Title: Weed Control in Homeowner Ornamentals
1Weed Control in Homeowner Ornamentals
- Tim R. Murphy
- The University of Georgia
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4Ornamental Weed Control Options
- Hand-removal, hoeing
- Mulches
- Landscape fabrics
- Herbicides
51 Home Owner Question
What can I spray on _at_!? weed to kill it and
how much do I need??
6Mechanical Control
Fabric Mulches
- Plastic or fabric thickness affects the degree of
weed suppression. - Clear and colored plastics that allow light
penetration produce high temperatures in the
upper surface. - This build up of heat, solarization, kills
germinating weed seeds.
7Landscape Fabrics
- Expensive
- Limited commercial use
- Very good option for homeowners
- Use high quality, non-woven, fused fabric
- Properly mulch
8Organic Mulches
- Straw, wood chips, pine straw, sawdust,
newsprint, and other organic materials. - These mulches also shade and physically hinder
germinating seedlings
9Organic Mulches
- Coarse texture better than fine
- Texture more important than type
- 2 to 4 inch depth
- Renew as needed
- Nothing is permanent!
Advantages Disadvantages
- control most weeds expensive??
- good use of waste handling is often
- materials a pain
- Conserves water
11Mechanical Control
Hand Pulling and Hoeing
- Still used for weed control in high value crops
- Best control with small weeds lt4 inches
- Must understand how the weed develops (annuals
vs. perennials)
12Hand Weed Control
Advantages Disadvantages
- keeps you in shape repetition is a must
- environmentally friendly can stimulate
germination - controls most weeds must be timely
- Inexpensive (if done
- by self
13Mechanical Control
- Controls many weeds that have emerged
- Incorporate fertilizers, lime
- Prepares seed or plant beds
14Tillage Practices
Advantages Disadvantages
- control most weeds expensive??
- quick and easy cant get too close to
crop root pruning - noise pollution
16Ornamental Homeowner Herbicides
- Annual grass control available
- Preemergence and postemergence
- Pre and Post broadleaf weed control is difficult
- Use post graminicides for perennial grass control
- Vines, woody plant control is exceeding difficult
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18Ornamental Preemergence Herbicides
- Primarily dinitroanilines
- Treflan, Surflan, Pendulum, Endurance, XL, Team
- Preen
- Preen-N-Green
- Snapshot - trifluralin isoxaben
19Ornamental Preemergence Herbicides
- Products labeled for various species
- Irrigate-in if possible (1/2 inch) within 7 days
- Do not apply to wet foliage
- Match weeds to specific products
- Use fall spring applications
- Rotate products if possible
20Homeowner - Selective POST Grass Control
- Sethoxydim - Vantage, Hi-Yield Poast
- reseeding restriction not listed
- Fluazifop - Dexol Grassout
- Greenlight Bermudagrass Killer
- Ortho Grass-B-Gon
- - reseeding restriction 2 months
21Ornamentals Post-Grass Control
- Use on any non-grass ornamental
- Trees, woodies, annuals, perennials
- Includes liriope, hosta, iris, daylily
- Dont spray open blooms
- No nutgrass control
- Avoid applications on scorchy-hot, humid days
22Integrated Weed Management
- Integrating preventive, mechanical (mulches,
fabrics), cultural and chemical methods is
usually the most effective method of managing
weeds in ornamentals. -
23Florida betony
24Florida Betony - Stachys floridana
- Labitae (mint family)
- Rattlesnake weed
- perennial
- reproduces primarily by tubers
- opposite, serrated leaves
- occurs in turf and ornamentals
25Florida Betony Control
- Roundup, Finale
- Casoron applied in winter, very difficult to
find, can be ordered at Southern States,
commercial herbicide stores - Use landscape fabric in ornamentals
- Phyllostachys aurea
- Grass family
- rhizomatous
- rarely fruits
- no wildlife value
- full sun, partial shade
- native to China
27Bamboo Control
- No herbicide is labeled for the control of bamboo.
28Bamboo Control
- Roundup Pro, 2 v/v, apply to regrowth 3 to 6
feet tall, repeat, not on label - Roundup Pro, 33 v/v, apply with gloved hand to
husk stage, repeat, not on label - MSMA, 2 v/v, will knock leaves off, repeat
- Mechanical barrier, 30 inches deep
29Phyllanthus spp. - Biology
- Summer annuals
- Spurge family
- Seeds require light
- Tolerates full sun and moderate shade
30Chamberbitter, niruri, gripeweed
31Chamberbitter - Phyllanthus niruri
- Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)
- niruri, gripeweed, leafflower
- summer annual, reproduces by seed
- alternate leaves, numerous leaflets
- inconspicuous flowers
- stalkless green, round fruit
- no milky juice
32Longstalked Phyllanthus
33Longstalked Phyllanthus (Phyllanthus tenellus)
- Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)
- summer annual, reproduces by seed
- alternate leaves, numerous leaflets
- inconspicuous flowers
- stalked green, round fruit
- no milky juice
34Phyllanthus spp. - Control
- Use mulch
- Apply early spring
35Phyllanthus spp. Preemergence Control
- Ronstar (not labeled for use in home landscapes)
- Rout (OHII - slightly less effective)
- Surflan Gallery (Snapshot TG - less effective)
- Prodiamine (Factor, Endurance, Barricade)
- Gallery
36Phyllanthus spp. Postemergence Control
- Roundup Pro
- Finale
- Reward LS
37Phyllanthus spp. Ineffective Herbicides
- Basagran T/O
- Image
- Pennant
- Pendimethalin
- Balan
38Isoxaben Products - Homeowners
- PRE herbicide for control of annual
broadleaf weeds - Primarily used in woody ornamentals
- Gallery
- Greenlight Portrait
- Reseeding restrictions - 2 months
39EPTC Products - Homeowners
- PRE control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds
- Woody ornamentals, some flowers, groundcovers
- Preen for Groundcovers
40Homeowner - Nutsedge Herbicides
- Image imazaquin
- reseeding restriction 6 weeks
- Manage halosulfuron -reseeding
restriction 4 weeks - Bentazon
- Basagran T/O, Hi-Yield Basagran
- reseeding restriction 0 week
41Sedge Herbicides -Ornamentals
- Basagran T/O - yellow, annual sedges
- Manage - yellow, purple, annual sedges
- Image - yellow, purple, annual sedges
- Pennant - yellow, annual sedges
- Preemergence only
- No homeowner package available
42Basagran T/0 - Ornamentals
- Directed spray around base of ornamentals
- Over-the-Top
- Hollies, ornamental cabbage, pachysandra
- Liriope, impatiens, marigold
- English ivy, petunia, ajuga
- Saferoption for yellow nutsedge than Roundup
43Manage - Ornamentals
- Post-directed around woody ornamentals
- New-transplants- wait 3 months
- Do not use in annuals or herbaceous perennials
- May be applied 4 weeks in advance of
transplanting woody ornamentals
44Image - Ornamentals
- Over-the-top
- Junipers, Burford hollies, Helleri holly, Indian
hawthorne, - Liriope, mondograss, hostas, Red tip photinia
- Pachysandra, Asiatic Confederate jasmine
- Do not apply over root zone of non-listed
ornamentals - Azalea, ligustrum, viburnum, pieris, abelia are
severely injured by Image
46Dodder - Cuscuta spp.
- Convolvulaceae (morningglory family)
- rootless, leafless parasitic annuals
- yellow spaghetti
- prolific seed producer
- germinates early spring
- 8 species known in Georgia
- wide host range on broadleaf plants
47Dodder Control - Ornamentals
- Fumigate - Basamid
- Casoron, Norosac - woody ornamentals, may be
difficult to find - Dacthal - dropped by manufacturer
- Kerb - woody ornamentals, Restricted Use
Herbicide - Roundup, Finale