Title: HIPAA Health Information Portability
12010 Training Corporate Compliance HIPAA
Privacy HIPAA Security
2 Training Objectives
- To Help
- Bridge the Gap Between Ethics Compliance
- Find Ways to Place Regulatory Theory into
Practice - Heighten Awareness of Non-Compliant Activities
3Reality check
- Rules provide a set of expectations towards an
expected end - they serve as a roadmap for direction
4- The healthcare industry is full of
- But they do serve a purpose!
- As noted by Withrow (1999)
- Healthcare expenditure gt1 trillion/per year
- Healthcare billing fraud 100 billion/per year
6Compliance as a buzz wordIts really about
doing the right thing.Liken it to an ethical
7 Practice of Clinical Medicine
- Requires a strong knowledge-base of practical
issues that can result in - Informed Consent
- Truthful Communication
- Confidentiality
- End of Life Care
- Pain Relief
- Patient Rights
- (HCCA,2004)
8 SBUH Responsibility
- Organizations should find the right balance
between compliance and integrity. - Must do vs. Ought to do
10 Case 1
- Mr. Cope was admitted for inpatient
treatment of obesity with a protein-sparing
modified fasting regimen. He was found repeatedly
in the cafeteria, cheating on the diet. His
physician made reasonable efforts to persuade him
to change his behavior. - How should the physician handle this
- It would be ethically permissible for the
physician to abandon therapeutic goals and to
discharge the patient from the Hospital. These
goals are unachievable because of the patients
failure to participate in the treatment program. - (Jonsen, Siegler Winslade, 1998)
12Case 2
- A resident authorizes a medical student to
obtain and document the history and condition of
a patient without supervision. The resident then
tells the student to write a progress note and
leave it unsigned. - Is there a compliance implication?
- Medical students are not considered
residents under the Medicare guidelines.
Therefore, to meet the billing requirements under
PATH, services involving medical students are
only billable when performed in the physical
presence of an attending physician, or jointly
with a resident.
14Case 3
- Dr. Brown supervised resident physicians
during the hours of 8am and 10am on Monday
morning. - Is Dr. Brown allowed to bill Medicare for
services that he provides to these patients?
- Graduate Medical Education (GME) is
reimbursed under Medicare Part A. Private
physician services are reimbursed under Medicare
Part B. If Dr. Brown is unable to define the
line between where his academic, teaching
activities end and where his private physician
activities begin, then billing under Medicare
Part B will be considered double-dipping, which
is a fraudulent billing practice.
16Case 4
- Dr. Martin has just become a part-owner of XYZ
Clinical Laboratories. She intends to refer all
of her patients to this facility. -
- Are there any compliance implications for this
type of activity? -
- This situation creates a conflict that
violates the Stark Law a federal, civil
prohibition. Under Stark a physician is not
allowed to self-refer to an entity in which the
physician or an immediate family member may have
a financial interest. - The federal government initially surveyed
Medicare patient clinical laboratory referrals
and found that when the doctor had a financial
interest in the facility, referrals were 65
higher than for non-Medicare patient referrals.
18 Conflicts of Interests
- The Ethics Law and SBUH policy prohibit
situations that can create a conflict of
19 A Conflict of Interests Arises
- when a persons judgment and discretion is
- or may be influenced by personal considerations,
or if the interests of SBUH - are compromised.
- Examples include
- Accepting gifts from vendors
- Misuse of Hospital assets
- Activities that violate principles governing
20 What is a Gift?
- According to the NYS Ethics Commission a
gift may be in the form of - Money
- Loan
- Travel
- Meal
- Refreshment
- Entertainment
- Any Good or Service
21 Violations of Ethics Law
- With regard to gift taking, NYS employees
are not - allowed to accept gifts valued above
nominal Value - For example, coffee mug, pads, pens, key tags,
- lanyards, jar grip openers, magnets business
- Cards, retractable tape measures, etc.
- Penalties imposed by the Ethics Commission
- are up to 10,000/per incident.
23Evaluation and Management/EM codes
- Are categorized by place of service
- (i.e. Hospital, Office, ER, etc.)
- Provide definitions for new and established
patients - Begin with 99 and are 5 digits in length
- Require history, physical examination and/or
medical decision making - Describe the Who, What, Where, and Why
24- Accurate billing diagnosis code procedure
code -
- These two elements should be in harmony.
25 Documentation is Key
- Medicare says
- If its not documented then it didnt happen.
- Documentation must always support the billing
for a claim.
- A patient is admitted to a unit after
complaining of pain in his left arm. -
- Any tests ordered should support this
condition. - Without proper documentation an order for an MRI
of the brain would be questionable. -
28Down the Pipeline
- Billing codes are based on the documentation
- Codes that dont match will raise a flag!
29 Implications
- Rejected/Denied claims
- Possible audit of the organization
30 Consequence
- Increased governmental scrutiny
- Fines
- Loss of revenue
- Service and staffing cuts
- Loss of privileges
- (i.e., exclusion from the Medicare Program)
31The Joint Commission is
- A private agency entrusted by Medicare to
certify that healthcare organizations meet a set
of established standards. These criteria are
incorporated in -
- Medicares Conditions of Participation
32- The formula
- Delivery of quality healthcare services
- Imposition of governmental mandates
- Cost-cutting measures by insurance carriers
- Accrediting body rules
- Guidance for Clinical Practice
33 Patient Choice vs. Patient Consent
- 1) Patient consent
- Patient agrees to a proposed course of treatment
by medically authorized personnel. - It is best to have consent in writing
34 Patient Choice vs. Patient Consent
- 2) Patient choice
- Preferences are based on patient values and
personal assessment of benefits and burdens. - (HCCA, 2004)
35 Patient choice What to ask?
- Physicians should ask
- What does the patient want?
- What are the patients treatment goals?
- Is the patients right to choose being respected?
36- Physicians are challenged when patients fail to
accept or cooperate with a medical
recommendation. However - Clinicians should not be expected to render
treatment that is illegal or contradictory to the
recognized standard of care (HCCA, 2004)
37Beyond the Hippocratic Oath
- Professional Ethics for Residents must include
adherence to the following doctrines - Medical Necessity
- Physicians at Teaching Hospitals (PATH)
- Teaching Physicians
- Are required to be present during complex
procedures - Must be available to furnish all procedures for
Medicare patients
39PATH Constraints
- The inherent nature of academic medical center
(AMC) operations preclude attending physicians
from being present in every situation.
40 Deficit Reduction/False Claims Act
- Federal and State Laws
- Imposes penalties and fines on INDIVIDUALS and
ORGRANIZATIONS that file false or fraudulent
claims for payment from Medicare, Medicaid or
other federal health programs. - NYS False Claims can be Civil and or Criminal
- Both provide Whistleblower protections
- An employer MAY NOT take retaliatory action
against an employee if the employee discloses
information about the employers policies,
practices or activities to a regulatory, law
enforcement or other similar agency or public
official. - The employees disclosure is protected only if
the employee FIRST brought up the matter with a
supervisor (departmental chain or command) and
gave the employer a reasonable opportunity to
correct the alleged violation
41 Compliance is more than
- Adherence to regulatory requirement
(i.e.) - EMTALA
- Medicare Medicaid Regulations
- Anti-Kickback Stark Law(s)
- Deficit Reduction/False Claims Act(s)
Musso, SBUH HIPAA Privacy Officer
43 What is HIPAA?
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996 - Focus Title II
- Addresses the privacy (4/14/03) security
(4/20/05) of health care information - Guaranteed individuals rights
- Establish national standards for e-health care
transactions - Reduce health care fraud and abuse
44 What is HITECH?
- On February 17, 2009 the Federal Stimulus Bill or
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was
signed into law and included provisions to
address Health Information Technology For
Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). - Purpose is to create a national health
information infrastructure and widespread
adoption of electronic health records through
monetary incentives. - Provide enhanced Privacy Security Protections
under HIPAA including increased legal liability
for non-compliance and greater enforcement.
45 Who must comply?
- Organizations Involved in the Provision of
Healthcare Services - Individuals Involved in the Delivery of
Healthcare Services - Under the HITECH Act 2009 Business Associates are
now held to the same regulatory requirements as
the health care provider they do business with.
46What are the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules
- PHI Protected Health Information
- Any form of information that can identify,
relate or be associated with an individual
obtaining healthcare services and can be
electronic, hard copy or verbal.
47 What Constitutes PHI?
- Personal Information
- Name, Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail
Address. Dates Birth/Death, Admission/Discharge
, Procedure/Surgery. Numbers SSN,
Certificate/License Number, Automobile/Vehicle
Identifiers - Medical Information
- Medical Record Number, Health Plan Information,
Test Results, Clinical Notes and Procedural
Information, Care Plans, Diagnoses - Technical Information
- All of the above in electronic format and
Biometric Identifiers (finger or voice prints),
Full-Facial Photographic Images, Device
Identifiers/Serial numbers, Web URLs, IP
addresses, Account Numbers - The information can be written, verbal or
48 Patient Rights
- Receive Notice - Inform them how their health
information is being used and shared Joint
Notice of Privacy Practices (JNPP) - Restrict - Decide whether to give permission
before their information can be used or shared
for certain purposes other then treatment,
payment or operations (opt-out) - Access - Ask to see and get a copy of their
health records - Amend - Ask to have corrections added to their
health information - Accounting - Request a report on when and why
their health information was shared - File a Complaint - If they believe their PHI was
used or shared in a way that is not allowed under
the privacy law or they were not able to exercise
a right.
49 How is HIPAA Enforced?
- Civil monetary penalty
- Civil penalty for inadvertent violation fines
of 100/per - incident up to 25,000/per year for each similar
offense. - EXAMPLE
- A hospital employee violates HIPAA by
misdialing a fax number and sending 100 patient
records to Starbucks. The hospital the
employee may have to pay a 10,000 (100 X 100)
50Worse Case Scenario.
- Criminal Penalties
- Criminal penalties large fines jail time,
and increase with the degree of the offense. - Example
- A hospital employee steals and sells patient
information for personal profit. Criminal
penalties could be as much as 1.5 million and/or
10 years in jail.
51 What Must I Do?
- Maintain Confidentiality
- Find private locations to discuss patient
information - Always Close doors pull privacy curtains
- Do Not discuss patient information in public
places - Use, disclose access only the Minimal Necessary
- Leave generic messages on patient answering
machines - This is Dr. Smith calling for Mr. Jones
please call me at 444-XXXX at your earliest
convenience - Direct ALL media inquiries to the Public Affairs
Office - Discard ALL material containing PHI in the
Confidentiality Bins - (paper, whole binders, folders, scrap
notes, computer disks CDs) - Do Not leave any materials containing PHI open to
public viewing - LOG-OFF computers when you have completed your
task - DO NOT leave handheld devices, PDAs or laptops
unattended - Use your unique user ID and password and DO NOT
share ID/Passwords - DO NOT send PHI over the internet or via e-mail
including file attachments in an e-mail outside
of the UHMC Lotus Notes Network - Do Not Snoop (neighbors, friends, relatives,
immediate family members, colleagues) - When in doubt ask the HIPAA Privacy Officer at
52What changes can I expect under HITECH?
- Effective September 23, 2009 Breach Notification
is required for any unauthorized acquisition,
access, use or disclosure of unsecured PHI (PHI
that is not secured through the use of a
technology or methodology specified by the
Secretary of HHS gt encryption or destruction).
Notice Requirements gt Patient, Secretary of HHS - Business Associates of a Covered Entity are held
to the same standards and are liable under the
HITECH Act. Business Associate Agreements must
be updated to include HITECH provisions. (SUNY
effective July 1, 2009) - Accounting of Disclosures from the electronic
medical record to now include treatment, payment
and healthcare operations for up to a 3 year
53What changes can we expect? Continued
- Patients can get a copy of their record in an
electronic format and can request we send it to
their PHR provider. - Individually Directed Privacy Restrictions
patient pays out-of-pocket in full for services
can restrict all disclosures - Restrictions on Marketing, Fundraising and the
sale of PHI - Preference for Limited Data Sets and
De-Identified Info - Clarification on Minimum Necessary guidance
expected 8/17/10 - Enforcement and New Penalties Increased
enforcement and oversight activities CEs and
individual subject to criminal provisions State
AGs can bring civil suit in Federal Courts on
behalf of state residents harmed individuals can
receive a of CMPs or settlement
54 Outpatient Services
- Be aware that many of our Physician Practices are
maintaining outpatient health care records - Several Physician Practices are using some form
of electronic outpatient health care record - These records are governed by the same
Privacy/Security Regulations defined by the HIPAA
Rule and NYS Law - SBUH HIM department provides guidance to the
physician practices in order to ensure compliance
with HIPAA and NYS Regulations
55 Myth or Fact
- A doctor's office can send medical records of a
patient to another doctor's office without that
patient's authorization.
56 Fact
- Authorization is not necessary for one doctor's
office to transfer a patient's medical records to
another doctor's office for treatment purposes. - However, an ancillary service department
(Radiology, Laboratory) can not send a report to
a physician who calls in a request if they are
not the ordering physician or the patient did not
request at the time of the testing the
additional physician(s) who should receive the
57 Myth or Fact
- A hospital is prohibited from sharing
information with the patients family without the
patients authorization.
58 Myth
- Under the Privacy Rule, a health care provider
may disclose to a family member, other relative,
or a close personal friend of the individual, or
any other person identified by the individual ,
the medical information directly relevant to such
persons involvement with the patients care or
payment related to the patients care. What we
should not be doing is providing information
related to the patients past medical history,
only information pertinent to his/her present
59 Myth or Fact
- A patients family member can no longer pick up
prescriptions for the patient.
60 Myth
- Under the Regulation, a family member or other
individual may act on the patients behalf to
pick up prescriptions, medical supplies, X-rays
or other similar forms of protected health
information (appropriate authorization by the
patient must have been obtained medical
61 Myth or Fact
- A patient can not sue me if I violation HIPAA
62 Myth
- HIPAA does not provide for a private right to
sue. - However, under HITECT States AG can bring civil
action in federal court on behalf of the
residents of his/her state who have been or are
threatened to be adversely affected by a HIPAA
63 Myth or Fact
- The press can access information from hospitals
about accident or crime victims.
64 Fact
- HIPAA allows hospitals to continue to make public
(including to the press) certain patient
information including the patients location in
the facility and condition in general terms -
unless the patient has specifically opted out of
having such information made publicly available.
65 Scenario 1
- Two physicians are discussing a patients
treatment in an elevator filled with people.
During the conversation, the physicians mention
the patients name. - Is this a HIPAA violation?
- What steps should the physicians have taken to
safeguard the patients privacy?
66 Response
- Yes, this is a HIPAA violation
- The physicians should have held this
conversation in a private location. - This is not considered an incidental
disclosure. This is an inappropriate
disclosure that must be avoided by utilizing
appropriate safeguards. These safeguards
include, but are not limited to, holding the
conversation in a private location, behind closed
doors or in the absence of others (not in public
locations such as elevators, cafeterias,
hallways, etc.).
67 Scenario 2
- A physician calls a patients home and leaves the
following message with the patients wife
Please tell your husband that I called in the
prescription for his prostate infection this
morning and that he can call the pharmacy to see
when the medication will be ready for pickup.
- Did the physician do anything wrong?
68 Response
- Yes, this is a HIPAA violation.
- The physician must remember to use only the
minimal necessary when disclosing patient
information (PHI). - This message should have been either a simple I
have called in a prescription for your husband to
his pharmacy. Have him call me if he has any
questions or better yet have your husband call
my office.
69 Scenario 3
- A physician, after documenting a note in a
patients medical record, places the chart in an
unlocked chart holder outside the patients room. -
- Is this a violation of HIPAAs Privacy Rule?
70 Response
- No, this is not a HIPAA violation.
- The chart must be closed and placed in the
appropriate location whether it is in a chart
holder in the nurses station or in a unlocked
chart holder outside the patients room. The
responsibility is to ensure that PHI is not left
out in the open and easily assessable for viewing
by a passerby. We must utilize the safeguards
that are in place to meet this expectation - in
this case an unlocked chart holder.
71Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
HIPAAand related State Federal Information
Security LawsElectronic Information Security to
Ensure Privacy, and Trust of Information
Information Security
Tom Consalvo Information Security Officer, SBUMC,
HSC, and Dental School
72Privacy vs. Security
- The Privacy Rule sets the standards for, among
other things, who may have access to PHI, while
the Security Rule sets the standards for ensuring
that only those who should have access to e- PHI
will actually have access. - The Security Rule applies only to e-PHI, while
the Privacy Rule applies to PHI which may be in
electronic, oral, and paper form. - e-PHI Electronic Protected Health Information
73What is Information Security?
Information Security is the process of protecting
data from accidental or intentional misuse by
persons inside or outside of Stony Brook Hospital
74State and Federal Laws as relates to Information
- NYS Cyber Security Policy, P03-002 Information
Security - NYS Cyber Security P03-001, Incident Reporting
Policy - SUNY Cyber Security Reporting procedure
- Federal HIPAA Security regulation 45 CFR Parts
160, 162 164 - Federal HIPAA Security Guidelines Dec 28, 2006
for Removable Devices - JCAHO Information Management (IM) section 2
- NYS Information Security Breach Notification
Act, General Business Law (Section 899-aa),
Technology Law (Section 208) - New Yorks Social Security Number Protection Law,
General Business Statutes, Article 26, Section
399-DD - SUNY Minimal Required Actions of a SUNY Campus
Information Security Program. Effective January
2008, Ted Phelps SUNY ISO - HIPAA 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164 Final Enforcement
Rule, Feb. 2006 - NYS Technology Law, Internet Security Privacy
As part of the daily processes the Hospital must
be ready to be audited at any time, without
75HIPAA Security Standards
- What is the Security Rule??
- Bottom Line We must assure that systems and
applications operate effectively and provide
appropriate confidentiality, integrity and
availability (CIA). - HIPAA asks that organizations to continually look
at themselves to find their vulnerabilities, - To continually implement measures to address
their deficiencies, - To apply appropriate sanctions against those who
do not comply with the rules they set, and - Have the appropriate technology in place to track
all changes that occur.
76HIPAA Information Security
- HIPAA Information Security has three categories
- Administrative
- Physical
- Technical controls
Note The Federal HIPAA Security Regulation
requirements are mappable to the NYS Cyber
Information Security Law and Policies including
JCAHO and the DOH.
77HIPAA Administrative Safeguards
- Designate a Security Officer (Also required by
NYS Cyber Security Law) - Implement work-force security policies and
procedures for appropriate access to electronic
PHI access authorization ensure access level is
appropriate and termination of access. - Train the work force in security awareness.
- Establish procedures to address security
incidents. - Prepare a contingency plan to permit data
recovery and access in the event of an emergency. - Perform periodic evaluations to ensure
technical and non-technical compliance to the
code. - Create business associate agreements for
vendors who need access to Electronic Protected
Health Information (ePHI).
78HIPAA Physical Safeguards
- Facility access controls Implement policies
and procedures to limit unauthorized physical
access to electronic information systems or
facilities. - Work station use Implement policies and
procedures for proper use and physical
attributes of the work station and surroundings. - Workstation security Implement physical
policies and procedures for all workstations
that have access to PHI. - Device and media controls Implement physical
policies and procedures that govern the receipt
and removal of hardware and electronic media in
and into and out of a facility.
79HIPAA Technical Safeguards
- Access controls Implement technical policies and
procedures for electronic information systems
with PHI to allow access only to those authorized
or to authorized software programs as per 164.306
(a)(4). - Audit controls Implement hardware, software, and
/or procedural mechanism that record and examine
system activity for Electronic PHI. - Integrity Implement policies and procedures to
protect health information from improper
alteration or destruction. - Person or entity authentication Implement
procedures to verify that a person or entity
seeking access to EPHI is the one claimed. - Transmission security Implement technical
security measures to guard against unauthorized
access to electronically transmitted PHI over a
communications network.
80What can be a threat to Information Security?
- Natural Disasters
- Hurricane
- LI has had 5 category 3 or above since 1938, last
was Gloria in 1986 - Earthquake
- 4.0 in Smithtown in 1985 and 2.8 in Montauk in
1992 - Flood
- Tornado
- F-Zero (40-70 mph) in East Massapequa 2006
- Fire
- Fire In HSC Elevator By Data Center Sept 2006
- Nonhuman
- Product failures, bugs, etc.
- Human
- Unauthorized Access
- Data Entry Errors
- Poor Training in Application Use
81The Effects of a Compromise
- Business Impact
- Loss of revenues or other assets
- Legal liability (HIPAA)
- Tarnished name, bad press
- Degraded customer service
- Privacy violations
- Lost productivity
- Effects of Attacks
- Alter or destroy data (Integrity of patient data)
- Steal passwords or data
- Damage or disable drives
- Tie up system resources (Delay treatment)
82If You Have AccessTo Patient Information System
If the patient is not in your chain of care Dont
look at their Data Dont be curious if you heard
that some VIP is in the Hospital If you are
working on 3, dont look up patients on 9. Dont
be curious about why your neighbor was
admitted. If you look at patient data that has
nothing to do with the patients you treat You
are breaking Federal and State Law.
83Your New User Accounts
Once you get an account you are given a unique
user name.
Dont give it out, and most importantly,
Never Share Your Passwords If you give out your
username and password to someone, You are in
violation of Federal and State Law. If the audit
trail comes back to your account, you can be held
liable to sanctions, up to but not limited to
fines, suspension, termination, and criminal
Treat your passwords like your toothbrush Dont
share them!!!
84The best way to protect yourselfmake your
passwords difficult to guess
- NEVER tell anyone your password.
- NEVER write your password down, such as on a
post-it note. - Dont use common info about you or your family,
pets, or friends names, SS , birthdates
anniversary, credit card number, telephone
number, etc. to create a password. - Dont use names you have used before, variation
of your user ID, or something significant about
yourself as a password. - Dont let someone see what you are entering as
your password. -
- If you think there is even a slight chance
someone knows your password, CHANGE IT - Remember if someone logs on as you and does
something improper, - you can be held responsible.
85Weak Passwords (examples)
This cant be stressed enough
- Cat, dog, querty hart, heat, heart, mary
- September, superman, mickeymouse, r2d2
- Aaaabbbccd, 12345678, a1b2c3d4
Strong Passwords (examples)
Wweand nadtd 2BoN2bTist? IsfgaWDo6 3bmstfw1491
86What can I use in a Password?
- Use a combination of alphanumeric symbols
consisting of at least 8 letters, numbers, and
symbols. - Passwords are usually case sensitive so
capitalizing random letters makes it even harder
to guess. - Alphabetic A to Z and a to z
- Numeric 0 to 9
- Special Characters ! _at_
( ) / ? lt gt ,
\ .
87Mnemonics Made Easy
- Change them periodically. Take a phrase that is
easy for you to remember and convert it into
characters. - It could be the first line of a poem or a song
lyric. - Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink
(Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner) converts to - Wweandnadtd.
- We Three Kings from Orient Are converts to
w3KfOa to get beyond six characters add a number. - w3KfOa 3691 (3691 is the year 1963 backwards to
extend beyond six.)
88How can I remember so many passwords?
Access Control/Authentication
- For the majority of SBUH systems you dont have
to - In 2008 we introducing a single sign-on system.
- The system uses 2 factor authentication.
Something you know (a password or pin number) and
something you have ID Smartcard (proximity
detector) - ID Smartcard Identifies and authenticates each
user into various clinical systems with one ID
89Workstation Rulesand Storage of Important Data
- Youre provided a computer that belongs to the
State of New York or the Research Foundation
and as such it is auditable by Information
Security and SBUMC IT. - Only SBUMC IT may install applications and
hardware. - Dont bring in any games or software from home
- Use only approved software
- Dont try to install or download any unauthorized
applications. - Licensing violations can cost millions in fines
- Bugs and Malware can bring down the network.
- All approved applications go through an in-depth
testing process. - Dont save important files to your local hard
drive, save to your network drive (U) or request
a secure share. - All requests for computer devices that allow
information to be portable (ie CD burners, USB
drives, PDAs, laptop computers, etc) must be
approved by the ISO. NO e-PHI should be stored
on these mobile devices. Use VPN
90Security for USB Memory Sticks Storage Devices
Memory Sticks are devices which pack large
amounts of data in tiny packages, e.g., 1G, 4G,
16GB. NEVER store e-PHI on these memory sticks.
Unless used for external presentations or
education these devices are not allowed. Use VPN
connectivity instead!
91Primary Carriers of Malicious Software
- Viruses - A virus is a small piece of software
that piggybacks on real programs in order to run
destructive - E-mail viruses - An e-mail virus moves around in
e-mail messages, and usually replicates itself by
automatically mailing itself to dozens of people
in the victim's e-mail address book. - Worms - A worm is a small piece of software that
uses Computer networks and security holes to
replicate itself. A copy of the worm scans the
network for another machine that has a specific
security hole. It copies itself to the new
machine using the security hole, and then starts
replicating from there, as well. - Spyware Computer software that obtains
information from a users computer without the
users knowledge or consent.
- Web pages
- E-mail
- Games
- Freeware / shareware
- Programs from associates/home
Stony Brook Information Security runs many tools
such as Internet browser reporting and filtering.
Social Networking Sites such as Facebook,
You-Tube, Twitter, etc are not permitted unless a
business need is defined and approved by the
Information Security Officer.
92Email Security
- Email is NOT the same as a letter sent through
the normal mail. It is the electronic equivalent
of Postcards!! - Within SBUHs Email system messages are
encrypted! - If an e-mail is sent outside of the SBU Notes
system (i.e. to Optonline, AOL, etc) it is sent
in clear text and anyone can intercept and read
it. - Do NOT use non-SBUH email such as Web Mail
(Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, etc)to conduct business or
send information about a patient. If you or one
of your vendors feels that this must be done for
any reason, call the Help Desk first
(631-444-HELP /444-4357) - Outside of Stony Brook you can access Lotus Notes
via the World Wide Web at https//notes.cc.sunys
93E-Mail Security Cont.
- E-Mail Should Never Be Used for
- Inappropriate and nonproductive material
- The misuse of company resources
- Forwarding of confidential information
- Never open any e-mail
- if you dont know the source.
94Security Best Practices
- Never share your login or password and if you see
someone watching you enter your password, change
it. - Never browse and look at sensitive information
that you dont have a need to know to perform
your work responsibilities. - Shut down or LOCK your computer at night.
- Never use Cell Phone Cameras in and around
patients and patient information! - When leaving your desk log off or
- Then click to LOCK COMPUTER
- This assures no one can sit down and your desk
and pretend to be you
- Report a Security Incident if
- You receive an email which includes threats or
material that could be considered harassment. - Someone asks you for your password or asks to use
your login account. - You suspect that someone is inappropriately using
confidential data. - You discover unauthorized or missing hardware or
- Compliance Officer - Privacy Officer
- Security Officer - University Counsel
- Compliance Hotline1-866-623-1480
96The SBUMC HELP DESK is here to help!
- (631) 444-HELP
- If they dont know,
- theyll assist in pointing you in the right
97One of the Hospitals Most Valuable Assets is
- The patient information that is stored
electronically!! -
- Patients, Families and the Community trust us to
protect it!
Good Security Begins with you!!! You are the
first line of defense in Information Security!!
98The SBUH Intranet has a HIPAA Web Site with this
presentation at
- http//inside.hospital.stonybrook.edu/sbuh/intrane
- 1-866-623-1480
- on-line at
- https//www.compliance-helpline.com/sbuh.jsp
- Both Allow for anonymous reporting
- Located _at_ 3 Technology Drive, Suite 200
- East Setauket, NY 11733-9296
- Main Office (631) 444-5776