Lisa Santos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lisa Santos


It highlighted that adolescents who had played the violent video game showed distinct differences in brain activation than the adolescents who played an equally ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lisa Santos

  • Lisa Santos
  • Project report
  • MACS390, Media, war and peace, autumn session,
  • Media and Cultural Studies, University of
  • The project report had two components. For
    details of the assignment see http//www.bmartin.c
  • 1. An information pack for an organisation. Lisa
    Santos information pack starts on the next
  • 2. A fictional dialogue on carrying out the
    project. Lisa Santos dialogue is a separate
  • This document is located at http//

(No Transcript)
  • Aggression is behaviour intended to harm
    described as being a hostile or violent behavior
    or attitudes toward another readiness to attack
    or confront.
  • The action of attacking without provocation.
  • The forceful and sometimes overly assertive
    pursuit of one's aims and interests.(1)

The Psychology of Aggression
  • In psychology, aggression refers to any
    behaviour that demonstrates malicious intent to
    cause harm. Aggression is measure in three stages
    along a mild to violent scale of severity an
    continuum of Physical, Verbal and Relational
    violence. Violence on the other hand refers to
    the physical aggression of which the victim is
    likely to suffer serious physical injury.(1)

Aggression in terms of gaming!
  • Aggression within videogames falls under two
    categories, proactive and reactive aggression.(1)
  • Proactive aggression is goal oriented. It relies
    on rewards to stimulate aggressive acts. (2)
  • Reactive aggression is the automatic response to
    perceived threats. (3)
  • These terms reflect the top tier of the general
    aggression model. These often trigger other
    issues. These are detailed on the next slide.

(No Transcript)
How does aggression portrayed in videogames
versus television differ?
  • And the answer is
  • Interactivity and the pursuit of an
    individualistic goal! (1)

What does this mean for your childs brain?
  • There is a causal link between playing the
    first-person shooting game in our experiment and
    brain-activity pattern that are considered as
    characteristic for aggressive cognitions and
    affects, (1)
  • Adolescents who play violent video games may
    exhibit lingering effects on brain function,
    including increased activity in the region of the
    brain that governs emotional arousal and
    decreased activity in the brain's executive
    function, which is associated with control, focus
    and concentration.(2)

This areas shown is the region where aggressive
behaviour is reacting to violent videogame
  • This reactivity within brain function affects the
    Occipital, Parietal and Temporal sections within
    the brain. (1)
  • This highlights the action of videogame
    technology teaching kids to kill.(2)

What does the evidence say?
  • Adolescents who expose themselves to greater
    amounts of video game violence were more hostile,
    reported getting into arguments with teachers
    more frequently, were more likely to be involved
    in physical fights, and performed poorly in
    school. (1)
  • This can lead to greater long term affects as
    student become anti-social and risk slipping
    grades or missing school to play violent
    videogames on different mediums impacts
    employability and later on chances of further
    education and graduation.

Reality vs. Fiction
  • For adolescents who begin gaming at a young age.
    It is becoming more and more difficult for them
    to distinguish reality from fiction.
  • WHY? Because game aesthetics are improving with
    greater pixalisation to appear as true to life as
    possible. (1)
  • What comes into question here is can you then
    tell the difference. The case of Devin Moore
    leads me to think not! You be the judge

Killing for the Fun of it!
  • Killer Profile
  • Name Devin Moore
  • Age 18
  • Preferred Video game Grand Theft Auto III and
    G.T.A Vice City

'Life is a video game. You've got to die
  • On June 7th 2003 in Fayette, Alabama.
  • Devin Moore shot three police officers James
    Crump (40), Arnold Strickland (55) and Leslie
    Mealer (38 a police dispatcher)
  • He committed the crime acting out a game sequence
    from GTA.

The facts of the case
  • Moore was to be arrested on a alleged stolen car
  • He grabbed one officer's .45 caliber pistol and
    killed all three before fleeing the station in a
    police cruiser he stole from the station. (1)
  • This was a popular game sequence within G.T.A and
    known to all players to reward handsomely.
  • He was eventually caught and sentenced to death
    by lethal injection.
  • The case was lodges in court under Strickland v.
    Sony. (2)

Grand Theft Auto
  • Grand Theft Auto relates to numerous formats of
    games, which over time has changed identity from
    G.T.A to G.T.A Vice city and most recently to
    G.T.A San Andreas.
  • Vice City has elements from driving games and
    third-person shooters, and features open-world
    game play that gives the player more control over
    their playing experience.(1)

G.T.A Vice City Facts.
  • Grand Theft Auto Vice City is an
    action/adventure computer and video game.(1)
  • Vice City draws much of its inspiration from
    1980s American culture.
  • It is set in 1986 in Vice City.(2)
  • Story line Mafia member Tommy Vercetti has
    recently released from prison after being
    involved in a drug deal gone wrong. Tommy then
    has to seek out those responsible while building
    a criminal empire and seizing power from other
    criminal organizations in the city.(3)

In defense What does Thompson say about this?
  • Moore's lawyers claimed that Moore had been
    programmed by frequently playing the game GTA
  • Thompson claims Devin Moore was, in effect,
    trained to do what he did. He was given a murder
    simulator," (1 )
  • He bought it as a minor. He played it For
    hundreds of hours it is primarily a
    cop-killing game. (2)
  • Defense but for the video-game training, Moore
    would not have done what he did. (3)

Impact of violent videogames on Moore!
  • When looking at all the facts of this case, how
    does someone who has never shown this behaviour
    before, who acts out of character and who has
    shot on target but never held a gun become a
    killing machine? The answer is simple. (1)
  • Violent video games (2)

You decide?
  • Can you see then the correlation between
    aggression in videogames, repetitive conditioning
    and the inability to distinguish reality from
    fiction due to photorealism?
  • Critics however state differently.
  • They state that violence in video games are not
    always causally linked with aggressive
  • A study conducted in the U.S. Established this.

It stated "We clearly associate media violence to
aggressive behavior. But the impact was very
small compared to other things. Some may not be
happy with that, but thats where the science
is. (1) Only 12 of those involved in school
shootings were attracted to violent video games,
while 24 read violent books and 27 were
attracted to violent films.(2) From this data
conclusions were drawn then that children who
were predisposed to acts of violence before their
gaming began, are more likely to take on
aggressive actions as a result, thus more
susceptible to violent videogames.
Trigger happy
  • Why is it that teens are so ready to engage in
    violent videogames?
  • Because the game is always there, it is a
    distraction of everyday life- a nirvana. It has
    the ability to promote a reliable existence as
    it is ruled by absolute order in terms of a game
    sequence which is not found in everyday life. (1)
  • Because of reinforcements Think of the rat and
    the cheese analogy- behaviour that is repeated
    for reward.(2)

Teaching Kids to Kill
  • Because of the idea that violence in videogames
    leads to aggressive behaviour, there has been a
    call to action to halt the flooding of the market
    of violent videogames available to the public.
  • Some however point out that videogames are an
    integral part of social development as it can be
    deemed catharticas videogames provide a sage
    and beneficial outlet for aggressive feelings in
    a non-destructive contextthey contribute
    positively to a child's cognitive
    development.(1) They do however as a result pose
    addictive elements to continue this cathartic
    expression (2)

Teaching the art of killing
  • As game technology has improved over a the years,
    and simulations seem less fake, there is an
    emphasis on the reality of games to assert
    violent aggressive action. This is seen as
    cathartic as it provides a secure outlet for the
    aggressive action of gamers yet all evidence
    within this slide show shows that violent
    videogames do assist in creating an atmoshephere
    where aggression is taught. Therefore violent
    videogames are negative teaching tools. This can
    be argued with the case of Devin Moore.
  • A case that further highlights this is the use of
    Americas Army 3 in training American Soldiers in
    combat. (1)

Media Guidelines
  • As a result, there has been a push to restrict
    videogame sales nationally. Australia however is
    an interesting case as restriction laws are quite
  • Did you know that there are no R18 rating
    systems within Australia for videogames as it
    only applies to movies.
  • This means that games are allowed if they are
    edited to conform to an MA15 standard or they
    are refused classification RC (1)

(No Transcript)
What does this mean for you?
  • That you need to take action!
  • You need to monitor what your child sees and how
    they play.
  • Although you might not have these games at your
    disposal. Your children's friends might so talk
    to them about the dangers of aggression and
    violent videogames.

What can you do?
  • Reduce the exposure your children have to violent
  • Be informed only buy age appropriate games -
    check with the game manufacturers for actual
  • Check for videogame reviews.
  • Petition for R ratings in Australia through
  • And finally do your own research and be a
    responsible parent. (1)

  • Apple online dictionary- Aggression
  • Anderson, C,A. Video Games and Aggressive
    Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviour in the
    laboratory and in life, Journal of Personality
    and Social Psychology. 
    PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR A Meta-Analytic Review of the
    Scientific Literature, Psychological Science,
    Vol. 12, No. 5, September 2001
  • Brown, H.J. (2008) Video Games and Education, M.E
    Sharpe, London.
  • Blundell, K. (14/2/2010) War Games and
    Aggression, Accessed 1/6/10, http//earthsciweb.or

  • Cargo, T. (31/7/2009) Banned the absurdity of
    Australia's game rating regime Accessed 17/5/10
  • Commonwealth of Australia (2001-2009)
    Classification Markings on Film and Computer
    Games Accessed 30/5/10 http//www.classification.g
  • Gentile, D., Saleem, M., Anderson, C. (2007).
    Public Policy and the Effects of Media Violence
    on Children. Social Issues and Policy Review,
    1(1), 15-61.
  • Graham, I. (20/3/2010) Studies and Research on
    Media Effects?Portrayal of Violence Accessed
    23/5/10 http//
  • Grossman, D Degaetano, G. (1999) Stop Teaching
    Our Kids To Kill, Crown Publishers, New York.
  • Grossman, D Christensen, L.W. (2008) On Combat
    the Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict
    in War and Peace. Worrior science publications,

  • Michigan State University (2005, October 12).
    Violent Video Games Lead To Brain Activity
    Characteristic Of Aggression. ScienceDaily.
    Retrieved June 7, 2010, from http//www.sciencedai /releases/2005/10/051012082710.htm
  • Urbano, L.D., 2010. War games and aggression,
    Retrieved June 7th, 2010, from Montessori Muddle
  • Poole, S. (2000) Trigger Happy The Inner Life of
    Video Games, Fourth Estate, London.
  • Radiological Society of North America (2006,
    November 29). Violent Video Games Leave Teenagers
    Emotionally Aroused. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June
    7, 2010, from http//
  • Sapountzis, A. (2007) Can Video Games Lead to
    Murder? Accessed 28/5/10 www.gamedefender,com/news
  • Serendip, 1994 Brain Structures and their
    Functions, Accessed http//
  • Thompson, J (2005) Games In The Court GTA Life
    Is A Video Game Accessed 11/5/10

  • Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia. Strickland v.
    Sony Accessed 2/6/10 http//
  • (2008) Australia needs an R18 Rating for video
    games Accessed 28/5/10 http//
  • (2008) Rockstargames- vice city Accessed 15/5/10
  • (2006) Killology, Accessed 18/5/10
  • (28/9/09) GTA Vice City, Accessed 6/6/10
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