Title: The Scientific Revolution
1The Scientific Revolution
- Chapter 22
- Section 1
- Pages 545-550
2Main Idea
- In the mid 1500s, scientists began to question
accepted beliefs and make new theories based on
experimentation. - Scientists questioning led to the development of
the scientific method still in use today.
3Terms and Names
- Scientific Revolution
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Heliocentric theory
- Johannes Kepler
- Galileo Galilei
- Scientific method
- Francis Bacon
- René Descartes
- Isaac Newton
4The Roots of Modern Science
- Before 1500, scholars referred to
- The Greeks
- The Romans
- The Bible
- Aristotle was seen as the ultimate authority in
many areas.
- 4 Elements
- Objects move in straight lines
- Specific Gravity
- Earth down, fire up
- Heavens move in perfect circle
- Aither/ether
- Unchanging
- Heavier objects fall faster
6The Medieval View
- Geocentric Theory The earth is a fixed object in
the center of the universe. - This idea was shared by Aristotle, Ptolemy, and
contemporary Christian doctrine.
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12Council of Trent (1545-63)
- Met in response to the Reformation
- Also charged with revising the Calendar
- Calendar based on lunar cycles with intercalary
months - 19-year cycle
- Did not correspond with Jewish lunar calendar
- In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII determined Oct. 4 was
to be followed by Oct. 15 - Heres why. . .
13A New Way of Thinking
- The Scientific Revolution involved careful
observation and a willingness to question
accepted beliefs.
14The Scientific Revolution
- Adds to the sense that humans can know
- Suggests Humans are perfectible
- Reverses Thomas Aquinas formulation on the
compatibility of science and religion - Moves reason scientific method into social realm
15Medieval universities add courses in astronomy,
physics, and mathematics based on translated
works from Muslim scholars.
16- Renaissance scholars discover classical
manuscripts. - The printing press speeds up the spread of the
worlds knowledge.
17Age of Exploration Fuels Research
- Navigators need new instruments.
- New discoveries dont always agree with accepted
18A Revolutionary Model of the Universe
- Heliocentric Theory
- The sun is at the center of the universe.
19Heliocentric Model
Aristarchus of Samos (310?-250? BC) Greek
astronomer The first to assert that the earth
revolves around the sun.
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21Nicolaus Copernicus
- Studies stars and planets for over 25 years.
- Develops the heliocentric view.
- Did not publish his findings until the year of
his death. (1543)
22Tycho Brahe
- Danish astronomer.
- Records more information to support the
heliocentric theory.
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26Tycho Crater on the moon.
27Johannes Kepler
- Brahes assistant
- Mathematical laws apply to the orbits of planets.
- Planets revolve around the sun in elliptical
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29Galileo Galilei
- Falling objects accelerate at a fixed and
predictable rate. - Disproved Aristotles theory that heavier objects
fall faster than lighter ones. - Improved the telescope.
- Discovered the moons of Jupiter.
- Supported the heliocentric theory.
30Conflict With the Church
- Galileo publishes works supporting Copernicus and
Ptolemy. - Summoned to stand trial before the Inquisition.
(1633) - Forced to recant his published work.
31But it does move..
32Pope John Paul II
Oooops!!!Sorry Dude!!
- On October 31, 1992, the Pope officially
apologized to Galileo and admitted he was right.
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34The Scientific Method
- Begins with a problem or question arising from an
observation. - A hypothesis is then formed.
- The hypothesis is then tested.
- The data is interpreted.
- The conclusion supports or disproves the
35Francis Bacon
- Criticized how Aristotle and others reasoned from
abstract theories. - Scientists should observe the world first, then
draw conclusions. - Empiricism or the experimental method.
36René Descartes
- Developed analytical geometry, which linked
algebra and geometry. - Used mathematics and logic instead of
experimentation. - Everything should be doubted until proven by
reason. - I think, therefore I am.
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38Isaac Newton
- Law of universal gravitation all object in the
universe attracts every other object. - Degree of attraction depends on mass.
- Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.
- God is like a clockmaker who set the universe
39Newtons Telescope
40Newton is said to have developed his theory of
gravity after watching an apple fall from a tree.
41Newtons Death Mask
42The Scientific Revolution Spreads
- Scientific Instruments
- Medicine and the Human Body
43Zacharias Janssen Microscope
44Anton van Leeuwenhoeck
- Used microscope to see bacteria, red blood cells,
immature insects.
45Evangelista Torricelli
46Gabriel Fahrenheit
- Mercury thermometer.
- Water freezes at 32
47Anders Celsius
- New scale for the mercury thermometer.
- Water freezes at 0.
48Andreas Vesalius
- Dissected human corpses.
- Proved Galen was wrong (Swine anatomy is very
different from human).
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50William Harvey
- Showed the heart as a pump that circulates blood
through the body. - Described the function of blood vessels.
51Edward Jenner
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53Robert Boyle
- Founder of modern chemistry.
- Matter is made up of smaller primary particles.
- Boyle Law - explains how volume, temperature,
and gas pressure affect each other.
54Joseph Priestley
- Separated oxygen from air.
55Antoine Lavoisier
- Identified and named oxygen.
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