TAKS Objective 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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TAKS Objective 5


TAKS Objective 5 Earth and Space Systems Part II TAKS Overview 12 Questions out of 60. You need at least 9 right to pass this objective. Study this section!!!!! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: TAKS Objective 5

TAKS Objective 5
  • Earth and Space Systems
  • Part II

TAKS Overview
  • 12 Questions out of 60.
  • You need at least 9 right to pass this objective.
  • Study this section!!!!! Think of it as history.
  • Here is what you should know about Objective 5
  • Characteristics of the Universe
  • Seasons
  • Phases of the Moon
  • Earths Land Features
  • Earths Atmosphere
  • Earths Cycles
  • Impact of Humans on Earth
  • Impact of Catastrophic Events on Earth

Earths Cycles
  • Rock Cycle Rocks move from igneous to
    sedimentary to metamorphic and back again.
  • Water Cycle Water evaporates from the ocean and
    other surfaces. Water then condenses into clouds
    and later falls back to the ground as
    precipitation. Ground and surface water collect
    in a watershed and drain off into the ocean.
  • Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Involve living
    things for example, plants create organic
    compounds animals eat plants carbon is released
    from their remains, wastes and respiration.

Carbon Cycle
  • Carbon Cycle The movement of carbon, in its many
    forms, between the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans,
    and geosphere.

Interactive Carbon Cycle
Carbon Cycle
  • Carbon is an element - C. It is part of oceans,
    air, rocks, soil and all living things. Carbon
  • doesnt stay in one place. It is always on the
  • Carbon moves from the atmosphere to plants. In
    the atmosphere, carbon is attached to oxygen in a
    gas called carbon dioxide (CO2). With the help of
    the Sun, through the process of photosynthesis,
    carbon dioxide is pulled from the air to make
    plant food from carbon.
  • Carbon moves from plants to animals. Through food
    chains, the carbon that is in plants moves to the
    animals that eat them. Animals that eat other
    animals get the carbon from their food too.
  • Carbon moves from plants and animals to the
    ground. When plants and animals die, their
    bodies, wood and leaves decay bringing the carbon
    into the ground. Some becomes buried miles
    underground and will become fossil fuels in
    millions and millions of years.
  • Carbon moves from living things to the
    atmosphere. Each time you exhale, you are
    releasing carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into the
    atmosphere. Animals and plants get rid of carbon
    dioxide gas through a process called respiration.
  • Carbon moves from fossil fuels to the atmosphere
    when fuels are burned. When humans burn fossil
    fuels to power factories, power plants, cars and
    trucks, most of the carbon quickly enters the
    atmosphere as carbon dioxide gas. Each year, five
    and a half billion tons of carbon is released by
    burning fossil fuels. That s the weight of 100
    million adult African elephants! Of the huge
    amount of carbon that is released from fuels, 3.3
    billion tons enters the atmosphere and most of
    the rest becomes dissolved in seawater.
  • Carbon moves from the atmosphere to the oceans.
    The oceans, and other bodies of water, soak up
    some carbon from the atmosphere. Animals that
    live in the ocean use the carbon to build their
    skeletons and shells.

Nitrogen Cycle
  • Nitrogen Cycle the process by which NITROGEN is
    removed from the atmosphere, fixed in the
    soil by bacteria, incorporated into other living
    things, and then released back into the

Water Cycle
  • Water Cycle (the HYDROLOGIC Cycle) the
    continuous process by which water moves from
    Earth s surface to the atmosphere and back,
    passing through the living and nonliving parts of
    the environment.

  • A watershed is an area of land that catches rain
    and snow and drains or seeps into a marsh,
    stream, river, lake or groundwater.
  • Homes, farms, ranches, forests, small towns, big
    cities and more can make up watersheds. Some
    cross county, state, and even international
    borders. Watersheds come in all shapes and sizes.
    Some are millions of square miles, others are
    just a few acres. Just as creeks drain into
    rivers, watersheds are nearly always part of a
    larger watershed.

Rock Cycle
  • Rocks are constantly being formed, worn down and
    then formed again. This is known as the ROCK
    CYCLE. It is like the water cycle but it takes a
    lot longer. It takes thousands and millions of
    years for rocks to change.
  • Rocks are divided into 3 types

  • WEATHERING is the breakdown and alteration of
    rocks and minerals at or near the Earth's
  • Types
  • Biological
  • Thermal (Physical)
  • Chemical
  • Ice Wedging (Free-Thaw)
  • Exfoliation (flaking)

  • EROSION is the wearing away of land or soil by
    the action of wind, water, or ice.
  • Types
  • Wind
  • Water
  • Glacier (ice)

There are three main types of Rocks A. Igneous
Rocks B. Sedimentary Rocks C. Metamorphic
Rocks Each type of rock is formed in different
locations and tell us a lot about the processes
that have happened in the past.
Rock formation occurs in the lithosphere. Differen
t rocks form in different locations A rock on
the surface may have once been 20 km underground.
All rocks on earth are a part of a large process
called the Rock Cycle. In this cycle, rocks are
created and changed by different processes.
The Rock Cycle
Igneous Rock
  • IGNEOUS means made from fire or heat. When
    volcanoes erupt and the liquid rock comes up to
    the earth's surface, then new igneous rock is
    made. When the rock is liquid inside the earth,
    is called MAGMA When the magma gets hard inside
    the crust, it turns into GRANITE. Most mountains
    are made of granite. It cools very slowly and is
    very hard. When the magma gets up to the surface
    and flows out, like what happens when a volcano
    erupts, then the liquid is called LAVA. Lava
    flows down the sides of the volcano. When it
    cools turns hard it is called obsidian, lava
    rock or pumice. Igneous rocks form when molten
    lava (magma) cools and turn to solid rock. The
    magma comes from the Earth s core which is
    molten rock . The core makes up about 30 of the
    Total Earth Mass (31.5)

Sedimentary Rock
  • The earth's surface is constantly being eroded.
    This means that rocks are broken up into smaller
    pieces by weathering agents such as wind, water,
    and ice. These small pieces of rock turn into
    pebbles, gravel, sand, and clay. They tumble down
    rivers and streams. These pieces settle in a new
    place and begin to pile up and the sediments form
    flat layers. Over a long period of time, the
    pieces become pressed together and form solid
    rock called SEDIMENTARY ROCK.
  • Most sedimentary rocks form under water. Most of
    the earth has been covered by water some time in
    the past. 70 of the earth is covered by water
    now. So sedimentary rocks are common all over the
    world. Sedimentary rocks are often rich in
    FOSSILS. Some examples of sedimentary rocks are
    sandstone, limestone, conglomerate, and shale.
    Sandstone is formed from grains of sand pressed
    tightly together

Metamorphic Rock
  • Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have changed .
    The word comes from the Greek "meta" and "morph"
    which means to change form. Metamorphic rocks
    were originally igneous or sedimentary, but due
    to movement of the earth's crust, were CHANGED.
    If you squeeze your hands together very hard, you
    will feel heat and pressure. When the earth's
    crust moves, it causes rocks to get squeezed so
    hard that the heat causes the rock to change.
    Marble is an example of a sedimentary rock that
    has been changed into a metamorphic rock.
    Metamorphic rocks are the least common of the 3
    kinds of rocks. Metamorphic rocks are igneous or
    sedimentary rocks that have been transformed by
    great heat or pressure .

Checkpoint Question 5.6, Earths Cycles
  • A volcanic eruption occurs. Magma rises up
    the volcanos vents and soon reaches the surface.
    What type of rock will form due to this event?
  • A Igneous rock
  • B Sedimentary rock
  • C Metamorphic rock
  • D No rocks will form

Impacts of Humans on Earth
  • Global Warming Burning of fossil fuels has
    increased carbon dioxide in the air which traps
    solar energy.
  • Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse gases (carbon
    dioxide, water vapor, methane gas) trap solar
    energy and cause a gradual temperature increase.
  • Ozone Layer Depletion this layer absorbs much of
    the Sun s ultraviolet radiation, but is being
    destroyed by CFSs (chlorofluorocarbons).
  • Pesticide Contamination Pesticides can poison
    water, soil and the food we eat.
  • Acid Rain Air pollutants turn into acids that
    are highly toxic.
  • Loss of Non-Renewable Resources such as oil
    natural gas (fossil fuels).
  • Destruction of Natural Habitats for commercial,
    industrial, agricultural, mining, and development

Greenhouse Effect
  • The GREENHOUSE EFFECT is the rise in temperature
    that the Earth experiences because certain gases
    in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide,
    nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap
    energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat
    would escape back into space and Earths average
    temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because
    of how they warm our world, these gases are
    referred to as GREENHOUSE GASES.

Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
  • One form of air pollution is the production of
    too much carbon dioxide CO2 and other greenhouse
    gases. These greenhouse gases trap heat in
    earths atmosphere producing the GREENHOUSE
    EFFECT . Normally the greenhouse effect keeps the
    earth at a temperature that supports life. But
    human activities are increasing the amounts of
    some of the greenhouse gases , CO2 . Scientists
    believe that this increase in greenhouse gases is
  • When fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) are
    burned in power plants, homes, and cars, CO2 (a
    GREENHOUSE GAS) is released into the air. When
    garbage, paper and trees are burned more CO2 is
    released into the air. All of this excess CO2
    traps more heat just above the earths surface
    and is adding to the GLOBAL WARMING problem for
    the entire earth.

(No Transcript)
Acid Rain
This lake looks ok, but it is dead. No fish life
in this lake.
Acid rain kills trees and aquatic life.
S O2 ?? SO2 (g) This reaction occurs in
combustion of sulfur rich coals in factories or
in volcanoes
Formation of Acid Rain
SO2 (g) H2O (l) ?? H2SO4 (l) This reaction
occurs in clouds
This acid rain then falls to the ground and
enters the soil and water systems.
In areas where the bedrock is limestone (CaCO3)
this acid rain is neutralized.
H2SO4 (l) CaCO3 ?? CO2 (g) CaSO4 (aq)
H2O (l)
Checkpoint 5.7, Impact of Humans on Earth
  • All of these will probably result when
    atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase
  • F increased plant growth
  • G elevated animal reproductive rates
  • H greater atmospheric pressures
  • J higher average annual temperatures

Catastrophic Events on Earth
  • Catastrophic events, like a meteor crash, can
    lead to the extinction of an entire species. An
    endangered species (such as bald eagles) is
    protected by government agencies because it is
    close to extinction (the condition in which there
    are no more living members of a species).
  • Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions,
    tornados, flooding, wildfires, and droughts are
    additional examples of catastrophic events that
    change the Earths surface.

  • A tornado is a violently rotating column of air
    that usually touches the ground
  • A rotating updraft of air in a thunderstorm cloud
    may form a spinning column called a mesocyclone,
    which eventually can touch down on the ground as
    a tornado

Intensity of hurricanes is measured on the
Saffir-Simpson scale and is determined by
sustained wind speeds
Hurricanes are the largest storms on Earth. It
moves with counterclockwise movement and winds
reach up to more than 250 km/hr. Hurricanes are
areas of extreme low pressure that form over warm
ocean water of at least 80 degrees.
Checkpoint 5.8, Catastrophic Events on Earth
  • Evidence suggests that dinosaurs became
    extinct when a large meteorite struck in the area
    of the Yucatán Peninsula. Scientists hypothesize
    that this enormous impact killed all the
    dinosaurs, even those on the other side of Earth,
    because the
  • F debris thrown into the atmosphere blocked
  • G heat flash from the impact immediately
    vaporized all
  • life-forms
  • H impact blasted the atmosphere surrounding
  • into space
  • J intense heat completely boiled away the oceans
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