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Emanuele Borgonovo


Emanuele Borgonovo Quantitative Methods for Management First Edition Market Structural Decision Return Chapter three: Models Models A Model is a mailmatical-logical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Emanuele Borgonovo

  • Emanuele Borgonovo
  • Quantitative Methods for Management
  • First Edition

Chapter threeModels
  • A Model is a mailmatical-logical instrument that
    the analyst, the manager, the scientist, the
    engineer develops to
  • foretell the behaviour of a system
  • foresee the course of a market
  • evaluate an investment decision accounting for
    uncertainty factors
  • Common Elements to the Models
  • Uncertainty
  • Assumptions
  • Inputs
  • Model Results

Building a Model
  • To build a reliable model requires deep
    acquaintance of
  • the Problem
  • Important Events regarding the problem
  • Factors that influence the behavior of the
    quantities of interest
  • Data and Information Collection
  • Uncertainty Analysis
  • Verification of the coherence of the Model by
    means of empiric analysis and , if possible,
    analysis of Sensitivity Analysis

Example the law of gravity
  • We want to describe the vertical fall of a body
    on the surface of the earth. We adopt the Model
  • Fmg
  • for the fall of the bodies
  • Hypothesis (?)
  • Punctiform Body (no spins)
  • No frictions
  • No atmospheric currents
  • Does the model work for the fall of a body placed
    to great distance from the land surface?

Chapter IIIntroductory Elements of Probability
  • Is it Possible to Define Probability?
  • Yes, but there are two schools
  • the first considers Probability as a property of
  • the second school asserts that Probability is a
    subjective measure of event likelihood (De

Kolmogorov Axioms
Areas and rectangles?
  • Suppose one jumps into the area U randomly. Let
    P(A) be the Probability to jump into A. What is
    its value?
  • It will be the area of A divided by the area of
    U P(A)A/U
  • Note that in this case P(U)P(A) P(B) P(C)
    P(D) P(E), since there are no overlaps

Conditional Probability
  • Consider events A and B. the conditional
    Probability of A given B, is the Probability of A
    given the B has happened. One writes P(AB)

Conditional Probability
  • Suppose now that B has happened, i.e., you jumped
    into area B (and you cannot jump back!).

  • You cannot but agree that
  • P(AB)P(AB)/P(B)
  • Hence P(AB)P(AB) P(B)

  • Two events, A and B, are independent if given
    that A happens does not influence the fact that B
    happens and vice versa.

Thus, for independent events P(AB)P(A)P(B)
Probability and Information
  • Problem you are given a box containing two
    rings. the box content is such that with the
    same Probability (1/2) the box contains two
    golden rings (event A) or a golden ring and a
    silver one (event B). To let you know the box
    content, you are allowed to pick one ring from
    the box. Suppose it is a golden one.
  • In your opinion, did you gain information from
    the draw?
  • the Probability that the oil one is golden is
  • Would you pay anything to have the possibility to
    draw from the box?

In the subjectivist approach, Probability changes
with information
Bayes theorem
  • Hypothesis A and B are two events. A has
  • Thesis P(B) changes as follows

Let us come back to the ring problem
  • Events
  • A both rings are golden
  • o the picked up ring is golden
  • the theorem states
  • P(A)Probability of both rings being golden
    before the extraction 1/2
  • P(o)Probability of a golden ring3/4
  • P(oA)Probability that the extracted ring is
    golden given A1 (since both rings are golden)
  • So

Bayes theorem Proof
Starting point
Conditional Probability formula
the Total Probability theorem
  • the total Probability theorem states given N
    mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A1,
    A2,,AN, the Probability of an event and in U can
    be decomposed in
  • Bayes theorem in the presence of N events becomes

Continuous Random Variables
  • Till now we have discussed individual events.
    there are problems in which the event space is
    continuous. For example, think of the failure
    time of a component or the time interval between
    two earthquakes. the random variable time ranges
    from 0 to ?.
  • To characterize such events one resorts to
    Probability distributions.

Probability Density Function
  • f(x) is a Probability density function (pdf) if
  • It is integrable
  • And
  • the integral of f(x) over -? ? is equal to 1.
  • Note f(x0)dx is the Probability that x lies in
    an interval dx around x0.

Cumulative Distribution Function
  • Given a continuous random variable X, the
    Probability that Xltx is given by
  • If f(x) is continuous, then
  • Note

the exponential distribution
  • Consider events that happen continuously in time,
    and with continuous time T.
  • If the events are
  • Independents
  • With constant failure rates
  • the random variable T is characterized by an
    exponential distribution
  • and by the density function

Meaning of the Exponential Distribution
  • We are dealing with a reliability problem, and we
    must characterize the failure time, T. T is a
    random variable one does not know when a
    component is going to break. All one can say is
    that for sure the component will break between 0
    and infinity. Thus, T is a continuous random
  • Let us consider that failures are independent.
    This is the case if the failure of one component
    does not influence the failure of the other
  • Let us also consider constant failure rates.
    This is the case when repair brings the component
    as good as new and when the component does not
    age during its life.
  • Under these Hypothesis, the failure times are
    independent and characterized by a constant
    failure rate ? at every dt. What is the
    Probability distribution of T?
  • Let us consider a population of N(t) components
    at time t. If ? is the failure rate of a
    component, then N(t)?dt is the number of failues
    in dt around time t.

the Exponential Distribution
  • Thus the change in the population is
  • -N(t)?dtN(tdt)-N(t)dN(t)
  • Where the minus sign indicates that the number of
    working components has decreased.
  • Hence
  • Which solved leads
  • N(T) is the number of components surviving till
    T. N(0) is the initial number of components. Set
    N(0)1. then N(T)/N(0) is the Probability that a
    component survives till T.

Pdf and Cdf of the Exponential Distribution
Expected Value, Variance and Percentiles
Percentile p is the value xp of X such that the
Probability of X being lower than xp is equal to
the Normal Distribution
  • Is a symmetric distribution around the mean
  • Pdf
  • Cdf

Graphs of the Normal Distribution
Cumulative Gaussian Distribution
Lognormal Distribution
  • Pdf
  • Cdf

Lognormal Distribution
Problem II-1 and solution
  • the failure rate of a car gear is 1/5 for year
    (exponential events).
  • What is the mean time to failure of the gear?
  • What is the Probability of the gear being integer
    after 9 years?

Problem II-2
  • You are considering a University admission test
    for a particularly selective course. the
    admission test, as all tests test, is not
    perfect. Suppose that the true distribution of
    the class is such that 10 of the applicants are
    really qualified and 90 are not. then you
    perform the test. If a student is qualified,
    then the test will admit him/her with 90
    Probability. If the student is not qualified
    he/her gets admitted at 10. Now, let us consider
    a student that got admitted
  • What is the Probability that the student is
    really qualified?
  • Is it a good test? How would you use it?
  • (Hint use the theorem of Total Probability)

Problem II-3
  • For the example of the two rings, determine
  • P(Bo)
  • P(Ba)
  • the Probability of being in A given that the
    picked ring is golden in two consecutive
    extractions, having put the ring back in the box
    after the first extraction
  • the Probability of being in B given that the
    picked ring is golden in two consecutive
    extractions, having put the ring back in the box
    after the first extraction

Problem II-3
  • For the example of the two rings, determine
  • P(Bo)
  • Solution there are only two possible events, A
    or B. Thus, P(B?or)1-P(A?or)1/3
  • P(B?a)
  • P(B?a)1, since B is the only event that has a
    silver ring. One can also show it using Bayes
  • P(B?a)P(a?B)P(B)/P(a?B) P(B)P(a?A)P(A).
    Since P(a?A)0, one gets 1 at once.
  • the Probability of being in A given that the
    picked ring is golden in two consecutive
    extractions, having put the ring back in the box
    after the first extraction
  • Using Bayes theorem

Problem II-3
  • where, in the formula, subscript 1 indicates the
    probabilities after the information of the first
    extraction has been taken into account
  • P1(B)P(B?or)1/3 and P1(A)P(A?or)2/3.
  • One can note that P(2o?A)1, and P(2o?B)1/2.
    P(2o?B) is the Probability to pick a golden ring
    at the second run, given that one is in state B.
  • Thus, we have all the numbers to be substituted
    back in the theorem
  • It is the same problem as in the example, but
    with adjourned probabilities.
  • the Probability of being in B given that the
    picked ring is golden in two consecutive
    extractions, having put the ring back in the box
    after the first extraction
  • Solution 1-P(A?2o)0.2

Chapter IIIIntroductory Decision theory
An Investment Decision
  • At time T, you have to decide whether, and how,
    to invest 1000. You face three mutually
    exclusive options
  • (1) A risky investment that gives you 500 PV in
    one year if the market is up or a loss of 400 if
    the market is down
  • (2) A less risky investment that gives you 200
    in one year or a loss of 160
  • (3) the safe investment a bond that gives you
    20 in one year independently of the market

Decision theory According to Laplace
  • the theory leaves nothing arbitrary in choosing
    options or in making decisions and we can always
    select, with the help of the theory , the most
    advantageous choice on our own. It is a
    refreshing supplement to the ignorance and
    feebleness of the human mind.
  • Pierre-Simon Laplace
  • (March 28 1749 Beaumont-en-Auge - March 5 1827

Decision-Making Process Steps
Decision-Making Problem Elements
  • Values and Objectives
  • Attributes
  • Decision Alternatives
  • Uncertain Events
  • Consequences

Decision Problem Elements
  • Objectives
  • Maximize profit
  • Attributes
  • Money
  • Alternatives
  • Risky
  • Less Risky
  • Safe
  • Random events
  • the Market
  • Consequences
  • Profit or Loss

Decision Analysis Tools
  • Influence Diagrams
  • Decision Trees

Influence Diagrams
  • Influence diagrams (IDs) are
  • a graphical representation of decisions and
  • uncertain quantities that explicitly reveals
  • probabilistic dependence and the flow of
  • information
  • ID formal definition
  • ID a network consisting of a directed graph
    G(N,A) and associated node sets and functions
    (Schachter, 1986)

ID Elements
  • ARCS
  • Informational Arcs
  • probabilistic Dependency Arcs
  • Structural Arcs

ID Elements
Influence Diagram Levels
  • 1. Physical Phenomena and Dependencies
  • 2. Function level node output states
    probabilistic relations (models)
  • 3. Number level tables of node probabilities

Case Study 2 - Leaking SG tube
  • Influence Diagram for Case Study 2

Influence Diagram
Decision Trees
  • Decision Trees (DTs) are constituted by the same
    type of arcs of Influence Diagrams, but highlight
    all the possible event combinations.
  • Instead of arks, one finds branches that emanate
    from the nodes as many as the Alternatives or
    Outcomes of each node.
  • With respect to Influence Diagrams, Decision
    Trees have the advantage of showing all possible
    patterns, but their structure becomes quite
    complicated at the growing of the problem

the Decision Tree (DT)
Decision Tree Solution
  • Alternative Payoff or utility
  • j1mi spans all the Consequences associated to
    alternative the
  • Uj is the utility or the payoff of consequence j
  • Pi(Cj) is the Probability that consequence Cj
    happens given that one chose alternative the
  • In general, we will get P(Cj) P(E1E2 EN),
    where E1E2 EN are the events that have to happen
    so that consequence Cj is realized. Using
    conditional probabilities
  • P(Cj) P(E1E2 EN)P(EN E1E2 )P(E2

Problem Solution
  • Using the previous formula

the Best Investment for a Risk Neutral Decision -
Run or Withdraw?
  • You are the owner of a racing team. It is
    the last race of the season, and it has been a
    very good season for you. Your old sponsor will
    remain with you for the next season offering an
    amount of 50000, no matter what happens in the
    last race. However, the race is important and
    transmitted on television. If you win or end the
    race in the first five positions, you will gain a
    new sponsor who is offering you 100000, besides
    10000 or 5000 praise. However there are
    unfavorable running conditions and an engine
    failure is likely, based on your previous data.
  • It would be very bad for the image of you
    racing team to have an engine failure in such a
    public race. You estimate the damage to a total
    of -30000.
  • What to do? Run or withdraw?
  • A) Elements of the problem
  • What are your objectives
  • What are the decision alternatives
  • What are the attributes of the decision
  • What are the uncertain events
  • What are the alternatives

Example of a simple ID
From IDs to Decision Trees
Sequential Decisions
  • Are decision making problems in which more than
    one decisions are evaluated one after the other.
  • You are evaluating the purchase of a production
    machine. Three models are being judged, A B and
    C. the machine costs are 150, 175 and 200
    respectively. If you buy model A, you can choose
    insurance A1, that covers all possible failues of
    A, and costs 5 of A cost, or you can choose
    insurance policy A2, that costs 3 of A cost, but
    covers only transportation risk. If you buy
    model B, insurance policy B1 costs 3 of B cost
    and covers all B failures. Insurance B2 costs 2
    of B and covers only transportation. For model
    C, the most reliable, the insurance coverages
    cost 2 and 1.5 respectively. Based on this
    information and supposing that the machines
    production is the same, what will you choose?
  • (failure Probability of A in the period of
  • (failure Probability of B in the period of
  • (failure Probability of C in the period of

Influence Diagram
Decision Tree
the Expected Value of Perfect Information
  • Data and information collection is essential to
    make decisions. Sometimes firms hire consultants
    or experts to get such information. But, how
    much should one spend?
  • One can value information, since it is capable of
    helping the decision-maker in selecting among
  • the value of information is the added value of
    the information.
  • the expected value of perfect information (EVPI)
    assumed that the source of information is
    perfect, and then
  • the definition is read as follows how much is
    the decision worth with the new information and
  • N.B. we will refer only to aleatory uncertainty

Example investing
EVPI for the Example
EVPI Result
How much to bid?
  • Bob works for an energy production company. Your
    company is engaged in the decision of how much to
    bid to salvage the wreckage of the SS.Kuniang, a
    carbon transportation boat. If the firm wins, the
    boat could be repaired and could come back to its
    transportation activity again. Pending on the
    possible winning and on the decision is the
    result of a judgment by Coast Guard, which will
    be revealed only after the opening of the bids.
    That is, if the Coast Guard will assign a low
    value to the ship, this would mean that the ship
    is considered as recoverable. Otherwise, the
    boat will be deemed unusable. If you do not win,
    you will be forced to buy a new boat.
  • Identify the decision elements
  • Structure the corresponding ID and DT

Influence Diagram with three events
  • Given the following elements
  • Alternatives 1 and 2
  • Events A(up, down) (Bhigh, low)(Cgood,
  • Consequences Ci (one distinct consequence for
    each event combination)
  • If ADown happens, then CAdown is directly
  • Draw the ID corresponding to the problem
  • Draw the corresponding Decision Tree
  • If C now depends on both A and B outcomes, how
    does the ID become?
  • How does the DT change?

  • Influence Diagram the

  • Corresponding Decision Tree

  • Influence Diagram II

  • Decision Tree II

  • Given the following Influence Diagram and
    Decision Tree, given P_High and P_HighHigh,
    P_highlow, find the value of the Alternatives
    as a function of the assigned probabilities.
    Supposing P_high0.5 and P_highhighP_highlow0.
    3, find the preferred alternative.
  • What would be the preferred decision if to a
    higher investment cost there would correspond a
    better sale result? Set
  • P_highhigh0.6 and P_highlow0.2

Solution Sales_Costs
Breakdown in Production
  • An industrial system composed from two lines has
    experience a breakdown in one line. Production,
    therefore, is reduced by 50. the management asks
    you collaboration on the following decision. It
    is explained to you that there are two ways to
    proceed 1) an intermediate repair, of the
    duration of two days, with a repair cost of
    EUR500000. For every day of production loss of
    EUR25000 for day is sustained (Full production
    amounts at EUR50000). From the engineer
    estimates, the Probability of perfect repair in
    two days is equal to P_2g. In the case in which
    the repair it is not perfect (partial repair),
    the line will come back with a loss of 15 of the
    productive ability 2) a more incisive
    intervention, of the duration of 10 days, with a
    cost of repair of EUR1000000. With Probability
    P_10g the line will be as before the breakdown.
  • According to you, the residual life of the system
    is important for the decision?
  • Suppose that there are still three years of life
    for the system.
  • Which strategy should you carry out?
  • Determine the decision problem elements. Draw the
    Influence Diagram and the corresponding Decision
    Tree. Find the value or values of the
    probabilities for which a complete repair is more
    convenient than a partial one.
  • What would you would advise to the director of
    the system to do based on the engineer estimates?

EVPI Problems
  • Determine the EVPI for the random event nodes in
    the previous IDs and DTs of the following
  • Sales_Costs (lez. 2)
  • Production break-down (lez.2)

Troubles in Production
  • One of the two production lines of the plant you
    manage has broke down. the plant production
    capacity is therefore halved. the management
    faces the following decision and asks you a
    collaboration. Technically one can a 1) perform
    an temporary repair, lasting two days, and
    costing 500000. For every lost production day
    one has a revenue loss of 25000 for day (the
    total daily production value is 50000). Based on
    the Engineer estimates, the Probability of
    perfect repair in two days is P_2g . In the case
    of an imperfect repair, the production capacity
    will be lowered by 15. 2) perform a more
    incisive repair, lasting 10 days, and costing
    1000000. With Probability P_10g the line will
    be as good as new.
  • In your opinion, the residual plant life is
    relevant to this decision?
  • Suppose that there are still three years of life
    for the plant. What should one decide?
  • Identify the decision making elements
  • Draw the Influence Diagram for the problem
  • Find the values of the probabilities for which
    one or the other intervention is more convenient
  • What would your suggestion to the plant director
  • What would happen if the plant life were 2 and 4
    years instead of 3?

Influence Diagram
Decision Tree
Probability Values
  • Three years

2 and 4 years
  • 2 years
  • 4 years

Chapter IVElements of Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
  • Various Types of SA
  • One Way SA
  • Two Way SA
  • Tornado Diagrams
  • (Differential Importance Measure)
  • Uncertainty Analysis
  • Monte Carlo
  • (Global SA)

How do we use SA?
  • a) To check model correctness and robustness
  • b) To Further interrogate the model
  • Questions
  • What is the most influential parameter with
    respect to changes?
  • What is the most influential parameter on the
    uncertainty (data collection)

Sensitivity Analysis (Run or withdraw)
  • Underline the critical dependencies of the

  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • One way sensitivity
  • Two way sensitivity
  • Tornado Diagrams
  • Uncertainty Analysis
  • Aleatory Uncertainty
  • Epistemic Uncertainty
  • Bayes theorem for continuous distributions
  • Monte Carlo Method

Sensitivity Analysis
  • By sensitivity analysis one means the study of
    the change in results (output) due to a change in
    one of the model parameters (input)
  • the simplest Sensitivity Analysis types are
  • One way sensitivity
  • Two way sensitivity
  • Tornado diagrams

One-way Sensitivity Analysis
  • A one way sensitivity is obtained changing the
    Model input variables one at a time, and
    registering the change in the decision value.
  • It enables the analyst to study the change in
    value of each of the alternatives with respect to
    the change in the input parameter under

Two-way Sensitivity Analysis
  • In a Two-way Sensitivity Analysis two parameters
    are varied at the same time.
  • Instead of a line, one obtains a plane, in which
    each region identifies the preferred alternative
    that correspond to the combination of the two
    parameter values

Tornado Diagrams
  • the analysis is focused on the preferred decision
  • An interval of variation for each input parameter
    is chosen
  • the parameters are changed one at a time, while
    keeping the oilrs at their reference value
  • the change in output is registered
  • the output change is shown by means of a
    horizontal bar
  • the most important variable is the one that
    corresponds to the longest bar.

Example of a Tornado Diagram
Upsides and Downsides
  • Upsides
  • Easy numerical calculations
  • Results immediately understandable
  • Downsides
  • Input range of variation not considered together
    with the output range should not be used to
    infer parameter importance
  • One or two parameters can be varied at the same

Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Importance
  • Parameter importance
  • Relevance of parameter in a model with respect to
    a certain criterion
  • Sensitivity Analysis used to Determine Parameter
  • Concept of importance not formalized, but
    extensively used
  • Risk-Informed Decision Making
  • Resource allocation
  • Need for a formal definition

  • Identify how sensitivity analysis techniques work
    through analysis of several examples
  • Formulate a definition
  • Classify sensitivity analysis techniques

Sensitivity Analysis Types
  • Model Output
  • Local Sensitivity Analysis
  • Determines model parameter (xi) relevance with
    all the xi fixed at nominal value
  • Global Sensitivity Analysis
  • Determines xi relevance of xis
    epistemic/uncertainty distribution

the Differential Importance Measure
  • Nominal Model output
  • No uncertainty in the model parameters
  • and/or parameters fixed at nominal value
  • Local Decomposition
  • Local importance measured by fraction of the
    differential attributable to each parameter

Global Sensitivity Indices
  • Uncertainty in U and parameters is considered
  • Sobols decomposition theorem
  • SobolIndices

Formal Definition of Sensitivity Analysis (SA)
  • SA technique are Operators on U

Importance Relations
  • Importance relations
  • X the set of the model parameters
  • Binary relation
  • xi xj iff I(xi)gtI(xj)
  • xixj iff I(xi)I(xj)
  • xi xj iff I(xi)ltI(xj)
  • xi xj iff I(xi)ltI(xj)
  • Importance relations induced by importance
    measures are complete preorder

Additivity Property
  • In many situation decision-maker interested in
    joint importance
  • An Importance measure is additive if
  • DIM is additive always
  • Si are additive iff f(x) additive and xjs are

Techniques that fall under the definition of
Local SA techniques
Global Importance Measures
Sensitivity Analysis in Risk-Informed
Decision-Making and Regulation
  • Risk Metric
  • xi is undesired event Probability
  • Fussell-Vesely fractional Importance
  • Tells us on which events regulator has to focus

Summary of the previous concepts
  • Formal Definition of Sensitivity Analysis
  • Definition of Importance Relations
  • Definition enables to
  • Formalize use of Sensitivity Analysis
  • Understand role of Sensitivity Analysis in
    Risk-informed Decision-making and in the use of
    model information

Chapter VUncertainty Analysis
Uncertainty Analysis
  • Distinction between Aleatory Uncertainty ed
    Epistemic Uncertainty
  • Epistemic Uncertainty and Bayes theorem
  • Monte Carlo Method for uncertainty propagation

  • Aleatory Uncertainty
  • From Alea, die Alea jacta est
  • It refers to the realization of an event.
  • Example the happening of an earthquake
  • Epistemic Uncertainty
  • From GreeK Epist???, knowledge
  • it reflects our lack of knowledge in the value
    of the Aleatory Model input parameters. the
    aleatory model or model of the world is the model
    chosen to represent the random event.

Example Model of the World
  • the Probability of Earthquakes is usually modeled
    through a Poisson model
  • that rappresents the Probability that the number
    of earthquakes between 0 and t is equal to n.
  • the Poisson Distribution holds for independent
    events, in which next events (arrivals) are not
    influenced by previous events and the Probability
    of an event in a given interval of time is the
    same independently of the time where the interval
    is located
  • the Model chosen to describe the arrivals of
    earthquakes is given the non-humble name of
    "model of the world" (MOW).

Some useful information on Poisson Distributions
  • the Poisson Probability that n events happen on
    0-t is
  • the sum on n0...? of P(n,t) is, obviously, equal
    to 1.
  • the Probability of kgtN is given by
  • En?t

the Corresponding Epistemic Model
  • Now,in spite of all the efforts and studies, it
    is unlikely that a scientist would tell you the
    rate (? ) of arrivals of earthquakes is exactly
    xxx. More likely, he will indicate you a range
    where the true value of ? lies. For example ?
    cuold be between 1/5 and 1/50 (1/years). Suppose
    that the scientist state of knowledge on ? can be
    expressed by a uniform distribution u(? )

Combining the Epistemic Model and MOW
  • We have been dealing with two Models
  • MOW the events happen according to a Poisson
  • Epistemic Model Uniform Uncertainty Distribution
  • then, what is the Probability of having 1
    earthquake in the next year?
  • Answer there is no unique Probability, but a
    p(n,t, ?) for all values of ?.
  • Thus, we have to write

  • This expression tells us that not necessarily all
    Poisson distributions weight the same. Thus
  • In our case u(?)c
  • Hence, there is an expected Probability!

In General
  • the MOW will depend on m parameters ?, ?,
  • the event Probability (P(t)) will be

An problem
  • the failure time of a series of components is
    characterized by the exponential Probability
  • From the available data, it emerges that
  • What is the mean time to failure?

  • Et

Continuous form of Bayes Theorem
  • Epistemic Uncertainty and Bayes theorem are
    connected, in that we know that we can use
    evidence to update probabilities.
  • For example, suppose to have a coin in your
    hands. will it be a fair with, i.e., will the
    Probability of tossing the coin lead to 50 head
    and tails?.
  • How can we determine whether it is a fair coin?
  • .let us toss it.

  • the Probability density of a parameter, after
    having obtained evidence and, changes as follows
  • L(E??) MOW likelihood
  • ?0(?) is the pdf of ? before the evidence, called
    Prior Distribution
  • ?(?) is the pdf of ? after the evidence, called
    Posterior Distribution

From discrete to continuous
  • Let us take Bayes theorem for discrete events
  • Let us go to continuous events our purpose is to
    know the Probability that a parameter of the MOW
    distribution assumes a certain value, given a
    certain evidence
  • Thus, event Aj is ? takes on value ?
  • Hence P(Aj)??0(?)d? ?0(?)prior density
  • therefore P(E?Aj) has the meaning of Probability
    that the evidence and is realized given that ?
    equals ? . One writes L(E ? ? ) and it is the
    likelihood function
  • Note it is the MOW!!!

From discrete to continuous
  • the denominator in Bayes theorem expresses the
    sum of the probabilities of the evidence given
    all the possible states (the total Probability
    theorem). In the case of epistemic uncertainty
    these events are all possible values of ?. Thus
  • Substituting the various terms, one finds Bayes
    theorem for continuous random variables we have
    shown before

Is it a fair coin?
  • What is the MOW?
  • It is a binomial distribution with parameter p
  • What is the value of p?
  • Suppse we do not know anything about p. Let us
    assume a uniform prior distribution between 0 and
  • Let us get some evidence.
  • At the first tossing it is head
  • At the second tail
  • At the third head

  • First tossing
  • Evidence h.
  • MOW L(h?p)p
  • Prior ?0
  • Second tossing
  • Evidence t
  • MOW L(t?p)(1-p)
  • Prior ?1
  • Third tossing
  • Evidence h
  • MOW L(h?p)p
  • Prior ?2
  • Equivalently
  • Evidence h, t, h
  • L(hth?p)p2(1-p)
  • Prior ?0

Conjugate Distributions
  • Likelihood
  • Poisson
  • Posterior gamma
  • Prior distribution
  • Gamma
  • with

Conjugate Distributions
  • Likelihood
  • Normal
  • Posterior Normal
  • Prior distribution
  • Normal
  • with

Conjugate Distributions
  • Likelihood
  • Binomial
  • Posterior, Beta
  • Prior
  • Beta
  • with

Summary of Conjugate Distributions
MOW - Likelihood Prior Distribution Posterior Distribution
Binomiale Beta Beta
Poisson Gamma Gamma
Normal Normal Normal
Normal Gamma Gamma
Negative binominal Beta Beta
Epistemic Uncertainty in Decision-Making Problems
  • Investment
  • Suppose that P.up is characterized by a uniform
    pdf between 0.3 and 0.7
  • How does the decision changes?
  • It is necessary to propagate the uncertainty in
    the model

Analytical Propagation of Uncertainty
  • It is the same problem of the MOW
  • Repeating for the other decisions and comparing
    the resulting mean values, one gets the optimal
  • Recall that

the Monte Carlo Method
  • Sampling a value of P.up
  • For all sampled P.up the Model is re-evaluated.
  • Information
  • Frequency of the preferred alternative
  • Distribution of each individual Alternative

the core of Monte Carlo
  • 1) Random Number Generator u between 0 and 1
  • 2) Numbers u are generated with a uniform
  • 3) Suppose that parameter ? is uncertain and
    characterized by the cumulative distribution
    reported below

Inversion theorem
  • Inversion theorem
  • the values of ? sampled in this way have the
    Probability distribution from which we have

  • Let us evaluate the volume of the yellow solid
    through the Monte Carlo method.

Application to ID and DT
  • For every Model parameter one creates the
    corresponding epistemic distribution
  • Run nr. 1
  • One generates n random numbers between 0 and 1,
    as many as the uncertain variables are
  • One samples the value of each of the parameters
    inverting from the corresponding distribution
  • Using these values one evaluates the model
  • One keeps record of the preferred alternative and
    of the value of the decision
  • the procedure is repeated N times.

  • Strategy Selection Frequency
  • Decision Value Distribution

Problem V-1
  • the mean time to failure of a set of components
    is characterized by an exponential distribution
    with parameter ?. Suppose that ? is described by
    a uniform epistemic distribution between 1/100
    and 1/10.
  • Which is the MOW? Which is the epistemic model?
  • What is the mean time to failure?
  • Suppose you registered the following failure
    times t15, 22, 25.
  • Update the epistemic distribution based on the
    new data
  • What is the new mean time to failure?

Problem V-2 Investing
  • We are again thinking of how to invest.
    Actually, we were not aware of the bayesian
    approach before. Thus we start using data about
    P_up in Bayesian way. After 15 working days we
    get the evidence up,down, down,down,down,up,down,
    up,down,up,down,up,up,up. Assuming that each day
    is independent of the previous one
  • a) Which are the MOW and the epistemic model?
  • b) What is the best decision without
    incorporating the evidence?
  • c) What is the distribution of P_up after the
  • d) What do you decide when the new information is
    incorporated in the model?
  • Solution
  • the MOW is the model of the events that accompany
    the decision. It is our ID or DT. More in
    specific, there is a second mode which is the one
    utilized for modeling the fact that the market
    can be up or down. This is a binomial
    distribution with parameter P_up.
  • the epistemic model is the set of the uncertainty
    distributions used to characterize the lack of
    knowledge in the model parameters. In this case,
    it is the distribution of P_up. We need to choose
    a prior distribution for P_up. We choose a
    uniform distribution between 0 and 1.
  • b) We write the alternative payoffs as a function
    of P_up.

Prob. 5-2
  • Substituting EURisky50, EUSafe 20,
    EULess Risky 20

  • c) Let us use Bayess theorem to update the prior
    uniform distribution
  • evidence up,down, down,down,down,up,down,up,down,
  • L(EP_up)
  • Prior ?0 uniform bewteen 0 and 1
  • Bayestheorem
  • Posterior Distribution
  • Ep_up0.47
  • d) Posterior Decision EURisky23, EUSafe
    20, EULess Risky 9.2

  • Apply the one way, two way and Tornado Diagrams
    SA to the IDs and DTs of the previous chapters
  • Discuss your results

Bayesian Decision
  • You are the director of a library shop. To
    improve the sales, you are thinking of hiring
    additional sale personnel. This should, in your
    opinion, improve the service level in the shop.
    If this happens, you expect an increase in
    costumer number, and correspondingly, an increase
    in revenue sales. Suppose that the number of
    people entering the shop is, any day, distributed
    according to a Poisson distribution with ?
    uncertain. the prior distribution of ? is a gamma
    with mean equal to 55 and standard deviation
    equal to 15. the cost increase due to the hiring
    is 5000EUR for month. If the service quality
    improves and the library receives more than 50
    customers per day, revenues increase would amount
    at 15000EUR (on the average). If less than 50
    customers visit the shop, then revenues would not
    increase (and you loose the 5000EUR). What to you
  • You decide to monitor the number of customers on
    the next 6 working days 75,45,30,80,72,41.
  • You update the Probability. What do you decide
  • How much do you expect to gain now?
  • Perform a sensitivity analysis on the
    probabilities. What information do you get?

Influence Diagram
Chapter VIIntroduction to Decision theory
  • Preferences under Certainty
  • Indifference Curves
  • the Value Function V(x) properties
  • Preferential independence
  • Preferences under Uncertainty
  • Axioms of rational choice
  • utility Function U(x) in one dimension
  • Risk Aversion
  • Preferences with Multiple Objectives
  • Multi-attribute utility Function

Preferences Under Certainty
  • Example you are choosing your first job. You
    select your attributes as location (measured in
    distance from home), starting salary and career
    perspectives. You denote the attributes as x1,
    x2, x3. you have to select among five offers a1,
    a2,,a5. Every offer gives you certain values of
    x1, x2, x3 for certain. How do you decide?
  • It is a multi-attribute decision problem in the
    presence of certainty, since once you decide you
    will receive x1,x2,x3 for certain.
  • In this case you have to establish how much of
    one attribute to forego to receive more of anoilr

Preferences under Certainty
  • Here is a diagram for the Choice

Structuring Preferences
  • Indifference Curves
  • Points on the same curve leave you indifference

the Value Function
  • You can associate a numerical value representing
    you preferences to each indifference curve
  • V(x) is the function that says how much of xi one
    is willing to exchange for an increase or
    decrease in xk

  • V(x) is a value function if it satisfies the
    following properties
  • a)
  • b)

  • For the first job choice, suppose that you
    value function is as follows
  • where x1 measures the distance from home in
    100km, x2 is the career perspective measured on a
    scale from 0 a 10 and x3 the starting salary in
  • Suppose to have received the following offers
  • (1, 5, 20), (5, 4, 10), (8,3,60), (10, 5, 20),
  • Which one would you pick?

Preferences under Uncertainty
Suppose one has to choose between lotteries that
offer a mix the previous job offers to choose
one does not use the value function, but must
resort to the utility function (U(x))
utility Function
  • the utility function is the appropriate one to
    express preferences over the distributions of the
  • Given two distributions 1 and 2 on the
    Consequences , Distribution 1 is more or as much
    desirable than Distribution 2 if and only if

Utility vs. Value
  • One attribute Problem. Suppose that alternative
    1 produces x1 and the 2 x2, then 1?2 if x1gtx2
  • Let us take two Alternatives 1 and 2, with x1gtx2,
    given with certainty.
  • the value function will give us v(x1)gtv(x2)
  • Let us now consider the following problem
  • To choose one need u(x1) and u(2)

Stochastic Dominance
Distribution 1 is dominated by distribution 2,
if obtaining more of x is preferable. Vice
versa, if less of x is preferable, then
Distribution 2 is dominated by distribution 1
One Attribute Utility Functions
Certainty Equivalent
  • Given the lottery
  • the value of x such that you are indifferent
    between x for certain and playing the lottery.
  • In equations
  • N.B. if you are risk neutral, then xEx

definition of Risk Aversion
  • a decision-maker is risk averse if preferisce
    sempre the expected value of a lottery alla
  • Hp increasing utility function. Th You are
    risk averse if the Certainty Equivalent of a
    lottery is always lower than the expected value
    of the lottery
  • You are risk averse if and only if your utility
    function utility is concave

Risk Premium and Insurance Premium
  • the Risk Premium (RP) of a lottry is the
    difference between the expected value of the
    lottery and your Certainty Equivalent for the
  • Intuitively, the Risk Premium is the quantity of
    attribute you are willing to forego to avoid the
    risks connected with the lottery.
  • Suppose now that Ex0. the insurance premium
    is how much one would pay to avoid a lottery

Mailmatical Definition
  • the Risk Aversion function is defined as
  • Or, equivalently
  • Supposing a constant risk aversion one gets an
    exponential utility function

Risk Preferences
  • Constant Risk Aversion
  • Compute constant ? through Certainty Equivalent

Investment Results with Risk Aversion
Risky Investment
A quale value accetterei linvestimento rischioso
Esempi of funzioni utility
  • Linear uax
  • Risk Properties
  • Risk Neutral
  • Exponential
  • Risk Properties
  • - sign Constant Risk Aversion, sign Constant
    Risk Proneness
  • Logarithmic
  • Risk Properties
  • Decreasing Risk Aversion

problem VI-1
  • For the following three utility functions,
  • compute
  • the risk aversion function r(x)
  • the risk premium for 50/50 lotteries
  • the insurance premium

Problem VI-2
  • Consider a 50/50 lottery. Determine your Risk
    Aversion constant, assuming an exponential
    utility function.
  • Reexamine some of the problems discussed till now
    utilizing instead of the monetary payoff the
    corresponding exponential utility function with
    the constant determined above. How do the
    decisions change?

Problem VI-3
  • You are analyzing some alternatives for your next
  • A guided tour through Italian cultural cities
    (Rome, Florence, Venice, Siena an infinite
    list..), duration 10 days, cost 500EUR, for a
    total of 1500km by bus.
  • A journey to the Caribbean, lasting 1 week, cost
    2000EUR, by plane.
  • 15 days in a wonderful mountain in Trentino, for
    a cost of 2000EUR, with 500km of promenades.
  • Do you need a utility or a value function to
  • Suppose that, after some thinking, you discover
    to have the following three attribute utility
  • where x1 is the vacation cost in kEUR, x2 is
    distance in km and x3 is a merit coefficient
    regarding relax/amusement to be assigned between
    1 and 10.
  • What do you choose?

Chapter VIIthe Logic of Failures
Elements of Reliability theory
Safety and Reliability
  • Safety and Reliability study the performance of
  • Reliability and safety study cover two wide
  • System Failures and Failure Modes
  • Structure Function
  • Failure Probability
  • Failure Data Analysis
  • the approach can be static or dynamic. Static
    approach is analytically simpler and is more

  • A system is a set of components connected through
    some logical relations with respect to operation
    and failure of the system
  • More simple structures are
  • Series
  • Parallel

  • Every component is critical w.r.t. the system
    being able to perform its mission.
  • the fault of just one component is sufficient to
    provoke system failure
  • Redundancy 0

Parallel Systems
  • Each of the components is capable of assuring
    that the system accomplish its tasks.
  • Thus, to provoke the failure of the system, all
    the components must be contemporarily failed
  • Redundancy n-1

Elements of System Logics
Boolean Logic
  • An event (and) can be True or False
  • State Variable or Indicator
  • Properties
  • (XJ)nXj
  • where is the
    complementary of XJ
  • This simple definition enables one to use
    algebraic operations to describe the logical
    behavior of systems.

Series Systems
  • Let Ei denote the event the i-th component
  • Let XT denote the event the System failed.
  • XT takes the name of Top Event.
  • For the system failure, by definition of series,
    it is enough that one single component failes.
    Thus it is enough that E1 or E2 or . or En is
  • From a set point of view E1?E2 ? ... ? En
  • From a logical p.o.v., we get the following

Parallel Systems
  • Let Ei denote the event the i-th component has
  • Let XT denote the event the system has failed.
  • the condition for failure of the system is that
    all component fail. This happens if E1 and E2
    and En are true at the same time.
  • From a Set point of view E1?E2 ? ... ? En
  • the logical expression is

the Structure Function
  • In general, a system will be formed by a
    combination of series or parallel elements, or
    other logics (as we will see next).
  • One defines the Structure Function of a system
    the logical expression that expresses the top
    event (XT) as function of the individual failure

the Logic of Performance
  • Let Ai denote the event the i-th component is
    working (Not failed).
  • Let YT denote the event the system is
  • For a series system all the components must be
    working for the system to work. Thus A1 , A2 ,
    and An must be true at the same time
  • In parallel for the system to work it is
    sufficient that just one component is working.
    Thus A1 or A2 or An must be true.

n/N Logics
  • n/N logics are intermediate logics between series
    and parallel.
  • N represents the total number of components in
    the system and n the number of components that
    must contemporarily fail to break the system.
  • As an example, a system has a 2/3 logic if it has
    3 components and when two components have failed
    the system failes.

Example 2/3 System Logics
  • Let us find XT for a 2/3 system
  • Events E1, E2, E3, Indicators X1, X2, X3
  • Events that provoke a failure E1E2 E3, E1 E2 ,
    E1E3, E3 E2 .
  • Let us denote E1E2 E3Z1, E1 E2 M1, E1 E3 M2,
    E3 E2 M3.
  • For XT to happen Z1?(M1 ? M2 ? M3).
  • the structure function expression is
  • Let us go to a level below
  • Let us solve the calculations, noting that

Probability Sum Rules
  • We recall that, for generic Events
  • We recall that, if the events are independent
  • Rare Event Approssimation neglect all terms
    corresponding to multiple events

Golden Rule
  • In practice the System Failure Probability is
    computed from the solved Structure Function,
    substituting to indicator Xi the corresponding
    Event Probability.

  • the System Failure Probability is
  • P(XT)P(Z1?(M1 ? M2 ? M3) P(Z1
  • where
  • P(Z1)P(E1E2 E3)
  • P(Z2)P(M1 ? M2 ? M3) P(M1) P(M2)P(M3)-P(M1M2)-
    P(M1M3)-P(M3 M2)P(M1 M2 M3). Ma M1 E1E2, M2
    E3E1, M3 E3E2. Noting, that M1 M2 M1 M3 M2
    M3 M1 M2 M3 E1E2E3. Substituting
    P(Z2)P(E1E2) P(E3E1)P(E3E2)-P(E1E2E3)-
    P(E1E2E3)-P(E1E2E3)P(E1E2E3). Thus
  • P(Z2)P(E1E2) P(E3E1)P(E3E2)-2P(E1E2E3)
  • P(Z1Z2)P(E1E2E3? E1E2 ?E3E1 ? E3E2)P(E1E2E3 )
  • Thus P(XT) P(E1 E2 E3)P(E1E2)
    P(E3E1)P(E3E2)-2P(E1E2E3)-P(E1E2E3) P(E1E2)

Problem VII-1
  • For the following systems compute
  • the Structure Function for System Failure
  • the Structure Function for System Operation
  • the Failure Probability
  • the Operation Probability

Problem VII-2
  • for the following system
  • Compute the Failure Probability supposing
    independent events and denoting the component
    failure probability by p.
  • Repeat the computation starting with the system
    success function, YT. Verify that the two results

Chapter VIIIElements of Reliability
Cut and Path sets
  • Failure Logic
  • By cut set one means an event/set of events whose
    happening causes system failure
  • By minimal cut set one means a cut set that does
    not have other cut sets as subsets
  • Success Logic
  • By path set one means an event/set of events
    whose happening causes system to work
  • By minimal path set one means a path set that
    does not have other path sets as subsets

Even Trees
  • Event Trees represent the sequence of events
    that lead to the event top.

  • One has to establish the sequence of events that
    lead to leakage of toxic chemicals from a
    production plant. High pressure in one of the
    pipes can cause a breach in the pipe itself, with
    leakage of toxic material in the room where the
    machine works. the filtering of the air
    conditioning could prevent the passage of the
    toxic gas to the outside of the room. A fault on
    the air circulation system due to air filter
    fault or maintenance error, would lead to the
    diffusion of the gas to the entire firm building.
    At this point, public safety would be protected
    only by the building air circulation system, last
    barrier for the gas going to the outsides.
  • Draft the event tree for this sequence.

Gas Leakage Fault - Tree
Fault Trees
  • Fault Trees represent the logical connection
    among failures that lead to the failure of a
  • they are characterized by a set of logic symbols
    that connect a series of events
  • Basic Event is the event that represents the
    base of the fault-tree. From a physical point
    of view, it represents the failure of a component
    or of part of it. From a modeling point of
    view, it represents the lowest level of detail.

event Base
  • Let us consider the failure of the aeration
    system. Suppose that the system is composed by
    two main parts an suction engine and a static
    filter. the failure of the aeration system,
    thus, happens either due to engine failure or for
    filter fault.

Aeration 1
Static Filter
  • We could however realize that the level of detail
    could be Further increased. In fact, we discover
    that the engine can brake for a failure of its
    mechanical components and, in particular, of the
    fan or for a fault of the electric feeder. the
    filter can break because of wrong installation
    after maintenance or for an intrinsic fault.
  • the fault tree becomes as follows

Level II
From Fault Trees to Structure Functions
  • EngineA
  • Static filter B
  • Electr.1, Mech2, Fault3, Install.4
  • What are the minimal cut sets?

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