the Peer Coaching program
- Coaching in Practice
- How is professional development like/not like
your first day in kindergarten?
5Professional Development Activity
- Facilitator and Recorder-Timekeeper (10)
- Think of a time that you learned something from a
professional development experience that changed
your practice as a teacher or principal. - What made the experience so effective?
- Reporter Share (Add 1)
- Compare Research handout
6Current Practice
- School based Professional Development Matrix
- Reflect on your current practice
7Think About Typical Technology Professional
- Traditional training
- Focus on tools
- Lacks opportunity for reflection
- If you buy it, they will use it.
- If you buy it, it will change the way children
9Reality Check
- Nearly 100 classrooms wired and connected to the
Internet - Teachers still not comfortable
- Pre-existing teaching practices continue
- Islands of Excellence
- Investment in bandwidth but not human bandwidth
- Time to invest in the Human Infrastructure
11Our Dilemma
- How can we help teachers infuse technology to
enhance the teaching and learning process?
12Why Peer Coaching
- Collaboration
- Feedback
- Reflection
- Alignment - adds value
- Handout
13About Peer Coaching
- Simple method of professional development
- Builds teacher leaders
- Helps teachers share practices and learn from one
14Peer Coaching Program Background
- 2001 - US Department of Education and Puget Sound
Center - 2002 - Local grant partners expanded statewide
- 2004 - Microsoft adopted Peer Coaching as first
Professional Development opportunity in their
Partners in Learning Initiative - 2005-6 Shared with over 43 countries
- 2007 Statewide adoption for EETT grant monies
in Florida, Washington and Arizona
15Peer Coaching Program Curriculum
- Coaching skills
- Technology integration
- Lesson Design
16Program Goals
- Develop teachers to be peer coaches
- Achieve systematic technology integration
- Engage students in powerful learning
- Infuse professional development into the life of
17Peer Coaching Program at a Glance
- Blend of face-to-face and distance learning
activities - Time for coaches to learn, practice, collaborate
and reflect - Eight day-long coach training sessions scheduled
over a year - Sessions at a Glance
18Coaching Roles
- Facilitator
- Collaborator
- Consultant
- Coach
19The Trust Model
Trust Model
20Pause to reflect
- Think about the types of roles you play
- What behaviors do you display that build trust?
- Elbow share
21Looking at Coaching Roles
22 23Cleveland High School
24Cleveland High School
- Seattle School District
- 110 schools
- 46,416 students
- Part of the Gates Foundation Small Schools
25Meet the Staff and Students
26Cleveland Staff and Students
- Of 630 students
- 59 African American
- 23 Asian
- 8 Hispanic
- 7 Caucasian
- 3 Native American
- Of 41 certificated staff
- 61 Caucasian
- 15 Asian
- 20 African American
- 2 Hispanic
- 2 Native American
27Why Cleveland?
- Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
- Technology Infusion in Small Schools (TISS)
- Build skills to make Cleveland a good school
28TISS Grant
- If good schools have
- Time for collaboration
- Time to strengthen skills
- Integration of technology into teaching and
learning - Value student exhibitions, presentations and
portfolios - TISS can provide this opportunity
29A TISS Journey
- Year 1 of the grant
- Allen foundation provides possibilities
- 4 academies
- 3 coaches recruited
- Need identified Student Progress Feedback
30Year 2
- Online Progress Reports
- Change in Leadership
- Move to interim site
- 4 new coaches recruited
31Year 3
- Online Progress reports gtgtgt The Source
- New equipment compliments of the Levy
- Coaching session evolves into REALity check
32An Ah Ha Moment
- Session 7 of the Peer Coaching Program
- The same reflection you did earlier
- How do we place ourselves on the school based
professional development matrix? - Collective Focus on Student Learning
33Year 4
- 7 coaches
- 13 collaborating teachers
- Professional Development REAL focus
- Support structure on site
- Technology Boot camp
- Project REAL
34Project REAL
- What really matters?
- Improve senior projects
- Project REAL
- REAL audience
- REAL purpose
- REAL product
- What if.
35REAL commitment
- Every teacher commits to offer one exhibition
experience for students - A REAL school focus
- All PD aligned
- Rubric creation
- Exhibition planning
- Exhibition opportunities
36Exhibition Experiences
- Teacher
- Teacher student
- Student
- iPod winner
- 3 things that show the value of collaboration at
Cleveland - 2 things you still have questions about
- 1 insight related to Clevelands journey
38Student Technology Skills
- Exhibition Experiences created a need for tech
savvy students - Need for a common level of technology skills
- Technology Boot Camp for staff and students
39Technology Boot Camp
- Team effort
- 5 Online sessions
- Rewarded with Jump Drive
- End result Exhibitions that showcase a REAL
purpose through a REAL product for a REAL audience
40Technology Boot Camp is Sustainable
- Created with grant but sustainable beyond
- Part of the fabric of Cleveland
- All new students and staff will continue to
receive training - Basic skills for teaching and learning
41 42What Really Mattered
- Planning from within
- Focus on the teaching learning process
- TISS coaching triads
- 7 triads affects 21 of 41 teachers
- Improve the use of new technology
- Basic technology skills for teaching and learning
43Teacher Technology Skills
Washington State Technology Tiers Washington State Technology Tiers
Tier 1 Productivity-using tech to get your job done 23.7
Tier 2 Instructional presentation and student productivity- teacher led activities with students using tech to produce 44.7
Tier 3 Student-centered 21st Century Learning Environments- students are active users of technology and collaboratively work to create products 21.1
44Staff Perception of Tech Boot Camp
- 62 of the staff report that as a result of
Technology Boot Camp, students skills with
technology either significantly increased or
somewhat increased when compared to last year. - The remaining survey participants were unable to
make a comparison because they had not used
technology in their classrooms in the past.
45Exhibition Experience Participation
Choice Percent
I didnt plan or implement an exhibition experience for my students 33.3
I planned an exhibition experience but did not implement it with my students 15.4
I planned and implemented an exhibition experience with my students who presented to an audience of classroom peers 17.9
I planned and implemented an exhibition experience with my students who presented to an audience with members beyond our classroom 33.3
46Collaborating Teacher Reflections
- It was great to know that there's someone there
to help you whenever you needed it. There was
always someone to collaborate with and to bounce
ideas off of - not only with technology, but also
with subject based curriculum. - The demand for the use of technology has grown
not just by students but also by staff.
47Reflections Coach Rebbecah
48Reflections Catherine
- Challenges The fear of deprivatization of
practice. - Public display of lessons and exhibitions
- Lab space demands
50Next Steps
- Next steps Staff Retreat
- Lesson improvement
- Collaboration
- Student reflection
- Exhibitions defined further
- Tech Boot Camp NotchItUp
51Reflect and Align
- School Based Professional Development Matrix
- Evidence of collaboration
- Other standards?
52 53District Support
- Long term investment
- Alignment
- Training
54School Support
- Create a culture of collaboration
- Value shared leadership
- Value the work of coaches
- Align coaching with school goals
55Coach Success
- School and/or district support
- Time
- Experience
- Opportunity to reflect
56Chalk Talk A Silent ReflectionThe value of Peer
- Marker
- Respond silently
- Circle
- Add a note
- Connect ideas
Microsoft Peer Coaching 2006 v2 Session 3 Adapted
from the Chalk Talk Protocol Coalition of
Essential Schools Northwest (2002)
57One Teacher Can Make a Difference
58Your Kindergarten Teacher?
- Can you remember the name of your kindergarten
teacher? - Share with your table
- Which name is closest to the front of the
59Join the World Wide Conversation
- Use what you learned now
- Today I discovered ____________ and now I will
______________. - Become a facilitator (Brochure)
60A Brief Trip
- Fotografia
- Thank you
- Questions?