Title: The Mexican-American War 1846-1848
1The Mexican-American War1846-1848
21. Why did Texas secede from Mexico?
31. Why did Texas secede from Mexico?
- At first, Mexicans encouraged American
settlement. - Then Mexico had abolished slavery.
- Texans disregarded the ban and imported slaves
4The Battle of the Alamo
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Recaptures
the Alamo
5Remember the Alamo!
6The Mexican-American War (1846-1848)
72. The Mexican-American War
- Began when The Texas Republic was annexed by the
U.S. in 1846. - Ended 1848 with the surrender of Mexican
President Santa Ana.
8The Bombardment of Vera Cruz
93. American Divisions over the War
- Not all Americans supported this war.
- Southerners supported the war because it would
expand slavery - Northerners oppose it b/c they did not want
slavery to expand (also felt it was morally wrong)
10General Scott Enters Mexico City
US victorySeptember 1847
11Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848
Nicholas Trist,American Negotiator
12(No Transcript)
134. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848
- President Santa Ana surrendered and signed the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Mexico gave the U. S. the modern states of
California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and
parts of Colorado (known as the MEXICAN CESSION) - U. S. gave Mexico 15,000,000 for the land