Title: Operation Staff Meeting OSM October 2003
1Operation Staff Meeting (OSM)October 2003
National Institutes of Health
3A76 Information
- Everyone should have a red DCP ARC NBS Updates
book - These are for your use and maintenance as a
companion to your training manual - This is a good place to store the weekly NBS
emails - Write the major topic at the top of the printout
and file accordingly. - The binders are organized by major categories so
you can quickly find what youre looking for
without having to dig through your old training
manuals. - Everyone should have a copy of todays PowerPoint
5Goals of Todays Meeting
- Weve organized several topics today, but we
expect our discussions to spark a variety of
questions from you. - If we cant clearly answer your question today,
we wont attempt a guess. We plan to compile a
list of your questions and well email the
question and answer to you as we get the answers.
6The New Travel Order Request Form
7NBS Travel Authorization Routing
Travel Planner
Jill or Lanette (Admin Tech)
Eric, Mary Lou or Vanessa (AO)
E-Mail Notification to Traveler
8NBS Travel Authorization Routing (continued)
Travel Planner
Jill or Lanette (Admin Tech)
Eric, Mary Lou or Vanessa (AO)
Dr. Greenwald
E-Mail Notification to Traveler
9NBS Travel Authorization Routing (continued)
Travel Planner
Traveler (Certify Checklist)
Jill or Lanette (Admin Tech)
Eric, Mary Lou or Vanessa (AO)
Ethics Office Dr. Wilson
E-Mail Notification to Traveler
10NBS Travel Order Routing (continued)
Travel Planner
Traveler (Certify Checklist)
Jill or Lanette (Admin Tech)
Eric, Mary Lou or Vanessa (AO)
Dr. Greenwald
Ethics Office Dr. Wilson
E-Mail Notification to Traveler
11More Workflow Charts
- These are basic travel authorization workflow
charts. - Keep in mind additional requirements (like
upgrades) require additional approval levels. - More in-depth workflow charts available at the
following website - http//nbs.nih.gov/Travel_Refresh_Training.htmlFl
12New Lead Times
See handout
13Accounting Codes
See handout
14Get into the NBS Routine
- Log into the Portal Page daily
- Check your queue
- Know how to perform searches for travel
authorizations. - Ask your travelers to alert you when they receive
an email approval notification. They could
forward the email to you to be filed in an
Outlook folder - Contact the ARC before routing rush orders
- Make sure the people you route them to in the ARC
arent on leave if they are, ID their back-up.
This is especially important as we near the
Holiday season. - These actions allow the ARC to gear-up for a rush
15Get into the NBS Routine
- Use your Back-up Buddy!
- Share your expertise
- The more you touch base for assistance or are
able to offer help and support, the more
comfortable everyone will become with the NBS.
16Hyperlinks of Q As
- Be sure to bookmark
- http//nbstraining.cit.nih.gov/travelhelp/tpr/TRAV
EL_PLANNER_REVIEWER.htm - This website gives detailed instructions on how
to accomplish a large list of tasks in the NBS.
These instructions include detailed screen shots
from sample NBS travel orders and vouchers. - Its a quick and efficient way to get answers to
your questions without having to dig through your
guide books.
17Dates Times of NBS Workshops
- Unfortunately the next 3 Hands-On Help sessions
are full. - Be sure to look at the latest NBRSS Training
dates on your portal page for more class times. - NBS Travel System Classes are available
- Enroll at http//learningsource.od.nih.gov/_show_d
etails.asp?cd_crs2600 - Dates
- 10/20 9am-4pm and 10/21/03 9am-12noon
- 11/17 9am-4pm and 11/18/03 9am-12noon
18Misc Issues
- Remember to fix and update the per diem rates at
the voucher stage - Unless its a sponsored travel package, please
make sure both the paper travel authorization and
the e-version are in Lanette and Jills in-box
and queue within a 24 hour time period.
20Who signs what?
- The travelers supervisor normally signs the
travel order request form. However, for
sponsored travel - The supervisor will initial the travel request
form - Dr. Greenwald must pen his signature on the
travel request form. - If the trip is foreign, Dr. Greenwald must also
electronically approve the order.
21Traveler Checklist Authorization
- The HHS-348 Checklist
- Must be done by traveler electronically
- If the ARC returns the travel order, the traveler
must re-certify the checklist - Only the traveler can electronically authorize
the checklist, so plan ahead to make sure the
traveler is available to perform this function. - The NBS Checklist is a little different
- 10 questions
- The traveler must be able to answer no to all
the questions in order for the 348 to move
22Other Sponsored Travel Issues
- Block 7 on the 348 form, Is the Department
Paying Part of the Cost? must be penned yes or
no by the travel planner. Federal cost must
also be calculated and penned next to this
response. - For example, Yes, NCI is paying xx
23How to add a sponsor in NBS
- As the planner, you must download the Add
Sponsor Request Form from the NIH Portal Page - Complete the form
- Save the form to your computer
- Email the form to the NBS at nbscreq_at_mail.nih.gov
as an attachment - OFM receives, reviews accepts or rejects the
form. - If accepted, OFM enters the sponsor in the NBS
- You will receive notification from OFM that the
sponsor has been entered.
24Email Questions (continued)
- How can we check the NBS to see if the travelers
address is there (w/o doing a TR)? - Have your travelers update their Employee Express
Information. If that profile is correct, the NBS
will be correct. - Employee Express updates should be done by the
employee. They may now request a PIN via email
(if they lost their current pin). Go to - https//emloyeeexpress.com Employee Express
25Email Questions (continued)
- If the travelers address is not in NBS, how can
they add it in Employee Express when they are a
Comm Corp? - Comm Corp Officers do not use Employee Express.
- They should contact the Compensation Office at
594-2963. - The Compensation Office will have the Officer
complete an address change form.
Problems? Issues? Concerns? Anything youd like
to see on next months agenda? Do you have
something youd like to present? Just let us know!
Next OSM Thur Nov 13th 230-330pm