Title: Doctrine of Devils Session 23
1Doctrine of DevilsSession 23
3In the Beginning?
- This story is only revealed to Scientologist
after they have paid a lot of money over several
years and reached a "higher level of awareness". - If the people in Scientology at the lower levels
knew about this story, maybe they would question
why they are staying on the Scientology
treadmill. - The story goes like this
4- 75 million years ago, there was an alien galactic
ruler named Xenu who was in charge of 76 planets
in our sector of the galaxy, including planet
Earth, whose name at that time was Teegeeack. - All of the planets Xenu controlled were
over-populated by, on average, 178 billion
people. Social problems dictated that Xenu rid
his sector of the galaxy of this overpopulation
problem, so he developed a plan. - Xenu sent out Tax Audit demands to all these
billions of people.
5- As each one entered the audit centers for the
income tax inspections, the people were seized,
held down and injected with a mixture of alcohol
and glycol, and frozen. Then, all 13.5 trillion
of these frozen people were put into spaceships
that looked exactly like DC8 airplanes, except
that the spaceships had rocket engines instead of
propellers. - Xenu's entire fleet of DC8-like spaceships then
flew to planet Earth, where the frozen people
were dumped in and around volcanoes in the Canary
Islands and the Hawaiian Islands. When Xenu's Air
Force had finished dumping the bodies into the
volcanoes, hydrogen bombs were dropped into the
volcanoes and the frozen space aliens were
6- However, Xenu's plan involved setting up
electronic traps in Teegeeack's atmosphere which
were designed to trap the souls or spirits of the
dead space aliens. When the 13.5 trillion spirits
were being blown around on the nuclear winds, the
electronic traps worked like a charm and captured
all the souls in the electronic, sticky fly-paper
like traps.
7- The spirits of the aliens were then taken to huge
multiplex cinemas that Xenu had previously
instructed his forces to build on Teegeeack. In
these movie theaters the spirits had to spend
many days watching special 3-D movies, the
purpose of which was - 1) to implant into these spirits a false reality,
i.e. the reality that WOGS (Hubbard's derisory
term for anyone not a Scientologists) know on
Earth today and, - 2) to control these spirits for all eternity so
that they could never cause trouble for Xenu in
this sector of the Galaxy.
8- During these films, many false pictures were
implanted into these spirits, which resulted in
the spirits believing in all the things that
control mankind on Earth today, including
religion. The concept of religion, including God,
Christ, Mohammed, Moses etc., were all an
implanted false reality that to this very minute
is used to control WOGS on Earth.
9- When the films ended and the souls left the
cinema, they started to stick together in
clusters of a few thousand and remained that way
until mankind began to inhabit the Earth. - Today on Earth all the spirits of these aliens
have attached themselves to our bodies and are
the root cause of the false reality that all but
Scientology's "Homo Novis" or OT 8's on earth
10The Mission of all Scientologists
- It is the job of all Scientologists to remove
this false reality from the world by auditing
each and every space alien spirit and human on
earth to CLEAR not only this planet but the
universe. - For those who oppose Scientology and stand in
their way i.e. all Scientology critics,
Scientology promises to do away with them
"quietly and without sorrow".
11The Mission of all Scientologists
- On average, each person on planet earth has 2,209
of these Body Thetans (BT's for short), Hubbard's
term for the alien spirits, attached to you
causing you and all mankind to be constrained by
Xenu's false reality. - The average cost for Scientology to OT 8 is a
mere USD 360,000, meaning that each BT only
costs USD 163 to clear. Now that is a bargain if
there ever was one. - Hubbard never said the overall cost to the planet
would be cheap.
12So what became of Xenu?
- To finish the story, the Loyal Officers of the
Marcab Confederation finally discovered how evil
Xenu was and overthrew him. He is now locked away
in a mountain on one of the planets and kept in
by a force-field powered by an eternal battery.
13Testimony of Ex-Scientologists
- Some ex- Scientologists, who have left from the
highest levels of Scientology, have revealed that
they have sat in a room at Scientology's
Sandcastle building in Clearwater, Florida for
5-7 hours per day for up to 10 years, holding two
asparagus cans together, attached to a primitive
lie detector, talking all day to these dead space
aliens. - and guess what? You'll never ever finish talking
to dead space aliens until you leave Scientology.
14Scientology Beliefs
- Scientology is a novel and eclectic religion
drawing from Eastern philosophy, modern
psychology, and occult practice. - It seeks to release human potential, free the
soul, and restore people to their original state
as pure, immortal spirit - (from Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest
House, 1996)
15How does Scientology claim to work?
- Through its "counseling" procedures (termed
"auditing"), Scientology alleges to offer the
only final solution to mankinds problems. - Auditing "locates" and "resolves" "engrams," or
past traumatic experiences that allegedly inhibit
true spiritual enlightenment. - Scientology claims it can eventually free the
human spirit from its bondage to the material
16Scientific evaluation of Scientology
- While the specific religious tenets of
Scientology are incapable of scientific
evaluation, many of its stated beliefs that are
capable of evaluation run contrary to most basic
data in the natural and social sciences.
17Scientology and the Occult.
- Promotes the Development of
- psychic powers
- out-of-body experiences
- and other occult practices.
18Scientology and the world illusion.
- Scientology largely teaches the rejection of the
material world as an "illusion."
19Scientology and Christianity
- As Scientology can be shown to be an occult
religion having specific theological beliefs
contrary to biblical teaching, membership in the
Church of Scientology should be prohibited for
any Christians.
20Specific Dangers of Scientology
- 1. The acceptance of false data carries its own
consequences - 2. The hazards associated with occult practice
- Physical
- Psychological
- Spiritual
- 3. The psychological harm from auditing.
- Auditing is Scientology's "counseling" or
extensive examination of the present life and
"past lives" of the "preclear," or initiate.
- In one of its many definitions, Hubbard has
described Scientology as "the Western Anglicized
continuance of many earlier forms of wisdom.
These include - Vedas
- Taoism
- Buddhism
- Judaism
- Gnosticism
- Jesus
- Nietzsche
- Freud.
- According to Hubbard, "Scientology has
accomplished the goal of religion expressed in
all Man's written history, the freeing of the
soul by wisdom."
- Scientology divides the mind into two components
- the analytic (conscious or rational mind)
- the reactive (unconscious or irrational mind
- Experiences of extreme shock, pain, or
unconsciousness cause "engrams," or sensory
impressions, to be recorded in the reactive mind.
- These mental pictures are, in turn, the cause of
our emotional and even many physical problems
today. - They can be dislodged only through Scientology.
- While these memory pictures are perfectly
recorded, they lay dormant in the brain until
restimulated by a similar incident. - When restimulated, they cause conditioned,
stimulus-response behavior which is
counterproductive to one's well-being. - When the brain sees a similar situation to a past
threatening experience -- even though it is not
now a threat to survival, it responds as if it
were, producing a form of inappropriate and
self-defeating behavior.
- In this sense, we are all more or less
conditioned beings -- "machines" that simply
respond to their operator (i.e., the reactive
mind). - Scientology believes this restimulation is fairly
automatic. In other words, we are not free
beings we are slaves of an "aberrated"
(reactive) mind. - Scientology maintains that through Dianetic
and/or Scientology therapy, we can be directly
exposed to our engrams, "erase" them, and become
"clear," or in control of our behavior ("at
cause") rather than at the mercy of a damaged
reactive mind ("at effect").
- Unfortunately, Scientology informs us, through
reincarnation we have all been accumulating
engrams for trillions of years. - Thus, to resolve hidden engrams, not only must
the initiate be mentally whisked back to
re-experience the damaging events of this life,
but of many past lives as well.
- According to Scientology, each person is really a
thetan, an immortal spirit who has been so
damaged by engrams that he has forgotten he is
immortal and even forgotten he is a thetan. - Thetans have absolute control over their bodies,
but, sadly, they think they are bodies (a
terrible fate) and hence are bound by the MEST
(matter, energy, space, time) universe. - Each time a body dies, the thetan must enter
another body, but this brings with it all its
trillions of years' accumulation of engrams. - Thetans thus are no longer free, but are in
bondage to the material universe. - Scientology claims it can free the thetan.
Bible says
- Pantheistic religion
- Possibly one monotheistic God
- All finite entities are within God
- Yet God is separate from them
- Is there one Supreme Being?
- Concept purposely left undefined
- Not relevant in Scientology theory or practice.
- Implied to be, or referred to as
- Nature, Infinity, "the Eighth Dynamic," "all
Theta" (life), etc. - Scientologists are free to interpret God in
whatever manner he or she wishes.
- Only one sovereign and perfect Creator God from
all eternity - without beginning or end,
- exists in three Persons,
- is infinitely holy, just, and loving.
- Gen. 11
- Isa. 4310-11
- Acts 53-4
- Isa. 618
- Mal. 36
- 1 Tim. 25
- Titus 213
- 1 John 48-10).
- Man is a thetan whose fundamental nature is
basically good and divine. - Not morally fallen
- Simply ignorant of his own perfection.
- Mans fall was into matter, not sin.
- How did this Fall come about?
- Trillions of years ago, thetans became bored,
- they emanated mental universes to play in and
amuse themselves. - they became entranced in their own creation
- they were so conditioned by the manifestations of
their own thought processes, that they lost all
awareness of their true identity and spiritual
- Hypnotized and trapped by MEST.
- Compounding the problem was the accumulation of
endless engrams throughout trillions of years of
existence. - The final result was a pitiful creature indeed
- a materially enslaved entity existing as a mere
stimulus-response machine.
Bible says
- What began as once glorious spiritual beings.
- Now in slavery to the reactive mind (physical
body and senses) - In Bondage to the MEST universe (material
environment) - The PERSON in Scientology is (and discovers
himself to be) - a Thetan (spiritual being)
- of infinite creative potential
- who acts in, but is not part of, the MEST
physical universe.... - The Eternal Indestructible Self (Atman) of the
Hindu Upanishads early foreshadowed the
Scientology concept of the Thetan....
- Man is a creation of God, made in God's image.
- His problems do not result from engrams or
boredom, - but from sin and self-centeredness (Rom. 310-18
Eph. 21-3). - There is only one eternal God in the universe
(Isa. 4310-11). - He created man (body and spirit)
- as a finite creature at a point in time (Gen.
27). - Hence it is impossible that divine beings such as
Scientology's thetans can exist. - If no thetan exists, what purpose can Scientology
possibly serve?
- The Thetan is the innate source of his own
projected universe - which overlaps the created universes of other
Thetans - All Theatans exist in their projected universe
- And yet share a great community of souls.
- Thus is formed the world of the senses,
consisting of the combined projected universe or
world of great community of souls - in relation to which, like the Hindu "Lila," or
"Divine Play," each Thetan plays the Game of Life
in concert with its spiritual partners.... - As a Being descends...into Materiality,
- the manifestations of his communication become
heavier and more dense, - and his experience of reality deteriorates.
Bible says
- Of Salvation
- Through Scientology auditing,
- engrams may be neutralized
- and the thetan made increasingly self-aware or
"enlightened." - The initiate may eventually achieve a state of
"clear" - and then, by progressing through numerous levels
of "Operating Thetan" ("OT"), - increasingly achieve self-realization.
- (An "Operating Thetan" is one who is more and
more aware of and "operating" according to his
true thetan abilities.)
- Of Salvation
- is a free gift.
- One is redeemed from sin on the principle of
grace, simply through faith in Christ's
atonement. - Eph. 28-9
- John 647
- Heb. 111
- 1 John 22).
Bible says
- Death for Scientology
- sometimes a blessing,
- it may permit the release of the soul from the
prison of the body (i.e., the evolution of the
thetan soul into a higher state of awareness). - Yet Death is an event so appallingly ordinary
(indeed, one which each person has passed through
trillions of times) - that it is, in effect, an irrelevant incident,
- almost inconsequential in the larger scheme of
- Death is a one-time event that carries either
- the great blessings (eternal heaven)
- or the most horrible of consequences (eternal
hell). - Death leads to an irreversible fate for both the
saved and the lost - human beings have one lifetime only to make
their peace with God (Heb. 927 Matt. 2546
Luke 2619-31 Rev. 2010-15). - "For what will a man be profited if he gain the
whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a
man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matt. 1626)
And, "This is eternal life, to know Thee, the
only true God and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has
sent." (John 173)
Bible says
- of the The Occult
- Thetans seek to develop
- psychic powers
- out-of-body episodes
- (as a means for the thetan to re-realize his or
her true powers) - This is indicative of the church's acceptance of
the realm of the occult. - Hubbard's own son goes so far as to affirm that
"black magic is the inner core of Scientology. - Hubbard himself confessed that a spirit entity
guided him throughout his life and a number of
scholarly researchers have verified the occult
nature of Scientology.
- The occult is a form of idolatry and a sin
expressly forbidden by God (Deuteronomy 189-12).
- In the New Testament when the gospel was
proclaimed and received, the liberated people
gladly burned all their occult materials (see
Acts 1919). - The Bible says that such deception will increase
in "the last days" before Christ returns (1
Timothy 41). - But the Bible also says, "The Son of God appeared
for this purpose, that He might destroy the works
of the devil" (1 John 38).