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DCP Presentation 2003


Multi-level Simulation of a Real Time Vibration Monitoring System Component Bryan Robertson/EI31 NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Health Management System Overview ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DCP Presentation 2003

Multi-level Simulation of a Real Time Vibration
Monitoring System Component Bryan
Robertson/EI31 NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center

  • Health Management System Overview
  • RTVMS Design Overview
  • Simulation Environment
  • Simulation Details
  • Summary

Health Management System Overview
  • A Real-Time Vibration Monitoring System (RTVMS)
    was developed by MSFC and currently operates at
    the Stennis Space Center (SSC) during Space
    Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) test firings.
  • The RTVMS provides real-time vibration analysis
    and health monitoring capabilities during engine
    operation by producing vibration spectral data
    from critical SSME Components. This vibration
    analysis provides the capability to activate a
    vibration flight redline for engine high pressure
  • For the RTVMS time resolution is critical.
    Parallel processing and multiple DSPs are
    required to perform the FFTs and health
    algorithms required.
  • In early 2000 the MSFC Shuttle Main Engine
    Project Office decided to pursue implementation
    of the RTVMS technology for Space Shuttle
    Flights. This advanced flight RTVMS would contain
    all the features of the current SSC ground RTVMS
    system but would also include additional
    algorithms that would also evaluate the vibration
    data in the phase domain.
  • The fist step toward implementing the flight
    RTVMS systems was to develop a flight-like
    health management system that incorporated the
    RTVMS and other existing engine monitoring
    systems. This system is called the Health
    Management Computer Integrated Rack Assembly
    (HMC-IRA). The RTVMS design for the HMC-IRA will
    be covered in this presentation.

  • Health Management Computer Integrated Rack
    Assembly (HMC-IRA)
  • Ground based system designed as flight-like
    while maintaining low cost.
  • Simulates an Advanced Health Management System
    (AHMS) Shuttle Main Engine Controller flight
    system processing environment.
  • Provides a Real Time Vibration Monitoring System
    (RTVMS) design that can transition to a flight
    system design with only form-fit modifications.
  • Provides flexibility for growth and alternate
    software configurations and hardware additions.
  • Provide interfaces for
  • AHMS Space Shuttle Main Engine Controller (SSMEC)
  • Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) sensors
  • Stennis Space Center (SSC) Data Acquisition
  • Development of three Brassboard HMC-IRA and
    three Special Test Equipment Units
  • Planned operation with a SSMEC during SSME
    Hot-fires at SSC
  • Supports SSMEC operations at the MSFC SSMEC
    Hardware Simulation Lab
  • Supports software development at the Rocketdyne
    Controller Simulation Lab.
  • System Development and Verification is complete
    on all units and are currently waiting for
    Integration into the SSC facility.

AHMS(Phase 1) SSME Block II Controller
  • The HMC-IRA consists of custom and COTS
  • Three PowerPC 603 processors
  • Ten TMS320C40 DSPs on two RTVMS boards.
  • All DSPs interconnected through serial ports.
    On-board and board-board.
  • All 10 DSPs receive the sensor data from the two
    analog cards simultaneously.
  • DSPs can be configured in a variety of parallel
    processing configurations.
  • All DSPs have access to the main VME bus.
  • 1.5Gbyte Non-volatile Memory board
  • Two Analog cards
  • SSMEC, SSME, and SSC interfaces
  • Dual sampling rates
  • VME and DSP serial interfaces.
  • Three SSMEC RS485 High Speed Serial Interfaces

RTVMS Basecard and mezzanine
Radstone EP1A-8240
Radstone EPMCQ2R PMC
  • Customized VME backplane supporting serial
    communication channels between RTVMS and analog

(No Transcript)
  • Real Time Vibration Monitoring System (RTVMS)
  • First EI31 Multiple/Parallel Processing Digital
    Signal Processor (DSP) Design.
  • First design to use System level simulations
  • Design was required to have a path to flight.
  • Designed with commercial version of flight
    quality components.
  • EEE Parts evaluation performed on selected flight
  • Challenging Printed Circuit Board Design
  • First 16 layer board. Previous ED16 designed
    board had max 14 layers.
  • Most densely populated board routed by ED16.
    1012 components for baseboard, greater than 1800
    total. 1.5 to 2 times more components than any
    previous ED16 design.
  • 28mil Via sizes utilized for the first time
    (previous size was 40mil
  • Developed PCB procurement standards now being
    used by other projects

Real Time Vibration Monitoring System (RTVMS)
  • A32/D32 VME Master w/ Block and RMW transfer
  • A24/D32 VME Slave ? 8K x 32 Dual-Port SRAM
  • 5 Texas Instruments 320C40HFHM50 DSPs (4 for
    algorithm processing and 1 for communications)
  • 512K x 32 (2Mbytes) of SRAM on Local Bus of each
  • 512K x 32 (2Mbytes) of SRAM on Global Bus of each
  • 32K x 32 of EEPROM on Global Bus of each DSP for
    boot operations
  • 8k x 32 Dual-Port SRAM on Global Bus that is
    shared between the DSPs
  • Communications Port Interface with EADIFA and
    EADIFB boards
  • Communications Port Interface between the DSPs
  • 2 Actel A54SX32A FPGAs for various logic

Elements of Simulation Environment VHDL
CASE addr IS WHEN "01000" gt flash lt '0'
WHEN "01001" gt flash lt '1' WHEN "01010" gt
mps_pwr lt '1' WHEN "01011" gt mps_pwr lt
'0' WHEN "01100" gt eng_pwr lt '1' WHEN
"01101" gt eng_pwr lt '0' WHEN "01110" gt
x_tvc_en lt '0' WHEN "01111" gt x_tvc_en lt
VHDL logic implemented in 2 Actel A54SX32A FPGAs
Behavioral (Functional) Simulation
Synthesize Target (Actel,Xilinx,Altera,etc.)
Timing Simulation
Place Route (Structural VHDL)
Elements of Simulation Environment Synopsys
Software Models
  • Licensed models of components or protocols such
    as memories, logic circuits, VME communication,
  • - Used to verify interfacing properties
    such as setup and hold timing, bus
  • - Have some adjustable parameters to
    optimize for application
  • Not suitable for complex circuits such as DSPs
    if high-fidelity simulations required

VHDL Software Model Representation
entity and_gate is port ( x,y in std_logic
z out std_logic ) begin end
and_gate architecture a1 of rtvms_int_blk
is begin z lt x and y end
Gate Level Component
Elements of Simulation Environment Synopsys
Hardware Model
  • Built by Synopsys using actual chips and
    interfaced to Hardware Modeler
  • - Actual silicon communicates with
  • - Much faster than software models
  • - Elementary software code can be executed
    on microprocessors
  • Design and Simulation Tools reside on individual
    office computers

Hardware Model Operation in B222 Lab
Designers Office
PC Interface to Hardware Models
Designers Office
HDL Simulator
Fiber Optic Link
Ethernet Link
Designers Office
Mentor Graphics Design Capture Environment
  • Where the Elements of Design are connected

CASE addr IS WHEN "01000" gt flash lt '0'
WHEN "01001" gt flash lt '1' WHEN "01010" gt
mps_pwr lt '1' WHEN "01011" gt mps_pwr lt
'0' WHEN "01100" gt eng_pwr lt '1' WHEN
"01101" gt eng_pwr lt '0' WHEN "01110" gt
x_tvc_en lt '0' WHEN "01111" gt x_tvc_en lt
Hardware Modeler Symbols
Over 14,000 Fully Functional Models --
Memories -- Standard MSI/LSI Logic -- Bus
functional microprocessors/DSP -- Bus functional
microcontrollers -- Bus Interfaces (VME, PCI) --
Memories can be loaded with software to
allow full board level simulation
Software Model Library Symbols
ModelSim Simulation Environment
VHDL Simulation
Hardware Modelers
Schematic Capture
Over 14,000 Fully Functional Models --
Memories -- Standard MSI/LSI Logic -- Bus
functional microprocessors/DSP -- Bus functional
microcontrollers -- Bus Interfaces (VME, PCI) --
Memories can be loaded with software to
allow full board level simulation
CASE addr IS WHEN "01000" gt flash lt '0'
WHEN "01001" gt flash lt '1' WHEN "01010" gt
mps_pwr lt '1' WHEN "01011" gt mps_pwr lt
'0' WHEN "01100" gt eng_pwr lt '1' WHEN
"01101" gt eng_pwr lt '0' WHEN "01110" gt
x_tvc_en lt '0' WHEN "01111" gt x_tvc_en lt
Software Model Library
RTVMS Design Flow
Simulation Test Code Details
  • C test code was executed on the TMS320C40
    Hardware Model(not real time)
  • Each TI DSP contained four 32K x 8 EEPROMs for
    boot operations
  • The code was written and compiled utilizing TIs
    C40 Code Composer
  • The compiled code was partitioned into 4
    sections utilizing the hex 30 command
  • hex 30 EEPROM.out -i -romwidth 8 -memwidth
  • -o EEPROM.lo1 -o EEPROM.lo2
  • -o EEPROM.hi1 -o EEPROM.hi2
  • Each 8-bit EEPROM file was then converted to
    Intel hex format utilizing a
  • custom conversion program(Intel_Hex_MIF_Conv.e
  • Each EEPROM Synopsys software model instance in
    the Mentor Graphics
  • Design Capture tool contained a memory file
    attribute that linked the model
  • with a corresponding EEPROM file
  • At boot in the ModelSim environment, each DSP
    Hardware Model instance
  • would execute the code located in its
    corresponding EEPROM files

RTVMS Component Level Verification
  • Functional Simulations were initially utilized
    to verify the Hardware Model and its
  • surrounding logic. The simulations included..
  • Ability to boot correctly from EEPROMs
  • 512k x 32 SRAM Access(Global and Local)
  • The timing of the simulation could be
    manipulated the following two ways
  • TMS320C40 Hardware Model timing attribute
  • Synopsys Logic Memory Models timing attribute
  • Various simulations were run where the timing
    attributes were modified to simulate
  • multiple conditions.

RTVMS Board Level and FPGA Verification
  • Once the Hardware Model and its surrounding
    logic were verified, the simulations were
    expanded to include RTVMS Board and FPGA
    verification. The simulations included..
  • MGBC FPGA Register Access
  • MGBC FPGA Watchdog Operation
  • Dual-Port SRAM Access with arbitration inside
    the MGBC FPGA
  • DSP to DSP Comport Operations
  • Once the functionality was verified, the FPGA
    code was synthesized and the
  • simulations repeated multiple times. The
    timing of the simulation could be
  • manipulated in three ways in the
  • TMS320C40 Hardware Model timing attribute
  • Synopsys Logic Memory Models timing attribute
  • Synthesized FPGA logic delays (min,typ,max)

HMC-IRA System Level Verification
  • The system level verification consisted of the
    following components to simulate multiple boards
  • a VME chassis
  • 2 RTVMS Board Designs(Master and Slave)
  • 1 EADIF-A Board Design(Slave)
  • 1 VME Hardware Verification Logic
    Model(Master,Slave,System Controller)
  • PCL code was written for the VME Hardware
    Verification Model to operate as a System
  • Functional and Timing simulations were executed
    to verify the following
  • RTVMS VME Accesses(Single, Block, and
    Read-Modify-Write) of the System Controller
  • Execution of VME Interrupts
  • On-board VME Arbitration
  • VME Access of the RTMVS DPSR by the System
    Controller(RTVMS as a Slave)
  • EADIF-A to RTVMS DSP Comport Operation

Advantages of Board and System Level Simulations
  • Box and Board Level Simulations Provide a Unique
  • More Complex Design Capability
  • Lower Cost Fewer Design Iterations and Reduced
    Debug Time
  • Higher Reliability due to Timing Analysis
  • The potential to substantially decrease
    development time over traditional methods
  • Test code used as a foundation for the
    development of system software that can
  • occur in parallel to hardware development.

Disadvantages of Board and System Level
  • Simulation ! Analysis
  • Simulations are limited to small time segments
  • Simulation tools are expensive
  • Upfront design time increased (Longer time to
    initial product)

  • The HMC-IRA RTVMS boards have completed all board
    level and system level verification tests and are
    waiting for delivery to the Stennis Space Center.
  • During testing no design errors with the 15
    Engineering Unit and Brassboard were encountered.
  • Only slight modifications to the design was made
    between the Engineering Unit and Brassboard Unit
    boards. These changes were for routing purposes.
    The Engineering Unit boards met all requirements
    , re-spin of board would not have been required
  • Because of the detailed simulations and schedule
    time allocated for performing the simulations, no
    functional or timing errors have occurred.
  • Only one printed circuit board assembly had a
    manufacturing issue. Only one significant
    component failure with a SRAM.
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