Employment and Support Allowance Information Pack - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Employment and Support Allowance Information Pack


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Title: Employment and Support Allowance Information Pack

External Employment and Support Allowance
November 2007
Employment and Support AllowanceInformation Pack
Work for those who can improved support for
those who cant
Why are we introducing the Employment and Support
  • The Employment and Support Allowance plays a
    pivotal role in delivering the Governments
    vision of a modern active welfare state, as a
    replacement for Incapacity Benefits.
  • Focus on helping individuals realise their full
    potential and a better life through the world of
  • Employment and Support Allowance will provide a
    gateway to work, assessing peoples capability to
    work and not just their entitlement to benefit
    whilst ensuring that people who are unable to
    work receive the support they need.

What is Employment and Support Allowance?
  • Employment and Support Allowance will bring a
    more active system of support for people who have
    a health condition or disability, which will be
    introduced from October 2008.
  • The Employment and Support Allowance regime will
    be delivered through existing Jobcentre Plus
    network of Contact Centres, Benefit Delivery
    Centres and Jobcentre Plus offices.

  • It will bring together Incapacity Benefit and
    Income Support into a single benefit for people
    with health problems or disabilities, combined
    with a work focused support regime for those who
    can benefit from work, and condition management
  • Pathways to Work will underpin the new Employment
    and Support Allowance, by providing work focused
    interviews and work related activity.

What has Pathways to Work achieved so far?
  • Almost 32,000 recorded job entries for Incapacity
    Benefit (IB) customers.
  • A significant increase in the number of customers
    leaving IB in the first 6 months of their claim
    compared to non-Pathways Districts.

  • Research shows that after 10.5 months, 32 of new
    IB customers in Pathways districts were in
    employment compared to an expectation of only
    22.5 without Pathways.
  • 25,380 people have been awarded the Return to
    Work Credit.
  • 14,520 people were referred to the Condition
    Management Programme.
  • ( National Figures for period Oct 2003 March

Employment and Support Allowance will
  • Provide a gateway to work assessing peoples
    capability for work and not just their
    entitlement to benefit, while ensuring that
    people who are unable to work receive support.
  • Quickly and sensitively identify those eligible
    for enhanced support.
  • Provide improved customer experience by making it
    easier and simpler to apply for benefits, with
    quick and sensitive handling to confirm
    eligibility, rights and responsibilities.

Employment and Support Allowance Process
Extra premiums where appropriate
First contact by customer
Assessment Phase where a Personal Capability
Assessment will be undertaken
Allowance set at JSA level
13 weeks
Main Phase
The Work Capability Assessment will
  • Include updated mental and physical health
    assessments, including the interaction between
    physical and mental health.
  • Incorporate a Work Focused Health Related
    Assessment to look at what the customer can do,
    not just what they cannot do, and identify any
    health barriers to work.

What does Employment and Support Allowance mean
for customers?
  • We will offer customers the choice on how to
    claim Employment and Support Allowance. For most,
    a single telephone call, with no forms to
    complete will be all that is needed to start the
  • We will of course see customers at a Jobcentre if
    they wish to have a face to face interview.

  • We will ask customers to attend a Work Focused
    Interview at the Jobcentre around 9 weeks after
    they have claimed.
  • A Personal Adviser will discuss with the customer
    their entitlement, their aspirations for work,
    the steps they might take to help them take up a
    job and the support that is available to them.

  • Most customers in the work-related activity group
    will have a further series of five interviews
    with a Personal Adviser from Shaw Trust, our
    contracted partner focused on helping them back
    to work.
  • The customer will be provided with an action
    plan, which will reflect the discussion at each
    interview, including the steps a customer could
    take to help them take up a job or prepare to
    return to work.

What about existing customers?
  • Existing customers on incapacity benefits will
    continue to receive Incapacity Benefit after
    October 2008 and will have their benefit levels
  • Anyone on incapacity benefits will be able to
    volunteer for appropriate support through
    Pathways to Work (fully rolled out nationally by
    April 2008).
  • At some point in the future existing incapacity
    benefits customers will move to the Employment
    and Support Allowance, as resources allow.

External Employment and Support Allowance
November 2007
Employment and Support AllowanceThe Customer
Work for those who can improved support for
those who cant
ESA Customer Journey
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT This shows the steps taken to establish the customers benefit entitlement.
WORK CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT This shows the steps taken to determine the customers Limited capability for work.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT Jobcentre services, including Pathways provider services, are available to the customer from Day 1.
ESA Customer Journey
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT Customer rings 0800 number to make a claim for benefit. The customer selects the new claim option for sick/disabled people. Jobcentre Plus receives the call, confirms identity and takes the claim. Asks the customers if they wish to claim under Special Rules'. Call recording means there is no requirement for a customer signature.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT Jobcentre services, including Pathways provider services, are available to the customer from Day 1.
ESA Customer Journey
DAY 2 - 3 DAY 5 DAY 8 / 9
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT The Customer receives a printed Customer Statement for checking, and gathers any further evidence required. The Customer continues to gather required evidence. Jobcentre Plus receives medical services report for Special Rules customers and makes a decision on Limited Capability for Work and group. The Customer sends required evidence to the Benefit Delivery Centre in envelope provided. Evidence received in Benefit Delivery Centre. Medical Certificate received and consideration for early entry to WCA process by Jobcentre Plus.
WORK CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT If the Customer is claiming under Special Rules their GP or HCP may be contacted for further evidence.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT Jobcentre services, including Pathways provider services, are available to the Customer.
ESA Customer Journey
DAY 11 DAY 30 DAY 33
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT The Customers claim to ESA processed. The Customer receives payment on the due pay day. The Local Authority is also advised of the customers ESA entitlement. If customer has not returned the required evidence claim may be considered as defective.
WORK CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT The customer receives a questionnaire from Medical Services (If early referral made on receipt of Med Cert) This needs to be completed and returned as soon as possible, but within 6 weeks from date of issue. All remaining customers will receive a questionnaire from Medical Services. This needs to be completed and returned as soon as possible, but within 6 weeks from date of issue.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT Jobcentre services, including Pathways provider services, are available to the customer.
ESA Customer Journey
DAY 34 DAY 36 DAY 37
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT Customers allocated to the Support Group from the information on the questionnaire receive their decision.
WORK CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT The customer completes and returns the questionnaire in the envelope provided. Other customers receive an appointment for their Work Capability and Work Focused Health Related Assessments.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT Jobcentre services, including Pathways provider services, are available to the customer.
ESA Customer Journey
DAY 43 DAY 45 DAY 47
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT The customer receives their benefit payment decision.
WORK CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT The customer attends a joint appointment for a Work Capability and a Work Focused Health Related Assessment. The customer receives an outcome letter for the Work Capability Assessment and a copy of the Work Focused Health Related Assessment report.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT Jobcentre services, including Pathways provider services, are available to the customer. The customer receives a phone call from the Jobcentre inviting them to attend a Work Focused Interview with a Personal Adviser. Then customer receives a letter from the Jobcentre confirming their Work Focused Interview appointment.
ESA Customer Journey
DAY 55 DAY 57 DAY 92 ?
BENEFIT ENTITLEMENT The customer enters the main phase of Employment and Support Allowance and is paid at either the Support Group or the Work Related rate.
WORK-FOCUSED SUPPORT The customer receives a phone call reminder from the Jobcentre to attend Work Focused Interview. The customer attends and participates in a Work Focused Interview with a Personal Adviser at the Jobcentre. Customers in the Work Related Group start to receive Pathways support to return to work. Customers in the Support Group can access these services on a voluntary basis.
Customers Rights and Responsibilities
  • Ensure personal details are accurate at first
    contact and correctly answer three security
    questions to confirm own identity.
  • Agree the next steps and responsibilities as
    described by the Contact Centre in the wrap-up
    to the telephone call.
  • Ensure Customer Statement is correct, notifying
    changes to the Benefit Delivery Centre.
  • Provide appropriate evidence to support their
    claim to benefit within one calendar month.
  • Return form ESA50 to Medical Services within
    agreed time limit.
  • Attend Work Capability Assessment where
  • Attend and participate in 1st and subsequent Work
    Focused Interviews where appropriate.
  • Ensure all further changes of circumstances are
    notified to the Benefit Delivery Centre/
    Jobcentre or Provider as they occur.

Sanction and Appeal Rights
Behaviour Sanction
  • Questionnaire not received (without an acceptable
    good cause).
  • Customer does not attend WCA Assessment (without
    an acceptable good cause)
  • Customer does not have limited capability
  • for work.
  • Customer fails to attend Work Focused Interview
    (without an acceptable good cause).
  • Customer fails to attend Work Focused Health
    Related Assessment (without an acceptable good
  • Benefit withdrawn customer has right of appeal.
  • Benefit withdrawn customer has right of appeal.
  • Benefit withdrawn customer has right of appeal.
  • Sanction of ESA 50 of personal allowance rate
    implemented. Customer has right of appeal against
  • Sanction of ESA 50 of personal allowance rate
    implemented. Customer has right of appeal against

External Employment and Support Allowance
November 2007
Employment and Support AllowanceThe Customer
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Work for those who can improved support for
those who cant
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