Title: Operation Staff Meeting OSM July 2003
1Operation Staff Meeting (OSM)July 2003
National Institutes of Health
- Reminders and Updates
- Receiving
- A Change of Schedule
- Procurement
- DEMO Obtaining ECSIII Bidding for Hardware
Purchases - Poll Would a Credit Card Seminar or Workshop
for CHs CAOs Be Useful? - Unauthorized Purchases List
- Travel
- NBS News
- Trip Reports
- Revised Foreign Travel Policy
- Revised Local Travel Policy
- Personnel
- TSP Catch-Up
- Open Discussion
3Reminders Updates
4Another Receiving Update
- Try to keep up the good work
- After everyone was doing so well, receiving is
starting to become delayed again - Open ROC and PSOs are piling up.
- Please continue to make an effort to close these
out in a timely manner. - Remember, receiving is due 7 days after the
meeting. - As we near Sept 30th, it becomes extremely
important that we close out all open files.
5A Change of Schedule
- Our Operation Staff Meetings (OSM) have been on
the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month from
230pm-330pm. - This schedule creates a conflict for a staff
member whos research group has a meeting on that
exact date time - Wed like to change our schedule to the 2nd
Thursday of every month from 230pm-330pm - Email me ASAP if this will create a steady
problem for you.
- ECS III Contracts This is easiest way to obtain
quotes for your hardware purchases over 2,500 - What Is It?
- The Electronic Commodities Store Contract (ECS)
offers computer hardware, software and other
equipment to NIH. - What are the benefits?
- Dozens of contractors will compete for your
business by submitting online bids- this saves
you a lot of time! No more repetitive phone calls
and faxes to different vendors. - You may select the specific brand names/models
you want. - Place one online request for quote with your own
deadline - After receiving the bids, you choose the lowest
price, print the RFQ page and submit this with
your purchase request to the ARC. - Procurements are made via BPA (ROC) or on Visa
(made by Eric).
- Youll need to go to the ECS III Home Page
- http//nitaac.nih.gov/Ecs3homepage.asp
- Or, go to
- CAMP, Admin, Business Areas, Procurement,
Electronic Computer Store, ECS III - First, youll need to submit an instant
registration - From the Home Page, click on
- Youll go to
- Click on
- Soon after registering, youll receive an email
with you user name and password - When youre ready to use the ECS III RFQ
- Just like when you registered, go to the ECS III
homepage, click on ECS III quoting system, and
this time click on - Theres an on-line manual at http//nitaac.nih.go
- Creating a New Request For Quote (RFQ)
- Click on RFQs at the top of the page
- Use the drop down to choose Create New RFQ
- Select the equipment type (or ALL types)
- You may click Attach File if you have a
document on your computer with your desired
equipment spec.s - If you wish, click, Notify by email for RFQ
responses - Click create RFQ
- Choose a deadline for all bids by entering the
date - Submit the quote, and sit back and wait for the
vendors to battle over your business!
11Visa IMPAC Card Poll
- The monthly Purchase Card Survival Meetings have
basically stopped. - At next months OSM, well focus on purchase card
close out issues. - In the meantime, would a Credit Card Seminar or
Workshop be of value to you? Perhaps have a test
audit? - Email Eric if you or your CAO would be interested
in either a Visa IMPAC seminar or test audit.
12Updated NIH Purchase Card Program Unauthorized
Purchases List
- The Visa IMPAC Unauthorized Purchases list was
not attached to last months OSM handouts. - In case you didnt get a chance to stop by my
office to pick one up, Ive included a copy to
this months handouts
14New Business System
- In the ADB
- Enter all travel in the ADB taking place in
FY2003, including travel with a departure date in
FY2003 and a return date in FY2004. - The ADB will not allow FY2004 travel to be
entered. - The ADB will be available until September 30,
2003 for processing new FY2003 trips. - The ADB will be available after September 30,
2003 to close out FY2003 trips.
15New Business System
- In the NBS
- Enter all travel in the NBS that begins on or
after October 1, 2003 (FY 2004) - The NBS will not allow FY 2003 travel to be
entered. - No FY 2004 travel should be entered until the NBS
System goes live
16New Business System
- Need to refresh your skills and knowledge of the
NBS Travel System? - Refresher training activities are available to
help you make the transition to the new Travel
- Large forums to provide you with new information
for using the NBS Travel System - Last one
July16th - Register with CIT at 301.594.6248 or
lthttp//training.cit.nih.gov/gt. - If you can not attend the NBS Town Hall, all the
handouts can be found at the following website
wnhall. You can also view a videocast of the
June 25 Town Hall at http//videocast.nih.gov/Pas
17New Business System
- Local, Foreign, and Sponsored Travel workshops to
augment the Travel training you have already
received from the Training Development Branch
(TDB) or the NBS training team. Attend any or
all of these hands-on workshops being conducted
between July 7th and August 29th. - Space is limited, so register with CIT at
301.594.6248 or lthttp//training.cit.nih.gov/gt. - Havent yet completed the NBS Travel System
training course? lthttp//learningsource.od.nih.gov
18New Business System
- Every Tuesday from June 17th through August 26th,
you will receive an email with links to brief Job
Aids, Slide Shows, and Exercises to complete. - The ARC highly recommends that you complete these
exercises. - Note June 17-July 8 exercises are in your
handouts - Training for your travelers Job aid will be
emailed to all NIH employees in August - Questions? Contact the ARC or NBS Customer
Support at lthttp//support.cit.nih.gov/gt or
19Confirming NFTs Completing Trip Reports
- Foreign trip reports are now required for all
travel entered after June 10th. - Travelers must prepare a brief report indicating
who, when, where, what, why. - The reports must be in a .PDF format.
- As of June 20th, Anne Rogerson was trying to get
instructions from her IT staff on how to prepare
and save a report in .PDF. She will keep us
20Confirming NFTs Completing Trip Reports
- Please remember As NFT preparers, you must
confirm trips once your travelers have returned
from travel. - Once a traveler has returned, have them submit a
trip report to you using pdf - Or, have them send you the report in WP or Word
and you can convert the file.
21Confirming NFTs Completing Trip Reports
- To confirm a trip
- Go to http//ogha.psc.gov/ogha/ and click on the
WIP login screen. - Your username is your email address and your
password is PREPARER. - Log in, go to the bottom bin called, Awaiting
Trip Report - If there are trips for you to confirm, click on
Confirm Trip/Save Report next to the travelers
name. - Review information, if correct, click the
Confirm NFT button
22Confirming NFTs Completing Trip Reports
- To confirm a trip (continued)
- Check the box next to the travelers name
- Put n/a in the Report Description text box
- Click on the gray browse button and find the
NoTripRptReq.PDF file - Double click this file
- Finally, click on the submit button
- The Report will no longer be in your AWAITING
23Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- NEW ANNUAL LEAVE POLICY for Foreign Travel
- Travelers are allowed 2 days of annual leave per
fiscal year for a single international trip. - Both days must be taken on a single trip.
- You cant bank one day and apply it to another
trip. - Weekend and holidays are not counted.
- No annual leave may be taken on a sponsored
foreign trip.
24Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- LEAVE POLICY for Domestic travel
- Annual leave for domestic regular, and sponsored
travel remains the same - The number of personal days (including weekends)
cannot exceed the number of days of official
business. - Leave must be reflected
- on the travel order,
- and in ITAS
25Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- Vacations while on Official Duty Travel
- If a traveler is going on vacation (paying their
own airfare) and is asked to conduct business
while on vacation, the following applies - If business is before or after vacation, we may
be authorized to pay Per diem, registration fees,
miscellaneous travel expenses like tolls taxis.
However, - If business is in the middle of vacation and is
at or near the vacation area, no Per diem may be
paid (even if its sponsored travel). - The rationale for this is if you are taking a
vacation and then are asked to do business in the
middle of the vacation at your vacation site, you
would have already been paying for lodging and
meals. - Vacations combined with business where the
employee is paying the airfare still requires a
travel order and an NFT.
26Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- US Citizens must use their official passport.
Rationale for use of official passport is that
its considered a misrepresentation for an
official traveler to use a tourist passport. - Premium class Sponsored tickets - In order to be
able to accept a premium class ticket from a
sponsor, the sponsor must make full payment to
NIH in advance of the trip, or they must obtain
an In-kind ticket for the traveler. - In order to accept a premium class ticket, this
class of accommodation must also be provided to
all meeting attendees.
27Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- Attendance at foreign meetings with exorbitant
registration fees (gt 500) should be discouraged. - Attendance at foreign continuing education
seminars or other training opportunities may be
approved by managers only after determining that
the same or substantially similar courses are not
held within the US.
28Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- The Annual International Travel Plan
- Beginning in fy04 we will be required to submit
an annual foreign travel plan to HHS for all
travel being paid with appropriated or sponsored
funds. - NIH will be coming out in July or August with a
list of meetings that we will have to gather
specific information on. - In anticipation of this new requirement, we
recommend you survey your travelers now to find
out their foreign travel plans for fy04. You
may want to create your own listing in
preparation of this request. - The ARC will eventually need this information.
The format specific requirements will follow as
soon as we receive them.
29Revisions Updates to Travel Policies
- Local Travel changes
- The HHS Local Travel Area/Official Duty Station
- Is a minimum radius of 50 miles from BOTH the
official duty station AND the employees
residence previously 35 miles. - Per diem allowances may not be paid within this
local travel area / official duty station. - Transportation expenses may only be claimed if
they are above normal commuting distances. - It is HHS policy that the travel charge card may
only be used for official travel related expenses
connected with temporary duty travel. The travel
charge card may not be used for local travel.
31TSP Catch-Up Contributions
- If you will be age 50 before the end of 2003, or
you are over age 50 and you are currently
contributing the maximum regular contributions
toward your TSP account, you are eligible to make
catch-up contributions as well. Under the
catch-up provisions, eligible employees may
contribute up to 2,000.00 during calendar year
2003. - Catch-up contributions are NOT limited by open
seasons. Eligible employees may start, stop and
change amounts contributed at any time. - Allocations are made in whole dollar amounts and
will continue until either the annual limit is
reached or you elect to stop contributions. - Unlike regular TSP contributions, catch-up
contributions must be elected each calendar year.
- Detailed information about catch-up contributions
can be found at http//www.tsp.gov/forms/oc03-03.p
32TSP Catch-Up Contributions
- Elections will begin August 10, 2003 if your
request is received prior to that date. If
received after August 10, it will be effective
the beginning of the pay period after receipt. - The easiest way to begin catch-up contributions
is by using Employee Express using your PIN. - http//www.employeeexpress.gov/emain.htm
- If you cannot locate your EE PIN, you may request
a new PIN at the web site or by calling
1-478-757-3030. - You will receive a new PIN within 48 hours of
your request if you request that they e-mail the
new PIN. Otherwise, you will receive the PIN at
your home address within two weeks. - NOTE EMPLOYEE EXPRESS WILL BE ABLE TO ACCEPT
Problems? Issues? Concerns? Anything youd like
to see on next months agenda? Do you have
something youd like to present? Just let us know!
NEXT MONTHS Operation Staff Meeting (OSM) will
be 230-330pm on the second ??? of the month.
Remember to email me if the 2nd Thursday of each
month at 230-330pm presents a problem. Ill
send out an email with next months schedule
within the next 2 weeks.