The Middle Colonies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Middle Colonies


The Middle Colonies Chapter 4 Section 2 New Netherland Becomes New York New Netherland (NY) was set up by Dutch colonists along the Hudson River. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Middle Colonies

The Middle Colonies
  • Chapter 4
  • Section 2

New Netherland Becomes New York
  • New Netherland (NY) was set up by Dutch colonists
    along the Hudson River.
  • At the beginning who did they trade with and for
  • Before the colony was named New Netherland it was
    named New Amsterdam.

New Netherland Becomes New York
  • To encourage farming the Dutch gave large pieces
    of land to a few rich families. How long could
    one parcel of land be?
  • One of these estates was as large as what? What
    were the owners called?
  • In exchange for the land the patroons promised to
    to settle at least 50 European families on the
    land in order to farm.

New Netherland Becomes New York
  • Did the families want to work for the patroons?
    What could the patroons do?
  • Most settlers lived in the trading center of New
  • Why did they come to New Amsterdam?

New Netherland Becomes New York
  • African slaves made up more than a quarter of the
    population of the town.
  • Dutch settlers were mainly Protestants. Did they
    allow other settlers from different religions to
    buy land?
  • In 1664, the rivalry between England and the
    Netherlands for trade and colonies was at its
  • August 1664, English warships enter New
    Amsterdams harbor.

New Netherland Becomes New York
  • The governor of New Netherland Peter Stuyvesant
    swore to defend his colony.
  • But what did he have little of?
  • What else was Peter Stuyvesants problem?

New Netherland Becomes New York
  • Stuyvesant was a harsh governor and he had heavy
    taxes. This caused him to have little support
    from the settlers. At the end he surrendered
    without firing a shot.
  • King Charles II of England gave New Netherland to
    his brother the Duke of York and he renamed the
    colony New York.

New Jersey Separates From New York
  • When the English took over New Amsterdam, New
    York spread as far south to?
  • What did the Duke of York think?
  • What did the Duke of York do?

New Jersey Separates From New York
  • Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret set up
    proprietary colonies which they called NEW JERSEY
    D! in 1664.
  • Define proprietary colony.
  • What were the proprietor free to do?

New Jersey Separates From New York
  • Like New York, New Jersey was fertile and wealth
    which attracted many settlers from where?
  • In 1702, New Jersey became a royal colony which
    meant what?
  • What did the did the colonys charter protect?

The Founding of Pennsylvania
  • Who founded Pennsylvania and when?
  • Penn came from a wealth British family and he was
    very close friends with King Charles II.
  • What did Penn do that shocked his family and

The Founding of Pennsylvania
  • Quakers were Protestant reformers.
  • Their reforms went further than those of other
    groups. They believed that all people were equal
    in Gods eyes.
  • What did they allow? What did they speak out
  • What did most English people think of them?

The Founding of Pennsylvania
  • Quakers were arrested, fined, and hung for their
    ideas. Because of this Penn knew that the Quakers
    had to leave New England.
  • Being a good friend of King Charles II he turned
    to him for help.
  • King Charles II granted Penn a royal charter
    naming Penn the proprietor of a large piece of
  • What did the king name this new colony?

The Founding of Pennsylvania
  • What did Penn think of his colony?
  • He wanted it to be the model of religious
    freedom, peace, and Christian living.
  • Who came to Pennsylvania?
  • Penns beliefs lead him to speak out for fair
    treatment of Indians. Penn believed that the land
    in North America belonged to the Indians.
  • What did he insist? What happened as a result?

The Founding of Pennsylvania
  • Penn sent out pamphlets describing his colony
    over Europe. Settlers soon came from where?
  • Who were among the new settlers and what did they
    become know as?
  • African slaves made up 1/3rd of all new arrivals
    between 1730 1750. Most stayed in the capital
    working as labors.

The Founding of Pennsylvania
  • What did Penn call the capital? What does it
  • The lower lands along the Delaware River were
    known as what?
  • What did the settlers in this area not want to
  • In 1701, Penn allowed them to elect their own
    assembly and later in 1704 this area broke away
    to form the colony of Delaware.

Life in the Middle Colonies
  • What did most people make a living from?
  • Which did the settlers like better New England
    Colonies or the Middle Colonies? Why?
  • What did they grow? What were these crops called?
  • The Middle Colonies exported so much that they
    became known as what?
  • What did the farmers raise?

Life in the Middle Colonies
  • They sent tons of_________ to ports of New York
    and Philadelphia.
  • The goods went to New England, the South, West
    Indies, England and other parts of Europe.
  • Some farmers had slaves but most had farmhands
    who worked along side the farmer and his family.

Life in the Middle Colonies
  • In the Middle Colonies there were also skilled
  • What did Pennsylvania become the center of? What
    were some of the items crafted there?
  • The Delaware Colony profited from rich deposits
    of iron ore. What did they use it for?

Life in the Middle Colonies
  • Why were towns not that important?
  • What became the centers of local government?
  • Describe how the homes in the Middle Colonies
    were different?
  • Houses were self-sufficient. They had everything
    that was necessary to survive.

Life in the Middle Colonies
  • In the 1700s thousands of German and
    Scotch-Irish settlers came to Philadelphia. Where
    did they go?
  • Was this area easier to farm or more difficult
    than that of Philadelphia?
  • They learned how to use knots from pine trees as
    candles to light their homes.
  • They made wooden dishes, gathered honey from
    hollow trees, and hunted wild animals.

Life in the Middle Colonies
  • German gunsmiths created light weight rifles for
    hunting. What was it called?
  • Many of these settlers settled on Indian lands.
    More often than not these settlers fought with
    the Indians (Remember Penn had made Pennsylvania
    a peaceful colony).
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