Title: -Deafness = 1.8 million , 14 million in USA
1(No Transcript)
2Dental Healthcare problems in hearing loss
-Deafness 1.8 million , 14 million in USA
-1-600 neonate congenital hearing loss -Almost
inevitably speech affected Continued
3How speech and psychological problem in deaf?
4Prenatal factors Attributed to hearing less
-Viral Infection (rubella , ) -Ototoxic Drugs
(ASA, streptomycin ) -Congenital
syphilis -Hereditary disorder (Treacher collins ,
5Prenatal factors attributed to hearing less
-Late toxemia in pregnancy -Prematurely -Birth
injuries -Anoxia -Erythroblastosis fetalis
6Postnatal factors Attributed to hearing less
-Viral infection (Mumps ,) -Ototoxic Drugs
(kanamycine, ) -Injuries
7Dental Healthcare protocol in Deafness
-Prepared patient caregiver before FDV -Let
determined communication route -Assess speech ,
Language ability , degree Hearing less -Identify
Ag of onset / type / cause of Hearing
less -Enhance visibility for communication
8Dental Health car protocol in Deafness
-Reassure the patient with physical contact
-Employ the tell-show-feel do Approach -Display
confidence reduce Anxiety -Avoid blocking
patient visual Field -Make sure understand
patient parents explains
9The end Dr . Jabbarifar 2007