Ch. 16: The New Deal (1933-1941) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch. 16: The New Deal (1933-1941)


Ch. 16: The New Deal (1933-1941) Comparisons Court-Packing Roosevelt also received criticism for attempting to pack the Supreme Court with judges supportive of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch. 16: The New Deal (1933-1941)

Ch. 16 The New Deal (1933-1941)
Section 1 Forging a New Deal
  • FDR campaigned and took office on the promise of
    offering the country a new deal between the
    citizens and their government. A deal in which
    the government responded to citizens needs.

Restoring Hope
  • Both FDR and Eleanor exuded optimism.
  • In his inaugural address, FDR stated that the
    only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
  • Eleanor went to visit the angry Bonus Army and
    when she left they thanked her and wished her
    good luck.

Stabilizing Financial Institutions
  • FDR took quickly passed emergency programs within
    just his first 100 days of office.
  • The Emergency Banking Act- authorized government
    to inspect banks.
  • Most banks were deemed secure and reopened.
  • Passed Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933
  • Established the Federal Deposit Insurance
    Corporation (FDIC), which insures bank deposits.

Stock Market Regulation
  • Congress passed the Federal Securities Act.
  • Required companies to provide information about
    their finances if selling shares to public.
  • FDR took the country off the gold standard, which
    caused inflation, thus raising the prices of farm
    products and devalued debt.

Relief and Job Creation FERA
  • To provide relief for those in need, Congress
    passed the Federal Emergency Relief
    Administration (FERA).
  • To put people to work, the FERA started numerous
    public works programs.
  • Civil Works Administration (CWA)
  • Gave unemployed people work building or improving
    roads, parks, airports, and other facilities.
  • Employed 4 million people

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
  • Gave 2.5 million young, unmarried men work
    maintaining forests, beaches, and parks.
  • Earned only 30/month but lived in camps free of
    charge and received food, medicine, and job

Regulating the Economy
  • The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was
    established to regulate industry.
  • The NRA regulated wages, working conditions,
    production, prices, and set minimum wage.
  • Gave organized labor increased bargaining rights.

Public Works Administration (PWA)
  • The Public Works Administration (PWA) was founded
    to offer employment and build large federal
  • Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State
  • NYCs Triborough Bridge
  • Connecter from Key West to mainland Florida.

Assisting Homeowners and Farmers
  • The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)
    refinanced mortgages to make payments more
  • The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
    raised farm prices through subsidies, government
    financial aid.
  • AAA paid farmers NOT to raise certain crops, to
    reduce supply and raise prices.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
  • Aided an undeveloped part of the country, the
    Tennessee and Appalachia region.
  • Reactivated and improved a hydroelectric plant
    started during WWI.
  • The TVA provided electric power, flood control,
    and recreational opportunities to the entire
    Tennessee River valley.
  • Not only provided jobs, but helped develop the
    entire region.

Key Players in the New Deal
  • Roosevelt leaned on his brain trust, a group of
    intellectuals who helped develop policies.
  • FDR appointed the first ever woman to a Cabinet
    post, Frances Perkins (Secretary of Labor).
  • African American, Mary McLeod Bethune, held the
    highest position in government for an AA to that
    point, as director of the Division of Negro
    Affairs, a part of the National Youth

Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Eleanor was integral to FDRs early success.
  • Due to his secret handicap, Eleanor often
    traveled and provided a public presence when FDR
    could not.
  • She pushed social limits
  • Once, in the South, she sat in the center aisle
    separating blacks and whites in an auditorium,
    protesting Jim Crow segregation laws.

Early Results
  • By 1934, it was evident that most people were
    supportive of the New Deal and FDRs attempts at
    change, though the new programs failed to bring
    significant change.
  • Some people criticized the New Deal as giving the
    President new, unregulated and unwarranted power.

Second New Deal
  • Midterm elections of 1934 showed strong support
    for FDR.
  • In 1935, he launched a new, even bolder series of
    legislation and programs.
  • This became known as the Second New Deal, and it
    further intensified the changes of the first New

Works Progress Administration (WPA)
  • Set up in 1935, lasted 8 years and provided work
    for 8 million people.
  • Built tens of thousands of schools, hospitals,
    playgrounds, etc.

Rural Electrification
  • Founded the Rural Electrification Administration
  • Attempted to extend power lines to rural farmers
    and homeowners.
  • The REA brought power to 98 percent of U.S. farms.

Labor Legislation
  • Congress passed the Wagner Act, after New York
    Senator Robert Wagner.
  • The Wagner Act legalized union practices like
    closed shops- workplaces open only to union
  • Banned employer spying and blacklisting of union
  • The Act set up the National Labor Relations Board
    (NLRB) to reinforce the laws.

Social Security
  • Congress passed the Social Security Act, which
    established the Social Security system.
  • Provided regular payments to the following
  • everyone over 65 years old
  • Unemployed
  • dependent children, the blind, and the disabled

1936 Election
  • Although FDR was expected to win, he shocked the
    world with the margin of his victory.
  • Won every state but Vermont and Maine, won 523-8.
  • His popularity demonstrated Americans support
    for the New Deals responsiveness to need.

Section 2 The New Deals Critics
  • Those who benefited from the New Deal believed
    FDR to be a hero. Others thought the New Deal
    either went too far, or not far enough.

New Deal Does Too Little
  • Some people thought that the New Deal didnt do
    enough to help suffering Americans.
  • For example, the new minimum wage set at 25 cents
    an hour was lower than most employees made anyway.

Then v. Now Government not doing enough
  • Then- FDR critics
  • Unemployment still high
  • Government should increase business regulation
  • Minimum wage too low
  • No opportunities for women or African Americans
  • Now Obama critics
  • Unemployment still high
  • Not enough public work projects to put people to
  • Not enough stimulus money
  • Healthcare reform not drastic enough

  • The New Deal disproportionately benefited men
    more than women.
  • NRA codes allowed lower wages for womens work in
    many cases.
  • In relief programs, men and boys received
  • Jobs went to male heads of families.

African Americans
  • Federal relief programs in the South reinforced
  • Kept out of skilled jobson dam and electric
  • Received lower pay for doing the same work.
  • With jobs scare and discrimination strong,
    finding work became exceptionally difficult for
    African Americans.

New Deal Does Too Much
  • Other critics believed that the New Deal did too
  • Believed FDR was becoming too powerful.
  • Opposed the expanded power of the Federal
  • Thought public works programs were socialistic.
  • FDR raised taxes on the rich.

American Liberty League
  • In 1934, American Liberty League was founded to
    oppose the New Deal.
  • Led by former Democratic presidential candidate,
    Alfred E. Smith.
  • The league charged the New Deal with limiting
    individual freedom in an un-American, communist
    leaning fashion.

Father Coughlin
  • Father Charles E. Coughlin used the radio to
    reach an audience of 10 million people by 1934.
  • A dynamic, passionate speaker, the Radio Priest
    first supported the New Deal, then vehemently
    attacked it.
  • By the end of the 1930s, Coughlin was issuing
    openly anti-Jewish statements and praised Adolf
    Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and lost much of his
  • In 1942, Roman Catholic officials ordered him to
    stop his show.

Huey Long The Kingfish
  • Powerful, revolutionary, and controversial figure
    in Louisiana politics.
  • Long grew up in poverty, became the Louisiana
    governor in 1928 and a U.S. senator in 1932.
  • Forcefully advanced his agenda to redistribute
  • Extremely popular among the lower class.
  • Feared and criticized by many for his dictatorial
    tendencies and power.

Huey Long The Kingfish
  • Developed a program called Share-Our-Wealth in
    which government would redistribute wealth with
    steep progressive taxes.
  • Long was a democrat, but an opponent to FDRs New
    Deal, believed it wasnt radical enough.
  • Long was considering a run for presidency when he
    was assassinated in 1935.

Modern-Day Critics
  • Today, the New Deal is generally perceived to
    have successfully lifted the country out of
    Depression, but some critics view it as a
    negative turning point for the countrys

Modern Criticisms
  • Expanded the power, size, and role of Federal
  • Threatened American principles of free enterprise
  • Created make work jobs instead of letting the
    free market determine work needs
  • Relied on deficit spending increased National

Then v. Now Government Doing Too Much
  • Then FDR critics
  • Expanded government socialistic programs
    (public works programs, social security program)
  • Too much government regulation of business
  • Raising taxes on rich
  • Deficit spending
  • Now Obama critics
  • Expanded government socialistic programs
    (stimulus package, health care)
  • Too much government regulation in business
  • Raising taxes on rich
  • Deficit spending

  • Roosevelt also received criticism for attempting
    to pack the Supreme Court with judges
    supportive of the New Deal.
  • The Constitution doesnt specify the number of
    Supreme Court justices.
  • Since 1869, there had always been nine justices.

  • FDR received some early opposition from the nine
    Supreme Court justices.
  • He proposed adding six additional members to the
    Supreme Court, one per justice over 70 years old,
    to lighten their load.
  • His intention was to pack the Court with judges
    supportive of the New Deal.
  • He received harsh criticism from both sides and
    withdrew his reform bill.

Section 3 Last Days of the New Deal
Recession of 1937
  • After a period of temporary improvement, the
    economy collapsed again in 1937.
  • In attempt to balance the budget
  • FDR cut back government spending on programs
    that provided work for Americans
  • Raised taxes
  • Both these actions reduced money circulation and
    sent the economy into recession.

Unions Triumph
  • The 1935 Wagner Act made union membership more
  • Membership rose from 3 million in 1933 to 10.5
    million in 1941.

New Labor Organization
  • The American Federation of Labor (AFL) had done
    little to attract new members.
  • John L. Lewis helped create a Committee for
    Industrial Organization (CIO) within the AFL.
  • AFL didnt support the CIO, which recruited
    unskilled industrial workers.
  • The AFL suspended the CIO in 1936, they changed
    their name to the Congress of Industrial Unions
    and soon had more than 4 million members.
  • John L. Lewis served as president.

  • The Wagner Act legalized collective bargaining,
    leading to new union demands and strikes.
  • The Congress of Industrial Organizations used a
    new strike method
  • Sit-down strikes workers refused to work but
    didnt leave the building, preventing the company
    from hiring scabs, non-union replacement

GM Sit-down strike
  • Strikers occupied General Motors main plants in
    Flint, Michigan.
  • GM turned off the heat, blocked external food
    supplies, and called in police to break up
    outside picketers and violence erupted.
  • Wives of the strikers organized food deliveries
    and formed a Womens Emergency Brigade to
    continue picketing outside.
  • Government did not break up the strike and
    eventually GM gave in.

New Deal Cultural Legacies Literature
  • The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck (1931)
  • A book about peasant struggle in China
  • The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck (1939)
  • Dust Bowl victims who travel to California in
    search of a better life
  • Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (1941)
  • James Agee and Walker Evans of Fortune magazine
    Lived among Alabama sharecroppers and wrote of
    their experiences

  • Radio was increasingly popular
  • soap operas appear, named after the soap
    companies that sponsor them.
  • Short, 15-minute stories that provoke strong

Fireside Chats
  • FDRs attempt to restore Americans faith in the
    economy and government.

  • Movies presented an escape from hard times for
    those who could afford them at all.
  • Drive-in theaters introduced in 1933
  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
  • A common man overcomes the corrupt, entrenched
    political system in Washington
  • The Wizard of Oz (1939)
  • Walt Disney begins releasing cartoons.

WPA and the Arts
  • FDR believed the arts to be not luxuries, but
    essential to human flourishing.
  • He earmarked WPA funds to support unemployed
    artists, musicians, historians, theater people,
    and writers.
  • Federal Writers Project
  • Assisted more than 6,000 writers
  • Federal Music Project
  • Organized community orchestras and free lessons

Federal Art Project
  • Employed artists to produce 2,000 murals, 100,000
    paintings, and 17,000 sculptures

Lasting Achievements
  • While the New Deal era is considered to end with
    Americas entrance into WWII, the New Deal left
    significant, lasting influence on the U.S.

Public Works and Federal Agencies
  • Public works programs built much of our
    infrastructure today roads, bridges, dams,
    tunnels, and hospitals remain.
  • Key agencies remain
  • The Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC)
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Social Security
  • Social Security has become a foundation to the
    U.S. economic and retirement system.
  • Largest social welfare program in the U.S.
  • Has undergone significant revisions, but the
    concept remains the same.

Legacy of Hope
  • Above all, the New Deal restored the confidence
    of many Americans in the country and their
  • FDR represented someone who cared about peoples
    individual needs.
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