Title: 12 Weeks to TAKS-
112 Weeks to TAKS- Week One
2Objective 1 1a, 2a-d, 3a,b
- Safety, Accurate measurement, Experimental
set-up/ Scientific Method, Reading Graphs/ Making
Calculations, Consumer issues/ Scientific
3These are some of the easiest questions on the
tests. You have to get 29 questions out of 55 to
pass this test. Seventeen of them will be
Objective 1 questions. Data shows that students
who answer at least 10 of these 17 correctly
usually pass. Dont miss the easy ones!
4SAFETY Review your safety rules before you go
in to the test. You should have received a copy
at the beginning of the school year. You can also
find these in you textbook. Pour acid into
water, tie your hair back, know how to read an
MSDS sheet, dont pour unknown chemicals down the
sink, or return them to unlabeled containers,
etc. You know how it goes.
5Safety Terms
Caustic or corrosive- Will corrode or eat away
metal, skin, or other substances. Volatile-
Evaporates quickly, may form dangerous
vapors. Flammable (may ignite)- will catch on
fire or explode easily. Ventilation- removing
contaminated air and brining in fresh air.
6Accurate measurement
When measuring distance You will have a ruler on
the side of your formula sheet. USE IT if you
are asked to measure distance on a map or a
length. You must measure accurately and
precisely. The wrong answer choices will test to
see if you do.
Use Metrics!!!
7When measuring liquids Wear goggles! Use a
graduated cylinder or graduated pipette. Beakers
are not accurate!!! Read the bottom of the
meniscus (curved line formed by the water) on a
graduated cylinder or burette. Check your units.
Do they increase or decrease? Do they go up by
1.0, 0.1, or 5.0? Read carefully.
8When massing solids Wear goggles! Use a weigh
boat or paper. Subtract out the weight of the
container or paper to zero the balance. Clean up
spills. Volume of irregular objects Use a
graduated cylinder to take volume by water
displacement .
9Experimental set-up/Scientific Method
When scientists begin an experiment they use the
steps of the Scientific Method. You will be
asked to do many of these steps on the test. The
Problem (in the form of a question) that the
scientists will try to answer, must be logical
and based on data or observations. A prediction
called a Hypothesis is next. It must be a
testable statement that you could gather data to
prove. (You cant measure which is the
prettiest, strongest, or best.)
10You must control an experiment. You can test
only one variable at a time. (How does the
amount of water effect plant growth? Keep the
light, containers, soil and plants the same.)
Controls are kept the same in all trials. A
Control Group is the set-up that isnt changed.
(One plant gets the normal amount of water!).
The independent variable is the thing you change
(amount of water). The dependent variable is the
result of the change you made(height of plant in
Controls Light, type of plant, amount of soil,
pot, temperature.
11Independent variable Amount of water given in
mm. Dependent variable Plant growth in cm.
12The Conclusion must be supported by the data and
results you gather. To be valid, each experiment
needs a large sample size (grow 2000 plants in
each experiment) and must be repeated many times
in order to prove the Hypothesis (grow 2000
plants 100 times). If you are collecting
samples, in an experiment, do it randomly. Dont
take them all from one place.
13Reading Graphs and Making Calculations
Some TAKS questions ask students to analyze
graphs or do basic math calculations to solve
problems or draw conclusions. The Independent
Variable on a graph is on the X-axis. The
Dependent variable is on the Y-axis.
14Line graphs represent change over time. The
steeper the slope of a line, the faster the
change in time is occurring. Pie graphs
represent s of a whole.
15Pictographs use symbols to represent
numbers. Always check keys and legends to
accurately read units and labels on graphs.
Bar graphs represent numbers of individuals or
items in each category.
16You may be asked to calculate a . To find a ,
divide the of items you have by the total ,
then multiply by 100. Carefully read product
labels and claims. Make sure you can separate
fact from opinion.