Nation%20Building%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nation%20Building%20

Nation Building Reform
Imperial Russia
  • Crimean War defeat pushes Alex II Reforms
  • emancipation of serfs - Edict March 3, 1861
  • better to abolish from above than below
  • Serfs given land (not the best) expected to pay
  • 1864 zemstvos - local assemblies
  • property based elections favor wealthy

Imperial Russia
  • 1864 - legal reform judicial code - equality
    before law
  • Populism movement - wanted greater reform
  • Peoples Will, radical group - assassinated Alex
    II 1881
  • son Alex III - reactionary

  • Alexander III - reactionary
  • secret police expanded, social reform/trade
    unions persecuted
  • Russification - Russian language in all schools,
    pogroms - organized violence against jews
  • Alex III dies in 1894 - son Nicholas II weak
  • tried to follow fathers policies

  • Nicholas II increased fathers push for ind
  • Sergei Witte, minister of finance 1892-1903
  • encouraged foreign capital to build factories
  • 35,000 miles of rail lines including 5,000 mile

  • 1898 Social Democratic Party underground
  • growing nationalism among Poles and Ukranians -
    not happy w/ conditions and russification
  • Russian territorial expansion brought into
    contact w/ Japan - humiliating defeat in
    Ruso-Japanese War 1904

Bloody Sunday Revolution of 1905
  • Growing discontent group of workers petition to
    Winter Palace St. Petersburg Jan 9, 1905
  • troops fire on crowd killing hundreds
  • workers strike and riots through October
  • October Manifesto - Nich II granted civil
    liberties and agreed to establish Duma
  • By 1907 dismissed Duma returned to
    authoritarian rule through army and bureaucracy

  • Reichstag - universal male suffrage but no
    ministerial responsibility
  • 2 barriers to real democracy army Biz
  • Germany Army - defenders of monarchy and
    aristocracy - officers Junkers
  • Biz - serves as chancellor til 1890

Biz - domestic policies
  • kulturkampf - attack on Catholics - distrusted
    loyalty to new Germany closed seminaries,
    abolished religious orders
  • priests ignored, jailed, paid fines - growing
    Catholic party
  • shifts policy 1878 - economic problems needs
    growing Catholic party to stop growing socialist
    party SPD antinationalistic, anticapitalistic,

Persecution of SPD - welfare state
  • 1878 Biz pushed laws banning SPD
  • Tries to woo socialists w/ socialism
  • sickness, accident, disability benefits and
    social security system
  • Failed to slow growth of socialists remember
    largest party by eve of WWI
  • Biz planned more restrictive measures but canned
    by William II 1890

William II
  • reversed policies of outlawing socialism to win
    over workers - no more success than Biz
  • Industrialization led to expansion of SPD but
    less revolutionary more revisionist
  • William II turns to active foreign policy -
    expansionism to divert from democratization

3rd Republic France
  • After defeat of Nap III 1870 - Biz forces
    elections on universal male suffrage
  • French elect a monarchist majority to NA
  • 1871 radical republicans form Commune
  • Apr 1871 fighting breaks out in Paris
  • 20,000 killed another 10,000 deported

3rd Republic cont.
  • NA could not agree on who to select as king
  • 1875 - constitution republican form of gov
  • 76/77 elections add more republicans
  • 1889 avoids Boulanger Crisis
  • strengthens support for republicans

Dreyfus Affair
  • Jewish Republican Alfred Dreyfus court-martialed
    by royalist officers
  • declared guilty of selling military docs to
    Germany - life in prison
  • 1906 exonerated - turns out it was a Catholic
  • Effects - move to more democratic society
  • Break from Catholic Church - religious orders
  • Monarchist officers removed from army
  • anti-Semitism discredited
  • Gained support for republicanism

GB Victorian Age
  • had not experienced rev troubles of 1848
  • Reform Act of 1832 opened politics to middle
  • real wages increase 25 from 1850-70
  • stable monarch Queen Vic 1837-1901
  • era of political compromising between 2 parties

Disraeli Gladstone
  • Whigs (now called Liberals)
  • Responsible for Reform Act of 1832
  • William Gladstone
  • Tories (now called Conservatives)
  • would be responsible for Act of 1867
  • Benjamin Disraeli

Disraeli Reform Act of 1867
  • Act of 1867 lowered monetary requirements for
    voting - enfranchised male urban workers
  • Backfires on Disraeli - liberal victories 1868
  • brings Gladstone in as PM
  • both parties must take into account workers

Liberal Policies of Gladstone 1868-1874
  • competitive civil service exams rather than
  • Purchase of military officers commission
  • secret ballot for voting
  • Ed Act of 1870 - gov responsible for elementary
    schools for all children

Disraeli Conservatives 1874-1880
  • Pubic Health Act - duty of states to interfere w/
    private property to protect health
  • Artisan Dwelling Act - gov provided housing for
    working class
  • Gladstone reelected in 1880

2nd Ministry of Gladstone 1880-85
  • Reform Act of 1884 vote to all men paid rents or
    taxes - 2 million more voters
  • Home Rule Irish Question
  • 1801 Act of Union
  • 1860s Irish push for independence
  • 1886 Gladstone home rule bill voted down
  • Irish Question put off by WWI

Liberalism - welfare state
  • David Lloyd George - Peoples Budget
  • National Insurance Act of 1911 - sickness and
    unemployment benefits
  • Legislation - pension for retirees - programs to
    be paid for by increase tax on wealthy -
    redistribution of wealth
  • Liberals abandoned laissez-faire for social
    programs steps towards future British welfare

Austrian Empire
  • Emancipation of serfs only lasting effect of 1848
    Revolt - return to autocratic rule
  • Industrialization - working class combined w/
    defeat in Austro-Prussian War - changes
  • forced to deal w/ Hungarian nationalists
  • Ausgleich - Compromise of 1867 - Dual Monarchy
  • did not satisfy other minority nationalities

  • Nationalistic minority groups still a problem
  • ethnic Germans only 1/3 of pop in Austria Czechs,
    Poles other slavs want change
  • Emperor Francis Joseph and Catholic Church
    unifying factors holding empire together

  • Universal male suffrage in Austria 1907 only fans
    the fire - prime ministers ignore parliament
  • Magyars in Hungary push for separation 1903,
    Francis Joseph threatens to grant universal male
    suffrage in Hungary - Hungary falls in line

Spain Italy
  • Sp - Parliamentary gov dominated by wealthy
  • Generation of 1898 for pol/social reform
  • w/ ind. more attracted to socialism anarchism
  • military crushes violence 1909 Barcelona - tough
    to mess w/ tradition Catholic, landowners, army
  • IT - united geographically 1870 but loyal to
    family, town, region
  • sectional diff Ind - N Ag - S, CC not accept

Socialism and 2nd IR
Influence of Marx
  • Industrialization on continent picks up 1850-1870
  • workers trade unions not able to combat factory
  • Influence of Marx in 1870s formation of
    socialist parties and socialist trade unions

  • Publication of The Communist Manifesto 1848
  • Marx Ideas - class struggle throughout history
    the working men have no country
  • Radical, revolutionary overthrow of gov
  • proletariat would reorganize means of production
  • classless society would emerge

Marx cont.
  • Also wrote Das Kapital - critique on the
    capitalist economic model
  • spent the latter years of his life helping
    organize the International Working Mens
    Association or First International
  • would fail in 1872, brought back 1889

La Belle Epoque
  • Beautiful Era or Golden Age 1895-WWI
  • Peace in Europe
  • New technology and scientific discoveries
  • Economic prosperity

Worlds Fair Paris 1900
2nd IR
  • 2nd IR 1870-20th century
  • 1st IR - dominated by GB and focused on textiles,
    railroads, iron coal
  • 2nd IR - Germany would lead the way focus on
    steel, chemicals, electricity and oil

Advances Made
  • lightbulb, telephone, radio, internal combustion
    engine give way to car and plane, assembly line
  • Rise in wages - europeans could spend more -
    consumer economy - department store, leisure

European Economic Zones
  • Western Europe and N. Italy industrialized while
    areas S and E little industry
  • Set pattern for modern European economic model -
    affects seen in post WWII

Increase In Industry on Continent socialism
  • trade unions had been restricted across Europe
    until 1860s - had little impact helping workers
  • German Social Democratic Party (SPD) forms 1875
  • Wilhelm Liebkecht August Bebel
  • Marxist in rhetoric but organized politically
  • 1890 SPD 35 seats in Reichstag, 1912 largest
    party in Germany

Evolution of Socialism
  • Bizmark tried to persecute and stop socialism in
    Germany but no luck
  • Socialist parties would emerge across Europe end
    of 19th c - in Russia 1898
  • 1889 Second International - May Day (May 1)

  • Challenge to orthodox Marxisism
  • Eduard Bernstein - influenced by moderate English
    socialism (Fabian Socialism)
  • Evolutionary Socialism - capitalism had not broke
  • must continue to use democratic means not rev.

Problems for Socialism
  • Nationalism - Marx underestimated difference of
    local issues and loyalty to state on eve of WWI
  • Trade Unions - slow to grow but by WWI 3-4
    million Brits, 3 million in Germany - strikes and
    collective bargaining was working
  • As Marxism became less radical - drove some to
    anarchism - less ind and less democratic countries

Age of Mass Politics
How to deal w/ lower class?
  • Extension of voting rights, better standard of
    living as real wages increased
  • Achievements of science and tech had improved
    transportation and communication
  • Changing family dynamic, leisure time, recreation
    mass society

Women Mass Politics
  • 1840s 50s beginning of womens rights
  • Liberal Millicent Fawcett - pushed for democratic
    means of reform
  • Emmeline Pankhurst daughters (Christabel and
    Sylvia) Womens Social Political Union 1903
  • radicals labeled suffragettes - chained to
    lampposts, egged officials, smashed windows of
    department stores

Womens Movement
  • 1913 Emily Davison martyred at Epsom Derby
  • Only Finland, Norway and few Am states granted
    women vote before 1914
  • gain traction after WWI

Jews Mass Politics
  • Since Middle Ages had been quartered off in
  • By 1867 Jews granted citizenship across Europe
  • End of 19th C, Jews become scapegoat again
  • increase in anti-Semitism esp. Aus, Ger, Rus
  • Vienna mayor Karl Lueger blamed Jews for
    corruption of German Culture - Adolph Hitler
  • Russia - pogroms - massacre and forced migration
    of hundreds of thousands of Jews - calls for
    zionist movement

Old vs New
  • Old Imperialism - Result of Commercial Revolution
    16th - 18th c
  • Trade routes - settlements - rule
  • New Imperialism - Result of Ind Rev 1870-1914
  • cheap raw materials - markets for goods - exploit

  • Nationalism - glorify state, divert attention
    from democratic reform
  • Racism - belief 1 race superior to another
  • Social Darwinism - survival of fittest
  • Religious - white mans burden to civilize
    backwards cultures
  • Economic - tin, oil, rubber

Enabling Forces
  • External Internal forces allowed European
    conquest of Africa Asia
  • External - weapons, railroads/steamships, cure
    for diseases
  • Internal - variety of cultures/languages, low
    tech., ethnic strife

Scramble For Africa
  • Early 1800s GB had begun establishing control
    Cape Colony S. Africa
  • French Company completed Suez Canal 1869
  • British take over occupation of Egypt 1882
  • Belgians explore and claim Congo 1876
  • French Germans begin scramble

Berlin Conference 1885
  • European powers meet to set guidelines for
    partitioning of Africa
  • notify claims and prove could control area
  • treat Africans humanely - yeah right
  • British violate by chasing Dutch out of S. Africa
    - Boer War - significance - continental powers
    seek alliances

Imperialism In 34 Years
  • India - British dominated economic life through
    BEIC since 1600s Jewel of the Crown
  • Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 leads to direct control -
  • SE Asia - dominated by France through local
    elites and economic dependence
  • 1880s - Union of Indochina - later Vietnam, Laos
    and Cambodia

  • By 19th c ruling Manchu dynasty weak in decline
  • British Opium Wars 1839-43 forced Treaty of
  • ceded Hong Kong to GB opened trade to European
    powers - spheres of influence
  • John Hay - Open Door Policy 1899

China cont.
  • humiliation from foreign influence leads to
    revolt - Boxer Rebellion 1899-1900
  • European forces suppress
  • 1911 Sun Yat-sen overthrows Manchu dynasty and
    weak Republic of China formed

Japan Westernization
  • Avoided western influence til 1853
  • U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry rolls into Tokyo Bay
    pressed for diplomatic privileges
  • Samurai revolt 1867 Mutsuhito as emperor
  • adopted Western methods of education, U.S.
    industrial and financial methods, develop strong
    military state
  • Defeat of Russia in 1905 proved they could play
    the white mans game

Effects of Imperialism
  • Emergence of a true world economy as markets
    extended around globe
  • Most of the world controlled by industrialized
  • Competition for land raises competition and
    rivalries between European states
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