THE VICTORIAN AGE 1832-1900 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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THE VICTORIAN AGE 1832-1900 ... (Norton Anthology of English Literature, 2: 903). (source) e.g. Jane Eyre, Vanity Fair and The French Lieutenant s Woman. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: THE VICTORIAN AGE 1832-1900

  • Prosperity vs. Miseries, Contradictions, and
  • the Question of Women

Image sources 1, 2
  • From Romantic Quest to Social Reform
  • Prosperity and Miseries Industrialism
  • Home Sweet Home and the Question of Woman

April 19, 1824 was for Tennyson a day when the
whole world seemed to be darkened for me. On a
rock, close to his home, he carved the words
Byron is dead. (Cronin 105)

Romanticism vs. Victorianism
Victorian Age 3 periods
Industrialism, Scientific Progress
Victorian Age 3 periods
Lyrical Ballads 1st ed. 1798 Keats 1819 Odes Ode
to the West Wind 1820 Casabianca 1826
Frankenstein 1818
Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre 1847 Bleak House
Alice in Wonderland 1865 Middlemarch 1871-72
Dorian Gray 1890 Importance of Being Earnest
1895 Pygmalion 1916
Social Earnestness e.g. The Reform Bill of 1832
  • Transformed English class structure
  • Extended the right to vote to all males owning
  • Second Reform Bill passed in 1867
  • Extended right to vote to working class

This painting by Sir George Hayter (now in the
National Portrait Gallery) commemorates the
passing of the Great Reform Act in 1832. It
depicts the first session of the newly reformed
House of Commons on 5 February 1833 held in St
Stephen's Chapel which was destroyed by fire in
1834. (source)
Industrialism and Social Unrest
  1. Industrial Revolution ? Urbanization e.g.
    London -- Population of London expands from 1
    million in 1800 to 6.7 million in 1900 (and over
    8 million today)
  2. ? overcrowding, pollution, prostitution and
    disease (e.g. London The Chimney Sweeper
    Jane Eyre)

e.g. The Crystal Palace-- the 1851 Great
  • In Hyde Park, a gigantic greenhouse erected to
    display the exhibits of modern industry and
    science, such as hydraulic presses, locomotives,
    machine tools, power looms, power reapers, and
    steamboat engines.
  • One of the first buildings constructed according
    to modern architectural principles, symbolizing
    the triumphs of Victorian industry

Inventions Steam locomotion railway, iron and
steel ships and the telegraph
BBC the Victorians 1. Painting The Town
  • The modern city
  • 600 Queen Street Mill
  • 945 slums
  • 2600 Derby Day
  • Sewage system
  • Manchester Town hall
  • 1888 Glasgow International Exhibition
  • 4900 London, East and West End

Ref. Queen Victoria (1819-1901)Reign 1837-1901
  • She had the longest reign in British history
  • Became queen at the age of 18 she was graceful
    and self-assured. She also had a gift for
    drawing and painting.
  • Throughout her reign, she maintained a sense of
    dignity and decorum that restored the average
    persons high opinion of the monarchy after a
    series of horrible, ineffective leaders
  • 1840-Victoria married a German prince, Albert,
    who became not king, but Prince-consort
  • After he died in 1861, she sank into a deep
    depression and wore black every day for the rest
    of her life

BBC the Victorians 2. Home Sweet Home
  • -- opening,
  • -- Queen Victorias Osborne House
  • -- The other sides of a Victorian sweet home
    (adulteress, prostitutes)
  • -- 3320 governess
  • -- 3543 Children dotted upon infant deaths
  • -- 4000 Amelia Dyer baby farmer
  • -- 4400 Fallen women (women drowning themselves
    in Thames)
  • -- 5100 Womens dress with a corset in it
  • -- 5445 Victorian women fought back

The Social Roles of Women
  • The Woman Question suffrage, property rights,
    marriage, etc.
  • Child Custody Act, 1839 -- gave a mother the
    right to petition the court for access to her
    minor children and custody of her children
  • Matrimonial Causes Act (legally separated wife
    given right to keep what she earns), 1857
  • First Married Woman's Property Act, 1870
  • Voting Act (Enfranchised all men over 21, and all
    women over 30) 1918
  • Equal Franchise Act (Equal voting rights for both
    men and women), 1928

Reference 1, 2
Equal Rights for Women Education
  • Ladys education piano, French, sewing,
    painting, etc. (Jane Eyre chap 10)
  • First womens college established in 1848 in
  • By the end of Victorias reign, women could take
    degrees at twelve university colleges.
  • Free public education for every child in England
    was not available until 1899
  • (Mr. Brocklehurst
  • Lowood Institution in Jane Eyre 1847 )

Reference 1, 2
Angels in the House Victorian Women and the
  • Victorian society was preoccupied with the very
    nature of women.
  • Protected and enshrined within the home, she is
    expected to create a place of peace where man
    could take refuge from the difficulties of modern

Reference 1, 2
Famous Images of Women in the Victorian Age
  • Florence Nightingale (source)
  • Queen Victoria (source)

Working Conditions for Women
  • Bad working conditions and underemployment drove
    thousands of women into prostitution. (8600
    reported cases in London, and probably up to
    80,000 source??Pygmalion)
  • The only occupation at which an unmarried
    middle-class woman could earn a living and
    maintain some claim to gentility was that of a

Found Drowned by George Frederic Watts RA
(1817-1904). 1867. Oil on canvas. Courtesy of the
Watts Gallery, Compton. (source)
Reference 1, 2
Governess in Victorian Society
  • moderate income for survival
  • "no security of employment, minimal wages, and an
    ambiguous status, somewhere between servant and
    family member, that isolated her within the
    household" (Norton Anthology of English
    Literature, 2 903). (source)
  • e.g. Jane Eyre, Vanity Fair and The French
    Lieutenants Woman.
  • Why cant Jane Eyre go to college?
  • no college before 1840
  • no career prospect with a college degree.

Quotes re. Education Class Positions in Jane
  • Brocklehurst "my plan in bringing up these girls
    is, to render them hardy, patient,
    self-denying. . ., by encouraging them to evince
    fortitude under the temporary privation."
  • Jane-- "poor, obscure, plain, and little,"
  • Jane "if God had gifted me with some beauty and
    much wealth, I should have made it as hard for
    you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave
    you. (XXIII)
  • Jane teaching at Morton "I felt-yes, idiot that
    I am-I felt degraded. I doubted I had taken a
    step which sank instead of raising me in the
    scale of social existence. I was weakly dismayed
    at the ignorance, the poverty, the coarseness of
    all I heard and saw round me. (XXXI)
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