- Clay and Websters presumptuous assumption.
- Webster was Sec. of State. Clay the leader of
the party in Congress. - Harrisons reaction
- Clay leads party in power and is ready to finally
put his policies into law - Harrison dies 40 days into presidency.
- Tyler takes over.
Wm. Henry Harrison Shortest Term of any President.
3John Tyler
- First vice president to take over for a president
who died in office. - Why is he on the ticket.
- Tyler is an old-school Virginian.
- Why did he leave the Democratic Party for the
Whigs? - Part of the minority wing of the Whig party that
adhered to States rights. - His views are quite different from Clay and
4Tyler at Odds with Clay
- Unofficial platform of the majority of the party
- Tylers views on unofficial platform
- Whigs accuse him of being a Democrat in Whig
clothing - Another defeat for Clay.
Henry Clay foiled again
5John Tyler A President Without A Party
- Whigs try to get their agenda enacted into law.
- Repeal Independent Treasury. Passed.
- Second part Renew the Bank of the US.
- Tylers reaction.
- His Ascendancy
- What do Whigs do to Tyler?
- What does his cabinet do?
6A War Of Words With England
- British-American relationship erupted in war of
words in 1842. - Causes?
- Caroline affair.
- Lumberjack warAroostook Valley, Maine. Maine
boundary vague - Webster-Ashburton treaty
7Maine Boundary Settlement, 1842
8Texas Shines Alone
- Texas in a precarious position.
- US had spurned request for annexation.
- Mexico still claims Texas as its Territory,
- Threatened to take it back and threatened war
with US if US annexed. - Many European countries were courting Texas
- Britain especially was very interested.
- Why?
9The Belated Texas Nuptials
- Texas becomes a leading issue in election of
1844. - Dem. James K Polk vs. Whig Henry Clay.
- Democrats position.
- Whigs position.
- Polk wins.
- What does Tyler do as a result..
- Mexico angry and accuses US of theft.
- Is Mexico right?
10Oregon Fever
- Oregon Territory everything North of California,
West of the Rockies up to 54-40. - Both US and Brit have claims to the Territory.
- Treaty of 1818 Joint occupation.
- In 1840s,Oregon Trail.
- 5000 American in Oregon by 1846. Brits had only
700 - Only a small areas really in dispute. Columbia
river north to the 49th Par. -
11Map 17.2 The Oregon Controversy, 1846
12A Mandate For Manifest Destiny
- Election of 1844 Clay (Whig) against James K.
Polk (Dem.). - James K Polk of Tenn.
- First dark-horse nominee
- Had been Speaker of the House and governor of
Tenn. for two terms. - Jackson sponsored him.
- Dems publicized him as a young Jackson.
- Southern expansionist
13Issues in 1844
- Dems expansionist. Platform was for annexation
of Texas and taking Oregon all the way up to
54-40. 54-40 or Fight - Dems campaigned on Manifest Destiny
- What is Manifest Destiny
- Whigs were mostly against annexation of Texas,
equating it with an expansion of slavery, but
Clay couldnt win without votes in the south. - He tried to be both for and against annexation,
and his waffling hurt him - Other issues tariff, slavery, the bank and
internal improvements.
14Polk Wins
- Polk won in a close election.
- New York the key state.
- Clay lost there by 5000 because Liberty Party not
split the vote. - Why did Clay loose votes to Liberty Party?
- Tyler saw the election results as a mandate to
annex Texas and started the ball rolling before
he left office.
15Polk The Purposeful
- Polk not dynamic or impressive physically.
- Serious and worked very hard.
- Not brilliant, but was dogged, shrewd and well
organized. Did not delegate much. - Four-point program for his presidency
- Only one-term President to make the list of
16Polks Four Goals
- One Reduced Tariff. Succeeded in reducing the
tariff from 32 to 25. - Two Restoration of Independent Treasury.
Accomplished. - Three Settlement of Oregon.
- Polk and southern Dems. didnt want all of
Oregon, despite platform. Why? - Brits recognize that they must compromise.
- Why?
- Brits agree to divide at 49th Par.
- Acquiring California Polks fourth goal.
- Why does he want it?
- US likely to get eventually through settlement,
but Polk doesnt want to wait. - Why?
- Offers to buy from Mexico. Mexico doesnt want
to sell. - Ongoing disputes with Mexico
18American Blood On American Soil
- Polks strategy to get Mexico?
- Continuing dispute with Mexico over border of
Texas. Nueces or Rio Grande? - Polk sends Zachery Taylors troops across the
Nueces into disputed Terr. - Mexican troops cross Rio Grande and attack
Taylor. - Polk asks for a declaration of war claiming that
US troops attacked on US soil.
19The Texas Revolution, 1835-1836
20Going to War
- America catches war fever
- Spot resolution.
- What?
- Who?
- Many Whigs vehemently against the war.
- Why?
- Mexicans spoiling for war, as well.
- Why?
- Assessing Polks actions
21Mexican-American War
- Santa Anna dupes the US
- Steven Kearny, Santa Fe 1846
- John C. Fremont (Great Pathfinder), Bear Flag
Rebellion - Zachery Taylor defeats Santa Anna at Battle of
Buena Vista
Zachery Taylor
22Capturing Halls of Montezuma
- Polk leaves Taylor where he is. Why?
- Winfield Scott (Old Fuss and Feathers) Vera
Cruz and March on Mexico City. - One of the most brilliant campaigns in US
history. Captures Mexico City. - Scott hero during the war of 1812.
- Best general produced by US between Rev. War and
Civil War.
23Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- 2/2/1848.
- Terms?
- American title to Texas confirmed with Rio Grande
the border. - Mexico yielded Arizona, New Mexico, California,
Nevada to US. (with Texas, is about ½ of Mexico.)
Land referred to as Mexican Cession. - US to pay 15 Million and assume claims of
citizens there against Mexico worth about 3
Million. (18.5 Mill compared to 25 Mill.
prepared to pay for Cal. before the war.)
24Consequences of War
- Identify the short and long-term consequences of
the war.
25Wilmot Proviso
- Wilmot Proviso
- Mexican American War was the opening chapter on
events that led to the Civil War because of the
new territory added.