Title: Early Christian Communities Session 5
1Early Christian Communities Session 5
- Pastored Church, inthe Pastoral Epistles
2Reading, on the Pastorals
- Â Conzelmann, H., The Pastoral epistles a
commentary. 1972 - Donelson, L.R. Pseudepigraphy and Ethical
Argument in the Pastoral Epistles 1986 (large
sections online) - Marshall, H., A critical and exegetical
commentary on the Pastoral Epistle. 1999 - Murphy-O'Connor, J., The Authenticity of Second
Timothy (in A Critical Life, ch.14 the last
years) - Spicq, C., Les Epitres Pastorales. 1969
3The Importance of Church Structure
- The Pastorals are the most formal, ex professo
treatment of sub-apostolic continuance in the New
Testament (Brown, Churches, ch.2) - In this scenario, Pauls thoughts turn to the
Christians he is leaving behind. His interests
are now no longer primarily missionary but
pastoral he is concerned with tending the
existing flock.
4Similar shift, in the Peter image
- In the first part of Jn 21 (1-11) Peter the
fisher of men makes a miraculous catch of fish
and drags ashore a net bulging with 153 large
fish. - Then the imagery changes from missionary to
pastoral, as Jesus ignores the fish and instructs
Peter to feed his lambs or sheep (Jn 2115-17).
5Mirrored in 1 Peter
- Just as Paul the missionary, when pictured as
dying, becomes primarily Paul the pastor
preserving those whom he has converted, - so in the Petrine equivalent of the pastoral
epistles, Peter gives sheep-tending advice (1 Pt
6Letters Addressed to Pastors
- Paul, an apostle To Timothy, my loyal child in
the faith remain in Ephesus so that you
instruct certain people not to teach any
different doctrine.. 1Tm 1.1-4 - I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is
within you through the laying on of my hands
2Tm 1.6 - To Titus, my loyal child in the faith .. I left
you behind in Crete for this reason, so that you
should put in order what remained to be done Ti
7the Pastorals are different
- They differ from the other letters of the Pauline
corpus, in - (1) language,
- (2) literary style,
- (3) theological perspective,
- (4) church organization,
- (5) the nature of the opposition the church has
to face.
8Are they peudepigraphic?
- Yes, because they differ so much from Pauls
known style and outlook - No, because Paul was writing to Pastors, late
and the early Christians would not easily accept
a writing as being from Paul, if it only emerged
after his death - Or maybe on the basis of an authentic letter (2
Tim), the other two gained acceptance
9The Duties of Timothy (i)
- To be a stabilising leader in the church at
Ephesus handing on the tradition - instruct certain people not to teach any
different doctrine (heteroxy) 1.3 - To appoint suitable local leaders (bishops and
deacons 3.1ff) who are sober/reliable - To fight the good fight 1.18, loyal to his
Pauline inheritance
10The Duties of Timothy (ii)
- To ensure that the liturgy is reverent and
orderly 2.1-4 - Lead a God-directed life, nourished on the words
of the faith and of the sound teaching 4.6 - Set the believers an example in speech and
conduct 4.12ff - Pay close attention to yourself and to your
teaching 4.16 - How to pastorally care for different groups 5.1ff
11The Duties of Titus
- To be Pauls loyal child in the faith we share
1.3 - To put in order what remained to be done
- To appoint in every Cretan town 1.5, elders who
are hospitable, lovers of goodness, prudent,
upright, devout, and self-controlled. - Teach what is consistent with sound doctrine. 2.1
- Give suitable pastoral advice to the various
groupings, men, women, young, old, slaves or free
12The Ordination Texts
- Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was
given to you through prophecy with the laying on
of hands by the council of elders. 1 Tm 4.14
13Conservative Tone, vs Heresy
- Teach and urge these duties. Whoever teaches
otherwise and does not agree with the sound words
of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that is
in accordance with godliness, is conceited,
understanding nothing, and has a morbid craving
for controversy and for disputes about words.
From these come envy, dissension, slander, base
suspicions, 5 and wrangling among those who are
depraved in mind and bereft of the truth,
imagining that godliness is a means of gain.
14Qualities of Local Pastors
- a bishop must be above reproach, married only
once, temperate, sensible, respectable,
hospitable, an apt teacher, not a drunkard, not
violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, and not a
lover of money. 3.1ff - Deacons likewise must be serious.. 3.8
- The Women likewise must be serious, not
slanderers, but temperate, faithful in all
things. (are they deacons?)
15Tasks of Local Pastors
- Basically, to conserve the tradition as is clear
in the final exhortation - Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you.
Avoid the profane chatter and contradictions of
what is falsely called knowledge 6.20
16The Churchs Identity Call
17What prompted the Pastorals?
18Personalia, in 2 Timothy 4
- As for me, I am already being poured out as a
libation, and the time of my departure has come. - Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with
you, for he is useful in my ministry. - I have sent Tychicus to Ephesus.
- When you come, bring the cloak that I left with
Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all
the parchments. - Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm the
Lord will pay him back for his deeds.